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I only have canyoneyes for you
*john wick pays for a hotel room and guns with a single giant pirate coin* this doesn't appear to be an efficient means of transaction, because their currency is not divisible at meaningful level and the rounding in those transactions would result in losses for either buyer or seller. it's also not clear if that currency is accepted throughout the entire supply chain.



I only have canyoneyes for you
although he's depicted as a savvy investor, the scenes with him swimming in the vault's coin pile suggest that his portfolio is overallocated to cash

Finger Prince

The dramatic effect of the torture scene in Three Kings, in which Mark Wahlberg's character is force-fed crude oil, can't be understated. However, his captor reveals a glaring lack of understanding of the greater macroeconimic and geopolitical reasons for the American invasion of Iraq, purporting that oil extraction is the reason for America to seek "stability in the region". In reality, the Iraqi economy had been destabilized for decades since the oil glut of the 1980s, leaving it unable to pay its foreign debt. It is against this background of near default that Hussein sought to shore up reserves by invading Kuwait. The collapse of a major economy like Iraq was feared to have knock on effects in surrounding petrostates, forcing the United States to take action.


I only have canyoneyes for you
almost every adult works for the government or school, and the private sector economy in the wizarding world appears to be nearly nonexistent outside of the retail sector

Finger Prince

While the contribution of the rebel alliance towards mitigating the Empire's military control is a noble and necessary action, this paper can't help but point out that the Empire, with its centralized power structure and economic control, is doomed to failure, not because of overreach, or opposition to oppression, but because the free market ultimately will find a way to depose dictators. The free flow of capital cannot be constrained by one King or Emperor. One can see evidence of this by simply examining the robust black and grey markets that exist within the Empire's control.


20% cooler
Wolf of Wallstreet :dumbbravo:


No, I like my hat, thanks.
...And yet we have seen repeatedly in recent history that blanket prohibitions result in hellish economic factors such as illegal markets that cannot be regulated. Once we enact the conditions that create organized crime networks, we can never go back even if future policies remedy those conditions. Therefore a measured approach to sex work should include not just regulations to protect worker health, but also taxation of those services to help pay for public health and education services. One must weigh these costs in terms of the potential to help contain the burning spread of increasingly drug-resistant STDs, which would stimulate healthcare markets. Furthermore, being able to legally form a personal LLC would further protect sex workers from civil threats. In summary, despite this extended dream sequence, which may be upsetting to younger children, All Dogs Go to Heaven is a charming family viewing experience.

google THIS

This is obviously not a fair wager, as clearly a pod would not be worth even one slave. Particularly in this case, we have to consider the woman's value as breeding stock, since she apparently doesn't even require a stud to conceive. In addition, the multi-talented child will only increase in value as he approaches adulthood, when he will be able to take on even more physically demanding and dangerous tasks while still producing saleable products in his free time.

baka of lathspell

you see in the matrix we have a planned economy that is obviously fictional. now i would invest heavily in werewolf and vampire futures. the biggest deals in the matrix are made behind closed doors where neo devalues currency by stealing people's phones and leaving them in random places as he teleports into the invisible hand

join dork order
sig by RavenousScoot

baka of lathspell

the Economy Rats are a rare, nervous breed. though their whiskers twitch at the mention of "government cheese" or what have you. they crawl from the wall street gutters and wriggle their cute rat noses in search of inflation. inflating their egos in order to find an undeniable truth at the centre of their rat brains. so much like us! wow. this is a scene from Biker Mice from Mars

join dork order
sig by RavenousScoot


I only have canyoneyes for you
these star wars are distracting from the thrilling trade embargo


No, I like my hat, thanks.
Although some might find the montages in Walkabout uneventful and repetitive, the scenery is a breathtaking eye-buffet of untapped developable real estate.

google THIS

As we can see, Rose's selfish rejection of her family's privilege in favor of vague, emotionally driven "human" investments leaves her with nothing but loss, misery, and regret. Her foolishness culminates in the symbolic casting off of the lucrative and always ethical gemstone market



There he go

google THIS posted:

As we can see, Rose's selfish rejection of her family's privilege in favor of vague, emotionally driven "human" investments leaves her with nothing but loss, misery, and regret. Her foolishness culminates in the symbolic casting off of the lucrative and always ethical gemstone market


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