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no matter how modern, algorithmic and high anxiety things seem now, there were times when the content purity was high and not sullied with ads and cookies. no comments, no hot takes everything stood on its own in a vacuum.

things you can’t find on any search engine, but you know if you typed in the URL on, and went back many years, the purity is still there.

what are yours?

here are three examples I’ll never forget

I purchased a concert ticket from a person from a news group, and when I met them they shouted their domain names at me to go and check out. when I got back to my computer and typed it in, I was met with Looney Tunes gifs, pictures of cats, and a riveting piano performance about postpartum depression from the person I had just met.

recently I emailed them to say, hey I never forgot that video, and they responded that they are making videos again all these years later.
here is one:

periodic pictures of a turtle named Pooper, seemingly of Nordic origin, available at which I would never ever type in now

blog of a man who sewed flank steak into a the lining of diaper and rode a bicycle up and down the on-ramp of an interstate


Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
ferret cam - the year is 1999 and I found a website where a guy has put up a webcam in his ferrets' enclosure. The cam updates every minute and I only see a ferret one time during all those nights I log on to the site, I don't recall the url any longer.

and to take the word 'stay' in a more literal sense, i've got a bunch of forum stuff saved locally from a final fantasy forum 20+ years ago - the forums were hacked and afterwards I meticuously saved a whole lot of threads and posts in case it should happen again.

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


Dumb Sex-Parrot posted:

ferret cam - the year is 1999 and I found a website where a guy has put up a webcam in his ferrets' enclosure. The cam updates every minute and I only see a ferret one time during all those nights I log on to the site, I don't recall the url any longer.

and to take the word 'stay' in a more literal sense, i've got a bunch of forum stuff saved locally from a final fantasy forum 20+ years ago - the forums were hacked and afterwards I meticuously saved a whole lot of threads and posts in case it should happen again.

thanks for the vietnam flashback to that year at summer camp they had us do the hamster dance 3 times a day minimum

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

No, I like my hat, thanks.

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I only have canyoneyes for you
the coinbird song. he's angry for coins

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump

RavenousScoot posted:

thanks for the vietnam flashback to that year at summer camp they had us do the hamster dance 3 times a day minimum

then you probably recognize this tune:

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature


20% cooler
If kids saw this nowadays they'd be like "hell yeah i'm gay"


First time we connected dad's laptop to the dial-up, we had people over to share the occasion. Dad's friend joined an ICQ channel, calling himself dipso999. He was a distributor for a wine company.

I got my turn at the helm and clicked on a user to message. I asked "how do you do?".

"with the lights off and a glow in the dark condom" came the reply.

I didn't know what that meant at the time, but I had just had my first taste of online, and I was hooked.


Just chillin' : )
Stinky Meat Project was a project about stinky Meat

Maddox hated everyone, how cool and edgy. Millions of views on the original incel poo poo.

This website was in an ogoing feud with Drew Curtis's Fark dot com. There were amazing Photoshop competitions. I vowed to learn Photoshop but still never have.

I'd read Fark dot com and feel slightly disloyal

I read the front page on dial up, I had to watch the images load and probably 50% of the time they wouldn't so I'd refresh the page in hope they would this time around (they don't)

YTMND siren noise. I snort laugh. Ate my balls webring.

Playing poker with goons and joking over ICQ. 6 digit (natch). Notification says "uh oh!"

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
my very first ICQ convo was with someone who advertised for a porn site

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Ominous Jazz

Big D is chillin' over here
Wasteland style
here's the earth
drat that's a pretty nice earth you might say

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

Normally my answer to this conversation would be


Just chillin' : )
I hope you enjoy internet scraps

Cos you're in one

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives

a hilarious comedy website with great articles by guys like Cliff Yablonsky and Fragmster. Fashion SWAT, Your Band Sucks, Photoshop Phriday, and many other great regular features posted daily on the site. There was a forum too, but I never really saw it because it cost $10 to sign up for.

baka of lathspell

RavenousScoot posted:

thanks for the vietnam flashback to that year at summer camp they had us do the hamster dance 3 times a day minimum

that's a lot of times

join dork order
sig by ??? (<3 u)


thebest404pageever wasn't early, but I remember it often

and flash in general
I mean, you can do a lot more with more ease now I guess for videos at least, but the variety of presentation is lacking something when everything's in a youtube player now
like even something with some multimedia flair to it now like 17776 leaves me wishing the youtube parts were just a part of the site instead of sticking out oddly
plus the interactivity that's gone and the general sloppy d.i.y. feel that's missing now that flash is gone

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher

kuskus posted:

periodic pictures of a turtle named Pooper, seemingly of Nordic origin, available at which I would never ever type in now

Similarly,, which used used to do simple cartoons like a guy straining on the loo so hard his head exploded, etc.


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust

Barco Fiesta posted:

a hilarious comedy website with great articles by guys like Cliff Yablonsky and Fragmster. Fashion SWAT, Your Band Sucks, Photoshop Phriday, and many other great regular features posted daily on the site. There was a forum too, but I never really saw it because it cost $10 to sign up for.

there was this time this kid stole his mom's credit card to buy diet pill for the referral reward, but was charged hundreds of dollars for a full supply, so he asked gbs for help

they proceeded to find out every detail of the kid's life and background, then some rando goon called his mom and told her everything

when questioned about their identity, the goon stated, "i'm...i'm from the internet"

i learned a terrible lesson that day

Barco Fiesta

a fantasy of olives

DoomCroissant posted:

there was this time this kid stole his mom's credit card to buy diet pill for the referral reward, but was charged hundreds of dollars for a full supply, so he asked gbs for help

they proceeded to find out every detail of the kid's life and background, then some rando goon called his mom and told her everything

when questioned about their identity, the goon stated, "i'm...i'm from the internet"

i learned a terrible lesson that day


The Straight Dope

The concrete floor is cold; the walls are bare

Escape From Noise

Three words: Mr. Cool Ice

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Escape From Noise

Also, gotta give a shout-out to the GOAT of the gape, the goatman himself: goatse! :goatsecx:

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Drink-Mix Man

You are an odd fellow, but I must say... you throw a swell shindig.

:piss: forever

Escape From Noise

I kind of hate it but Badger, Mushroom, Snake.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
I didn't even know about the goat man until I found this god forsaken friendly place

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Dumb Sex-Parrot

Absurd Pox Term
Rad Buxom Strep
Retard Ox Bumps
Borax Dumpster
Dares Box Trump
gonads and strife

thank you Saoshyantx4, Plant MONSTER. and deep dish peat moss for the excellent signature

Escape From Noise

Areola Grande posted:

I didn't even know about the goat man until I found this god forsaken friendly place

Like seeing a picture of an old friend.

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
homestar runner dot motherfucking com :cheat:

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

Escape From Noise posted:

Like seeing a picture of an old friend.

more like seeing inside a new nightmare. that was 2015 so I've healed and laughed quite a bit since that fateful day

heckin' rad summer sig by Ravenous Scoot


Just chillin' : )

Areola Grande posted:

homestar runner dot motherfucking com :cheat:

I literally came back to post this

Big beefy arm

Thanks to Heather Papps for sweet sig, click for more hot lady action

sigs by luvcow and Khanstant.
Click on Spoonville for a neat surprise

(┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ #YesNutNovember - add this to your sig if you love and support BYOB's own nut

Escape From Noise

I never stopped watching homsar

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs

sailing mishap ftw

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
I'm a neglected official :stonkhat:


Roll D3 for Delicious Flaky Crust
here comes the thnikkaman


20% cooler
Hey Splayed(?)
Shiggity Shiggity Shwa
Guess what idiot
What you do today?
Uhh... WRONG

That and all of the early flash tub nonsense. Hey guys did you hear Dracula is Coming?

Escape From Noise

Furniture Porn

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig

Finger Prince

Ominous Jazz posted:

here's the earth
drat that's a pretty nice earth you might say

I don't even remember where this is from, and yet I still read it in that voice.

Escape From Noise

Finger Prince posted:

I don't even remember where this is from, and yet I still read it in that voice.

It was that end of the Earth cartoon. I couldn't stand after a while. It got really popular in college and it got played to death

Thank you Pot Smoke Pheonnix for this Kickin' Rad sig


No, I like my hat, thanks.
This blew everyone's mind back in the late 90s. The audiotracks in the flash version seem to be a bit out of synch, sadly.



net disaster

Thank You Pot Smoke Phoenix :^))

code: - nesamdoom + me - manifisto - vanisher
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