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No, I like my hat, thanks.
Reboot of Titicut Follies, but cyberpunk



I'm open to interpretation!
Liam Neeson enters a ballet tournament to pay for his daughter's surgery. Also she might have been kidnapped? I just told an AI to write it idk man

I am a patient they.


I'm open to interpretation!
James Bond except he's stuck with an anime femboy the whole time.

I am a patient they.

Sherbert Hoover

Working hard, thank you!
finding nemo
inshallah they do not find him

this sig is protected by Simsmagic!


I only have canyoneyes for you

Sherbert Hoover posted:

finding nemo
inshallah they do not find him

a sequel to finding nemo that is a shot for shot remake of apocalypse now but with the cute fishes.

Oh no

canyoneer posted:

a sequel to finding nemo that is a shot for shot remake of apocalypse now but with the cute fishes.
Never get into the boat.

MAP20 Gotcha!

You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar But I Feel Like One Million Robux
Dreamworks dance party, full 2h 19m duration, not a supercut, all original material and all the characters look straight at the camera the whole time

c:Saoshyant, deep dish peat moss (Guardian of Transportation)


No, I like my hat, thanks.
A courtroom drama, but for some reason the courtroom floor is covered in marbles. Everyone puts on padding and helmets before entering. Every time the judge pounds their gavel, more marbles pour out onto the floor.

Escape From Noise

MAP20 Gotcha! posted:

Dreamworks dance party, full 2h 19m duration, not a supercut, all original material and all the characters look straight at the camera the whole time

Okay. This is violence.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

baka of lathspell

Viginti Septem posted:

Two Urn Tables and a Microphone

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)

google THIS

Star Wars: Sarlacc

google THIS fucked around with this message at 20:39 on Apr 1, 2024

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
A movie about aliens who come down to Earth because they want US to anal probe THEM

ET but he's allergic to peanuts

Harry and the Hendersons except Harry is the Loch Ness Monster

Star Wars but it's in the Stone Age of the universe far, far away and all they can do is use the Force to make fire and float around kinda

The Lord of the Rings but with Ewoks instead of Hobbits and Gandalf is Magneto

The Great Gatsby but with a rave and lots of MDMA

The movie Carrie but everyone is nice to her and they are more understanding and accepting of her and since she is tempered with love and understanding and not persecution and ridicule she turns into a badass superhero who goes after evil politicians

Deadwood but everyone tries to not curse and they leave all the bloopers in

Escape From Noise

A British action movie where the bad guy is a guy American accent???

Escape From Noise fucked around with this message at 21:35 on Apr 1, 2024

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


Pot Smoke Phoenix posted:

ET but he's allergic to peanuts

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Mission Impossible but in the style of Wallace and Grommit

The John Oates Story

a movie about a family holiday dinner gone hilariously awry but all the food is CGI

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

google THIS posted:

Less appealing movies inspired by Disney park attractions

It's a Small World

The Tiki Room

The Tomorrowland Transit Authority PeopleMover

Splash Mountain

Aladdin but set in New Jersey in 1996

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Escape From Noise

Pahilla the Hun posted:

Aladdin but set in New Jersey in 1996

You mean the Shaq hit Kazaam?

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


No, I like my hat, thanks.

Escape From Noise

Buttchocks posted:


Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives
the other day i had the idea of a movie that's just two people having sex for about 19 minutes, but idk who would want to watch that :shrug:

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

america decides to blow up the moon

starring Bruce Willis

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

To Catch a Predator vs Alien

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Escape From Noise

Barco Fiesta posted:

the other day i had the idea of a movie that's just two people having sex for about 19 minutes, but idk who would want to watch that :shrug:

Pahilla the Hun posted:

america decides to blow the moon

starring Bruce Willis

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

lmao i though i wrote “blow up” but this works

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Escape From Noise

Pahilla the Hun posted:

lmao i though i wrote “blow up” but this works

You did.


Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Escape From Noise posted:

You did.


well played sir :tipshat:

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

baka of lathspell

Escape From Noise posted:

You did.


not to be a bringdown but criss angel had nothin on the phreaker

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)

Escape From Noise

baka of lathspell posted:

not to be a bringdown but criss angel had nothin on the phreaker

That's because I'm like the phreaker but with minds.

Coming to a theater near you!

Or more likely, streaming on Netflix.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

baka of lathspell

Escape From Noise posted:

That's because I'm like the phreaker but with minds.

Coming to a theater near you!

Or more likely, streaming on Netflix.

so are you saying our mind is and always has been a trap, a cage designed to extort us via our very souls for profit?

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


No, I like my hat, thanks.
HBO grim-dark Teddy Ruxpin reboot

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

The Ending Story

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


compilation of ET prank calling anywhere but home

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

a movie about a guy who's like a the killer or something
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops


The real world will, again tomorrow, function and run without me.

coupons & deals extended cut
thank u vanisher for the sig
and thank u nesamdoom for the good loops

Escape From Noise

watho posted:

a movie about a guy who's like a the killer or something

Okay. Woah. This is maybe too far.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

watho posted:

coupons & deals extended cut

I spoke too soon...


Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Pot Smoke Phoenix

Smoke 'em if you gottem!
King Kong vs King Kong Bundy

baka of lathspell

Pahilla the Hun posted:

The Ending Story

rashomon but you focus test it so hard it appeals to every single theatre-goer and you call it rashomoney

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


No, I like my hat, thanks.
a retro 70's Italian found footage movie about a live studio audience tasked with providing a laughtrack for a really bad TV show. the audience becomes more and more irate until they riot and take the studio hostage. a SWAT team is called in and kills/arrests everyone in a massive tempera-paint gorefest. The studio discovers the cameras were left on the whole time, and create a smash hit series from the footage, then in the last scene they plot to stage a second season. Also there are two gratuitous orgy scenes. And everyone has sideburns.

Wait, which thread is this?


Happy Hippo

The Something Awful Forums > The Finer Arts > Batman's Shameful Secret > BSS Derailed Thread: Spider-Island

the social network except its about the founding of fark

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