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Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Arcella posted:

Do you write newspaper stories about cops shooting people too?

Speaking of -

The Lakewood church shooter was killed by the cops. The five year old with her also got shot and the news is being super vague and passive-voicey about that, so we all know what happened there.

(The shooter was also apparently trans and had "Palestine" written on her rifle, which I am sure will lead to some wonderful discourse)


Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
The article I read was very confusing on the whole issue. I came away with the impression that the shooter was a trans woman and that Jeffrey was the deadname. That appears to be incorrect I guess.

gently caress them any way you swing it though. Taking your kid along on your mass shooting is a new one.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

F-15E's pulled a hat trick in Northern Iraq decades ago by not only getting a kill on an airborne helo, with a bomb, that turned out to be a U.S. Blackhawk (womp womp).

:goonsay: Different incidents - the helo bomb kill during Desert Storm was an honest one. The Blackhawks were downed by F-15Cs 3 years later.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Comrade Blyatlov posted:

Its the piss tape

I want to pee-lieve

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
I was about to guess the revelation that Russia or China were going to or already have put weapons in space.

Zircon is kinda old news so all the kerfuffle wouldn't make much sense.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
That one is very funny because they did it again

There was also that fiasco in Severnaya back in the mid-90s

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Kazinsal posted:

We’re going to need to recalibrate the doomsday clock again.

In an act of grand irony, the Doomsday Clock will be reimagined as an atomic clock so that it can measure in femtosecond increments

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
It's more than I've got in my couch cushions, that's for sure.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
The idea that "improvements in recycling" alone will save us is a (deliberate) red herring. We know how to recycle plastic - but collection, sortation, washing, shredding, and recycling is expensive, and virgin plastic is cheap (thanks to all of the oil and gas we're sucking out of the ground). This is a regulatory issue - the status quo is the free market "solution."

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

So it's slightly higher costs for airlines and agricultural companies?

lmao airlines don't pay for that poo poo (in America), the wannabe pilots do

Which is a big part of why nobody wants to be a pilot anymore

Pine Cone Jones posted:

Patient advocates fear that a Friday ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court stating that frozen embryos outside the womb are “children” could be the end for in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the state.

So anything that doesn't occur get transferred just stays frozen forever. Who picks up the tab when the "parents" die of old age? Or maybe the state just confiscates them and gives them to good Christian families.

Under no circumstances would I want to impose any laws that limit the reproductive choices of others, but I understand where the would-be parents are coming from and think that in a world that operates on good faith (not this one) you could legally acknowledge that these were intended to be born. If someone had destroyed the frozen embryo that is now my son and gotten off as if it was simple destruction of property, I am pretty sure the resulting crack-ping would have seen me move to the mountains and start writing a manifesto.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Lemniscate Blue posted:

Nobody ever told this rear end in a top hat what a chemical pregnancy is and how common they are.

I will credit our miscarriages and IVF cycles with educating me far, far more on what happens between "gently caress" and "baby" than our education system ever did. I was so ignorant that I didn't know how ignorant I was.

facialimpediment posted:

(at $30K a pop).


We had insurance that covered this (rarer than hens' teeth), and their negotiated rate was $2500 per retrieval and maybe $750 per implantation. Of course, you have all of the blood tests and ultrasounds and poo poo and that adds up, but that really pulls the veil off the cash price.

And don't get me started on the loving rip-off pricing of meds domestically.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
Also - if hypothetically I was in a red state (other than AL I guess) and had a frozen embryo with no intent to implant it, I would be making it a priority to not get caught in the catch-22 that AL embryo-havers are in. There is some dark irony there, I think.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

hannibal posted:

some idiot patient wandered into an embryo storage facility, opened a freezer, picked up some tubes and dropped them because they were frozen at LN temps and burned their hand.

I spent a fair bit of time yesterday trying to figure out exactly how the gently caress that happened. I came away assuming that there must have been a diminished mental capacity of some sort at play. Drugs (hospital or recreational), dementia, delusions, something. That's not something somebody, even a very dumb somebody, just goes and does. Right?

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

LtCol J. Krusinski posted:

I’d like a large Coke and number 3. Also all the Arby’s sauce packets you can give me.

Sir this is a Wendy's

Also your total is $25.43, sorry but it's lunch rush

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine


I will never surrender. Arby’s is the superior nationwide option.

I live in one of the largest cities in the country and I can't remember the last time I saw an Arby's. Apparently the nearest one is 4 miles from my house but not in an area where I ever go.

Coasterphreak posted:

The interesting part about the Texas fires is the number of utility trucks I saw hauling rear end out of town today.

I’m in SC.

Possible explanation - the panhandle and West Texas are a source of a significant amount of wind power in Texas. And it's February, and the weather is more akin to a typical April. If we have a repeat of last summer (oh god please no) the power demand is going to be astronomical and the state will be a tinderbox.

Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine
A special singles pre-event! Ladieeeees, who wants to be the next chincest princess? :heysexy:


Discussion Quorum
Dec 5, 2002
Armchair Philistine

Wingnut Ninja posted:

I had the same thought, but this makes it sound like it's back-dated to only apply to places that were already baking bread, probably to avoid exactly that loophole.

This is doubly nice for Panera because you could independently open the exact same restaurant concept and your cost of labor would be artificially higher. By law.

(Of course you should pay your workers better anyways but the artificial barrier to competitive entry is the point here)

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