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Maudib Arakkis
Dec 24, 2023

by Fluffdaddy
I used to have the style of job where it would have been possible to work from home, but this was pre pandemic. It’s pretty clear that the homogenous move numbers around on spreadsheet, take on projects or whatever nonsense mess can be done from home, cuz nothing is getting done. But it’s equally clear that raises promotions and advancements in such fields require making connections and BSing with folks and putting in facetime?? How tf yall get promoted


Apr 15, 2003

how do you get promoted 🅾️🅱️

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?
I married a rich lady. Smart move, huge recommend.

Leper Go-getter
Nov 7, 2010

Maudib Arakkis posted:

advancements in such fields require making connections and BSing with folks and putting in facetime??

hmm no you can do a good enough job and advance your salary by outsourcing yourself to more or higher bidders and you'r allready the Boss of You you're doing a spreadsheet in your pajamas what is there to advance to

You're missing out on kissing rear end though so maybe not worth it

Loden Taylor
Aug 11, 2003

teledildonics op, now you can suck your boss off from home (SFH)

Panic! At The Tesco
Aug 19, 2005


you have to win friends and influence people OP

Mar 18, 2008

I have a very small TV. Don't make fun of it! Please don't shame it like that~

Grimey Drawer
Be one of those dickweeds who have the camera on in meetings

Oct 17, 2002

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.
Yam Slacker
As long as I'm getting the same salary, benefits and still full-time WFH, I give no shits about advancement. I'm also an old.

I've been doing WFH from well before the pandemic and I'll admit I occasionally looked for an in-person environment. That all changed when I had a kid. It's hard for me to fathom how I could effectively be a single parent with all of the work rising a kid entails without the flexibility of WFH. After he's legally an adult I may change my mind, but for now, 100% WFH is my killer benefit and I'll put up with a lot to keep it.

Jul 2, 2014

From what my executive management has told me: you dont, op.

It kinda depends on your definition of “promotion” tho

If you just want a cooler title and more money for doing the same thing that could be possible if your boss wants to keep you around and is willing to fight for you a little bit to justify it.

If you want more responsibility and a broader scope then that means the consequences to the company of you loving up or loving off are a lot higher. if your bosses bosses boss has only ever seen you in webex and nobody else they know has ever seen you in person either that can be an issue.

Its not only about “can jane do the job?” Its also about “can we trust jane to overlook the bullshit coming from XXXX without flipping out and making it worse” and “is jane sufficiently chained to our collective fate that she wont just gently caress off as soon as someone offers her :10bux: more per year?”

In computer nerd terms: its not a No because of the functional requirements of the promoted job.
Its a No because of the non-functional requirements of the promoted job.

Jan 14, 2006

she had tiny Italian boobs.
Well that's my story.
Get hired somewhere else for more money then get rehired back at your old company for even more money

Tale as old as time

Sep 4, 2006

"Promoted"? Like, a get a better position within the same company?
I don't think that's ever happened, op.

Leper Go-getter
Nov 7, 2010

Cheesus posted:

It's hard for me to fathom how I could effectively be a single parent with all of the work rising a kid entails without the flexibility of WFH.

That kid sick of you being home all the time allways on that dang compooter

Apr 6, 2011

I’m content in my job and don’t really want to advance beyond my current position op. I’m already well compensated and have a great work-life balance op. No need to ruffle any feathers.

Aug 11, 2007

Jedi Mind Powers OP. They work great remotely.

Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004
Can't post for 2 hours!
I'm good at my job and don't spend my time posting 300 threads a day op

Apr 15, 2003


Seth Pecksniff posted:

I'm good at my job and don't spend my time posting 300 threads a day op

then how do you chase clout like the apple vision pro

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

i work in a field where i basically don't have to interact with people. it's rly easy to advance as an engineer working from home, just do good work and i get raises/promotions

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat
Our senior system architect lives two time zones away. I've met him in person once.

He does his job exceedingly well.

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

fake jobs like spreadsheet managers probably have a hard time tho. but there is loads of real work being done remotely op

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

getting paid a grip to do nothing all day and instead focusing on fulfilling hobbies, spending time with your friends, family, and community, and personal development is basically advancing to the peak of one's career called "life", howveer. capitalism has entirely perverted the concept of hard work (and otherwise virtuous undertaking) and subverting that system is a noble goal

Jan 7, 2020

I ordered luscious new gemstones from India and made new earrings for my SA mart thread

Remember my earrings and art are much better than my posting

New stuff starts towards end of page 3 of the thread
Those of you fortunate enough to work from home please just realize how truly lucky you are

I'm happy for you. If you aren't overall happy in that situation right now take a very hard look at your life--- start walking outside, get pets, get a fulfilling hobby, Improve your relationship or sever, because you live in an incredibly lucky situation....

Oct 17, 2002

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.
Yam Slacker

Seth Pecksniff posted:

I'm good at my job and don't spend my time posting 300 threads a day op
Obvious skill issue.

No. 6
Jun 30, 2002

Spinz posted:

Those of you fortunate enough to work from home please just realize how truly lucky you are

I'm happy for you. If you aren't overall happy in that situation right now take a very hard look at your life--- start walking outside, get pets, get a fulfilling hobby, Improve your relationship or sever, because you live in an incredibly lucky situation....

Counter point. Living alone for years sucks.

Oct 17, 2002

Let us retract the foreskin of ignorance and apply the wirebrush of enlightenment.
Yam Slacker

fresh_cheese posted:

Its not only about “can jane do the job?” Its also about “can we trust jane to overlook the bullshit coming from XXXX without flipping out and making it worse” and “is jane sufficiently chained to our collective fate that she wont just gently caress off as soon as someone offers her :10bux: more per year?”
Are you posting from the year 2000?

Jul 10, 2008

Gravy Boat 2k
gently caress your way to the top, OP, but with cybersex

Also post less

mailorder bees
Nov 4, 2011

i don't try to advance, i just do enough to earn money

Aug 11, 2007

Spinz posted:

Those of you fortunate enough to work from home please just realize how truly lucky you are

I'm happy for you. If you aren't overall happy in that situation right now take a very hard look at your life--- start walking outside, get pets, get a fulfilling hobby, Improve your relationship or sever, because you live in an incredibly lucky situation....

Yes, good advice. I am extremely lucky. And strive to remember this daily.

We should all, however, count our blessings. We're all well off.

Sep 21, 2015

I decided I wanted a 20% raise so started taking Fridays off on the quiet.

Bloodfart McCoy
Jul 20, 2007

That's a high quality avatar right there.
My entire department is WFH and we promote people all the time.

The people that work in the office are mainly working from other continents, so we’re all just meeting on Zoom anyway.

But if WFH is the minority in your department, I can see where you may get lost in the mix when it comes time to promote people.

Sep 8, 2008

Maudib Arakkis posted:

I used to have the style of job where it would have been possible to work from home, but this was pre pandemic. It’s pretty clear that the homogenous move numbers around on spreadsheet, take on projects or whatever nonsense mess can be done from home, cuz nothing is getting done. But it’s equally clear that raises promotions and advancements in such fields require making connections and BSing with folks and putting in facetime?? How tf yall get promoted

It's always been true that the best way to advance is to switch employers, that's still in play. But if you feel like you have to socialize with your boss in order to advance and you struggle with having to force that then that's even more reason to leave, it's easy to socialize remotely so maybe you just don't like your coworkers/boss

Jul 2, 2014

The only reliable answer that always works is “use your current job to get a better job”

May 17, 2010

Drano hot shot
Some new kinda kick
show your bosses all the threads you make.

Grey Cat
Jun 3, 2023


NoiseAnnoys posted:

show your bosses all the threads you make.

That would increase my work load instead of skating on under the radar once they saw my raw talent.

Vincent Van Goatse
Nov 8, 2006

Enjoy every sandwich.

By not being you, OP.

flubber nuts
Oct 5, 2005

have you tried lying on your resume op?

Toxic Mental
Jun 1, 2019

By voting for Joe Biden, the best president of our lifetimes

Dr. Cool Aids
Jul 6, 2009

Vincent Van Goatse posted:

By not being you, OP.

been doing this all my life to great results

GABA ghoul
Oct 29, 2011

If you are trying to get promoted into a higher technical position: turn on your camera in meetings, try to start and end every first work call of the day with a little small talk, try to get to know people and talk about yourself, take on projects and responsibilities that will regularly get you into online meetings with management where you can build familiarity, if there are social events, always go/fly there, take charge in meetings when no one else wants to, being competent at your job and deliver on projects and propose solutions to problems in meetings so other people will speak positively about you can also help

If you are trying to get into a pure management position: lol, I have no idea. Try to build an online friendship with someone in upper management? Marry someone's son/daughter?

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

it might be different at smaller companies dominated by the whims of mercurial bosses, but in large corporations promotions and raises are entirely vibes based. performance matters, but only so far as it leads to good feedback from you peers and management. that means you have to please management by making them look good, and generally for your peers i find it's easy to please them by proactively helping them when they're stuck or overloaded, even letting your own work fall behind sometimes to accommodate them.

middle management at every large corporations is dominated by incompetent self-interested people trying to climb the ladder while contributing nothing except the occasional bark in the 6 daily meetings they put on the team calendar, like "awesome sauce", "happy hump day", and "let's be part of the message, not the mess". the way to please them is to never come to them with problems that you haven't already solved. they will enjoy the illusion of shared success and the reinforcement of the reality bubble they make their home. sometimes you'll find competent managers, in which case you can work with them in a more honest manner, but the bad news is that you might actually need to be good at your job to succeed, so fair warning op.

but performance is not actually needed for advancement the majority of the time, which should be self-evident simply by looking at corporate pyramid which is top heavy with some of the most foolish people you'll ever meet. the reason is that corporate culture is metric obsessed and measures so many different aspects of job performance at so many different levels that nobody in management really understands what they're looking at when they "pull the metrics". and so they will immediately begin to manipulate and cherry pick things from the metrics based on the vibes-based narrative they already believe to be true, or flat out ignore them as wrong or misleading rather than change their opinions when presented with cold hard facts about their team.

i was a bit worried when i told my boss and boss's boss a loud and clear "No, never again" when the company did the return to work thing a couple years ago, but so far it has not mattered. everything above still holds true, and i've gotten not earth-shattering, but still decent raises since (~5% each year for the past two years, plus a 3 year vesting stock bonus that is pretty uncommon at my company) which is the same or better than the peers i've talked to who are back in the office. i am not currently angling for promotion because the levels above my current one come with strings i don't want attached, but i do not think WFH would hold me back at all if i pushed for it, because i've spent long enough cultivating vibes and mythology about myself that it would be tantamount to corporate heresy for a manager to give me a bad review at this point.


Jul 19, 2004

Ughh don't be the guy that wants to small talk during the daily standup I got poo poo to do I don't care what your 30 year old daughters weekend was like

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