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Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

Most toilets it's possible to manually flush just by pouring a gallon or so of water (maybe less water if you have a garbage "efficient" toilet).

So in theory, it should be possible if you had really had and intense diarrhea. Your making GBS threads alone could flush the toilet and give you an automated courtesy flush. Pretty cool.


Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
That still leaves you with a pool of diarrhea in the bowl that needs to be flushed somehow. I suggest having a pool of friends with the runs on speed dial.

Sep 9, 2007

More trials are needed, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon op

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

peanut posted:

More trials are needed, what are you doing tomorrow afternoon op

Just making GBS threads around obviously.

Apr 6, 2011

Toilets, how do they work?

Mar 22, 2013

is it the water's force or just weight? like could you just hit a critical volume of diarrhea and trigger a flush?

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Today, goons learn about syphons.

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
I don't see why douching won't have the same effect

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Why put the water in the toilet when you can put it directly in your butthole?

Hotel Kpro
Feb 24, 2011

owls don't go to school

Dinosaur Gum
Where's tubgirl when we need her?

Nyan Bread
Mar 17, 2006

Real alphas/sigmas don't look at what they flush, but progress is ever ceaseless so you'll have to do the rest of the toilet science in the dark.

flubber nuts
Oct 5, 2005

why do we need fresh water to flush toilets anyway? we should be flushing our poo poo and piss with poo poo and piss, to save the environment.

Apr 6, 2011

Grey Cat posted:

Why put the water in the toilet when you can put it directly in your butthole?

This is actually how Australian toilets work

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
How about I just piss directly into the tank and then use the piss to flush the poo poo and toilet paper.

brb gonna call Shark Tank

Oct 3, 2012

The Hague
tryna get me
for these glutes

Liberal bias toilets

Sep 9, 2022

by sebmojo
poo poo sucks

Aug 2, 2019

Doggles Aficionado

Bonzo posted:

How about I just piss directly into the tank and then use the piss to flush the poo poo and toilet paper.

brb gonna call Shark Tank

Shart Tank

pop fly to McGillicutty
Feb 2, 2004

A peckish little mouse!


Most toilets it's possible to manually flush just by pouring a gallon or so of water (maybe less water if you have a garbage "efficient" toilet).

So in theory, it should be possible if you had really had and intense diarrhea. Your making GBS threads alone could flush the toilet and give you an automated courtesy flush. Pretty cool.

poo poo, poo poo, everywhere and not a drop to flush

Jan 14, 2006

she had tiny Italian boobs.
Well that's my story.
Is this like the Upper Decker DeluxeTM

Jun 29, 2008

In Canada toilet water comes in bags

Mar 22, 2013

playing toilet jenga, taking turns filling the bowl without causing a flush

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

generally you wanna pee in the tank and poop in the bowl, for peak efficiency

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

Saalkin posted:

In Canada toilet water comes in bags


Apr 6, 2011

Saalkin posted:

In Canada toilet water comes in bags


Feb 20, 2008

but i dont wanna be a spaceship
Fun Shoe
My toilet broke a while back and I just used a washbasin filled with watert to flush a couple of times, maybe 2-3 liters a try.Whats more important is; we know more about the surface of the moon than we know about that pigs gigantic balls.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


Bad Purchase posted:

generally you wanna pee in the tank and poop in the bowl, for peak efficiency

Peeing in the tank has the added bonus of not making the bathroom smell if you leave it overnight.

Kit Walker
Jul 10, 2010
"The Man Who Cannot Deadlift"

If you pee in the toilet it just goes to the pipes and eventually the sewers so I just cut out the middleman and pee in your mom

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
Y’all joke but this is a vital tool in the arsenal if you’re stuck in a hurricane and need to save the water for drinking

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Nyan Bread posted:

Real alphas/sigmas don't look at what they flush, but progress is ever ceaseless so you'll have to do the rest of the toilet science in the dark.

Bullshit they dont. If you aren't sharing pictures with your friends to shame their tiny bowels, you can hardly consider yourself a man

Apr 6, 2011

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

Y’all joke but this is a vital tool in the arsenal if you’re stuck in a hurricane and need to save the water for drinking

*poops in the bucket*


Jun 24, 2010
if you pour it from a gallon jug of water, not only will it not work but its just going to collide with your feces and send poo poo speckles flying out everywhere

Apr 18, 2003

what's a toilet

Jul 29, 2012

Put me in the trash
Recycle Bin
I belong.
Can you flush a toilet by just spraying a gallon of water from the bidet?

Also, how are you supposed to dry off after using a bidet, without using toilet paper? Do they make an rear end-drying bidet?

Vim Fuego
Jun 1, 2000

Ultra Carp

Jul 16, 2019
Can't post for 18 days!

YoursTruly posted:

Also, how are you supposed to dry off after using a bidet, without using toilet paper? Do they make an rear end-drying bidet?

Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I've always dried off with toilet paper after using a bidet.* But since you're clean you don't have to wipe, you just dab it.

*Unless it's one of those fancy Japanese toilets that blow dry your rear end for you, but I think I've only encountered those once or twice.

Mar 4, 2008

Bucket flushing with kiddie pool water is a post-hurricane tradition. It can’t be a slow pour.

Dec 9, 2003

R.I.P. Inter-OS Sass - b.2000AD d.2003AD

flubber nuts posted:

why do we need fresh water to flush toilets anyway? we should be flushing our poo poo and piss with poo poo and piss, to save the environment.

I once stayed at an apartment in Malta and we lost mains water for 48 hours.
We had to haul buckets of sea water uphill (too bar fair, I suppose it would be technically impossible for it not to be uphill) to flush the toilets.

Lil Swamp Booger Baby
Aug 1, 1981

Smugworth posted:

what's a toilet

Most civilized people call it a turlet

Nov 11, 2001

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

Y’all joke but this is a vital tool in the arsenal if you’re stuck in a hurricane and need to save the water for drinking
If you're stuck in a hurricane just go outside, bend over with your head facing into the wind, let loose and let nature sweep it away for you.


Sep 9, 2022

by sebmojo

Lil Swamp Booger Baby posted:

Most civilized people call it a turlet


Short for Turd Outlet

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