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Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

If I had to guess, my first memory of someone in drag was probably on nickelodeon.


Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Oh man fetus vs "good guy with a gun" in nashville. Who will win??

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Zwabu posted:

I would think that lying for years on your taxes about hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in income must be a criminal offense?

What's judicial immunity? Are SC Justices supposed to not be able to be charged or prosecuted for a crime? They can just go around shooting people? What?

Thomas has two AR-15s. One engraved with "Checks" and the other "Balances".

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

zoux posted:

Everything right now indicates it was extremely abrupt

Can't rule out some additional scandal that we are as yet unaware of.

volts5000 posted:

I've been seeing that this interview was what made CNN decide to reshuffle Don Lemon.

Man this dude is like the kiss of death for interviewers, huh? :tinfoil:

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Bay county renamed Methland

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Biden should mint the coin, but not for the full amount, just the amount the debt has grown since the last time they raised the ceiling. Then instead of wondering if they're gonna raise the ceiling every so often, we get to wonder if a new coin is gonna get minted.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

GlyphGryph posted:

That pressure is always there, though, but its usually countered by the pressure of "poo poo I need to fill this room with a decent tenant and the decent tenants have cheaper options elsewhere, I gotta keep the prices low enough to get them to stay here or they'll rent somewhere else or just get a mortgage and buy a place".

Unfortunately, tightly coupled in with the housing market changes, that second concern is no longer much of a concern.

And all commercially owned rentals setting prices via algorithms is essentially price fixing. Everything that's available raised the prices, because if they hadn't they wouldn't still be available.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Queering Wheel posted:

Florida keeps getting worse. Just openly going after all trans people, including adults.

How long until more red states start passing identical bills?

JFC don't read the comments. Twitter is a loving cesspit.

Kalli posted:

Dont' worry, at the end of the day they're still all friends

This is darkly funny.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Tayter Swift posted:

Decades from now a Secret Service invoice will show up on microfiche charging ten dollars to register the user name "Pig Balls."

who's gonna redtext the secret service?

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Fister Roboto posted:

Most Americans' idea of a protest is showing up with a sign and yelling for an hour or two and then going home to pat themselves on the back.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Mellow Seas posted:

Yes, if it was being done in a way that was overly personal (eg “haha your brother drank himself to death”), or if it’s seen as painting people with a broad brush (eg “deplorables”.)

OMG, a new(-ish) baseball fan! This is my 30th season. Welcome!’s restriction is awful but yeah the pirate streams are okay, although there is a lot that’s annoying about them. (Ads, sudden failure, etc.) YES, the RSN owned by the Yankees and Nets, which broadcasts about 75% of NYY games, recently released a service to subscribe directly to them for $30 a month - which is ridiculous for one channel, but if you’re only getting cable for the Yankees it can be a good deal.

We bought a ticket pack this year and that's the only way I can watch my Mariners without pirating or also giving fox news money. I would absolutely pay $30/mo for just root sports.

I wish they just broadcast the games on a local channel. Unfortunately reruns of the big bang theory probably have a higher viewer count.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

They should not ban kids from using social media, they should ban social media from existing. It is a pox on the earth and society cannot handle it.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Sounds like that lawyer is the most powerful person in the country, then.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Tell that to the drivers of the most dangerous car: a clapped-out nissan sentra.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Well he does have prior political experience.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

KillHour posted:

My favorite part is that some of those documents were so sensitive that the security classification markings themselves are redacted.


Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

KillHour posted:

Really should have gone with ANGEL/0A for the nerd cred

Had to look it up, so it would have been stolen nerd valor

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Willa Rogers posted:

I thought the word was called cally-ope until I was in my 50s.

Depends if you mean the greek muse or the instrument

Proud folk stare after me,
Call me Calliope;
Tooting joy, tooting hope,
I am the calliope.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

"waive or modify loan terms"

Does this mean the loans could be changed to be interest free 100 year loans? My grandfather was allowed to keep his service weapon after WW2, but the story goes that there was a rule the government couldn't gift soldiers the guns, so instead they gave them 99 year leases for $1.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

I would love to see the solid state battery be true, but Toyota's track record with EVs so far has me thinking this is them trying to get people to hesitate to jump in now. "Keep buying our gas cars, wait and see on EVs".

Fork of Unknown Origins posted:

Yes if they can get a good charging network (I doubt these new batteries will work with existing chargers?)

Why wouldn't they? Electricity is electricity.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

BiggerBoat posted:

Oh, poo poo...Mike Lindell is gonna be the GOP nominee when my son is finally old enough to vote, isn't he?

I don't care how close your kid is to voting, Lindell will have been long dead before then. There's no way that guy doesn't OD when he has to finally confront his cognitive dissonance.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

MixMasterMalaria posted:

Maybe things have changed with the influx of conservatives coming into the state

I definitely think so. People across the country saw the exaggerated parody of Florida and said “there’s a place where I can finally feel normal” and now they can’t build enough houses for them all. I have to imagine a significant number of people got out for the same reason (myself one of them), but the amount of republican imports is considerable.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Dude thinks he’s more important than he is and refuses to acknowledge otherwise. This kind of person gravitates towards politics at all levels. It’s really that simple. What level of politics they go into is based on how much money they have available to them.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Google Jeb Bush posted:

thank God he's nonwhite or he'd be really dangerous in the current GOP

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Republicans posted:

I went to the Seatac mall a while ago while waiting for phone battery replacement and the only people there at noon were me and a bunch of elderly mall walkers getting their steps in.

Site of the first cinnabon!

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Mellow Seas posted:

To be fair, most people who go to Jacksonville want to leave within a few days.

Can confirm.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006


Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

If the nazis are false flags stirring up trouble to make republicans look bad, republicans should go beat the poo poo out of them for it.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Twincityhacker posted:

NGL, it was kinda crushing to find out the "shapeshifting reptilain conspiracy" was anti-semetic in orign.

Same. I just saw “They Live” in theaters as part of an anniversary showing, and it’s a great movie. I hope the people that made it really intended for it to be taken at the surface level of “no, really, they’re just aliens, capitalism is the monster here”

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Nelson Mandingo posted:

That polling troubles me in that clearly the right wing propaganda aimed at young men has unfortunately worked.

You overestimate their conviction once their beliefs start to prevent them from getting some.

Young dudes'll sacrifice any beliefs if they stand in the way of gettin' down.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

She's a bad person but that's completely unrelated to her penchant for loving.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Don’t vote for people, vote for outcomes. Given only two viable parties, there are only two outcomes. One will happen, help choose which. It’s not some good vs evil thing, it’s not satisfying, there is no hope for anything ideal, and it’s been tough to accept this. You won’t change the available choices by voting, except maybe, if you’re extremely lucky, you may influence the available choices slightly over a long time horizon. It sucks. I’m still gonna make it known which of the two outcomes I find preferable, but I’m not going to pretend I can conjure a third possible outcome.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

I wish I was a cultural anthropologist because this is just a different flavor of Ken Bone-itis, and I wish I had the knowledge to understand it better. “Independent” voters are almost universally morons, politically aware non-voters are as well. To say “this horrible outcome is occurring, but at least I stayed on the sidelines” is only understandable as a coping mechanism for an unjust world. There are no perfect choices, but if you don’t make one someone else will make the worst choice for you.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Cimber posted:

Yes but how are the national electric grids going to handle it when 200 million households all plug in their cars at night to charge?

Probably the same way they handle all the households turning their ovens on for hours at thanksgiving.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Papercut posted:

There are thousands of civilians working for companies like Pratt or Boeing etc who are also working on the vehicles or playing support roles, are all of them violent sociopaths too?

They are not violent sociopaths. They (probably) don’t go in every day thinking about how their work enables death and how that motivates them.

Their work still enables death, though. You are responsible for the output of your labor and how it is used. If you make software the border patrol uses to detain migrants, even if it isn’t migrant-detaining software you have helped them run their concentration camps. This line of thinking makes people uncomfortable because they have little to no influence on who uses the outputs of their labor and how.

The torment nexus doesn’t exist if nobody builds it.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

We just got the bill and it was ~$1,200. Maybe there’s another waiting in the wings but it was itemized for baby and mom’s stay and care.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

When the EOB shows $8k taken off the bill as the negotiated price with the insurance company you can instantly come to realize that the numbers are fake.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Presto posted:

A few weeks back I used a Yugo reference at work, then realized I had to explain it to my young coworkers, then realized I would have to explain what Yugoslavia was first.

Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

Instead of the government divesting themselves of musk’s companies they should divest musk’s companies and the country of musk.


Wayne Knight
May 11, 2006

I would argue that, while someone at spacex needs to know about the payload, the ceo/owner does not, and should not. What decisions would he make differently based on that knowledge? He ultimately doesn’t matter in terms of organizational functionality.

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