Sitting Here posted:prooooooooooooompt empty quote
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:01 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:00 |
Well Huzzah I didn't suck enough to get called out. (let the calling out begin).
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:27 |
Just one question- can we rewrite our own stories as well, maybe get a crit and compare? Because I really liked the concept for my original story, and I'd like to expand it.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:45 |
Tyrannosaurus Wins Again aka Today I stumbled upon carts and carts full of books that the library literally couldn’t give away. First they had a book sale. Then they reduced the price of the books that were left. Then they just said, “gently caress it. Take ‘em.” And still there were books that nobody wanted. Pitiful, lonely books that had been sitting out there for days. I saw this and it made me sad. I mean, somebody (several somebodies, really) put forth a lot of effort to tell those stories nobody wanted to read. lovely effort, sure, but effort all the same. So you all are going to make me not sad, okay? When you sign up I’m going to give you one of these unwanted books. You’re gonna gut the insides, throw out all the useless garbage, and fill it with new goodness. You must get rid of the title! Nothing is based on the title! The title doomed the first work! You gotta keep the cover, though, because we don’t judge books by their covers. So. This means you need to make sure the cover still fits your new piece of brilliant fiction. This is your prompt. Please don’t gently caress this up. Oh, you have a theme, too. Because evidently you need one. The theme is “discovery.” Enjoy! Word Limit: 1501 words Signs up close Friday 11:00 pm EST Submissions end Sunday 11:00 pm EST Judges: Tyrannosaurus Meeple Entenzahn Writers: God Over Djinn crabrock Gau Meinberg Hocus Pocus Bad Seafood CommissarMega Anomalous Blowout Obliterati Broenheim dmboogie Djeser Schieder Heim Sitting Here Echo Cian lamberth Chairchucker D.O.G.O.G.B.Y.N. systran WeLandedOnTheMoon! Magnificent8 Whalley Paladinus Fumblemouse Cheneyjugend Phobia PootieTang Kalyco Sam. Blade_of_tyshalle Grizzled Patriarch Juniper Cake Kaishai Nikaer Drekin Lord Humongus docbeard Some Guy TT Drop Outs Drunk Nerds Tyrannosaurus fucked around with this message at 17:10 on Jun 8, 2014 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:46 |
hit me
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:48 |
CommissarMega posted:Just one question- can we rewrite our own stories as well, maybe get a crit and compare? Because I really liked the concept for my original story, and I'd like to expand it. yes, and then post it in the farm. Give me one of them poor lonely books.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:49 |
Intrigued Woo my first mention is honorable!
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:49 |
Glory unto the dead! Count me in, T-Rex.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 03:50 |
God Over Djinn posted:hit me crabrock posted:yes, and then post it in the farm. The title was obscured so you get the actual picture I took Gau posted:Intrigued Meinberg posted:Glory unto the dead! Count me in, T-Rex. Tyrannosaurus fucked around with this message at 19:07 on Jun 3, 2014 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:01 |
40% of my entries have been DMs, I'd like to try and drop that number IN
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:05 |
You know what must be done.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:06 |
Count me IN. Could I also request a blacked-out title? EDIT: And regarding the rewrite, how closely should we hew to the original? Because I definitely want to change a few things. CommissarMega fucked around with this message at 04:17 on Jun 3, 2014 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:09 |
Haven't domed in a couple weeks, so I say it's high time for me to go back in to the fray.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:13 |
This looks interesting.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:13 |
I'm in.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:15 |
Sounds like a fun way to gently caress up. I'm in.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:20 |
Hocus Pocus posted:40% of my entries have been DMs, I'd like to try and drop that number Bad Seafood posted:You know what must be done. CommissarMega posted:Count me IN. Could I also request a blacked-out title? Anomalous Blowout posted:This looks interesting. Obliterati posted:I'm in. Broenheim posted:Sounds like a fun way to gently caress up.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:25 |
Didn't mean to miss you.dmboogie posted:Haven't domed in a couple weeks, so I say it's high time for me to go back in to the fray.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:31 |
Count me in.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:39 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:45 |
I'm in!
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:50 |
I'm in Your crits will all be along tomorrow. commissarmega, you can rewrite your story and get crits at any time! But the rules for the loserbrawl still stand.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 04:52 |
Djeser posted:Count me in. Schneider Heim posted:I'm in! Sitting Here posted:I'm in
# ? Jun 3, 2014 05:03 |
In, hit me.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 05:40 |
Echo Cian posted:In, hit me.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 05:54 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 06:03 |
Yes OK I will do this thing. I will write a story.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 06:57 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 11:33 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 12:05 |
I'd like a book please.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 12:11 |
Did some hippie REALLY name their kid's book GOOD poo poo? I can't unsee it. I'm in.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 13:37 |
Last week reminded me that I miss Thunderdome so I'm hella in
# ? Jun 3, 2014 13:53 |
I am back and I'm in, motherfuckers. Meet my friend . He'll be helping me this time around.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 14:09 |
In, please
Drunk Nerds fucked around with this message at 15:04 on Jun 3, 2014 |
# ? Jun 3, 2014 14:38 |
Can I get an extension on the loserbrawl, just an extra day maybe? I've just got back from work, and I'm dog-tired
# ? Jun 3, 2014 15:13 |
book me, Danno
# ? Jun 3, 2014 16:26 |
lambeth posted:In. Chairchucker posted:Yes OK I will do this thing. I will write a story. D.O.G.O.G.B.Y.N. posted:I-i-i-in. WeLandedOnTheMoon! posted:I'd like a book please. magnificent7 posted:Did some hippie REALLY name their kid's book GOOD poo poo? I can't unsee it. Whalley posted:Last week reminded me that I miss Thunderdome so I'm hella in Paladinus posted:I am back and I'm in, motherfuckers. Meet my friend . He'll be helping me this time around. Drunk Nerds posted:In, please Fumblemouse posted:book me, Danno
# ? Jun 3, 2014 16:33 |
I'm in.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 17:03 |
In. . Ain't letting last round happen again.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 17:18 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:00 |
CommissarMega posted:Can I get an extension on the loserbrawl, just an extra day maybe? I've just got back from work, and I'm dog-tired If it helps, I'm totally down with extending the loserbrawl. And I'm not saying I purposefully wrote an awful entry in order to trap CommissarMega into this exact situation... But that is a possibility.
# ? Jun 3, 2014 17:45 |