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Cornwind Evil
Dec 14, 2004

The undisputed world champion of wrestling effortposting
Stories that involve legit medical conditions like sleepwalking and restless leg syndrome can be included, but I was thinking more 'normal' sleep things.

Anyone else remember the pop culture idea that if you have to pee, you dream of waterfalls and rushing rivers and all that? Not me. No. What happens is that the 'me' in my dream also has to pee. Except doing so in the dream won't help at all, because, well, that's not where the actual need is. So in the dream I'll be looking for a bathroom and not finding one, or it will be broken, though if I actually do start peeing in my dream, my brain gets confused and 'dream me' briefly gets a bit of relief. Usually around then or shortly after my brain goes 'Okay, figured this out' and wakes me up to handle things.

I've also noticed that if I play video games in my dreams, my hands get all floppy and barely work, like they're asleep. I basically am smearing my hand on the controls. I wonder if it's because the part of the brain that handles the hands and the part that is active when dreaming are separate or far apart.

And plenty of times, my brain, when it runs into something it has no context for, will basically throw up a big ERROR message and wake me up. Of course, it never seems to do this when I'm at risk of being subjected to pain I've never felt before in my dreams, only when something fun is going to happen.


May 26, 2011

Because it never leaves its bedroom, no one has ever seen this poster's real face.
every once in a while I notice something doesn't make sense in a dream, and my brain will try to like get ahead of it so I don't realize it doesn't make sense, because when that happens I wake up

so like I'll be thinking "hey, that's right, I was puppysitting earlier and I was really stressed out because the puppy was going to destroy this room if I ever left it alone. but I was climbing those bookshelves for weeks and the room's fine. it's like the puppy just stopped existing when I stopped thinking about it-"
and I'll look around and realize everything's covered in blankets and since you're dumb in your dreams I just go "ohhh, that's right, the blankets. ok. :) oh no this is real bad, the room is destroyed :( why did I leave that puppy alone. wait... where is the puppy?"
and the puppy will immediately come running around the corner like "SHUT UP HERE HE IS SHUT UP YOU rear end in a top hat"
and I'll be like "wait, puppies can't cover rooms in blankets, and how did he live without food for so long?"
and I'll be like "isn't my aunt in texas? and if she was here taking care of him why was I puppysitting? and why was the room destroyed?"
and my brain goes "YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER" and I wake up with a headache

May 4, 2007

We'll have one entire section labelled "for degenerates"
I've noticed that when I try to write stuff in my dreams, what gets written is not what I've intended to write. It's weird that my sleeping brain understands the concept of writing but hasn't figured out how it actually works.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Always remember that the former President was dumber than the dumbest person you've ever met by a wide margin

In high school a friend of mine gave me a dream journal to fill out for a class project he was working on. I was convinced I didn't dream much, but it's crazy how much you forget within a few moments of waking up. At least once a week I'd write something down, even if the "dream" was just having a weird feeling or seeing something in a place it didn't belong.

I really should try that again, it was pretty crazy to realize how much I was actually dreaming compared to what I thought.

The Bible
May 8, 2010

I often dream of trying to send a text on my phone but I just can't find the person in my contacts.

I also can't read in dreams. The text changes constantly and makes no sense.

I assume it is a sign of a tumor or something.

I can lucid dream sometimes, but as soon as I go lucid, I either kind of reset a few moments later or I just wake up. I can see the dream fading as I wake though, which is kind of cool. Like a holodeck slowly fading out.

The Bible fucked around with this message at 13:48 on Jun 11, 2024

teen witch
Oct 9, 2012
Recently had a dream where it was a sort of wedding interspersed with Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game. Like what my brain thought was the video but it absolutely was not. I remember telling someone “weird that he was in twin peaks right?”

Feb 20, 2004

Upset Trowel
Very often my dreams are set in my home, or in places I've lived before, but the places are weirdly transformed. Like, they have extra rooms or even entire extra floors. But it all feels familiar and exquisitely defined.

I had one dream set in a high rise city condo I rented for a few years. It had a great view from the 22nd floor. But in the dream it was now somehow in ruins and on the ground and the stone floor was hewn from rough stone and a rocky stream passed through the middle, with stepping stones and a muddy bank.

Dec 6, 2016

A couple days ago I had a dream where I was eating pancakes and fruit with my family. Mundane but wholesome.

Mar 4, 2008

I’m always trying to use a malfunctioning gun or pissing into a clothes hamper.

Feb 11, 2019


teen witch posted:

Recently had a dream where it was a sort of wedding interspersed with Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game. Like what my brain thought was the video but it absolutely was not. I remember telling someone “weird that he was in twin peaks right?”

Check out Lingua Ignota’s cover of wicked game. I think that, as a goth, you will enjoy it.

Sep 4, 2006

taking a poo poo but the toilet's in full view of everyone

Dick Boat
Jul 3, 2009

Pulse Demon

I have a lot of dreams of having to pack my entire house up for an international flight that leaves in a few hours and then the plane usually crashes or I miss the flight.

Cornwind Evil
Dec 14, 2004

The undisputed world champion of wrestling effortposting
So, anyone else have recurring elements from their dreams?

I have noticed the one for me that recurs over and over the last several years is this desire (and often ability) to rewind time by a short amount. It appears in various ways: sometimes it's like I have a special watch, sometimes I literally have to do what I did 'in reverse', sometimes my mindset is 'I have a set amount of time rewinding a month, can I get far enough back?' It basically kicks in whenever something happens in my dream that I don't like or regret, like I broke something, or suffered an injury, or made a choice I decided didn't sit right.

I have to wonder if it comes from me playing a lot of computer games that use quicksaving and quick reloading in the same time frame. I'm pretty sure I have other recurring elements in my dreams that come from my video game playing.

Dec 27, 2008
I had a dream that my teeth were huge jagged shards of glass that grew all the way past my nose from my lower jaw. Then they all shattered.

Sex Farm
Nov 17, 2017

Archer666 posted:

I had a dream that my teeth were huge jagged shards of glass that grew all the way past my nose from my lower jaw. Then they all shattered.

This is common among those fear being British

Cornwind Evil
Dec 14, 2004

The undisputed world champion of wrestling effortposting

Archer666 posted:

I had a dream that my teeth were huge jagged shards of glass that grew all the way past my nose from my lower jaw. Then they all shattered.

IIRC, supposedly dreaming about LOSING your teeth is a indication that you're concerned about your health or mortality in some way.

No idea what it means when your teeth are replaced by freakish stuff like that.

Haptical Sales Slut
Mar 15, 2010

Age 18 to 49
I consistently dream of being away from home, on vacation or some other trip, but I keep missing my flight or my car doesn’t work and I can’t get Uber to work on my phone and I’m constantly stressed out.

It’s definitely related to my real life, I’m just not sure how to fix it.

The few times I do make a flight it has problems and usually crashes, but I don’t ever ‘die’ per se. I also witness buildings falling from terrorism, sometimes I’m in them when it happens.

Dec 27, 2008

Cornwind Evil posted:

IIRC, supposedly dreaming about LOSING your teeth is a indication that you're concerned about your health or mortality in some way.

No idea what it means when your teeth are replaced by freakish stuff like that.

I am a hypochondriac so it does check out. Think I had like 2-3 other weird teeth dreams over the course of my life, but that one was the most memorable.

Another memorable dream was me getting an STD which turned my legs into soft, fleshy purple lumps that grew vertical towers in the form of stacking ears. And when I touched them they melted in my hands... and then my legs became a translucent liquid while still in the shape of my legs..

super sweet best pal
Nov 18, 2009

Cornwind Evil posted:

So, anyone else have recurring elements from their dreams?

I have noticed the one for me that recurs over and over the last several years is this desire (and often ability) to rewind time by a short amount. It appears in various ways: sometimes it's like I have a special watch, sometimes I literally have to do what I did 'in reverse', sometimes my mindset is 'I have a set amount of time rewinding a month, can I get far enough back?' It basically kicks in whenever something happens in my dream that I don't like or regret, like I broke something, or suffered an injury, or made a choice I decided didn't sit right.

I have to wonder if it comes from me playing a lot of computer games that use quicksaving and quick reloading in the same time frame. I'm pretty sure I have other recurring elements in my dreams that come from my video game playing.

Yeah, sometimes when I dream my brain will restart the narrative and create an opening scene leading into what I'd originally been dreaming about, other times it will replay the same scene over and over again to get it right.

Mar 9, 2007

And you don't remember what I said here, either, but it was pompous and stupid.
Jade Ear Joe
a lot of people say they have recurring dreams about an exam they didn't study for. I found most exams I ever took pretty easy but I have a recurring dream where I have an exam but I don't know when it is. Often it takes the form where I was supposed to get a timetable of my exams from the school office or something but for some reason I didn't. So I'm worried in the dream because I might have an exam I was supposed to go to but I didn't go to it.

Kevin Bacon
Sep 22, 2010

I have 2 types of reoccurring stress dreams. In one of them, something urgent happens and I need to use my phone, but I keep completely fumbling around trying to navigate the UI, or something is bugged. The other one is where I'm using my computer and I notice it's acting kind of strange, where I eventually discover I have one of those old computer viruses that just fucks up your computer in all sorts of ways, and I panic and fumble around trying to deal with it.

I dont know why i keep dreaming about computer viruses though

Aug 7, 2010
Can't post for 20 hours!
It's great threads like this exist, so I have a baseline for what torture actually looks like.

Kevin Bacon
Sep 22, 2010

Tell me about youre dreams silvergunspearman

Jan 8, 2004

All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

I have a very vivid memory of a dream from high school just because of bizarre it was. I'm coming down stairs and my grandma is blocking the way cocks her head and rubs a fish on her hair it sticks up like it was a balloon then her sticks it to her forehead and declares friction is a property of matter in her voice not Bill Nye. The rest gets fuzzy now but that part is clearer than most real memories of her for me.

Aug 2, 2016

Not a Dickman, just a shape
I sleep sign sometimes, I Interact with the Deaf regularly so that makes sense I guess

Also I get sleep paralysis every so often , and my partner accidentally induced a sleep paralysis event so bad I have flashbacks to it occasionally

Jestery fucked around with this message at 12:45 on Jun 12, 2024

Aug 27, 2000

I sometimes dream that I have to go back to high school and I'm like 28 years behind on tests and homework. It worries me so much it makes my chest ache.

Also, a lot of my dreams get stuck in a loop where I have to do a simple task like read a website or find a phone and I can't advance beyond that point.

Aug 11, 2007

Does anyone ever have the sensation of your mind like actively trying to stay awake while you want to go to sleep?

Like, you're drifting off to sleep, and there's a little "pop" or like a very tiny shock in your mind and you are back awake.

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007

by vyelkin

Tarkus posted:

I sometimes dream that I have to go back to high school and I'm like 28 years behind on tests and homework. It worries me so much it makes my chest ache.

in hs and college i would dream that i took a ton of classes accidentally and didn't know where any of them were or what time they started and i'd wake up with a full blown anxiety attack

The General
Mar 4, 2007

I didn't choose this :smith:
The other night I dreamt that HBomberguy tracked me down to my house because people kept citing one of my shitposts at him and he wanted answers from the source. No idea why I'd dream that as I think I've seen like 1 and a half videos of his?

It's also possible that it really did happen, and he drugged me then deleted the pictures I took of him before he left :tinfoil:

Jan 6, 2003

i've had a lot of dreams throughout my life that all seem to take place in one specific city that i've never been to irl, but which i've visited so many times in dreams that i can picture certain parts of it in exact detail and even map them out, while awake. most of them are rather mundane sorts of places, cafes, warehouses, and lots of transit centers, not a lot of surreal or typically "dreamlike" imagery. the odd part is how consistent these places are and how well i can picture them in my head like, right now, even though they are definitely not real places as far as i can tell

Dec 18, 2020

thats cool

Dec 18, 2020

i havent dreamed in months but for awhile i was just waking up feeling overwhelmed with inexplicable, unremembered emotions. like whatever happened in my dreams clearly impacted me in some way but i couldnt ever recall why

Dec 12, 2011

Hammerite posted:

a lot of people say they have recurring dreams about an exam they didn't study for. I found most exams I ever took pretty easy but I have a recurring dream where I have an exam but I don't know when it is. Often it takes the form where I was supposed to get a timetable of my exams from the school office or something but for some reason I didn't. So I'm worried in the dream because I might have an exam I was supposed to go to but I didn't go to it.

I was always pretty good at tests and exams for some reason, so my brain feels the need to raise the stakes on me. my version of this dream format generally involves an entire class that I signed up for and then immediately forgot existed until now, this second, when I'm meant to be turning in a final project representing months of effort, which I absolutely do not have

as I wander the dream halls, I may or may not realize that somehow, I've become naked, but only my front half

Nov 22, 2002

Keep calm and Harry on.
Sometimes I have dreams that I'm lying awake and can't fall asleep. Then I wake up and feel very confused about whether I was asleep or not, and not sure whether I should feel tired or not.

Mar 26, 2011

Sometimes when I play video game right before bed I dream about videogame like I'm playing in my dreams too!!! #gamer

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007

by vyelkin
gamer dreams ftw

Sophy Wackles
Dec 17, 2000

> access main security grid

Tarkus posted:

I sometimes dream that I have to go back to high school and I'm like 28 years behind on tests and homework. It worries me so much it makes my chest ache.

This seems to be a common thing.

I used to have reoccurring nightmares about school, usually college, and it being finals time where I hadn't attended class, studied, turned in work, etc and I was in a panic.

Jan 6, 2003

yea ive definitely had dreams where its like... oh there was one specific random thing i was supposed to do that i didnt do so i didnt actually graduate from college, or it turns out i actually failed some class. i graduated over 20 years ago

Jan 8, 2004

All ice cream is now for all beings, no matter how many legs.

R.L. Stine posted:

gamer dreams ftw

Like when you have a normal dream but the video of it is playing on tetris blocks as they fall and you are rotating them all night long?

If you ever play a 12 hour session of Tetris you will have the tetris dream


The Hello Machine
Jul 19, 2021

I'm not a real machine, but I am a real Hello-sayer.
I had a dream that I was going to trim my cat's claws, but I couldn't find the claw trimmers. There was also this really awful teenager hanging around with a poo poo attitude and he was all like "Ugh why not just use regular nail clippers?" And I was like "Cuz that's not what they're for!"

So I was turning the place upside down (I don't recognize the house I was in, but it wasn't mine) trying to find the claw trimmers. This lovely kid is getting impatient and was like "Ugh I'm just going to use the nail clippers" so I scream "DONT USE THE NAIL CLIPPERS!"

I finally find the claw trimmers and was able to trim my cat's claws, and I did not allow the kid to try and help. Then my father-in-law appeared and was like "why are you yelling at the kid?" and I explained that it was because he didn't know how to trim the cat's claws. Then I woke up.

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