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Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.
Newest thing: Final white ending! and Red ending! SUPER BONUS COMBO UNLOCK: YELLOW ENDING

Green Ending / main play

White Ending (best ending)

Red Ending (worst ending)

Yellow Ending (secret ending)

(Quick summary - no spoilers, no discussion of how actions affect the ending or alternate actions until after the first playthrough)

Oh for crying out loud, what is this mess?

This, friends, is Lone Survivor! It's an indie survivor/psychological horror game. It's neat!

Uh huh. Why.

It knows how to handle horror (the way I like it, anyway). This is not a shooter with jangly piano and blinky lights. It wants to be a smart, psychological nightmare. And I think it does a good job! A common point of reference for the game is "Twin Peaks meets Silent Hill 2". And keep that comparison in mind. The game borrows quite a bit tonally from those two.

Alright. What's the story?

Not tellin'. I think it's best to go into this game blind. Quite A Lot Of Effort was put into managing the feel and pacing of the scenes, and the game overall. It also puts effort into giving narrative clues as to what's up without having a big "THIS IS THE HISTORY OF THE LAST 23 DAYS" dropped on your head.

Sounds like that means...



Not even in spoilertags. No discussin' stuff we haven't seen yet. No discussin' alternate means of playing the game, and how our actions might reflect on the ending that we get. That particular ban will be lifted after the first playthrough, when we show off all the alternate paths you can take, but for the first playthrough let's not talk about that.

How about speculation?

Always welcome. Let's talk about the imagery, the homages, the good, the bad, etc.

Wouldn't want to ruin the mood, huh? Not like your big dumb voice won't do that already.

Nope! Tryin' something new. Subtitled. Preserves the feel of the scenes! I'll be jokin' though. Brace for jokes.

Subtitled horror game with lighthearted captions? So this is discount VoidBurger.

That's pretty offensive! Discount implies similar quality, at a greater value. This is KNOCKOFF VoidBurger :v:

Anything else we need to know?

This is the Director's Cut edition. It adds in a few odds and ends. New locations, a new sidequest, new lighting. If you decide you want to get the game and play along, it's on GoG and Steam

Bacter fucked around with this message at 05:54 on Jul 16, 2015


Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.

Oct 21, 2008
Ooh, I've always wanted see this game played, the mixed opinions about this game always interested me.

Feb 13, 2012

All the way from
I never could get around to finishing Lone Survivor, mostly because the sound design freaked me right out. Also, it was somewhat disconcerting how the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

PaleBlueDot posted:

...the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

Dangit, I was gonna say that.

He looks like he's related to Stan from Monkey Island.

May 9, 2013

Say "Cheese!"

PaleBlueDot posted:

Also, it was somewhat disconcerting how the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

It's a mask? drat. I really thought it _was_ just a huge poo poo-eating grin, and he was a howling nutjob.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Your subtitles went a bit fast for me near the end, just a second or three longer would be nice.

Also the mask is basically this:

But given the low-res texture and a little squinting I can see how it could look like a giant grin (plus a bit of a beard).

discworld is all I read
Apr 7, 2009

DAIJOUBU!! ... Daijoubu ?? ?
I really wanted to like this game when I was playing it, but it's just so glacial and tedious to play. And I don't know why, but cryptic is fine for the story itself....not so much for affecting game play, and this game has that in spades. So it'll be nice to see someone else play through it.

I will say that I agree with Ignatius though; some of those subs were super fast, especially when there was already other text to read on the screen. Might want to take it into consideration that your subs might be easy to miss while someone is reading the top of the screen.

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.

Niggurath posted:

I really wanted to like this game when I was playing it, but it's just so glacial and tedious to play. And I don't know why, but cryptic is fine for the story itself....not so much for affecting game play, and this game has that in spades. So it'll be nice to see someone else play through it.

I will say that I agree with Ignatius though; some of those subs were super fast, especially when there was already other text to read on the screen. Might want to take it into consideration that your subs might be easy to miss while someone is reading the top of the screen.

Sure - I think my big lesson from update 1 was either game text or subtitles, not both if I can avoid it.

Edit: Also, I agree with the cryptic stuff. Basically the entire reason I put the ban on talking about gameplay is because I'm planning on doing one playthrough the way I would do it, and I'm pretty sure that like half the stuff I do somebody's gonna go "well ACTUALLY, to get the BEST ending...".

It's to the point that the insane people on GameFAQs really have no idea what effect doing a lot of things has, if any. And that's all I'll say for now!

Edit edit: I think the biggest problem with the cryptic stuff I have is that while it's not so bad on subsequent playthroughs, you can get at least the regular good ending just by knowing basically what to do, the game is a little long to really want to crank through it five times or whatever. That said, non-exploratory playthroughs happen REAL fast. Also, there are two endings with VERY strict requirements that are kind of taxing.

Edit edit edit: There is a small detail about "you" that actually really freaked me out when I noticed - I'll mention it next episode!

Bacter fucked around with this message at 19:50 on May 2, 2015

discworld is all I read
Apr 7, 2009

DAIJOUBU!! ... Daijoubu ?? ?
Yeah, I definitely don't want to ruin any surprises for stuff that affects the game. I was just earnestly surprised with how much of it does; it's like they saw what Silent Hill 2 did and turned it way, way up.

Karate Bastard
Jul 31, 2007

Soiled Meat
Haha yes! Caught you on the first page! I actually have this game and couldn't get into it, which is weird because it seems like just my cup of whateverthehell this is. I'm gonna enjoy this ride! :munch:

Mar 12, 2014

PaleBlueDot posted:

Also, it was somewhat disconcerting how the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

Now I can't unsee this.

Oct 30, 2010

PaleBlueDot posted:

lso, it was somewhat disconcerting how the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

It's the only thing keeping him sane :buddy:

May 30, 2013

I, frankly, want this smug Jagen to be my avatar on all forms of social media immediately.
Oh man, this game. I wanted to do an LP of it around when I first joined, but it ran really bad with my recording software. Which sucks, because I had someone who actually knows something about Silent Hill willing to co-commentate.

Kinda mixed feelings, like some things it does, dislike others, but definitely excited to see someone run it who probably knows what they're doing more than I did.

May 9, 2013

Say "Cheese!"

Karate Bastard posted:

Haha yes! Caught you on the first page! I actually have this game and couldn't get into it, which is weird because it seems like just my cup of whateverthehell this is. I'm gonna enjoy this ride! :munch:

Yeah, I'm in exactly the same situation. It should be totally my thing, but I just bounced off it. Twice. So I'm really looking forward to this.

Mar 31, 2013

gently caress yes I have been waiting for this LP for a long time. Every time I play this game I get sidetracked, I think I made it maybe 20-30 minutes in and then stopped playing.

No Gravitas
Jun 12, 2013

by FactsAreUseless

death .cab for qt posted:

gently caress yes I have been waiting for this LP for a long time. Every time I play this game I get sidetracked, I think I made it maybe 20-30 minutes in and then stopped playing.

I guess I'm one of the few people who finished this game and loved every minute of it. Surreal horror is a favourite and I loathe jump scares. It was perfect.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

I lost interest when I ran into a trap. Not really a special trap either, and I could have maybe just played faster the second go to bypass it, but it broke the flow I had going and felt like just a dick move for no good reason.

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

death .cab for qt posted:

gently caress yes I have been waiting for this LP for a long time. Every time I play this game I get sidetracked, I think I made it maybe 20-30 minutes in and then stopped playing.

I was much the same. Dunno why, it just felt like the game wasn't doing much for me. Maybe this LP will change my mind.

PaleBlueDot posted:

Also, it was somewhat disconcerting how the mask the player character wears makes it looks like he has the biggest poo poo-eating grin in the middle of this madness.

He looks like a really tired Quagmire. The constant shoulder-shrugging thing he does is him trying to laugh.

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.
It's still uploadin' - should be finished soon!

I really like this bit of the game. The pacing and tone is as good as it gets (not that it's awful later). It's this interesting mix of bizarre and disturbing.

I Killed GBS
Jun 2, 2011

by Lowtax
Oh man, I remember seeing this game and thinking the pixel art looked like rear end, and deciding not to buy it. So it'll be nice to watch someone else do it for me. :D

Mar 26, 2008

Between the fact that the protag's eyes show no emotion and it looks like he's constantly shrugging he seems super nonchalant.

man nurse
Feb 18, 2014

I'm glad to see this too. I've started it up multiple times but always just kind of stopped at the same point fairly early on. I like how you're presenting it, so I'm glad I'll get to watch what I missed this way.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Dammit, the video's not done processing yet. Hopefully it's not because of something silly like the typo in the title you gave the update.

Nov 4, 2014

I won this avatar on a technicality this thick.
I think you may have to reupload.

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.
No, it's that I set it to upload then went to sleep, and then the laptop went to sleep. :negative:

Edit: Up now!

Bacter fucked around with this message at 15:42 on May 4, 2015

Oct 18, 2013
Could I make a small request?

In future videos could you move the commentary dialogue a tad further up, it keeps getting obscured by the youtube loading bar every time I accidentally knock my mouse.

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.
Sure thing!

Hey just out of curiosity, in spoilertags, when did you guys quit playing?

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

I stopped playing about 40-odd minutes in. No specific point, I just wasn't having as much fun with it.

Fat Samurai
Feb 16, 2011

To go quickly is foolish. To go slowly is prudent. Not to go; that is wisdom.
Add another one who started playing but never advanced much. No real reason for it, I got distracted by something else.

The protagonist shrugging all the time was pretty irritating.

Feb 13, 2012

All the way from
I seem to recall making it to the basement. Can't quite remember what got me to stop playing at that point, but keep in mind that I am a big scaredy-cat when it comes to horror games, so it's possible I just spooked myself.

No Gravitas
Jun 12, 2013

by FactsAreUseless
Finished it 3-4 times.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

I can't remember when I found it or if I like had had it a while but my guy was hungry so even though he commented to the effect that a piece of food might not be safe to eat, I decided to have him eat it anyway. Cue going to death's door instantly. I think I made it to the next hole at least before it happened. It turned me off a lot because that wasn't something I could reload for, I'd have to replay the game to get around and I expect better from games that want to be Silent Hillish.

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 19:19 on May 4, 2015

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.

PaleBlueDot posted:

I seem to recall making it to the basement.

This is hands-down the most intense part of the game for me, and I'll talk more about it when I get there, but also fits in VERY well with Ignatius's problem, the lack of any reloads.

discworld is all I read
Apr 7, 2009

DAIJOUBU!! ... Daijoubu ?? ?
I seem to recall there was a point where I had unlocked a second or third shortcut, and the guy wanted to go back to sleep....and it struck me that I suddenly felt a tinge of tedium. Like I appreciated the shortcuts but after having trekked through so much other stuff, that having to go back to the apartment just grated on me. I can't even remember what I had just done, but I seem to recall I had gotten to a fire escape on the outside connecting to another building?

Dec 12, 2009

by R. Guyovich
I didn't get very far, all the scrounging for food and water got kind of boring pretty quickly. There's a lot this game does right, I just don't think those are it personally.
Edit: I do love the sound design, it's really awesome.

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

Dreadwroth posted:

I didn't get very far, all the scrounging for food and water got kind of boring pretty quickly. There's a lot this game does right, I just don't think those are it personally.
Edit: I do love the sound design, it's really awesome.

Yeah I don't really see what needing to manage those two resources was supposed to add. Sleep makes a lot of sense as a natural lull in the action plus an opportunity for the pill dreams but food and water don't really have that going for them - all they end up doing is serve as an extra reason to search thoroughly which in Silent Hill 2 was covered fine with only articles to read, setpieces, ammo and health items.

e: Like there's the 'but realistically if you need to sleep you need these other things' excuse but that's a hilariously bad justification in a game with teleport mirrors and faceless spastics and misses how important keeping gameplay design from interfering with the aesthetic and emotional effects you want the player to go through is.

Ignatius M. Meen fucked around with this message at 20:32 on May 4, 2015

Jan 27, 2012

Nie wywoluj wilka z lasu, glupku.
My best guess is that food in particular was designed to keep the pressure on, so you were never allowed to feel comfortable exploring the apartment and popping back to sleep whenever you needed to.

The (pretty sizable) downside is that means the game actively punishes exploration. Like, I'm even going slower than I would for a regular playthrough, to give the captions time, and I'm feeling the heat. And the path has been pretty self-explanatory so far, heaven help us if it gets maze-like *cough*

May 9, 2013

Say "Cheese!"
Hm. That party scene really reminded me of David Lynch's stuff. Very odd.


Nov 27, 2014

The classiest crazy bullshit magic Half-Elf, you'll ever meet.
The tone in the "home" apartment is just really creepy to me. Poor guy, not even his bedroom feels safe.

I was interested in the game when I first saw it, but after getting burned on too much indie crap I decided not to try it out.
And as much as the setting is interesting I'm not regretting not playing it myself.

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