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May 11, 2008
So after wearing glasses since like the sixth grade, I'm thinking about correcting nature's cruel mistake (cause by too much nintendo I bet) and getting laser eye surgery.

Just curious how many others here have went down that road and what their experience with the process was.


Carlos Lantana
Oct 2, 2003

I'm really sorry, your avatar is giving me a boner and while that is perfectly OK and I don't want to kink shame anyone, its making me feel really weird getting a boner in a Trump thread.



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Dec 27, 2012
I got PRK 5 years ago now, it's the older version of Lasik - they were concerned my lenses were a little too flimsy for lasik. With PRK they shave the lense down and then put medical lense in for a few days, you come back in and they take the medical lense out and your lense has regrown in the correct shape. You can only do it once, and my eyes are permanently more fragile - I don't love having overhead fans going now and I can tell I'm dehydrated cuz they'll feel gritty. They said I'll probably still need bifocals in my 40s/50s just like everybody else, maybe a little earlier since my eyes will wear out faster.

The surgery is as spooky as the image you posted, but they gave me a valium and they numb your eyes easily so you get to sit and admire the cool technology and try not to think about it. With PRK I had to take at least 3 days off work, I took a week and needed the whole thing, I was a computer toucher and the screen was way too bright for the following week. The first 3 days I just kept my eyes closed/blindfolded, I had food and stuff prepped beforehand and heavy pain meds so it was mostly sleeping. Eyes are frustrating to heal but the pain wasn't too bad.

After a couple weeks I had 20/20 vision, used eye drops constantly for a few months and then weaned off 'em for maybe a year (just regular saline drops, they said you don't wanna get too dependant on them over time because you can screw up your eyes self lubrication)

I think Lasik they cut a little window in your lense right in front of where you see through and give just it 20/20 vision, if your eye ever gets knocked or mightily jiggled you might have to get another lasik window cut in but it's a lot easier surgery/faster recovery time.

I was stage acting regularly and contacts were irritating my eyes really badly, I had to wear glasses and they were really bumming me out. There's nothing wrong with glasses if you don't mind them, but if you're sick of them it's extremely liberating and saves you literal decades of inconvenience and annoyance. You wake up one day and you don't even think about it, you just get out of bed, your eyes don't hurt, you don't do the peter parker "put on glasses and they make your eyes blurry," you just go about your day with good vision, it rocks

it and piss, sucker

Jun 12, 2001

Hey Hey Let's Go! 喧嘩する
大切な物を protect my balls

You'll put your eye out, kid.

Apr 23, 2006

Taco Defender
I has LASIK something like 15+ years ago and I don't regret it a bit. I had a very strong (and EXPENSIVE) nearsighted prescription, so much so that if I lost them on a trip or whatever I always had to carry a spare set of glasses or I'd basically be unable to function.

LASIK is pretty simple, first you get your eyes scanned to see exactly how they need to be corrected. Then you sit in a chair, your eyes are numbed and restrained to keep you from blinking while you stare up at a fixed spot of light. The doctor cuts a thin flap in your cornea (usually with lasers, but it was a very thin razor device when I got it), then the laser carefully and exactly ablates the inner cornea to the precise geometry calculated to correct your vision. Then the flap is closed and that eye is done! For a week or so you need to protect your eyes and use eye drops religiously, but LASIK heals a lot quicker than PRK, usually you can see 20/20 or so in a few hours.

Modern LASIK also is better than the old kind, when I got mine they had just come out with a new laser mirror that let them correct minor imperfections as well as the major deformations (ie near/far sightedness & astigmatism). It also preserves more of the cornea so that if you need more correction in the future there's more to work with. There is a small danger of a blow to the eye potentially dislodging the flap, so in contact sports it's a good idea to wear goggles or something. Even in that case though, it's usually a simple matter to replace the flap if it's done promptly.

There's also wholesale artificial lens replacements, but I don't know if that's used for simple eye corrections these days. That presumably avoids removing any of the cornea, but I can't say what the potential drawbacks are if any.

I'm glad I got mine done, it was expensive (~$2200 each eye back then ain't cheap) but it was the new technique at the time and only a few places in my area offered it. As I got older, I did lose close-in vision probably sooner than I would have without the surgery, but I'm now in my 50's anyway so I'd still need reading glasses by now or at best in a few years. And reading glasses are cheap as hell, I buy them in bulk off Amazon.

tl;dr get it done, you'll be glad you did

Oct 15, 2004

You can smell your eyeballs being burned during the procedure, taste the steroids and antibiotic eyedrops running through your sinuses that you have to use 3 times a day for 6 weeks afterward, can't touch your eyes for two months and will forever have dryer eyes and need to keep eye drops around. I got home and went to sleep and literally had to peel my eyes open when I woke up as the eyelids got stuck. Bright lights in the dark will forever have a halo effect. I looked at my bedside clock in crystal clear 20/15 vision and immediately knew it was one of the best decisions I've ever made and have never changed in that opinion, despite the caveats. Five years on and my vision is degrading normally with age so I'm back to 20/20. I opted to spend the extra bucks for a lifetime guarantee, so as long as the clinic I had the procedure done at is still around I can go back for corrections.

Aug 11, 2007

bradzilla posted:

You can smell your eyeballs being burned during the procedure, taste the steroids and antibiotic eyedrops running through your sinuses that you have to use 3 times a day for 6 weeks afterward, can't touch your eyes for two months and will forever have dryer eyes and need to keep eye drops around. I got home and went to sleep and literally had to peel my eyes open when I woke up as the eyelids got stuck. Bright lights in the dark will forever have a halo effect. I looked at my bedside clock in crystal clear 20/15 vision and immediately knew it was one of the best decisions I've ever made and have never changed in that opinion, despite the caveats. Five years on and my vision is degrading normally with age so I'm back to 20/20. I opted to spend the extra bucks for a lifetime guarantee, so as long as the clinic I had the procedure done at is still around I can go back for corrections.

How would you describe the smell of "burning eyeballs"?

Jan 16, 2005

I'm really glad I don't have vision problems, I was traumatized by complications from pink eye when I was five and the idea of being strapped down and numbed so I have to watch my eye being sliced open and smell the tissue being burned away is just about an actual living nightmare to me.

Carwash Cunt
Aug 21, 2007

redshirt posted:

How would you describe the smell of "burning eyeballs"?

Burning hair/dentist grinding away at a tooth. All burning body parts kind of smell the same IMHO

Aug 11, 2007

Carwash oval office posted:

Burning hair/dentist grinding away at a tooth. All burning body parts kind of smell the same IMHO

Oh, I know that dentist smell. Thanks!

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

glasses look cool and wearing them feels cool, not sure why you’d want to give that up unless you’re worried about some apocalypse survival scenario or somesuch

Dec 18, 2020

Bad Purchase posted:

glasses look cool and wearing them feels cool, not sure why you’d want to give that up unless you’re worried about some apocalypse survival scenario or somesuch

he saw the twilight zone episode

Oct 15, 2004

Bad Purchase posted:

glasses look cool and wearing them feels cool, not sure why you’d want to give that up unless you’re worried about some apocalypse survival scenario or somesuch

glasses suck poo poo

Feb 18, 2011

For All Mankind
I don't hate glasses and I like how they look on me, but if I could press a magic button for perfect vision and not need them I'd definitely do that.

If the magic button costs thousands and involves complications that changes the equation for me though. Drier eyes especially are a big no go for me.

Apr 15, 2003


bradzilla posted:

glasses suck poo poo

my poo poo can't get fixed with lasers

at least I have a bunch of prescription safety glasses

i also like how glasses look on me, best fashion accessory I've got going, really

edit: glasses do suck poo poo, though, gently caress luxotica and gently caress my goddamn cat bitin the lenses on my favorite frames that are flaking their blue light coating off anyway :argh:

MrQwerty fucked around with this message at 14:35 on Apr 2, 2024

Dec 18, 2020

glasses are cool

Desperado Bones
Aug 29, 2009

Cute, adorable, and creepy at the same time!

LASIK is a very fast surgery, so dont even get anxious about it. I think getting a tooth removed is more traumatic.

The halo effect in lights at nights it's true. Annoying but the price is worthy.

And yeah, I'm one those where age has already got to me and I need to get me checked (There is also glaucoma in the family so yup. yikes.)

Oct 15, 2004

Desperado Bones posted:

LASIK is a very fast surgery, so dont even get anxious about it. I think getting a tooth removed is more traumatic.

This is pretty severely understating it because even though it's like 60-90 seconds per eye, it was a legit terrifying couple of minutes and I went in not really being scared. When your eyes are clamped and you're staring at the blinking dot it becomes real. Still worth it.

Apr 15, 2003

technically i could get lasik to fix my focus issues

and then still wear glasses for prism correction lmao

Desperado Bones
Aug 29, 2009

Cute, adorable, and creepy at the same time!

bradzilla posted:

This is pretty severely understating it because even though it's like 60-90 seconds per eye, it was a legit terrifying couple of minutes and I went in not really being scared. When your eyes are clamped and you're staring at the blinking dot it becomes real. Still worth it.

That small moment when you go blind it is spooky, but at least it went out quick. Like before you know it you are all patched and ready to go.

Now, having a dentist drilling in your tooth for an hour while doing a botched endodoncy, yeah, nah.

May 31, 2006


You'll put your eye out, kid.
good avatar/post combination

Apr 18, 2003

I would simply stop playing Nintendo, op. You're in your 40s

My Spirit Otter
Jun 15, 2006


SKILCRAFT KREW Reppin' Quality Blind Made American Products. Bitch.
just make sure you go with a genuine LASIG

Dec 18, 2020

Smugworth posted:

I would simply stop playing Nintendo, op. You're in your 40s

what do olds play?

May 31, 2006

cumpantry posted:

what do olds play?

Aug 11, 2007

cumpantry posted:

what do olds play?

TurboTax Pro

Dec 23, 2005

i started needing glasses in my late 20s. i kind of want to get the laser beams, but on the other hand, my face is less ugly when i'm wearing glasses :shrug:

May 31, 2006

redshirt posted:

TurboTax Pro
Excuse me, but as an old and any% tax speedrunner, let me tell you that "pro" is not actually a version of turbotax

Dec 18, 2020

mystes posted:



Dec 18, 2020

Buce posted:

my face is less ugly when i'm wearing glasses :shrug:

May 11, 2008

Buce posted:

i started needing glasses in my late 20s. i kind of want to get the laser beams, but on the other hand, my face is less ugly when i'm wearing glasses :shrug:

Apr 18, 2003

Don't you think it's about time you stopped playing with pocket munsters

May 17, 2010

Drano hot shot
Some new kinda kick

redshirt posted:

How would you describe the smell of "burning eyeballs"?

like reading bad posts.

Dec 23, 2005

here's a perfect exmaple:

glasses buce:

no glasses buce:

Apr 18, 2003

Someone just set off the hunk alarm :siren:

Dec 18, 2020

Smugworth posted:

Don't you think it's about time you stopped playing with pocket munsters

the game has guns smugworth. guns, and you shoot them. that's as Rated M as it gets

Canine Blues Arooo
Jan 7, 2008

when you think about it...i'm the first girl you ever spent the night with

Grimey Drawer
I looked into this OP, and ended up not getting it. I think for people who have gotten it and did not experience complications, they generally have nice things to say, but complications are extremely common and are frequently chronic. Depending on who you ask, it's anywhere from 5% - 20%.

For people in my circle of friends, 6 have had LASIK. 3 of them say it's great. 2 of them have to basically carry eye drops around with them permanently. One of them can't see in the dark at all against bright lights and describes it as though 'my vision gets blown out by bright light in the dark'. An optomitrist in my family with a -10 script is 'waiting for something better then LASIK'. All this together and I've basically written the procedure off myself. These are my anecdotes. Do with them what you will.

May 11, 2008

Canine Blues Arooo posted:

I looked into this OP, and ended up not getting it. I think for people who have gotten it and did not experience complications, they generally have nice things to say, but complications are extremely common and are frequently chronic. Depending on who you ask, it's anywhere from 5% - 20%.

For people in my circle of friends, 6 have had LASIK. 3 of them say it's great. 2 of them have to basically carry eye drops around with them permanently. One of them can't see in the dark at all against bright lights and describes it as though 'my vision gets blown out by bright light in the dark'. An optomitrist in my family with a -10 script is 'waiting for something better then LASIK'. All this together and I've basically written the procedure off myself. These are my anecdotes. Do with them what you will.

I've seen claims that LASIK is already out dated and some clinics are moving to a new type, but it seems to be only available in bigger city centers so far.


What is SMILE?
Minimally invasive surgery for correcting vision

Small Incision Lenticule Extraction with SMILE is the most recently developed type of laser eye surgery. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that can correct various vision impairments such as nearsightedness and astigmatism.

It’s a popular option, with over 1.400 clinics and more than 2.500 practicing surgeons worldwide who use SMILE. Millions of eyes with myopia and/or astigmatism have been corrected with SMILE in over 80 countries.

Feb 11, 2004

Ask me about my STD collection!
glasses are cool because if someone spits in your face it won't get in your eyes


Mr Teatime
Apr 7, 2009

I had LASEK rather than LASIK over a decade ago and it was well worth it, still got perfect vision. No perma flap with this version but the recovery time is longer and holy gently caress it hurts when the anaesthetic wears off. Smells like burnt hair while they do the surgery.

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