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  • Locked thread
Oct 23, 2012

by Fluffdaddy

Broenheim posted:


exploding into poo poo

200 words
Broenheim made a post

4 words, prompt: "exploding into poo poo"

Broenheim made a post


Jan 6, 2005

Pork Pro
Prompt: "exploding into poo poo"
87 Words

It was supposed to be a harmless prank. No one was supposed to get hurt.

Felix had been on tour with the Main Man for about 3 months now. It was finally to the point he could be trusted to load the soundboard up for drops.

But when Main Man hit that note in his Sandstorm remix, it was the Brown Note. The result was a warehouse filled with ecstasy fueled ravers making GBS threads themselves. You couldn't hear Man's sweet remix, for the sound of explosive poo poo.

Oct 9, 2011

inspired by but legally distinct from CATS (2019)

Broenheim posted:


exploding into poo poo

200 words

(15 words)

He realized, far too late, that he shouldn't have eaten those sugar free candies.

Oct 20, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer

Broenheim posted:


exploding into poo poo

200 words

lovely Plans
19 Words

"Perhaps it was not a good idea," Weston wiped his face, "breaking into the waste treatment plant with C4."

Emmideer fucked around with this message at 21:43 on Aug 31, 2015

Jul 19, 2011

great, there's two of them
An Anonymous Memo to the People's Pedantic Front


Dr. Kloctopussy
Apr 22, 2003

"It's DIE!"

Broenheim posted:


exploding into poo poo

200 words

Lysander, A Poem of Erasure
114 words


Lyle the punk bitch
a fat, pimple faced fifteen-year-old boy wearing an MC Chris hoodie
teeth stained an artificial red

the she-beast lurking in the corner.
The little bitch had drawn blood.


Mountain Dew Code Red and Pop Rocks

a completely different

The bucket! explosion
the poo poo bucket
the bucket!
the bucket, He waited, terrified. Nothing.
the bucket, his entire vision became a sea of red and brown.
The bucket erupted
the bucket Pollock’ing the walls.

The smell of saccharine and poo poo filled Mark’s nose as he bled out on the cold floor.

Dr. Kloctopussy fucked around with this message at 19:15 on Aug 31, 2015

Nov 3, 2010

Scoffing at modernity.

Dr. Kloctopussy posted:

Lysander, A Poem of Erasure
114 words


Jul 24, 2007

When people say there is too much violence in my books, what they are saying is there is too much reality in life.

Thyrork posted:

Feeling Repentant because your entry this week is poo poo? I know I am, and I have just the cure for post-posting blues! Why its mercilessly tearing into your fellows of course!

Pick your sin group and write a critblurb for every other story within! What, you didn't join in the orgy? What are you, some kind of prude? WELL CONGRATULATIONS ANYWAY, because now you get to pick a group! Rip and tear into your sin of choice!

Its more productive then trying to post edgy FJGJ pictures!

(Appropriate because I'm doing this instead of working, LOL!!11)

For each entry, I will say one nice thing (or more) about it, even if I hated it and it was trash.

Sleep, a Song, then Sleep Again
You need to work on syntax. You have dialogue without attribution, sentences without periods, "feel" instead of "fell" that caused me to read the sentence three times. Other poo poo that just doesn't sound or flow nice. Read your stuff out loud; that will help. Between these pretty basic oversights it's clear you either a) didn't care and/or b) didn't proofread (see a). As for the story, there's no real conflict, no real reason to care about these animal characters. I get this sense you couldn't come up with a way to hamfist a sloth into your story, but, since you toxxed, you just wrote a story about animals but it never really spoke to you, so it didn't give you much impetus to care about it.

Nice thing: Some decent prose at the very end, there.

- - - - - - - -

Paper Jam
Oddly enough, I like the idea of a story of a Community-esque roomful of writers trying to pitch ideas for a sketch show. What I would have liked even more would have been a story. Absolutely flummoxed as to how this got an HM. The whole navel-gazing aspect of TD in-jokes and blah blah blah was just, well, lazy. Which, okay, har-har, I get it. Sloth. "That's the point!", you say. It's not a story.

Nice thing: The writing was still quite good, and I found it flowed very well.

- - - - - - - -

Would You Please Step Into the Box
Why doesn't your title have a question mark?! Your story is well-written, has a plot, an interesting setting, and an actual ending. newt said he didn't see what was "sloth" about this, but I'd wager that trading your soul in exchange for lovely parlor magic tricks if the very definition of lazy, so ... ??? Now, I must say, if I were judging, I wouldn't have HM'd this, either, because your prompt was "gently caress it; good enough," and that particular aspect I felt was totally devoid, here.

NIce thing: I already said enough nice things, gently caress you.

- - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - -

Saved by the Bear


But who will come to replace my batteries?

haha, oh man. I literally, physically, cringed reading that line. This story was pretty dumb and uninteresting and your protagonist is a loser that the reader can't be bothered to give a poo poo about. The conflict is, um, buying batteries I guess? Try this: Summarize your story into a sentence. Do you want to read that story? Of course you don't. Write a more engaging story. Oh, almost forgot: Take a look at your first paragraph. Now delete it. Look, your story is wholly unchanged.

Nice thing: Uhhh. You covered Sloth. You covered "Oddly pleasant cuddling", which, I will give you, okay, that is a tough prompt.

- - - - - - - -

The Gentlewoman Caller
Syntax again. Y'all motherfuckers need to proofread. Y'all also need to learn some basic poo poo. Let me show you what I mean, in your case:


“Don't know why they call me that, only one of the three of them applies.” <-- THIS SHOULD BE A COMMA she growled, standing up slowly.
“Ov- over there. On the desk.”<-- THIS, TOO, SHOULD BE A COMMA the maid squeaked.
“But why here? Lord Taylor is barely worth working for, never mind robbing from!” her <-- THIS WORD SHOULD BE CAPITALIZED. IT'S THE FIRST WORD IN A SENTENCE, RIGHT?tone was so filled with contempt it surprised Cass for a moment.

loving fourth-grade English, here. Also, you overuse exclamation points. A lot. I mean, a LOT! You know what a lot of exclamation points make a story sound like? Like it was written by an eight year old. My daughter uses them a lot. She, still, uses them far less than you. Lastly: This story needs proofreading. "But you already bitched about my grammar, I get it!" you shriek. No, I mean, for pacing and word usage and economy of prose. You waste a lot of time getting to the point and you could cut things. Then other things are confusing and could be revised for clarity.

Proofread. Do it. It's good for you.

Nice thing: A heist is an underused story element, I guess. The prose concerned with the knife to the maid's throat, I felt that was well done. The pacing and word usage, it read very well. I could tell you enjoyed writing that part. You sounded bored in other parts.

- - - - - - - -

missing story by Jitzu the Monk
Your story sucks and you suck and you should die irl.

Nice thing: I was getting really sick of critiquing so thank you for being a loving LOSER FAILURE DORK

In closing, I want to point out that no one stole my flash prompt because THEY FUCKIN SCARED LITTLE BITCHES.

Feb 25, 2014
poo poo Crits part 1 of ?

Don't be discouraged because dockloc has already won this, maybe you can surpass her

you cant, sorry

Cingulate posted:

Broenheim made a post

I shan't take this insult sitting down. You have made a terrible foe today.

Meh, idk. Just feels like a shoehorned brown note reference.

Short, snappy, straight to the point. I like.

jon joe posted:

lovely Plans

A lot like Meinberg's, but a lot more interesting. Why are they breaking into a waste treatment plant? Why C4? Why are they so dumb? These questions leave me wanting more, which is good, but I know enough for me to understand it.

docbeard posted:

An Anonymous Memo to the People's Pedantic Front

IM GOING TO WRITE IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE ITS COOL AND IT SOUNDS LIKE IM YELLING AND I LIKE IT. This wasn't bad, but it leaves too many lingering questions without giving me enough.

Dr. Kloctopussy posted:

Lysander, A Poem of Erasure
114 words


Lyle the punk bitch
a fat, pimple faced fifteen-year-old boy wearing an MC Chris hoodie
teeth stained an artificial red

the she-beast lurking in the corner.
The little bitch had drawn blood.


Mountain Dew Code Red and Pop Rocks

a completely different

The bucket! explosion
the poo poo bucket
the bucket!
the bucket, He waited, terrified. Nothing.
the bucket, his entire vision became a sea of red and brown.
The bucket erupted
the bucket Pollock’ing the walls.

The smell of saccharine and poo poo filled Mark’s nose as he bled out on the cold floor.


Dec 9, 2009

hubris.height posted:

Prompt: "exploding into poo poo"
87 Words

It was supposed to be a harmless prank. No one was supposed to get hurt.

Felix had been on tour with the Main Man for about 3 months now. It was finally to the point he could be trusted to load the soundboard up for drops.

But when Main Man hit that note in his Sandstorm remix, it was the Brown Note. The result was a warehouse filled with ecstasy fueled ravers making GBS threads themselves. You couldn't hear Man's sweet remix, for the sound of explosive poo poo.

It's rare for a genius to be recognized in his/her own time, but tonight I am recognizing you. DROPTHEBASS

Mar 21, 2010
Fast judgingAnime is good judging

The Saddest Rhino
Apr 29, 2009

Put it all together.
Solve the world.
One conversation at a time.

anime is bad

Mar 21, 2010
anime is bad

Feb 25, 2014
Sloth crit for epoch.

Boring first line. Give me something more.


The Englewood street terminated in an informal dead-end; No posted sign nor intersection, the asphalt merely crumbled away atop the original cobblestone.

I think that phrase is unnecessary since “informal dead-end” already tells us that, and I think the crumbling asphalt works better next to that first part.


Marc pontificated on the great distinction between laziness and apathy. proved him to have a 142 IQ. He had six (6!) unfinished novels on his gaming PC. All variations of great to tremendous, they were. He could always go back to school for something in the STEM field. He was great at hacking, he’d bragged.

Please don’t write stories about my life, or I’ll hack you nerd. Serious talk though, you lay this on a bit thick and it's very cliche “nerd who will never achieve anything but acts like he will.” More of a caricature than a character.


Their breakup was beautiful. She had caressed him, held him. Had cared for him like a stray since he was a boy and she was a girl. Tears cut a shiny river on her impeccable makeup. Her hair dangled above him like the final curtain and she had uttered to him a promise: “You know that place between sleep and awake? That’s where you’ll find me. That’s where I’ll always love you.”

I like the first part of the paragraph, the final curtain I’m iffy on, but the dialogue feels odd. It doesn’t seem like something someone would say in a breakup.

Hmmmm, I’m not sure what the point is. Things just kind of happen. The first scene isn’t really necessary since the story isn’t about getting the drugs and more about trying to find the girl again (at least, that’s what the more interesting part was). The major problem is that there isn’t much character to latch onto. The protag is just generically nerdy and incompetent, and the girl isn’t much but just a plot point. There’s some characterization, but it lacks enough for me to not be fully invested.

Another thing is the tone. It’s all over the place. It starts out like a drug story, but then suddenly he’s in like a doctor’s office? It’s very strange and doesn’t make much sense, which may have been the point? A sort of dream like state to everything? But then that makes everything fuzzy and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to believe is real or fake and I’m not completely sure. You start with this generic drug story opening which then goes into this really weird doctor poo poo that’s kind of surreal. Then breakup story that’s supposed to be kind of funny where we laugh at the protag for being such a man child, but then I’m supposed to care about the breakup and root for the protag as it gets sad and he tries to get back with her in his dreams. Then there’s this weird dark dream and it just kind of goes all over the place. I think most of the drug explanation stuff is unnecessary since all I really need to know is that the drug makes it so that he has lucid dreaming. There’s some neat ideas in here, they just need to be picked out of the trash, and the story needs to figure what exactly it’s going for.

Jul 24, 2007

When people say there is too much violence in my books, what they are saying is there is too much reality in life.
Thanks for the in depth crit Bro!

Apr 12, 2006
:siren: WEEK CLX JUDGEMENT :siren:

There were some really great stories this week guys so a big shout out to all you that did something awesome! Remember, just because you don't see your name here in this post doesn't mean you didn't write something enjoyable. Unless you didn't write anything at all. In that case you can, and I mean this in the best way possible, go gently caress yourself. For the most part, everyone who did submit submitted something decently readable. This was a good week to judge.

Now if your name is Halbey or Thyrork then you submitted something that wasn't particularly readable and in fact sucked and you should try not to do that again. Dishonorable mentions to you both. Same goes for Cingulate. Except doubled. You are this week's loser. Thanks for the turds, you three.

Luckily Jonked, Bompacho, WeLandedOnTheMoon!, Grizzled Patriarch, SurreptitiousMuffin, and sebmojo all wrote really good stuff. Seriously. You should go check those stories out and take notes. What's particularly fun about them is that they are all so wildly different. Honorable mentions all around.

This week's winner is Thranguy. Welcome back to the throne. You deserve it.

I'm done judging now! Yay!

Tyrannosaurus fucked around with this message at 11:04 on Sep 1, 2015

autism ZX spectrum
Feb 8, 2007

by Lowtax
Fun Shoe
I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested

Oct 23, 2010

Legit Cyberpunk

yes please


Morning Bell
Feb 23, 2006

Illegal Hen

Nubile Hillock posted:

I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested

I would love a crit on my piece this week, thank you!

Mar 21, 2013

Nubile Hillock posted:

I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested


Thank you very much!

Nov 15, 2012

erm... quack-ward

Nubile Hillock posted:

I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested

why, i am interested

Oct 23, 2012

by Fluffdaddy
Posting to see my new Avatar of Shame

Jul 25, 2013

Nubile Hillock posted:

I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested

Yes please.

Nov 14, 2006

to ride eternal, shiny and chrome



Dec 9, 2009

Tyrannosaurus posted:

:siren: WEEK CLX JUDGEMENT :siren:

There were some really great stories this week guys so a big shout out to all you that did something awesome! Remember, just because you don't see your name here in this post doesn't mean you didn't write something enjoyable. Unless you didn't write anything at all. In that case you can, and I mean this in the best way possible, go gently caress yourself. For the most part, everyone who did submit submitted something decently readable. This was a good week to judge.

Now if your name is Halbey or Thyrork then you submitted something that wasn't particularly readable and in fact sucked and you should try not to do that again. Dishonorable mentions to you both. Same goes for Cingulate. Except doubled. You are this week's loser. Thanks for the turds, you three.

Luckily Jonked, Bompacho, WeLandedOnTheMoon!, Grizzled Patriarch, SurreptitiousMuffin, and sebmojo all wrote really good stuff. Seriously. You should go check those stories out and take notes. What's particularly fun about them is that they are all so wildly different. Honorable mentions all around.

This week's winner is Thranguy. Welcome back to the throne. You deserve it.

I'm done judging now! Yay!

If there's one thing that I know about, it's turds!

Oct 20, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer

Nubile Hillock posted:

I'm willing to do a few line-by-line crits if anyone's interested

I'm interested, thank you.

Mar 31, 2015


Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.
Thunderdome CLXI: Negative Exponents

The Library of Babel by Jorge Luis Borges. The Liberation of Earth by William Tenn. The Balloon by Donald Barthelme.

What do these stories have in common? Apart from being some of my favorite short stories of all time, that is? Well, let me ask another question. What's an aspect of story writing that a lot of 'domers consistently have trouble with? That's right, dialog. Now, some people might try and assign a dialog-heavy week to correct that, but I don't hold with that kind of hippy teaching attitude. When the kids keep abusing the toys, I say take them away entirely. And that's what those stories have in common. No dialog. They're all purely exposition-based stories. Pure narrative. That's what you're doing this week, God help us all. (I'll permit one spoken line if you must, since some of my examples do that and fair is fair.)

If You Were a Dinosaur, my Love by Rachel Swirsky. From Neil Gaiman, The Man Who Forgot Ray Bradbury, and also May, June, September, and November out of A Calendar of Tales.

Just throwing a few more examples closer to Thunderdome-size. Speaking of size, you have 1,225 words to use. And since this is a structural prompt, I'll even give a nice, broad theme for your stories as well. To celebrate Labor Day Weekend, the theme is You Had One Job. (Special bonus rule: if anyone submits some cutesy meta wordvomit about themselves failing to write a story this week, they will, without fail, get the DQ/DM combo platter.)

What I Want: For people to take advantage of the format. Tell stories with an epic scope, or that engage an interesting and complex idea, or do a deeply personal single-character story. Most if not all of my examples can be found trivially online with Google, and if I didn't like them they wouldn't be there.

What I Don't Want: Fanfiction or Erotica, obviously. I also don't want to be bored or confused.

I will offer flash rules on request. They will be harsh, and fairly abstract. You run a risk of being assigned epic poetry if you ask. If you want a more concrete flash rule, ask one of the other judges when and if they show up.

Entry Deadline: 11:59 PM California time Friday

Submission Deadline: 11:59 PM California Time Sunday.


jon joe
Benny Profane Second Person Narrative
Jonked Epistolary Story
anime was right
God Over Djinn
SadisTech :toxx:
Morning Bell
Sitting Here
Nilkaer Drekin
curlingiron Unreliable Narrator
Grizzled Patriarch

Thranguy fucked around with this message at 13:35 on Sep 5, 2015

Nov 15, 2012

erm... quack-ward

Mar 31, 2015

IN gently caress yes

Jul 25, 2013


Mar 22, 2013

it's crow time again

Hi Thunderdome I'm judgein

Oct 20, 2011

Lovely night, no?
Grimey Drawer
In it to win it

Sep 30, 2006

stayin c o o l

Jul 24, 2007

When people say there is too much violence in my books, what they are saying is there is too much reality in life.
This is a gently caressin cool prompt.

edit: Gaiman's story about Bradbury made me cry. If it doesn't make you cry, please, consider CHOKING TO DEATH ON YOUR SUBWAY(R) SANDWICH, FOR YOU ARE A HEARTLESS PEDERAST.

epoch. fucked around with this message at 18:48 on Sep 1, 2015

Apr 22, 2008


Profane Accessory
Feb 23, 2012

In, and requesting a harsh/abstract flash rule.

Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.

Benny Profane posted:

In, and requesting a harsh/abstract flash rule.

All right! You get Second Person Narrative. Enjoy!

Feb 15, 2005
In, requesting a flash rule.


Apr 21, 2010

Deceitful and black-hearted, perhaps we are. But we would never go against the Code. Well, perhaps for good reasons. But mostly never.

Jonked posted:

In, requesting a flash rule.

And for you it'll be a Epistolary Story. Make sure the chunks are big enough I don't mistake it for dialog!

  • Locked thread