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May 28, 2008


Maneki Neko posted:

Holy gently caress their house looks like it was decorated at a motel surplus sale

It probably was. They like to tout how "frugal" they are.

At least if you don't count having more children than you can count on two hands...


Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all
Their number of children would almost make sense if they had a large farm with several crops, dairy and cattle and maybe a furniture making business on the side or something.

"Dad owns a car lot and knows the Mayor of Bumfuck," doesn't scream twenty children to me.

May 13, 2009

who the fuck is scraeming
"LOG OFF" at my house.
show yourself, coward.
i will never log off

Pvt.Scott posted:

Their number of children would almost make sense if they had a large farm with several crops, dairy and cattle and maybe a furniture making business on the side or something.

"Dad owns a car lot and knows the Mayor of Bumfuck," doesn't scream twenty children to me.

They get subsidized pretty heavily by their cult, too.

Indubitable Leg
Aug 9, 2013

ElwoodCuse posted:

Even if he's not actually gay it's possible she realized "you have no education, no skills, and your family's gravy train is over. How are we supposed to make a living?"

But hey, congrats on using your freak show family to destroy innocent lives and then write off your awful choices as God's will.

That or she could see the inevitable future where he's always "out ministering" and eventually coming home from being out with the ten kids to find him in bed with two black dudes or something.

Aug 12, 2013

Darth123123 posted:

In the video, Josiah's older brother, 27-year-old Josh Duggar, gives advice to him about courting.

Unfortunately, the quality of Josh's romance advice is inversely proportional to the age of the victim, I mean Christian young lady

flick my Mr. Bean
Nov 18, 2014

Ripoff posted:

Josiah just broke up with his girl because of "the Lord's will" and I bet the Lord is pointing him towards dudes now.

I'm surprised they let him dress like that.

Sep 27, 2005

by Fluffdaddy
Someone posted a story about Ma Duggar not even being aware that one of the crew people recording them was flamingly gay because he dressed normally and didn't float several inches off the ground as he sashayed and minced about their home. Like, she apparently thought you couldn't throw a rock in a place like New York without it hitting two gangs of roving homosexuals in assless leather chaps before it landed in a naked dude's butthole.

If that story is true then I'd be surprised if that outfit even registered as gay to them since their conception of what homosexuals are is out of whack. They're extremely sheltered.

Crab Dad
Dec 28, 2002

behold i have tempered and refined thee, but not as silver; as CRAB

cumshitter posted:

Like, she apparently thought you couldn't throw a rock in a place like New York without it hitting two gangs of roving homosexuals in assless leather chaps before it landed in a naked dude's butthole.

Really depends on what night of the week and district.

Robotnik Nudes
Jul 8, 2013

Ripoff posted:

Josiah just broke up with his girl because of "the Lord's will" and I bet the Lord is pointing him towards dudes now.

This was the last picture taken of Josiah before he tried to rob a chemical factory and Batman pushed him into a big vat of pharmaceuticals.

Jan 26, 2007


Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

Jesus christ


The Duggar family is reportedly pitching a new show to the TLC Network about providing Christian counseling to victims of childhood sexual abuse.

According to Michael Stone at the Progressive Secular Humanist blog, the 19 Kids and Counting family is trying to create a spin-off show that will capitalize on a one-hour TLC special coming on Aug. 30, titled Breaking the Silence.

TLC said that Breaking the Silence is an attempt by the network to shed light on the issue of child sex abuse and that it will feature appearances by members of the Duggar clan. The special is set to run commercial-free.

“Over these past weeks, TLC has consulted regularly with leading victims’ rights and advocacy organizations in the U.S., including RAINN and Darkness to Light, to discuss how to use this moment to address the issue and make a positive impact,” said a statement from the network. “Unfortunately, child sexual abuse is not an isolated issue; it affects many children and families around the world. To that end, we are partnering with both organizations on a multi-platform campaign to raise awareness and educate parents and families about the issue. In the first phase of this initiative, TLC will work closely with both groups and with the Duggar family on a one-hour documentary that will include Jill and Jessa and other survivors and families that have been affected by abuse.”

I wonder if they will talk about If Abused Was Not At Fault

Indubitable Leg
Aug 9, 2013

Is there any guilt

Why did God let it happen

If Abused Was Not At Fault!

Jesus tap dancing Christ, that's it, get the pitchforks and torches.

Indubitable Leg fucked around with this message at 21:27 on Aug 18, 2015

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Q: Hey, why is Josiah most likely gay?
A: There are so many Duggar kids, JB and Michelle can't possibly keep them all straight.


Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

For those who do not know what Defrauding means, this definition does a great job at explaining it:


To defraud another person is to stir up in them desires that cannot be righteously satisfied. A woman can defraud a man by the way that she dresses, talks, or acts. A man can defraud a woman by improper touching or by talking about a marital commitment that he is not able or intending to carry out.

So if that girl showed clevage and i groped her her, she would be blamed because she rose up feelings in me that I could not release (remember masturbation is a HUGE No No)

Jul 16, 2004
You know I would try to think of something funny to put here but ill just pass on that and threaten people with a + 2 board with a nail in it.
The Fist of the Jim Bob Star

Rambling Robot
Sep 13, 2011
Duggar Fan Club Superstar #1 LOL

Rupert Buttermilk posted:

Q: Hey, why is Josiah most likely gay?
A: There are so many Duggar kids, JB and Michelle can't possibly keep them all straight.


Josiah sure is, but thanks to the duggar heritage he'll just end as the bachelor uncle no one talks about.

Sep 17, 2007

All right. It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix-tape... Let's rock.

isn't there some study that concludes the more boys a woman bears, the more likely each successive one will be a homo

Rupert Buttermilk
Apr 15, 2007

🚣RowboatMan: ❄️Freezing time🕰️ is an old P.I. 🥧trick...

Rambling Robot posted:

Josiah sure is, but thanks to the duggar heritage he'll just end as the bachelor uncle no one talks about.

"Hay, d'you wanna know how I got these FABulous scars?" :holy:

Indubitable Leg
Aug 9, 2013

A MIRACLE posted:

isn't there some study that concludes the more boys a woman bears, the more likely each successive one will be a homo

According to the almighty Wikipedia, there's a correlation atleast.

Synthwave Crusader
Feb 13, 2011

So what are the chances that Jared from Subway diddled a Duggar?

Jan 12, 2001
Grimey Drawer

Scyantific posted:

So what are the chances that Jared from Subway diddled a Duggar?

1 in 19

Lowtechs fucked around with this message at 02:35 on Aug 19, 2015

Aug 20, 2006

AbbadonOfHell posted:

The Fist of the Jim Bob Star

Legend of the Duggarfiend

Feb 16, 2007

What God wants, God gets, God help us all

6" will get you 12" if you bet against.

Pvt.Scott fucked around with this message at 09:38 on Aug 19, 2015

Jul 16, 2004
You know I would try to think of something funny to put here but ill just pass on that and threaten people with a + 2 board with a nail in it.

Jack Gladney posted:

Legend of the Duggarfiend

Urotojimbobdojo was at least a semi decent action movie despite being hentai.

Three Olives
Apr 10, 2005

Not a single fucking olive in sight

So not only does he molest children when he was chief pro-family moral values gays are filthy and immoral he was paying hundreds of dollars to try and cheat on his wife.

He's just so charming.

Rambling Robot
Sep 13, 2011
Duggar Fan Club Superstar #1 LOL
hahaha, the fogle freak plea deal and now this. life is good.

Grey Fox
Jan 5, 2004

Umm obviously he was just doing deep cover research into the world of secular flesh pleasure so he'd know exactly what kind of evil he's up against in this sin-cursed world.

That, or he's connecting with women to convince them to go back to their husbands.

Jan 16, 2005

Avenging Nun

Three Olives posted:

So not only does he molest children when he was chief pro-family moral values gays are filthy and immoral he was paying hundreds of dollars to try and cheat on his wife.

He's just so charming.

All those years of being sheltered from the internet really kept him pure.

Indubitable Leg
Aug 9, 2013
Ok how many times are you allowed to shoot yourself in the foot before you're required to wear a helmet before going outside.

Jul 29, 2013
Can't post for 3 years!
the ashley madison hack is going to be so cool

Radical and BADical!
Jun 27, 2010

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe

ElwoodCuse posted:

Even if he's not actually gay it's possible she realized "you have no education, no skills, and your family's gravy train is over. How are we supposed to make a living?"

But hey, congrats on using your freak show family to destroy innocent lives and then write off your awful choices as God's will.

she didn't come up with that idea. her father did.

Demon Of The Fall
May 1, 2004

by vyelkin

(and can't post for 30 days!)

Nap Ghost
I was hoping one of the Duggars would be involved with the AM hack. Hail satan.

Synthwave Crusader
Feb 13, 2011

Three Olives posted:

So not only does he molest children when he was chief pro-family moral values gays are filthy and immoral he was paying hundreds of dollars to try and cheat on his wife.

He's just so charming.

The Ashley Madison hack already paying dividends.

Aug 11, 2008

Lipstick Apathy

Demon Of The Fall posted:

I was hoping one of the Duggars would be involved with the AM hack. Hail satan.


Rambling Robot
Sep 13, 2011
Duggar Fan Club Superstar #1 LOL
'Praying for you all especially Josh . I understand that he was young , I understand that you tried to be good parents & get help for all involved at the time . I think there is a lot of false things being said & that there is more to this than what Josh did or did'nt do . My prayers keep coming to all of you . The haters are doing satans work .' A facebook fan

Rambling Robot fucked around with this message at 23:39 on Aug 19, 2015

Oct 29, 2012

Josh_the_Man needs a steamy affair.

Dean of Swing
Feb 22, 2012


I Dunno
Apr 7, 2014

I saw the news and came here, knowing that this thread would be here for me. Thank you.

Mr Ice Cream Glove
Apr 22, 2007

These are just beautiful!

The two accounts overlap by a period of a few months. When he launched the second account, Duggar paid an initial fee of $250 that appears to have gone toward the purchase of an “affair guarantee”:

Customers who buy 1,000 credits for $250 receive a money-back “affair guarantee,” if they don’t have an affair within three months.

Paid a total of $986.76 for two different monthly Ashley Madison subscriptions from February of 2013 until May of 2015.


Blue Train
Jun 17, 2012

you make a man only gently caress one girl in his whole life besides his sisters and babysitter, ofc he's gonna pay for an affair

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