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Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
what sort of skill or hobby are you looking to hone

i'm currently working to get better at cleaning up my models before assembly


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
Mortal Kombat 1 (the new one). I wanna get better w/ Quan Chi :madmax:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

baka of lathspell

honestly would like to get better at cleaning my room

i'm already good enough at everything else i do

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust

Areola Grande posted:

Mortal Kombat 1 (the new one). I wanna get better w/ Quan Chi :madmax:

he was my main in mk9, so good luck with that!

baka of lathspell posted:

honestly would like to get better at cleaning my room

i'm already good enough at everything else i do

getting organized is a great way to clean up, and you won't even realize you're cleaning when you do it

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

Areola Grande posted:

Mortal Kombat 1 (the new one). I wanna get better w/ Quan Chi :madmax:

just purchased and downloading now

170gb :coffeepal:

this better be crossplay :rms:

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

to contribute, i am actively trying to learn to juggle

its always looked cool

not at chainsaws yet

thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!


it'd be cool to make a webcomic one day

I gotta get better at drawing
esp backgrounds and stuff
and idk how to write

but it'd be neat to make something with some sort of authentic effort for once

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
Pahilla the Hun

Thinking about making a post

Think about it, make a post

RavenousScoot posted:

it'd be cool to make a webcomic one day

I gotta get better at drawing
esp backgrounds and stuff
and idk how to write

but it'd be neat to make something with some sort of authentic effort for once

i wrote a cartoon but i can’t draw


thanks nesamdoom!!

pizzaz plarpin perfect! thanks Tebulot!

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Pahilla the Hun posted:

just purchased and downloading now

170gb :coffeepal:

this better be crossplay :rms:

supposedly it is but not for PC as of yet

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives
jazz guitar


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust

play it daddy-o


I'm open to interpretation!
I need to make my voice sound cuter. I have the info on how to train it but stuff is haaaaard.

I am a patient they.

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives

DoomCroissant posted:

play it daddy-o

I am still sloppy

Barco Fiesta fucked around with this message at 20:05 on Apr 4, 2024


my meatballs came out LOOSE and UNSTABLE so I must strive to make a better meatball


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust

sounding pretty good to me, but i'm just a layman when it comes to guitars

keep working at it, and you will improve! that, i know for a fact

FutonForensic posted:

my meatballs came out LOOSE and UNSTABLE so I must strive to make a better meatball

what kind of binding agent are you using

baka of lathspell

got better at cleaning my room. now i need to get better at posting. at everything that's not posting i'm pretty good

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)

Can't post for 3 days!

Langley is an interesting name

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
the big thing i wanna learn is to organize myself better. i have the ADD brain thing where i leave things where they are if i'm not using them. so these lights i used for a video months ago are still up because i might still use them. that's not the way of a warrior.


You need to feed your brain, not your ass!

Areola Grande posted:

Mortal Kombat 1 (the new one). I wanna get better w/ Quan Chi :madmax:

Do it, I've been having a blast with Geras. Never been big on Mortal Kombat but I'm jamming on this one


Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

JokerOfSouls posted:

Do it, I've been having a blast with Geras. Never been big on Mortal Kombat but I'm jamming on this one

been watching some combo tutorial videos and I'm getting better every day!! :hfive:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

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