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Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.

[It's Steven Universe: Attack The Light it's on iOS and Android and is really good]


Mico fucked around with this message at 18:55 on Sep 11, 2016


Sep 15, 2007

Malnutrition is scarier than any beastie.
Always put points into luck.

Jun 15, 2010

~she is my wife~

Great singing, Steven!

e: We will now sate your Need for Steve

toddy. fucked around with this message at 11:03 on Jun 19, 2015

Jan 3, 2007
The game is nowhere near as sad and gay as the show.

Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

This game is pretty rad and the best Paper Mario game since Thousand Year Door. I also hope you figure out how useful debuffs are.

Jul 8, 2009
Everyone should know how good the intro to this show it:

Dr. Buttass
Aug 12, 2013


Slime posted:

The game is nowhere near as sad and gay as the show.

I'm sure they can cram plenty of that into four hours of game, there's only about 11 hours of show.

Mar 20, 2014
I've been meaning to catch up with this show but don't know where's the best place to do it legally.

Agent Interrobang
Mar 27, 2010

sugar & spice & psychoactive mushrooms
This is the game I bought instead of Sticker Star and I am 100% convinced it was the correct financial decision.

Oct 22, 2008

Unite: MASH!!
~They've got the bad guys on the run!~

Agent Interrobang posted:

This is the game I bought instead of Sticker Star and I am 100% convinced it was the correct financial decision.

It absolutely was.

Feb 26, 2013

I didn't fight through two wars to rule
I fought for the future of the world

And the right to have hot tea whenever I wanted
This is a neat little game. Very worth its cost.

Feb 19, 2011

End Session?

Seeing you skip that badge in the shop makes me sad, and since this is all pre-recorded you never go back.

... Just please tell me you start picking up the bonus stars and using the status effects sooner or later? :v:

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.

SystemLogoff posted:

Seeing you skip that badge in the shop makes me sad, and since this is all pre-recorded you never go back.

... Just please tell me you start picking up the bonus stars and using the status effects sooner or later? :v:


Internet Kraken
Apr 24, 2010

slightly amused

Agent Interrobang posted:

This is the game I bought instead of Sticker Star and I am 100% convinced it was the correct financial decision.

Using your money as kindling is a better decision than buying Sticker Star.

Jul 22, 2007

Hail all those who are able,
any mouse can,
any mouse will,
but the Guard prevail.

Clapping Larry
The sprites they use for the characters are based off of the distance models for the show - what they draw when a character is far in the background and details might get muddy.

Or when they're on a tiny-resolution screen, I guess.

EDITED: And the show is helmed by Adventure Time alumnus Rebecca Sugar, who did the first two Fiona & Cake episodes and the first two Simon & Marcy ones.

And "What Was Missing". So plenty of sad and/or gay experience.

Glazius fucked around with this message at 03:55 on Jun 23, 2015

Nov 6, 2005

I wuv your brains.

This game owns.

Mar 31, 2013

This game and this show both own, and everybody who disagrees is a stupid awful person.

This is the kind of show that I will buy on DVD and let my kids watch when they're in Kindergarten because it has flashy lights and neat things happening on screen, but it

the video posted:

Is like if Adventure time had morals and Lesbians instead of almost-lesbians

Steven Universe fuckin rules :allears:

Jul 5, 2007

Who's there?
This show is subversive in the absolute best ways possible, and it's just so drat charming! :3:

I'm used to games based off shows being terrible or mediocre, so I avoided this release. Now I see that I've made a terrible mistake.

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.
there will be a video soon i loving swear

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.
hope you like memes, shitlords

Mar 20, 2014
Kalon I believe that you're thinking of Jack Thompson:

Chimera-gui fucked around with this message at 08:28 on Jul 27, 2015

Dec 6, 2009

It's only forever, not long at all
It always comes down the bad dragon doesn't it?

May 24, 2010

D&D 3.5 Book of Erotic Fantasy

Zain posted:

It always comes down the bad dragon doesn't it?

i come to bad dragon all the time WAIT NO poo poo

Dr. Buttass
Aug 12, 2013

Jesus, what a negative video. When did you meme-lovin' fucks switch from Steven Universe to Rick & Morty?

Dec 6, 2009

It's only forever, not long at all

Dr. Buttass posted:

Jesus, what a negative video. When did you meme-lovin' fucks switch from Steven Universe to Rick & Morty?

I'm still wondering where the topic of furries came from and dildo bottle pouring devices.

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.
Turns out Im slow at lping


Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

Awwww yeah. Thanks for having me on, Mico, it's a privilege to be a stammering dingus over a game for literal children

Dec 6, 2009

It's only forever, not long at all
Awww, Mico... Don't be so blue dawg.

Mar 27, 2009

There's the Roy I know and love.

Mico, you're the Dark Souls of comparing things to Dark Souls.

Jun 4, 2011

When I want to relax, I read an essay by Engels. When I want something more serious, I read Corto Maltese.

Actually, I think the 'three triangle' motif is linked to something on the show; like it's the mark of the bad guys?

Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

Nah, that would be the diamond symbol:

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.
I haven't forgotten about you.

Sorry that I suck at maintaining a schedule.

Mico fucked around with this message at 01:54 on Oct 10, 2015

Jan 29, 2011

A billion dollars.

Sep 14, 2007
Thanks for the update! I don't have a smartphone, so this is the only way for me to see this game.

Feb 19, 2011

End Session?

The video title makes me happy.

You'll finally get your +1s!

Ignatius M. Meen
May 26, 2011

Hello yes I heard there was a lovely trainwreck here and...

...but he still might not realize he can skip a turn to get enough action points to heal everyone and fuse afterwards.

Captain Bravo
Feb 16, 2011

An Emergency Shitpost
has been deployed...

...but experts warn it is
just a drop in the ocean.
Or that when there's only one enemy left, Amythest's basic attack is really not the best use of his stars. :v:

inscrutable horse
May 20, 2010

Parsing sage, rotating time

Whoa there, let's save those advanced tactics for New Game+, OK?

Gertrude Perkins
May 1, 2010

Gun Snake

dont talk to gun snake

Drops: human teeth

Seriously though I love the way the game ramps up! Also neat to see your strategy emerging.


Level Slide
Jan 4, 2011

I looked it up and the episode that confirmed Garnet is a fusion aired on March 12 while this game came out a few weeks later on April 2.

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