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Sep 22, 2008

Now I do not know whether I was then a head coach dreaming I was a Saints fan, or whether I am now a Saints fan, dreaming I am a head coach.

Truga posted:

it takes about 15 minutes to learn how to do quake "correctly" if someone explains it to you, this poo poo isn't anything like that at all

To understand that someone is flying around because they're using circle strafing? Sure. To do it? No. I've watched dozens and dozens of players walk into a room as ranger and aim down scope and die and quit forever.


Dec 10, 2010

Ra Ra Rasputin posted:

Like, movement tech is fun, but movement tech in my eyes should be "if you use pathfinder grapple and swing yourself around like this, you get better momentum" instead of "if you bind mouse wheel to move forward and scroll really fast it creates a glitch in the matrix".

This. Good example is jump buffering has been a thing since quake live, why the gently caress am i still binding mouse wheel to scroll to bunnyhop? Its pointless complexity.

Jun 12, 2003

*chomp chomp chomp*
Yeah when players eventually find this stuff, devs should either be patching it out or making it actually accessible.

Nov 16, 2010

Uh isn’t this game five years old what are you even talking about

Dec 11, 2007

Don't doodle on it!

kater posted:

Uh isn’t this game five years old what are you even talking about

Tap strafing is five years overdue for being patched out (or being made more accessible). :colbert:

Jul 29, 2012

blastron posted:

Tap strafing is five years overdue for being patched out :colbert:

May 4, 2014
Lipstick Apathy

MJBuddy posted:

To understand that someone is flying around because they're using circle strafing? Sure. To do it? No. I've watched dozens and dozens of players walk into a room as ranger and aim down scope and die and quit forever.

it took me 15 minutes to reliably strafe jump in quake as soon as someone explained it to me, and i'm bad at quake

meanwhile for superglide and other bullshit apex does, i still can't do it and eventually stopped trying altogether because unlike strafejumping it's unfun finnicky bullshit. if movement tech can't be reproduced easily and consistently, it's not movement tech, it's jank.

Feb 20, 2013

I like fish. I like to eat fish. I like to brush fish with a fish hairbrush. Do you like fish too?
did u know that if u hit shift while moving, it makes u sprint

Jul 28, 2003

or dont whatever

that's what autorun is for

Sep 22, 2008

Now I do not know whether I was then a head coach dreaming I was a Saints fan, or whether I am now a Saints fan, dreaming I am a head coach.

Truga posted:

it took me 15 minutes to reliably strafe jump in quake as soon as someone explained it to me, and i'm bad at quake

I am telling you that this is not common. It does not translate to a common person the way slide jumping, for example, does. It's an unnatural movement (that feels great when you nail it) that is not intuitive at all.

I was poor at it, but about average at quake champions. Fun to do. Probably most fun movement system I played outside of Titanfall which was great and people clearly didn't intuit that all that well either because I had a 90% win rate in that game and dunked on everyone and I'm not *that* good at shooters.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

My secret movement technique is crouching

Ra Ra Rasputin
Apr 2, 2011
What I would consider "good movement tech" is stuff like rocket/sticky jumping in teamfortress 2, where it is 100% about where you angle the directional explosion impact and how you maneuver yourself while in the air, also it doesn't require any special keybind setups besides WASD and quick mouse movements.

If the movement tech isn't discoverable by a normal person playing with WASD and it requires configs or weird setups or needing 12 fingers to press every button in 0.2 seconds to do reliably, it probably isn't good movement tech to keep in a game.

Wall bouncing is what I'd consider good apex movement tech, you jump at a wall and when you hit it you immediately jump again, with optional extra inputs to choose direction, giving you some good speed and height and juking potential, it isn't so hard to do that the average player couldn't do it regularly when they feel like it.

Ra Ra Rasputin fucked around with this message at 02:50 on Feb 20, 2024

Feb 12, 2019

A bad poster trying to get better.
titanfall 2 was good movement tech
apex is glitch tech

dragon enthusiast
Jan 1, 2010

Erulisse posted:

titanfall 2 was good

Jan 20, 2017

My pub games have suddenly gone from me getting wrecked in the opening round to me being able to consistently hit top 10. I can't tell if this is because my teammates have gotten better or if my enemies are getting worse, as the playerbase naturally filters back down to the consistently active players.

Opening week of the season was roooough.

Dec 3, 2019

Swish swish, like a fish
Ranked swing back to rewarding kills over survival is meh, but is it just me or are the servers especially hosed this season? Getting huge spikes of absolutely unplayable lag, games where I'm stuck in the sky off drop, or where I'm running around in slomo but my team mates aren't. Tried verifying and all of that but it's not fixed it.

Jul 12, 2007

Fuck you say?
season rocks

Jan 20, 2017

Isomermaid posted:

Ranked swing back to rewarding kills over survival is meh, but is it just me or are the servers especially hosed this season? Getting huge spikes of absolutely unplayable lag, games where I'm stuck in the sky off drop, or where I'm running around in slomo but my team mates aren't. Tried verifying and all of that but it's not fixed it.

I had an incident yesterday where I was perfectly fine for the entire match up and until the moment I ran into an enemy team, at exactly which point I suddenly started lagging and warping. When the lag resolved my entire team and I was dead. :thunk:

Dec 3, 2019

Swish swish, like a fish

SKULL.GIF posted:

I had an incident yesterday where I was perfectly fine for the entire match up and until the moment I ran into an enemy team, at exactly which point I suddenly started lagging and warping. When the lag resolved my entire team and I was dead. :thunk:

This tracks with what I've been seeing too, quite often coincides with running up on other teams. Was absolutely fine in S19, this started on the S20 drop.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

May 9, 2014

I generally like the new leveling system, but man, some of the options are pretty bad. I wonder if they were meant to balance out 'good' legends or if they just couldn't come up with anything fun for everyone.

Jack B Nimble
Dec 25, 2007

Soiled Meat
I mostly play gibby and I love to bubble fight with a shotgun, AND the reload on knocks is super powerful, but it still irritates me to be pushed towards a certain weapon type. Not rationally, just brain worms I guess, but I tend to one one shorter range and one longer range gun, I don't like finding, say, a good volt smg setup early on and saying "guess I'll just heal slightly more on rezes, bleh".

Still a fan of the system generally, makes legends feel fresh.

Jan 20, 2017

Carillon posted:

I generally like the new leveling system, but man, some of the options are pretty bad. I wonder if they were meant to balance out 'good' legends or if they just couldn't come up with anything fun for everyone.

They said that the former is the case, yeah. It's why Horizon's perks are very pedestrian.

Up Circle
Apr 3, 2008
It’s pretty easy to make a short term choice that ends up useless in the situations you end up in in game but most of the talents don’t seem that wild anyways. Except wraiths portal cooldown!!

Sep 13, 2007

A free custom title is a free custom title

Lipstick Apathy
The new event is kinda whatever. It is pretty neat to get an early successful hunt and just be rewarded with a wingman/bocek right off the bat.

Also in one case my hunter was a mirage and only the real one was marked with the red cross hair. Felt really unfair to completely poo poo on him because the clones are all obviously fake and he's still marked even when invisible. lol

Aug 21, 2007

Are the badge rewards for the event backwards? Why is it collect 10 hunts and complete 25?

Also it just gave me the badge for 50k damage when I logged in for absolutely no reason.

Cardamommy Issues
Feb 16, 2005

I've waited around for more important things
I got the gorilla damage badge too upon login. Haven’t tried the event but these skins are uhhh not their best so that’s a nice way to avoid caring about them.

May 26, 2010

420 smoke 🎨artisanal🍑 melange erryday

Aug 21, 2007

Brut posted:

Are the badge rewards for the event backwards? Why is it collect 10 hunts and complete 25?

Also it just gave me the badge for 50k damage when I logged in for absolutely no reason.

hahahahahaha I was right, they swapped it.

Apr 11, 2005

Do people like Olympus? It seems like it has the worst third parties second to KC.

Evil Kit
May 29, 2013

I'm viable ladies.

Olympus is great, one of the best maps imo. You generally know which direction a third party is gonna come from pretty easily even if it does happen.

Aug 23, 2007
Waiting for Godot
Yeah, the third partying is nuts on Olympus. Our usual team knows how to dodge the worst of it, but add a random into the mix and they're off dropping Estates and picking fights in the bowl around the Tiktok logo lookin building. Sure, there are times when this is fine, but "moments before the ring pushes six squads into us" ain't it.

It's still one of my top maps though, and its aesthetic is pleasant.

Jul 21, 2005

Olympus looks great, but rotations absolutely suck. So many chokepoints and the flat, open terrain giving 1km sightlines at all times when you're outside. It's more playable with later map changes adding more random objects around instead of just grass and nothing, and the charge rifle getting nerfed into oblivion, but still in serious competition for my least favorite ranked map alongside Broken Moon.

Rodney The Yam II
Mar 3, 2007

Sky Mall rules

Aug 21, 2007

So is there a way to manually turn back on the kill replay we had for a few weeks there? The game was way more fun when I could actually tell for sure where I was killed from (I spend most of my time in TDM/Control, for context)

May 11, 2008

i got tired of looking at your edgy baby avatar that a 14-year old would be proud of
It was disabled for unexplained reasons and has no eta for a fix.

Aug 21, 2007

life_source posted:

It was disabled for unexplained reasons and has no eta for a fix.

Oh, thanks!

Also hilarious that missing fill squad was a bug, I assumed it was intentional.

Evil Kit
May 29, 2013

I'm viable ladies.

On the one hand it's nice to be able to see a brief replay if I was curious about what happened, but tbh most of the time it's just irritating as hell because it eats into time for choosing to swap legends or weapons potentially. Also kinda jarring in general.

Hope respawn adds a toggle option for it when it gets re-added. Being forced on no matter what kinda sucks.

Aug 21, 2007

Yeah for sure if I could pick whether I wanted it to auto-show me the replay, the text summary or just nothing, that would be ideal.


Jul 21, 2005

ooooooor they could add the UI buttons for choosing character/weapons on top of the kill replay? Or does that make too much sense for Respawn?

For that matter I think it's pretty crazy you still can't reorder the weapons in the sets for modes that use them, and have to continually reorder your weapons in the inventory every single time you respawn if they don't match your preferences. Doesn't matter for controller players so I guess they don't care.

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