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Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.

Syphilis: Not just for early 20th century bohemians any more.

Dontcha just love Valentine's Day?


Sep 17, 2009

You never learn anything
by doing it right.

someone's loving something alright

Feb 13, 2012


Fortunately, the vivax malaria in Texas and Florida can be used to treat the syphilis. The Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded for this in 1927.

Physicians can then cure the malaria with the hydroxychloroquine that everyone is lately so fond of.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns
From seven years ago: February is an honest month.

If you can live through February, you can live another year.

Oct 28, 2008

facialimpediment posted:

From seven years ago: February is an honest month.

If you can live through February, you can live another year.

This February is a day longer than most other Februaries, though.

It’s gotta be better than how my January was, though. :smithicide:

Apr 28, 2010

February I'd a month I should be able to hibernate through.

Dec 13, 2011

pantslesswithwolves posted:

This February is a day longer than most other Februaries, though.

It’s gotta be better than how my January was, though. :smithicide:

On the way home from work tonight the DJ on the radio joked that leap years mean you get a free extra day of housing for your February rent.

Which is probably the most depressing way to look at Februarys.

Feb 13, 2012

Nikki Haley says Texas can secede from US if it wants but 'isn't going to'

The former Ambassador to the United Nations has such a wise diplomatic mind. :allears:

Jul 8, 2006

Nature is healing.

Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus

Platystemon posted:

Nikki Haley says Texas can secede from US if it wants but 'isn't going to'

The former Ambassador to the United Nations has such a wise diplomatic mind. :allears:

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.
Donnie's very own Doug Stamper was a creeper:

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.


I knew there had to be a reason Trump liked him so much.

Grip it and rip it
Apr 28, 2020

facialimpediment posted:

From seven years ago: February is an honest month.

If you can live through February, you can live another year.

February is when Mardi Gras is about half the time, which makes it cool about half the time.

Wingnut Ninja
Jan 11, 2003

Mostly Harmless

facialimpediment posted:

"February is the worst month of the year, but it's an honest month. It's a month that doesn't hold up life any better than it really is."

Maybe it's just me, but reading this I totally hear this in Anthony Bourdain's voice.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice
Speaking of Mar-A-Lago.

Donnie changed the combo on a lock before the FBI showed up and nobody could figure out any possible way to get in a locked door during an FBI "raid". Sure would be awkward if there were still any documents unaccounted for. Yup, real awkward.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

bird food bathtub posted:

Donnie changed the combo on a lock before the FBI showed up and nobody could figure out any possible way to get in a locked door during an FBI "raid". Sure would be awkward if there were still any documents unaccounted for. Yup, real awkward.

The case will go nowhere while Cannon slow-walks the proceedings into 2025, but the interviews about it three months pre-indictment counter-intuitively helps meeting Smith's intent requirement. Clear evidence of people lying and hiding poo poo deliberately probably outweighed the value of actually finding poo poo. And he's probably blabbed out all the information anyways.

Dec 5, 2010
Av blanked by Admin request.

At least they hadn't brought out any ketchup yet.

bird food bathtub
Aug 9, 2003

College Slice


In a separate anecdote, Kaplan detailed the end of the deposition when she was set to leave, saying that Trump told her: “See you next Tuesday” – a phrase that is often used as a derogatory euphemism directed at women.

“We come in the room and I say, ‘I’m done asking questions’ and immediately I hear from the other side, ‘Off the record. Off the record. Off the record.’ So they must have planned it. And he looks at me from across the table and he says, ‘See you next Tuesday,’” she recounted.

Kaplan said that she was initially confused, as their next meeting was set for a Wednesday. “You could tell it was like, it was like a kind of a joke again, like teenage boys would come up with. But again, I wasn’t in on the joke,” she said.

The world will be a better place when he's loving dead I just wish he would go out in a rage-induced pants making GBS threads stroke that somehow kills everyone around him and involved with him at the same time.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

bird food bathtub posted:

The world will be a better place when he's loving dead I just wish he would go out in a rage-induced pants making GBS threads stroke that somehow kills everyone around him and involved with him at the same time.

I had to look it up.
C U Next Tuesday

loving schoolboy poo poo. What a turd.

Jan 10, 2007
Perfectly at the level of his chud cultists.

Jun 7, 2009

Crab Dad posted:

I had to look it up.
C U Next Tuesday

loving schoolboy poo poo. What a turd.

I'm glad you explained it because I was just confused here

That Works
Jul 22, 2006

Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy

Stravag posted:

I'm glad you explained it because I was just confused here

Same, didn’t know that one

Hyrax Attack!
Jan 13, 2009

We demand to be taken seriously

Crab Dad posted:

I had to look it up.
C U Next Tuesday

loving schoolboy poo poo. What a turd.

I knew about the Wednesday version but as far as I can tell it is a 2001 reference, and Landis was using it before he became a bad guy:

not caring here
Feb 22, 2012

blazemastah 2 dry 4 u
And he thought that was the coolest burn ever. Just say it, there's no swears police.

Some real yuks for the smooth brained right there.

Feb 11, 2005

as the world turns

not caring here posted:

And he thought that was the coolest burn ever. Just say it, there's no swears police.

Some real yuks for the smooth brained right there.

Brother's wife is chud-adjacent and once said "you know what I think about Taylor Swift, she's a real see you next Tuesday" and it really is smoothbrainy poo poo. Same general viewpoint that makes you think Let's Go Brandon is the peak of hilarity.

Jul 6, 2009

Fun Shoe
See you next time is the air traffic version of that. The pilot or controller will say that at the end of a session where someone is being an overt dick about something

Feb 22, 2003

The best sandwiches.

The Eyes Have It
Feb 10, 2008

Third Eye Sees All

facialimpediment posted:

Brother's wife is chud-adjacent and once said "you know what I think about Taylor Swift, she's a real see you next Tuesday" and it really is smoothbrainy poo poo. Same general viewpoint that makes you think Let's Go Brandon is the peak of hilarity.

I remember a guy who makes and sells poo poo like fridge magnets etc at (mostly rural) farmer's markets and craft shows saying once that he'll make the stupidest zero-effort poo poo, like Minion magnets with a "let's go Brandon" speech bubble, and it'll sell out, every time.

Whether you see it as taking money from chuds, or actively enabling them by giving them an opportunity to revel in and celebrate their foulness, either way it's frankly pretty saddening / concerning just how pervasive it is.

Dec 24, 2007

Crab Dad posted:

I had to look it up.
C U Next Tuesday

loving schoolboy poo poo. What a turd.

I got some mileage out of it with Microsoft Patch Tuesdays too. Directed at software, not people.

Apr 14, 2006

Don't you do cocaine at ME,
you son of a bitch!

The Eyes Have It posted:

I remember a guy who makes and sells poo poo like fridge magnets etc at (mostly rural) farmer's markets and craft shows saying once that he'll make the stupidest zero-effort poo poo, like Minion magnets with a "let's go Brandon" speech bubble, and it'll sell out, every time.

Whether you see it as taking money from chuds, or actively enabling them by giving them an opportunity to revel in and celebrate their foulness, either way it's frankly pretty saddening / concerning just how pervasive it is.

I briefly knew a guy who made bank living in a van, travelling across the country on the festival circuit, selling bottled water (and LSD).

As he put it, in a way I will never forget: "Americans are always throwing their money into the air, you just gotta be under it when it falls back to the ground."

In short: Let those racist morons pay your bills. There's nothing ethically wrong with that.

Bored As Fuck
Jan 1, 2006
Fun Shoe
Carl Weathers died :(

shame on an IGA
Apr 8, 2005

I'll always remember him as Chubbs

Oct 28, 2008

He’ll always be Dillon to me.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

you son of a bitch

Soul Dentist
Mar 17, 2009
Lol seen in the wild today:

(Band names)

Handsome Ralph
Sep 3, 2004

Oh boy, posting!
That's where I'm a Viking!

Baby we had a stew going :(

He was a god drat delight in everything he showed up in. RIP.

Nov 2, 2010

Against All Tyrants

Ultra Carp
Gonna watch Predator for the first time (yes I know I should've seen it years ago) in his honor

Hannibal Rex
Feb 13, 2010

Acebuckeye13 posted:

Gonna watch Predator for the first time (yes I know I should've seen it years ago) in his honor

Same, but Action Jackson.

Comrade Blyatlov
Aug 4, 2007

should have picked four fingers

Acebuckeye13 posted:

Gonna watch Predator for the first time (yes I know I should've seen it years ago) in his honor

honestly i envy you

it's a great film


Oct 27, 2005

Kooler than Jesus
well we bombed the crap out of stuff again, as one does on a friday

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