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Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.
houthis announce that many of the crew aboard the ship they captured were Israelis using dual passports, which is a common practice for israelis because theyre all colonialists.


A leader in the Ansar Allah group ⁧‫#الحوثيين‬⁩ told Al Jazeera: Preliminary investigations indicate that Israelis of other nationalities were on board the ship


hadji murad
Apr 18, 2006
did any major news outlets pick up the weekend's UN school bombing?

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.

hadji murad posted:

did any major news outlets pick up the weekend's UN school bombing?

only the reliable and actual news channels like Aljazeera

Pener Kropoopkin
Jan 30, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS
If all global shipping that's flagged, registered, or owned by an Israeli can't use the Suez Canal and has to go around Africa then it'll be insanely expensive.

Feb 12, 2009
Houthis are so drat cool. :allears:

FlapYoJacks has issued a correction as of 06:51 on Nov 20, 2023

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.

jesus christ Iran wasted no time at all giving the houthis so much military equipment and gear and uniforms

Feb 3, 2007
thats cool but wheres the chopper?

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)

RadiRoot posted:

thats cool but wheres the chopper?

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.
just to give you a since of where the winds are going, in egypt one of the biggest and most influential proponents of normalization with israel wrote a big apology letter in an article in al-ahram recanting all of his positions and begging forgivness, he says he now sees israel for the nazis they are.


Dr. Osama Al-Ghazali Harb, one of the biggest symbols and advocates of normalization in Egypt, apologizes to Egypt, Palestine and the nation for his support for normalization, in an article he published today, Sunday, in Al-Ahram newspaper, in which he said the following:

"This is an apology that I announce - I, Osama Al-Ghazali Harb - the writer of these words, for the position that I took, as one of the intellectuals of Egypt and the Arab world, regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, after half a century of coexistence and hundreds of studies, scientific research, newspaper articles, press interviews, and field visits.

Today - I have followed with anger, indignation and pain - the crimes and atrocities that have happened and are still happening in Gaza that devastate humanity, in which we kill thousands of children and women, in which homes and buildings are destroyed on top of people, and in which the bodies of innocents are lined up with no one to bury them..... I say that I apologize for my good opinion of the Israelis, who revealed a hateful, criminal, racist spirit. I apologize to the martyrs of Gaza, and to every Palestinian child, woman, and man. I apologize!"

so far from the replies even his most bitter opponents are welcoming him with open arms. i agree, anyone who wants to recant and join the DTI club should be welcomed!

hadji murad
Apr 18, 2006

Al-Saqr posted:

only the reliable and actual news channels like Aljazeera

that's what I thought

the only time I check others is to see what they aren't reporting and I suspected they completely ignored this crime too

Third World Reagan
May 19, 2008

Imagine four 'mechs waiting in a queue. Time works the same way.
if israel destroys all the hospitals, then the fog of war disappears until hamas builds another

Ringo Roadagain
Mar 27, 2010

please add to the thread title that they have asked to be call ansarallah, not houthis

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.
white people are satan example number 363784468383&2


EU foreign and security policy chief Josep Borrell asked:

Are what Israel is doing war crimes?
- I am not a lawyer, and this is within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
- Was what Hamas did on October 7 war crimes?
- Yes
- Just when I asked you about Israel, you said that you are not a you are accused of double standards!

Sancho Banana
Aug 4, 2023

Not to be confused with meat.
Good morning.

I went over the list of casualties the IDF released -

Overall, 71 names since the ground invasion started on October 27th (I'm excluding Noa Marciano, she's listed in this date range but was an October 7th hostage that was just recently found dead). Out of them, 18 are officers. That's one in four!

Jul 26, 2018

by Fluffdaddy

maybe there's some kind of dark Steam achievement for destroying all the hospitals in the conflict

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Pener Kropoopkin posted:

If all global shipping that's flagged, registered, or owned by an Israeli can't use the Suez Canal and has to go around Africa then it'll be insanely expensive.

Israel frantic after seeing the price of their Amazon international shipping spike: Send 2 more carrier groups!

Nov 16, 2019

Clip-On Fedora
Feb 20, 2011

smarxist posted:

maybe there's some kind of dark Steam achievement for destroying all the hospitals in the conflict

Achievement unlocked
First, Do Harm

Sherbert Hoover
Dec 12, 2019

Working hard, thank you!

been watching a lot of these videos if anyone is interested in how israelis and palestinians on the street respond to very blunt viewer-submitted questions.

Jan 21, 2001


you're taking the scenic route, biotch. lmao

Oct 14, 2013

"هذا ليس عادلاً."
"هذا ليس عادلاً على الإطلاق."
"كان هناك وقت الآن."
(السياق الخفي: للقراءة)

smarxist posted:

maybe there's some kind of dark Steam achievement for destroying all the hospitals in the conflict

There's not, but there's a hidden achievement and they're just trying anything they can think of to see what might unlock it. Maybe 42,069 civilian casualties within 3 months?

Death By The Blues
Oct 30, 2011
Another school shelter massacre and snipers deployed outside Indonesian hotel

Death By The Blues has issued a correction as of 07:26 on Nov 20, 2023

Aug 21, 2008

suck it

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.
even the yemenis who hate the houthis are coming to their side


For my followers from Yemeni brothers

There is a big difference between us and Al-Houthi, and we reject his coup and his method of rule in its entirety. We paid a heavy price for opposing him and left our homes since he took control of Sanaa and northern Yemen in 2015, and we have not returned yet.

But everything has a place

Now he and I are in the same trench facing a common enemy, an occupation that kills and slaughters children and women and exterminates civilians without regard for anyone, and with which the armies of great powers are fighting in a religious war aimed at eliminating the Palestinian resistance.
We should encourage every action aimed at stopping the war against our brothers in Palestine, no matter how small or large.

When the war with the occupation ends, we will return to settling our internal scores and every recent incident.

Apr 2, 2010


smarxist posted:

maybe there's some kind of dark Steam achievement for destroying all the hospitals in the conflict

the Israel-H war

Nov 6, 2007

domino meme with the first one labelled "hamas gets paragliders" and the last one labelled "yemen closes off the red sea"

Comrade Koba
Jul 2, 2007

Al-Saqr posted:

just to give you a since of where the winds are going, in egypt one of the biggest and most influential proponents of normalization with israel wrote a big apology letter in an article in al-ahram recanting all of his positions and begging forgivness, he says he now sees israel for the nazis they are.


Dr. Osama Al-Ghazali Harb, one of the biggest symbols and advocates of normalization in Egypt, apologizes to Egypt, Palestine and the nation for his support for normalization, in an article he published today, Sunday, in Al-Ahram newspaper, in which he said the following:

"This is an apology that I announce - I, Osama Al-Ghazali Harb - the writer of these words, for the position that I took, as one of the intellectuals of Egypt and the Arab world, regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, after half a century of coexistence and hundreds of studies, scientific research, newspaper articles, press interviews, and field visits.

Today - I have followed with anger, indignation and pain - the crimes and atrocities that have happened and are still happening in Gaza that devastate humanity, in which we kill thousands of children and women, in which homes and buildings are destroyed on top of people, and in which the bodies of innocents are lined up with no one to bury them..... I say that I apologize for my good opinion of the Israelis, who revealed a hateful, criminal, racist spirit. I apologize to the martyrs of Gaza, and to every Palestinian child, woman, and man. I apologize!"

so far from the replies even his most bitter opponents are welcoming him with open arms. i agree, anyone who wants to recant and join the DTI club should be welcomed!

dr. osama ftw

Boat Stuck
Apr 20, 2021

I tried to sneak through the canal, man! Can't make it, can't make it, the ship's stuck! Outta my way son! BOAT STUCK! BOAT STUCK!

RadiRoot posted:

thats cool but wheres the chopper?

Sep 29, 2021


Al-Saqr posted:

just to give you a since of where the winds are going, in egypt one of the biggest and most influential proponents of normalization with israel wrote a big apology letter in an article in al-ahram recanting all of his positions and begging forgivness, he says he now sees israel for the nazis they are.


Dr. Osama Al-Ghazali Harb, one of the biggest symbols and advocates of normalization in Egypt, apologizes to Egypt, Palestine and the nation for his support for normalization, in an article he published today, Sunday, in Al-Ahram newspaper, in which he said the following:

"This is an apology that I announce - I, Osama Al-Ghazali Harb - the writer of these words, for the position that I took, as one of the intellectuals of Egypt and the Arab world, regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict, after half a century of coexistence and hundreds of studies, scientific research, newspaper articles, press interviews, and field visits.

Today - I have followed with anger, indignation and pain - the crimes and atrocities that have happened and are still happening in Gaza that devastate humanity, in which we kill thousands of children and women, in which homes and buildings are destroyed on top of people, and in which the bodies of innocents are lined up with no one to bury them..... I say that I apologize for my good opinion of the Israelis, who revealed a hateful, criminal, racist spirit. I apologize to the martyrs of Gaza, and to every Palestinian child, woman, and man. I apologize!"

so far from the replies even his most bitter opponents are welcoming him with open arms. i agree, anyone who wants to recant and join the DTI club should be welcomed!

Boat Stuck
Apr 20, 2021

I tried to sneak through the canal, man! Can't make it, can't make it, the ship's stuck! Outta my way son! BOAT STUCK! BOAT STUCK!

zetamind2000 posted:

domino meme with the first one labelled "hamas gets paragliders" and the last one labelled "yemen closes off the red sea"

Pretty sure the last domino is "World War III"

First one is more like "small business in Yiwu lists a new line of aerial sports equipment on Ali Express"

Sancho Banana
Aug 4, 2023

Not to be confused with meat.

Al! posted:

the Israel-H war

The 2023 Gaza war: a history

Chapter list -
1. Background
2. The hospital bombing
3. The second hospital bombing
4. The invasion
5. Battle of the hospital
6. The hospital massacre
7. The second battle of the hospital
8. The third battle of the hospital
9. The third hospital bombing
A. Interlude - on the logistics of posthumous seed extraction
10. The fourth battle of the hospital
11. Retreat

Ardent Communist
Oct 17, 2010


Al! posted:

the Israel-H war

Well technically its israel versus hezbollah, hamas, and the houtis (ansarallah), so technically it's the war of the triple H.

Jun 8, 2005
Israel is currently being put in the Walls of Jericho so that tracks

Jul 26, 2007

by Fluffdaddy

Boat Stuck posted:

Pretty sure the last domino is "World War III"

First one is more like "small business in Yiwu lists a new line of aerial sports equipment on Ali Express"

I could see a collapsing Israel being spiteful and sending fighters with nuclear payloads in all directions as a "gently caress you" to the rest of the world per the samson doctrine.

Whether it would actually play out that way is another question. How much collapse? Militarily or economically? If economic then do they get spiteful and try to blow everyone else up owing to a shortage of domestic chicken nuggets and pizza delivery? Or do they wait for more chicken tendies and leave the fighters in the hangers?


Nov 20, 2006

uber_stoat posted:

you're taking the scenic route, biotch. lmao


Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.

Ardent Communist posted:

Well technically its israel versus hezbollah, hamas, and the houtis (ansarallah), so technically it's the war of the triple H.

Ringo Roadagain
Mar 27, 2010

youd think Hamas would be fighting harder to protect their terrorist command centers in these hospitals

May 8, 2012

Very Good

Ringo Roadagain posted:

youd think Hamas would be fighting harder to protect their terrorist command centers in these hospitals

everyone knows you cant command troops outside of hospitals

Nov 11, 2007

One Day I Will Return To Your Side.
Everyone knows that doctors are masters of military signals intelligence code cyphers since they can hand-write orders that no one can decipher or read.


Teriyaki Koinku
Nov 25, 2008

Bread! Bread! Bread!

I think the I-P conflict is starting to slide off of the front covers of newspapers. Presumably this will give the Israelis more cover to enact even more heinous atrocities as people start to lose their attention and focus on something else.

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