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Teriyaki Koinku
Nov 25, 2008

Bread! Bread! Bread!

What are some subforums on Something Awful that have caught your eye but you just never looked at or posted in for some reason?

I've never really checked out FYAD, for example. I mean, I think I posted in there once but got banned immediately. Then there are many others like Sports Argument Stadium that I just never check out because I'm barely into sports in real life, let alone on a dead gay forum.

What about you?


Jan 14, 2006

she had tiny Italian boobs.
Well that's my story.
the front page

Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

can't believe shrek is fucking dead. rip to a real one.
I think this thread is a good opportunity to visit other forums

GBS is great but there's other things on this site too which you may find interesting :)

Also this thread is not for interforum beefs and if it turns into that we say bye bye to it

Teriyaki Koinku
Nov 25, 2008

Bread! Bread! Bread!


Seth Pecksniff posted:

I think this thread is a good opportunity to visit other forums

GBS is great but there's other things on this site too which you may find interesting :)

Also this thread is not for interforum beefs and if it turns into that we say bye bye to it

Totally fair. Hopefully people have some nice things to say about the other subforums at least! :)

e: For example, Tourism and Travel is nice even if you don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon. It's fun to brainstorm ideas of where you might go in the future or living vicariously through others.

Teriyaki Koinku fucked around with this message at 13:32 on Apr 2, 2024

Cobra Commander
Jan 18, 2011

Until the takeover id never heard of or went to YOSPOS

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

i generally avoid the harry potter subforum

Sep 18, 2015

Cobra Commander posted:

Until the takeover id never heard of or went to YOSPOS

YOSPOS burns my eyes which I why I don't read it. Maybe they could try a more soothing CSS like bright red text on cobalt blue or something.

Linux Pirate
Apr 21, 2012

I have never seen the inside of YOSPOS

Valko posted:

YOSPOS burns my eyes which I why I don't read it. Maybe they could try a more soothing CSS like bright red text on cobalt blue or something.

Have you tried amberpos?

Apr 18, 2003

The other forums blow
Except for the airsoft one

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost
Cause I can't cook, politics suck, and no one cares about FYAD

Feb 18, 2001

If two grown men can't make a pervert happy for a few minutes in order to watch a film about zombies, then maybe we should all just move to Iran!
I've never posted in GBS, and frankly, I never will. God bless those that do, it's just not for me.

Dec 18, 2020

Slugworth posted:

I've never posted in GBS, and frankly, I never will. God bless those that do, it's just not for me.

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

Slugworth posted:

I've never posted in GBS, and frankly, I never will. God bless those that do, it's just not for me.

Slugworth, your cool

Milo and POTUS
Sep 3, 2017

I will not shut up about the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I talk about them all the time and work them into every conversation I have. I built a shrine in my room for the yellow one who died because sadly no one noticed because she died around 9/11. Wanna see it?

Seth Pecksniff posted:

I think this thread is a good opportunity to visit other forums

GBS is great but there's other things on this site too which you may find interesting :)

Also this thread is not for interforum beefs and if it turns into that we say bye bye to it

why not get rid of the people causing trouble instead

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

yeah, but you showed up 12 years later than me. Who cares what you think?

Vampire Panties
Apr 18, 2001
Nap Ghost
I think frequently "I should post in BYOB" but I never go there (:ssh: I go to Cool Crew Chat Central for Warhams stuff though)

the PHIZ image thread used to be hysterical but its phizzled off

I dont go to the buy/sell forum because I got extremely ripped off by a goon 22+ years ago and never want to deal with any of that poo poo again

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost
I only ever visit GBS and they are being mean to me

Apr 18, 2009

Fun Shoe
There are forums?

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
I don't think I've ever been in BSS or TFR.

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

STABASS posted:

There are forums?

Jun 29, 2003

The Hulk Hogan sub-forum has been dead for quite some time, unfortunately.

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

I don't think I've ever been in BSS or TFR.

No one cares about what you did

Apr 18, 2003

Slugworth posted:

I've never posted in GBS, and frankly, I never will. God bless those that do, it's just not for me.


Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

sometimes your the best Smugworth.

Apr 3, 2024

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

040224 posted:

the one with 100 posts per hour threads

what a cool dude

Apr 3, 2024

Somebody fucked around with this message at 16:24 on Apr 5, 2024

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

Mumpy Puffinz posted:

No one cares about what you did

guess again :owned:

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

040224 posted:

nirvana mannnn

wake up Idiot!

Apr 3, 2024

Somebody fucked around with this message at 16:25 on Apr 5, 2024

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

What did you do that should make me care about you?
I literally have all the time in the world.

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

040224 posted:

the price of No, homie

gently caress off new kid. Get in line

Apr 3, 2024

Somebody fucked around with this message at 16:25 on Apr 5, 2024

Dec 18, 2020

Mumpy Puffinz posted:

yeah, but you showed up 12 years later than me. Who cares what you think?

that's true. i don't really have a defense for this

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

040224 posted:

the company is actually bankrupt the whole time :jj:

no poo poo

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

cumpantry posted:

that's true. i don't really have a defense for this

:wink: You are doing ok, I guess

Rockman Reserve
Oct 2, 2007

"Carbons? Purge? What are you talking about?!"

i used to hang out in TGD a lot but by god the vibes have gotten bad in there. it used to be one of the better places to discuss nerd poo poo online but now it’s full of the same insular nerd sniping and edition warring that infects everywhere else :(

Dumb Sex-Parrot
Dec 25, 2020

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

Mumpy Puffinz posted:

What did you do that should make me care about you?
I literally have all the time in the world.

oh no not you, im talking about important people

Mumpy Puffinz
Aug 11, 2008
Handle with Caution
Nap Ghost

Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

oh no not you, im talking about important people

You say that, but, what is the real reason?


Feb 26, 2010

I'm a girl, and you're
gnomes, and it's like
what? Yikes.
All these years later I still think it's really weird that's there's a forum dedicated to smoking meth and crack. I looked in there a few times years ago but it always felt like poverty tourism and made me feel bad. Maybe it's better now.

I'm glad there's a sports section for people who care about that but I'm sure I'll never go there.

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