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Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
How well do 1-star servants scale into the later game, anyway? My Kojiro is level 21, and he's tearing rear end through France right now (his NP is loving brutal with the Heaven's Feel CE) but i'm kinda worried whether or not it'll be worth levelling him any further.


Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Does anyone here have a high-level Assassin? My current team is lv21 Kojiro and Lv24 Saint Martha, which probably isn't good enough to do the 30AP Rider event, but i'm thinking that maybe bringing another high-levelled Assassin as a support could even the odds.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
That's pretty great.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Schubalts posted:

Sooo, the guaranteed 4*+ with a 10pull event is going to be a permanent feature, which it should have been from the beginning, after maintenance on the 31st. And it will also net you a guaranteed 3*+ servant card.

Also, AP recovery time cut to 5 minutes per, and Gilgamesh will be in the gacha.

Hurray 3 million downloads.

Don't forget the assloads of free poo poo:

[Present Contents] ① 10 Quartz ② 3 Summoning Tickets ③ 3,000,000 QP ④ 3x ★4 Exp Cards (ALL) ⑤ ★3 Four-kun Cards: 3x HP Buff Cards, 3x Attack Buff Cards ⑥ Skill Upgrade Materials for all classes: 15 shining gems, 5 magic gems, 2 secret gems for all classes; 1 Dragon Scale, 1 Heart of a Foreign God, 1 Crystallized Lore

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Schubalts posted:

I hope that is Gil's heart. He is pretty foreign.

Well, Gil IS an expert on heart removal, so it could be.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

Ahhh fuuck the new event with Gil is out and I have only like 23 quartz

More importantly, Lancelot, Atalanta, Medea and Prototype Cu are also in the Gacha now.

I'm gonna save my quartz until the 4th though, just in case the second stage of the event adds some of the servants i've been waiting for.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Ytlaya posted:

Ah, kind of neat detail: Gilgamesh's Arts attacks shoot out swords, Quick attacks shoot out lances, and Buster attacks shoot out axes.

But do Lancelot's Busters involve fighter jets??

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
You've got some pleb taste if you don't mention Taiga or Rider

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Tarezax posted:

Rider's true waifu potential isn't fleshed out until Hollow Ataraxia

Caster is best housewife tho

This is true but at that point Bazett shows up to annihilate the competition

e: By the way, does anyone get a fairly common bug the game crashes at the end of battles, before going to the result screen? It's incredibly frustrating having to redo battles, especially when i managed to get four 4-star EXP cards in one mission and now i have to redo it

Freak Futanari fucked around with this message at 20:22 on Aug 31, 2015

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

alcharagia posted:

The best F/SN wife is Taiga, because she is by far the coolest. Taiga could defeat Gilgamesh with her bare hands

Taiga also has a powerful Noble Phantasm, almost as strong as Shinji's.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
I'm going to loving throw up.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
My only consolation is that Caren and her dad are bonding over trolling people with worthless cards

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

at least you got 3 servants!!!

Iskandar is poo poo, Caster Cu is just going to get fed to my other Caster Cu to level his NP, and even though i like Cu it'd feel really weird to have several different Cus in the same party so i'm gonna bench him.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
When the hell are they gonna implement the Taiga servant

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

alcharagia posted:

Taiga's Noble Phantasm is her mob connection. She calls a hit on Gilgamesh and he is... "taken care of."

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Ytlaya posted:

On another note, I'm really curious about what 5-star Lancers, Assassins, and Riders will be added to the game.

I'm guessing that Li Shuwen will be 5-star, either as an Assassin, a Lancer, or both. Francis Drake as a 5-star Rider seems likely too.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Ytlaya posted:

Li Shuwen might be, but I doubt Francis Drake will be 5-stars; I mean, she's the first servant you fight in Extra and her master was Shinji.

Yeah but she's got huge armadas

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
I was this close to dropping the game after my awful gacha luck (and how mind-numbing it is to farm for ascension mats) and then suddenly it turns out i'm getting a free Tamamo. I guess i'll rejoice.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Compendium posted:

Oh my god, even Jouji Nakata is in on Fate/Go.

Lancer can never escape.

It's pretty hosed up that he stole Bazett's account

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Apocron posted:

So it seems he choices tomorrow are:

Heracles (one of the best beserkers)
Bathory (the best lancer, makes other party members stronger)
Emiya (since I already have him I can overcharge my NP)

Anyone got advice?

Actually the only right choice is Tamamo.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
I got my Tamamo and ascended her so she got her maid outfit, which almost makes up for the fact that i literally only get Black Keys in the gacha, ever.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
At this point i even get mostly Black Keys in the FP gacha

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Schubalts posted:

Grinding for monuments is the worst thing ever.

Yeah, basically. I'm grinding the 30AP berserker quest to try to get some monuments for Tamamo, which has been fruitless so far, but i've noticed that she also needs Homonculus Babies, which according to every source i've looked at are only obtainable from Lancer Cu's non-repeatable interlude. Does anyone know if there is an actual place to farm those things?

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Ytlaya posted:

I'm optimistically thinking that these things may not be that obtainable because they aren't really necessary yet; you can easily finish all currently available content (with the exception of interludes) with characters that are either non-ascended or have only been ascended once or twice. It's possible that, as new chapters and released, they'll also give more options for acquiring ascension items.

Tamamo's ascension items are necessary right now though, so that she can evolve from maid outfit -> naked apron.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Baal posted:

Also Cu as Lancer would definitely win the war if two of his opponents weren't Arturia or Heracles.

Hell, he probably could've won anyway if he still had Bazett as his master instead of Kotomine.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Shiki could kill a Servant so hard that they'd get wiped from the Throne of Heroes entirely.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Namtab posted:

Itt: nasuverse powerlevels

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

Twiddy posted:

For real though, does anyone actually care about Tsukihime Shiki? At this point whenever I read Shiki I just assume people are talking about the cool one.

He's pretty cool and he turns into a ridiculous badass later on, judging from those short stories or whatever that were supposed to be the prequel to Tsukihime 2

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

That's why he's great

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Oh hell yes, finally a chance to get some Homonculus Babies and ascend Tamamo.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

jellycat posted:

They put out more information about the event! They are going to be increasing Shinji's drop rate after all, along with Red Black Keys', Green Black Keys', and Blue Black Keys'.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
As long as i can get enough gold medals for some homo babies, and get the last berserker monument i need, i might actually be able to ascend Tamamo soon. This event is great.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
What's the drop rate like for monuments in the Nero event, anyway? I've done the 30AP one like 6 or 7 times and i've only gotten medals so far.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Somebody please save me from myself.

Still no monuments though, so i'm kinda doubting they can drop.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
The fun thing is that i barely even care about the medals; the 30AP daily is a great source of master EXP, and i'm still living in the dream that it can give me the last zerker monument i need.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Well this is awkward

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Fuckin' finally.

By the way, there's something i've been wondering. Does attack buffs affect NP damage as well? Like, i'm pretty sure that stuff like Saber's Buster powerup skilla boosts her NP as well, but do regular attack buffs (like the Master skill) also boost them?

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
Getting owned by the gacha hurts, but at least you're not alone. We all suffer.

Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008
I can't wait to spend every single one of those quartz farming Berserker and Rider monuments.


Freak Futanari
Apr 11, 2008

TheLovablePlutonis posted:

where do i exchange those goddamn medals

The shop is getting patched in tomorrow.

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