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Aug 27, 2009

AITA For throwing my fiancè's phone out the window?


My 23f dog of 5 years Rex had been sick lately, I had taken him to the vet and they tried different solutions but nothing worked, his condition was getting worse, he stopped eating and couldn't even stand on his feet, I found him like that in the morning so I rushed him to the vet, and they told me to leave him there for the night.

I had been in a very bad mood that day, I came home worried sick about Rex he was my best friend and I've never bonded with any dog the way I did with him, my boyfriend (soon fiance) Jim saw how worried I was that night and he casually just asked if I was going to make him dinner, I told him he could order a meal but apparehtly he didnt like that.

Later on, I was lying in bed unable to sleep, he was playing candycrush on his phone making loud noises so I couldn't sleep even if I tried, it was around 12:30 the vet called my phone to tell me that Rex had passed away.

I was in shock, my heart was pumping he had only been a few hours away from me and I missed him already and wanted to go see him first thing in the morning.

I finished my phone call and I just burst into tears, I was sobbing loud while my boyfriend was lying on bed playing with his phone, not trying to comfert me, he even said that I was "overreacting", "all that sobbing for a dog", I told him he wasn't just a dog, he was my best friend, a family, my rock. He said "you must've had a hell of a childhood to be counting this much on a dog for emotional support".

He said this In the most awful of ways, I just stared, I couldn't even reply to his bullshit comment, he casually continued playing with his phone telling me to get it over with because he won't be able to sleep with all this sobbing, At that point I just lost, he couldn't even look at me while talking, he just kept looking at his stupid phone, I took the phone out of his hand, opened the window and threw it out because I was so angry, then asked him how it felt to lose something so important in his life, he started yelling at me asking what the F was wrong with me, I walked out leaving him cursing and yelling at me then he rushed downstairs to get his phone and found the screen cracked and denser not working, he couldn't use any apps/nor unlock the screen.

It took him about 30 minutes of yelling and cursing, he took his stuff and went to sleep in the living room.

I'll admit I was just angry with the way he responded to a tragedy, He was being incredibly insensitive and rude and belittled my dog's death.


Mr. Lobe
Feb 23, 2007

... Dry bones...

snergle posted:

iguanas eat meat jack rear end. they can eat alot of fruit but they still need some protein from millworms or crickets or some type of insect you can buy to feed them.

When I had an iguana, the pet guides I had counter-recommended feeding them bugs

He never seemed malnourished to me

Eediot Jedi
Dec 25, 2007

This is where I begin to speculate what being a
man of my word costs me

Smirking_Serpent posted:

AITA For throwing my fiancè's phone out the window?

Why waste a perfectly good phone when you can just throw the man out the window?

Invisible Clergy
Sep 25, 2015

"Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces"

Malachi 2:3
AITA for getting my best friend fired?


Throwaway account so this doesn't get back to my employer!

24F here and and a single mother to a beautiful 13month old baby girl.

At the beginning of the year I was struggling for money after my deadbeat ex walked out on me and his daughter. My best friend - whose family is quite well to do - put in a good word for me at the cafe she works at, and I got a job as a server.

8 months and a pandemic later, I am again struggling for cash. As this was the closing shift on a Sunday and quite quiet, it was only me and her working. She was in the middle of counting the tills when she went to use the bathroom. I owed my other friend $50 I borrowed for a night out, and so went into the till and quickly snuck the money into my pocket before she came back.

Two days later, the manager comes up to me and asks if I knew anything about it. He was quite suspicious and I really couldn't afford to lose the job and lose my only income to support my baby, so I lied and told him I caught my friend pocketing it. She was immediately fired.

Three days later and I call her up asking if she could give me a lift to work, and she tells me she wants nothing to do with me ever again and that I am "dead to her".

Don't get me wrong...I feel bad about what happened, but I am a single mother struggling to support my child. She is single, still lives at home with her parents, and they buy everything for her. They pay her phone bill, car, no rent, etc.

I think I need the job a bit more than her and although I'm not proud of it, did what I needed to protect my girl. Am I the rear end in a top hat?

Apr 26, 2007

Toilet Rascal

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

Jesus Christ

Sep 23, 2007

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

I owed my other friend $50 I borrowed for a night out, and so went into the till and quickly snuck the money into my pocket before she came back.

Don't get me wrong...I feel bad about what happened, but I am a single mother struggling to support my child.

Ok lady whatever helps you sleep at night.

Invisible Clergy
Sep 25, 2015

"Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces"

Malachi 2:3
AITA for getting a waiter fired from his job because he left me his phone number?


I (22f) went for dinner with my family (parents in their 60s) right before the lockdown. Anyway, there was a fairly attractive waiter (looked to be in his 20s) serving us.

Afterwards, he left his phone number for me with a smiley face saying he found me cute.

For several reasons, I was quite irritated by this. First and foremost, my parents teased me about this which made me feel uncomfortable.

Secondly, it seems very unprofessional and personal. I am a customer, and he is the server. He doesn't know me, and this was a very forward thing to do.

I'd ideally just like to have had my food without any issues.

So after finishing i asked to speak to the manager and filed a complaint. I checked on facebook for the page of the restaurant and I saw someone leave a bad review for the place.. lo and behold it was him. She got fired.

My sister said I was an AH for doing this but I think I was well within my rights. AITA?

May 20, 2012

When in doubt, err on the side of Awesome!

I'm pretty sure that exact AITA was posted a while back but it was 22m instead of 22f.

Runcible Cat
May 28, 2007

Ignoring this post

8one6 posted:

I'm pretty sure that exact AITA was posted a while back but it was 22m instead of 22f.

They even forgot to switch the genders at the end.

Invisible Clergy
Sep 25, 2015

"Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces"

Malachi 2:3
Oh, sorry it was a repost r63. I figured it was just similar since the generic "server gives me phone number" seems like it could happen 2 times. It does explain the tripup with pronouns at the end.

I'm reasonably sure this is a fresh one.
AITA for asking my husband to stop going to the gym?


My husband and I have three children, Fern (5) Willow (3) and Sibyl who is 4months.

My husband for the past two years has been going to the gym, religiously for 4 days of the week (Sat, Sun, Tue and Wed) so he’ll get up at 4;40, jog to the gym which is about 30mins and then be back around 6;30.

His timing would be perfect if he didn’t have to be at work by 7;40, so he doesn’t have enough time to help me get the girls up and ready or give them breakfast.

He does dinner time/ bedtime/bath time and some of the housework on weekends but I feel like he should be here in the morning for the girls because they want to see him and he should want to help me.

I’ve asked him to go in evenings as I’d rather have his help in the morning which he says he can’t do because he won’t have the motivation then.

I’ve told him he needs to stop going because I’m struggling with three young children and an hour of the morning and two hours of the evening is the bare minimum he should do.

He’s agreed to stop going but keeps complaining about how stressed at work he is (he’s got to prepare for a promotion) and how it’s unfair he has to give up his only free time.

I think because he’s a dad it’s just a natural sacrifice of life but some of my friends think I’m being an rear end in a top hat because it’s unfair on him but I personally think he’s being childish.

He’s been going every day since they’ve opened again but even when they were shut he’d leave at 5 and be back at 6;30 because he’d go jogging with our dog.


Sep 23, 2007

Invisible Clergy posted:

Oh, sorry it was a repost r63. I figured it was just similar since the generic "server gives me phone number" seems like it could happen 2 times. It does explain the tripup with pronouns at the end.

I'm reasonably sure this is a fresh one.
AITA for asking my husband to stop going to the gym?

Gonna go with YTA since he’s only going on two of the weekdays so her argument that he doesn’t help in the morning doesn’t Even apply to the majority of the week. Also he helps with everything else so it doesn’t seem like he gets much him time besides that.

He’s getting up at a good awful time and making it fit in while still doing stuff at night.

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting a waiter fired from his job because he left me his phone number?


The Lone Badger
Sep 24, 2007

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

Oh wow

Jan 17, 2010

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

Was the other friend the mafia? because you don't go and steal 50 bucks to "pay back a friend".

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

Its sad shes only dead to that person and not every person lmao.

Runcible Cat
May 28, 2007

Ignoring this post

Motherfucker posted:

Its sad shes only dead to that person and not every person lmao.

Just a matter of time, looks like.

Aug 27, 2009

AITA for being upset at my wife for running away and leaving our son, when they were in danger?


Last weekend, my wife Emily, our son Jacob, and I were walking home in heavy rain from the park. Emily was crossing the street holding Jacob's hand and I was walking a little back behind them. They were both rushing to get out of the rain and had gotten ahead of me.

When they were crossing the street, a car came speeding to the intersection much too fast and slammed on their brakes before the red light but hydroplaned in a deep puddle.

And I watched in horror as my wife literally sprinted away, pulling her hand free of Jacob's. He was frozen in place like a deer in headlights. The car got traction and swerved to a stop at the last moment and I ran over to Jacob. Emily was a ways away across the street.

I was furious at Emily for running, and I confronted her when we got home and we could talk privately. She started crying and saying she was terrified because her friend in college had been in a bad hit and run and she just panicked and ran.

I said that I was terrified for Jacob too, how could she run and literally yank her hand away from him? She just kept saying she was so scared she wasn't thinking, and I was saying that I don't care how scary something is, my first instinct was to protect my son.

She stormed out of the house and went to stay with her friend, and ever since she's come back she's been refusing to talk about it anymore. I want to talk stuff through, like honestly this has made me worried about leaving our son in her care alone, knowing she will put herself first to the point of leaving him in danger.

AITA for being angry at my wife for running away and leaving our son in the street when a car blew through the intersection?

Jul 16, 2011

I certainly dont have deep-seated issues involving birthdays.

Smirking_Serpent posted:

AITA for being upset at my wife for running away and leaving our son, when they were in danger?

I think hes judging pretty harshly on an exceptional and specific circumstance. Like, she probably didn't *yank* her hand away, she loving booted as she should in order to avoid being aliven't just as a reminder and the kid didn't latch onto her because their soft child brain didn't perceive a threat like hers did.

You'll see the same poo poo happen if you leap out and spook a buncha people with a scary clown costume. Little kids don't react as fast as parents. I'd wager two in five of them will accidentally dust a five year old.

bell jar
Feb 25, 2009

Motherfucker posted:

Little kids don't react as fast as parents.

That's why you don't abandon them when panic sets in. She'd be feeling a lot worse if the kid was actually hit.

womb with a view
Sep 8, 2007

Wow that's really tough. Rationally she probably would have protected the kid given a choice but fight or flight brain doesn't give you rational choice. At the same time drat, he just watched his kid almost die because of a surface-level selfish decision so it's understandable he's freaked.

Verdict: TSFE, this sucks for everyone

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


bell jar posted:

That's why you don't abandon them when panic sets in. She'd be feeling a lot worse if the kid was actually hit.

Pro tip: Die in horrific collisions instead of your children, you won't feel bad about it afterwards. Because you'd be dead.

Mar 27, 2013

Self-portrait, Snake on a Plane
Oil painting, c. 1482-1484
Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1591)

Motherfucker posted:

You'll see the same poo poo happen if you leap out and spook a buncha people with a scary clown costume. Little kids don't react as fast as parents. I'd wager two in five of them will accidentally dust a five year old.

It probably wouldn't pass IRB, but I'd be interested to see a study of children's reaction times to seeing scary clowns if they're primed by watching It.

empty sea
Jul 17, 2011

gonna saddle my seahorse and float out to the sunset
After two decades of reading Stephen King novels, I'm 100% sure that my reaction time to all types of drains making any sort of unusual noise or activity is heightened by like 1000%. Seriously, the man has a thing for drains. I really also hate having my shower curtain closed because of The Shining.

e: He wrote this short story about a guy waking up in his apartment in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and after he washed his hands, the sink started making a noise or something and this super long loving human finger started coming out of it and the rest of the story was the guy freaking the hell out thinking he was crazy because this couldn't actually be happening and trying to deal with this finger just flailing around. I have never forgot that story and it still haunts me.

empty sea fucked around with this message at 14:07 on Aug 26, 2020

Aug 27, 2000

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?

I knew the moment she said something about her 'beautiful 13month old baby girl' that it was going to be a lovely story that she justifies with that.

God, are people really this dense?

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

empty sea posted:

After two decades of reading Stephen King novels, I'm 100% sure that my reaction time to all types of drains making any sort of unusual noise or activity is heightened by like 1000%. Seriously, the man has a thing for drains. I really also hate having my shower curtain closed because of The Shining.

e: He wrote this short story about a guy waking up in his apartment in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and after he washed his hands, the sink started making a noise or something and this super long loving human finger started coming out of it and the rest of the story was the guy freaking the hell out thinking he was crazy because this couldn't actually be happening and trying to deal with this finger just flailing around. I have never forgot that story and it still haunts me.

For all his flaws it feels like King has a real knack for the intimacy of horror. Things in quiet and familiar places that you expect to be safe in, but can't escape.

End of Shoelace
Apr 5, 2016

empty sea posted:

After two decades of reading Stephen King novels, I'm 100% sure that my reaction time to all types of drains making any sort of unusual noise or activity is heightened by like 1000%. Seriously, the man has a thing for drains. I really also hate having my shower curtain closed because of The Shining.

e: He wrote this short story about a guy waking up in his apartment in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and after he washed his hands, the sink started making a noise or something and this super long loving human finger started coming out of it and the rest of the story was the guy freaking the hell out thinking he was crazy because this couldn't actually be happening and trying to deal with this finger just flailing around. I have never forgot that story and it still haunts me.

Doesn't it end with the guy going nuts on the finger, after it's grown to an absurd length, by tearing at it with a weedwhacker and pouring bleach down the drain? And after that, the neighbours call the police, they find the apartment hosed up and the guy in a total state, and the story ends just before he opens the bathroom door for the police so it's never clear if he's hallucinating or not?

It's a good one.
Also, agreed on King and intimate horror. See: the part in IT with the old lady.

Me fadder was me mudder! He shat me out his rear end, he did!

End of Shoelace fucked around with this message at 14:44 on Aug 26, 2020

Mar 28, 2010

Invisible Clergy posted:

AITA for getting my best friend fired?
And the thief asks her for a ride to work? :fuckoff:

Jun 7, 2005

Baby Come Back
I read quite a bit of Stephen King the last few weeks and what ive seen is that is dialogue is terrible (especially non-white characters and children) but hes very good and building a sense of dread.

Jul 8, 2006

The story where the guy is trapped on a desert island and has to slowly eat himself to survive still comes to mind at odd times for me. Something about it really stuck.

Mr. Lobe
Feb 23, 2007

... Dry bones...

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

The story where the guy is trapped on a desert island and has to slowly eat himself to survive still comes to mind at odd times for me. Something about it really stuck.

That's a highly inefficient way to conserve calories to the point of being counterproductive

May 21, 2007

Another day in paradise.

Slippery Tilde

AreWeDrunkYet posted:

The story where the guy is trapped on a desert island and has to slowly eat himself to survive still comes to mind at odd times for me. Something about it really stuck.

Ladyfingers. They taste like ladyfingers.

I think he also has a shitload of heroin

Jun 7, 2005

Baby Come Back
I liked The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon because the ending is hilarious to me.

Nov 9, 2017

Come on hee-ho, just give us 300 more macca

AITA for saying no way can my boyfriend make his nursery Rick and Morty themed?


I wish I was joking. I cannot put into words how much I wish this was fake.

So I'm pregnant. 8 months right now. My boyfriend is the father, and we don't live together, and despite the baby being way ahead of schedule (several years) and us having been together a while, we've agreed this shouldn't speed up the timeline of us living together. Therefore, we currently have separate nurseries.

I would argue that my nursery has a broader theme of space, however I'm a bit of a nerd and I found some TARDIS string lights, which my boyfriend argues means my nursery is Doctor Who themed.

Added info: the rest of my nursery is a kind of pale blue colour on the walls and a lot of white, and everything is sort of neutral colours, or as close to neutral as possible, as we still don't know the gender. I have picked out a mobile which has planets/stars on it and my sister has offered to paint some constellations on the ceiling (which is more of a medium-dark blue).

Today my boyfriend told me that he had a great idea for the nursery at his place: Rick and Morty. He's found a Pickle Rick pillow, then regular Rick and Morty wallpaper, a blanket, some onesies, even a mobile, and he has plans to buy some stickers and put them on the baby furniture when he buys it.

Added info: the general colour scheme of his nursery is probably going to be black and neon green. One wall will have a mural of the characters, and the other 3 will have a different Rick and Morty themed wallpaper.

At first I thought he was joking and when he said he wasn't I said no way are we putting our child in a Rick and Morty themed nursery. It's just not happening.

He responded that I'm being unfair, it's his nursery at his place so it's his choice and we said we wouldn't interfere in each other's nursery related decisions, and I basically said that yeah I know what we agreed but this is just really awful and he pointed out the doctor who-esque elements of my nursery and called me a hypocrite.


Ugly In The Morning
Jul 1, 2010

Beachcomber posted:

Ladyfingers. They taste like ladyfingers.

I think he also has a shitload of heroin

Yeah, he was smuggling heroin on a cruise ship (I think it was a cruise ship) that wrecked, and he used it as anesthesia while he was autocannibalizing himself.

The same collection had The Jaunt, another all-timer with an all time great ending line.

Mega Comrade
Apr 22, 2004

Listen buddy, we all got problems!

Puppy Time posted:

Cavies would be a decent therapy animal, as long as you got at least two. Little dudes soak up negative emotions :3: Though you get to suffer an alarm going off every time a plastic bag rustles.

But that's the best bit! Mine are outside during summer and I miss the racket they make whenever I open the fridge. My only concern about them as a 'therapy animal' is what does that mean exactly? In America this seems to mean "I can take this pet wherever I want and you can't tell me I can't". A guinea is gonna be terrified in load noisy places. Where I am (UK) only guide animals are recognised by law, and that means only dogs and miniature horses.

And because the cavy derail is the best kind of derail.

Here are mine

Ghost Leviathan
Mar 2, 2017

Exploration is ill-advised.

Beachcomber posted:

Ladyfingers. They taste like ladyfingers.

I think he also has a shitload of heroin

I haven't read a lot of King stories myself, but always strikes me that the synopses always have some key details to the story completely separate from the main premise, usually involving human beings being perfectly hosed up all on their own, and that usually makes the main threat.

Nov 12, 2008

DemoneeHo posted:

AITA for saying no way can my boyfriend make his nursery Rick and Morty themed?

I get it, she needs 2 nurseries because she has 2 babies.

Nov 18, 2005


I (20 F) feel like my boyfriend (21 M) keeps making another man (40 M) a priority over me


Recently, my boyfriend has started to cater to this man who seems like he's just using him. He's 40 years old, homeless, has no job, and seems to mooch off of all the younger people in our area.

This man was originally friends with my boyfriends brother, but my boyfriend has been more and more involved with him lately and I can't help but feel like he's putting him before me and I don't know how to feel about it.

We got into a really big argument because after a long day of work, I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend. But he kept wanting to play games on his phone or take a nap. But whenever this guy (we'll call R) called, my boyfriend would get up right away to go attend to his needs. During my short stay at his house, R called him 4 times for 4 different favors, one of them including killing a spider for him because he was scared.

I was so annoyed and angry and ended up going home and a nasty argument came out of it. The next day I tried talking to him about it. I asked him if R was holding anything over his head, and if that was why he was doing these things for him. He got mad and told me he was just trying to be nice. I asked him why, because R isn't a good person. He's homeless because he stole from his roommate, he uses people (mostly young people half his age) has been to prison, and all this stuff. The conversation didn't lead anywhere besides more fighting so I just gave up.

Now my boyfriend keeps constantly talking to me about R, things he does, plans to hang out and do things with him. I get so mad and upset every time he brings him up and I don't know how to talk to him about it. I haven't seen my boyfriend since the day we had the argument and everytime he brings up R it just makes me not want to hang out even more.

I know this sounds like a stupid situation but I have no idea how to handle it or even approach it. I don't know if I'm the one in the wrong or if I have reason to be this upset?

TL;DR : my boyfriend keeps catering to a 40 year old man and it is driving me crazy


I don't think he's brother would have anything to say about it since his brother helps him out too. And Idk, it seems like he just likes hanging out with this guy now, he just told me that they want to make a music video together since this guy wants to pursue a rap career. It's so weird idk what to think

E: we postin' pigs ITT?

LadyPictureShow fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Aug 26, 2020

Mr. Lobe
Feb 23, 2007

... Dry bones...

DemoneeHo posted:

AITA for saying no way can my boyfriend make his nursery Rick and Morty themed?

People really are especially poisoned by popular media in the 21st century, aren't they

Then again I suppose a century ago parents en masse were trying to dress their children up like the star of the then-popular novel, Little Lord Fauntleroy

Makes me wonder, it a unique pathology brought on by the existence of mass media, or did parents fixate on other stupid things in the times before the existence of pop culture?


Sep 23, 2007

Mega Comrade posted:

In America this seems to mean "I can take this pet wherever I want and you can't tell me I can't".

Here are mine

That’s exactly what I means.

Also those are fuckin adorable.

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