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Oct 5, 2015
YES! I'm here for this. It will be glorious.


Oct 5, 2015

Agrajag posted:

im being super serious posting here now: how does ben poop, pee, and shower? i've asked before and i have yet to get an answer. like seriously his arms dont even have full range of motion.

does his wife use a pressure washer on him and vice versa? like lets think about his poops. the amount of food he takes in must be massive, now think about how much he must poop. how does a normal toilet not get clogged? also how does he even sit on a toilet?


Oct 5, 2015

Sure does.

Oct 5, 2015

Mirificus posted:

Not sure if you saw this the other day but it highlights the terrible CS wait times and then it was closed for not "contributing".

Thanks I updated it, as well as some other things.

Also, We want to see how many people are being denied refunds, how much they are owed, when these shenanigans began, etc. Email is at the top of the article for anyone who wants to help.

Oct 5, 2015

jaffyjaffy posted:

Welp my refund got denied.

If you have the email chain still could you forward it to ? Trying to get some hard numbers on these refunds so we can get a good look at what is happening.

Oct 5, 2015

Dirty Hairy posted:

Well, got my refund denial letter today. I guess that means it's game on. Has anyone made any inroads with chargebacks when a credit card was used through PayPal? My purchases range from 2013 to a few months ago. I saw Beer's advice from a few pages ago, and I've been collecting tidbits from this thread over the last six weeks for the predicted eventuality that they'd try to gently caress me over. Still, if anyone successfully gets their money back from a credit card purchase channeled through PayPal, post your experience.

Could you forward the email chain to ? I'm gathering some data on these like dates of communications with cig, how much was spent, how long it is taking them to deny a request, etc (basically just numbers).

Also, has anyone got a refund since the refund denials have started?

Oct 5, 2015

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

InfoRedux is working on a story. Or something.

At least a spreadsheet of denial request info like dates and averages of some stuff. I'll link it if we get enough data.

I am unaware of any messages, though. So I don't think it has to do with that. Or maybe it does, wtf do I know? I don't work here.

Oct 5, 2015
Merry Christmas you all.

Oct 5, 2015
I felt inspired by all of you and used my limited photoshoppy skills to make you all a pretty .jpg.

fixed because this one looks better.

VenusRedux fucked around with this message at 02:24 on Jan 7, 2016

Oct 5, 2015

Oct 5, 2015

Khanstant posted:

Lazy and messy as gently caress but you get the idea:

Haha awesome.

Oct 5, 2015
You know I really hope Chris Roberts appreciates everything that has gone into this/these threads. He is truly inspiring.

A legend to be remembered.

Oct 5, 2015

This is a useful image.

lol at Dolvak. Wow.

Also haha you losers with avatars. No one wants that. These guys would never dare do it to me.

Oct 5, 2015

Beer4TheBeerGod posted:

INN never contacted me. :(

lol what a shocking turn of events.

Oct 5, 2015
They have a German arm of this company that directs back to Ortwin, right? It could easily be someone in or close to someone in the company in Germany.

Oct 5, 2015

grimcreaper posted:

Quit honestly, ifthe game does get released, i expect Vanduul to be replaced by Goons or Goonduul.


Oct 5, 2015
Been looking into some things.

Mainly Wulf bitching about his FOIA request to the FTC on CIG.

Which is annoying because, well, this:


The FOIA does not apply to private companies

Now the FOIA is a complicated law and I am no lawyer but, you know, it seems pretty drat clear to me.

Oct 5, 2015

Ghostlight posted:

The FTC isn't a private company and is subject to FOIA which is exactly why they have an entire section on their homepage extensively covering FOIA requests. Hope that clears things up.

Yea, that's why I put it here to see what others thought. Didn't think about it literally saying don't go to a private company to request something citing FOIA. I wonder though if the FTC would reveal an active investigation via the FOIA?

Oct 5, 2015

D_Smart posted:

It's not that. the wording of the response is clear. Whatever he asked for, thry can't provide. Especially if there was such an investigation. I covered this months ago.

Also, he still refuses to show the sort of request he sent as that is also key to the response.

He's a loving moron.

Yea the letter says they can't find something matching his request. Not like they would say, oh yea well what you asked for doesn't match but hey we have this thing over here...

Oct 5, 2015

Ghostlight posted:

No, that's one of the things they are expressly exempted from providing, which is why the request is so goddamn stupid.

That's what I figured. Thanks for the clarification.

And to contribute:

Oct 5, 2015

:golfclap: Amazing.

Oct 5, 2015
Has anyone been denied refunds since after the holidays? We were getting responses but they stopped after the new year. Curious if they started refunding again or what's up with that.

The replies I have are from different countries, and the average time to deny is 48 days. All the emails have been very close to the 48 day mark too, but I'd like more data if anyone has any?

Oct 5, 2015

First off, that's loving retarded.

lol this dude thinks he's original and made that poo poo up.

Oct 5, 2015

imperialparadox posted:

I find it doubtful that INN will actually get with Beer about the emails - the end result will be that the emails are proven real and CIG/Sandi looks dumb(er), and INN can't do that as CIG's self-appointed mouthpiece.

It's kind of foolish to expect integrity from the people who see things like the Wulge sending dick pics to a girl as no big deal.

I love how Dolvak had plenty of time to respond so quickly with an article but they have been given days to prove Beer's letter is really fake/real and now no time! I don't care if it's not Dolvak but another one of those pricks that Beer trusts to do it, get it loving done. Make some loving time or take it the gently caress down and apologize.

So I doubt they will get with Beer, too. Why would they?

Oct 5, 2015
My cattes want to be considered for inclusions in funny things:

Also I wanted to post because it makes a few of these uh, SC fans really mad that I do, for some reason.

Oct 5, 2015

FrankieGoes posted:

Just because you were endlessly bitching about Derek doesn't mean you weren't also endlessly bitching about other things. Not sure why you think the two would be mutually exclusive.

You should learn to pick your battles you insufferable oval office.

Oct 5, 2015

Scruffpuff posted:

Wait, FrankieGoes is Sandi? I'm having trouble keeping track. Quick poll: who in this thread does not work for CIG?

I have it on good authority that FrankieGoes is indeed Sandi.

It's all coming out.



Oct 5, 2015

FrankieGoes posted:

Nice meltdown.

FYI: "nuh uh, my long lovely boring posts about Derek weren't endless because I also made long lovely boring posts about other subjects" isn't the greatest argument I've ever heard.


How about suck my loving oval office, bitch boy? Let's see what kind of crying we get out of you now.


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