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Mar 20, 2006

The Duggars are basically one of those creepy post-apocalypse cults.


Mar 20, 2006

Phobic Nest posted:

Imagine walking downtown in a crowded city, through a street full of Duggarface

bald spots and massive foreheads far as the eye can see.

Mar 20, 2006

Darkman Fanpage posted:

when obama finally enacts his enslavement of america i hope the execution of the duggar family is broadcast live

Obama orders drone strike on the family since they are environmental terrorists

Mar 20, 2006

Jonny 290 posted:

TLC Renames '19 Kids And Counting' as "To Catch A Predator Drone"

it's a fun game show in which you bet on either the drones or the duggars ability to outbreed the drone strikes.

Also lots of wedding drone strikes

Mar 20, 2006

Three Olives posted:

It's really amazing watching conservatives step up to defend a literal incestuous rapist pedophile because of Jesus and hating fags. Guys, it's OK, you don't have to defend him. I know it looks bad because he is one of the most outspoken critics of gays raising children but seriously, you don't have to defend him.

he's worth defend because he's our christian paedo

Mar 20, 2006

Panfilo posted:

Take a fumble roll for hand on sister breast.

he accidentally fell into his sister's bed one night.

It's a really big house after all and easy to get lost

Mar 20, 2006


Anyways the Duggar compound is like a puppy mill for humans


Mar 20, 2006

Mar 20, 2006

swampland posted:

Why can't attractive people be having dozens of kids instead of these weird motherfuckers who posses all the worst traits of whiteness. No one needs more of them.

because the whole crank out piles of kids mindset doesn't attract the best sort of person.

Mar 20, 2006

Gene Hackman Fan posted:

now hobby lobby is being caught up in this.

jesus christ, it's like a who's who of gently caress you.

The fundie guy who ran the place was accused of sexual harassment.

etalian fucked around with this message at 04:59 on May 25, 2015

Mar 20, 2006

Crusty Nutsack posted:

I thought he didn't actually get any counseling though? (not that this bs is really "counseling" but whatever)

like, I thought he just went a rehabbed some houses with a family friend for 3 months and that was it.

yeah part of his therapy was helping out in a construction company.

also the fundie guide for sexual abuse:

They list dressing slutty as reason to be punished by sexual abuse

Mar 20, 2006

Top City Homo posted:

i never knew exactly how bad the fundie problem is in the US

i mean i know there are hardcore christians in the sense they follow the complete opposite of the moral teachings the bible has but i didn't know that there is literally a fascist theocratic undercurrent in the US that actively teaches children to be drones

what is the percentage of this Jack Chick like cult activity that consists of christianity?

well the big problem is the fundie movement especially in the deep south provides lots of real political clout.

So you have fundies influencing things like what they teach in school(worthless "abstinence only" sex ed programs).

Mar 20, 2006

Top City Homo posted:

watching the highlights now


conclusion: burn the south down and salt the earth

It's also hilarious since one of the preachers in Jesus Camp, Ted Haggard was later on caught soliciting male prositutes

Mar 20, 2006

Drunkboxer posted:

It takes place in south dakota I think.

edit: north dakota actually

I like how Dave Barry made of fun of North Dakota and got a sewer plant named after him as a result.

Mar 20, 2006

Accretionist posted:

That's actually pretty sweet because those are extremely valuable and key pieces of infrastructure which do work essential to supporting a first world standard of living. If the waste flushes out of sight and out of mind when I rotate the lever, it doesn't happen magically. Or if there's no back-up into my kitchen sink every other week. For the world to function, a thousand things have to go right every minute. And they have to go right reliably. The Dave Barry sewage treatment plant is one of them. Thank you, Dave Berry, whoever you are, you dependable bastard!

What do you mean by, "worldly sophistication," and what would you change?

Grand Forks even invited him to the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Basically if you make fun of North Dakota you will be rewarded.

Mar 20, 2006

family already had lots of ripping and tearing before media found the story

Mar 20, 2006

Automatic Slim posted:

The TV show will go away. But they'll keep a small but financially loyal following . And pedos.

the closest real world thing you can get from the creepy inbred Frey family in Game of Thrones.

Mar 20, 2006

Duggars would probably think Joe was a hero not a villain in Mad Max.

Mar 20, 2006

Dr. Wang posted:

I'd like to whisk one of the legal Duggar girls away to an easy secular life of pizza rolls and video games.

goon rumspringa?

Mar 20, 2006

babypolis posted:

yeah im pretty sure huckabee only cares about enriching himself and his friends so he and his fat human being sons can continue to voraciously consume everything they encounter

I like Palin's trolling, send me money maybe I'll run for president.

Mar 20, 2006

Wulfolme posted:

Palin may be the smartest self-serving Republican "politician" around. Put that in your pipe and kill yourself with it.

Karl Rove is pretty amazing at this too.

Mar 20, 2006

Things like the Huckabee family are good proof that the South scare immigrants away wasn't the best idea.

Mar 20, 2006

Top City Homo posted:

basically the machine for anti-communist agiprop went into high gear and we forgot to turn it off and are now reaping the rewards

it's basically a modern frankenstein that eventually turned on its cynical creators.

Mar 20, 2006

Crazy Ted posted:

The funny thing about those Christian Fundies is that Jesus says right at the start of the New Testament, in the Sermon on the Mount, that all the "don't eat pork...don't eat shellfish...don't mix fabrics in your garments" stuff didn't matter, but they still take every word from the Old Testament literally.

they just follow the Jefferson version of the Bible, cross out the stuff you don't like such as caring for the poor.

Mar 20, 2006

Inside Out Mom posted:

LMAO really? Link please.

He paid 3.5 million is hush money to cover-up a past indiscretion aka hopefully gay sex.

FBI caught him since he kept on sending money but in such a way to avoid the $10,000 flag limit.

However he did it so much it go flagged by the banks and ironically will get prosecuted using some of the laws passed from the Patriot Act.

Mar 20, 2006

Mr. Unlucky posted:

a quiver full of loving morons

probably have so many kids since they were too dumb to comprehend the condom package instructions

Mar 20, 2006

Lazy_Liberal posted:

Sid Meier's "Cults" coming to PC in 2016.

what would tech tree look like?

Mar 20, 2006

Whatev posted:

when a family is as wealthy and well connected as the Duggars, it's pretty loving tough for the kids to not end up in pretty cushy spots. even if the lot of them are functionally retarded thanks to their upbringing


Finally: a short anecdote from someone who met the family at a book signing.

Weird little story. Met them at a book signing in TN maybe a year or two ago. Was wearing a t-shirt with a t-rex on it. The line moved at a pretty quick pace, but when I went through one of the boys (a teenager) asked me why I had “dragons” on my clothes.

Mar 20, 2006

Say Nothing posted:

A still shot from the Duggar's sex tape.

Mar 20, 2006

Code Jockey posted:

Wait poverty in the quiverfull groups?

So much for god providing lmao

The duggars collected government or church welfare help before they were able to start raking in media appearance money.

Mar 20, 2006

XMNN posted:

how many times do you reckon theyve accidentally reenacted this scene

except all their names start with J instead of C

Mar 20, 2006

Idiotcracy was right

Mar 20, 2006

Clochette posted:

Of course the Duggars would use Mac computers

If I was in charge of Microsoft's ad campaigns the next ad I made would be "I'm a PC" *normal looking guy appears on screen* "and I'm a Mac!" *Josh Duggar steps out*

There's a good chance the Mac was designed by west coast gays.

Mar 20, 2006

Eonwe posted:

also that there were multiple separate molestation admissions that they did nothing about


His punishment and cure strategy was doing construction work for a family friend.

Mar 20, 2006

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

That's bullshit and I was shocked they said that

Yeah the report wasn't leaked, it was obtained through a FOI request.

Mar 20, 2006

Idiot Kicker posted:

Shep is just a chill dude :allears:

Mar 20, 2006

spiralbrain posted:

Unless there were a few C sections thrown in, I shudder to think what a vagina looks like after 19 kids.

Mar 20, 2006

lolling how conservative media keeps on repeating the lie on how the records were "leaked" to the media.

Mar 20, 2006

I used to think Michael Palin was the funniest Palin on earth


Mar 20, 2006

Idiot Kicker posted:

I have a friend stuck in Arkansas. she is pretty right-wing but even she thinks it's backwards and lovely and wants out.

Arkansas is the butt of hillbilly type jokes in the south, sort of like west virginia.

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