We play as Asura, who is shown above as being an calm, caring pacifist with a love of puppies and dislike of punching. There will be no yelling and absolutely no punching over the course of this game. If you're looking for action, you've come to the wrong place. We're just here, trying to be the best dad possible. How does it play? Well, it's divided into shooting segments (a la Panzer Dragoon) and simplistic God of War-style combat. The cutscenes are also littered with QTEs, but failure doesn't seem to be too bad of a setback (mostly score-related or just delaying things by a few seconds). There's definitely more gameplay than, say, a David Cage game, but a lot of the enjoyment here is just how over-the-top things get. We're currently one session in (as of the start of the LP), but honestly it feels like a mix of Dragonball Z and Wonderful 101. It's pretty fuckin' cool, to be honest. Sit back and enjoy the ride! Joining me on this lovely extended Anime-Nite Romp will be Vicas, Kuvo, & TieTuesday! Kuvo has a few hours of experience with the game, but that was some time ago. Although it has English & Japanese audio, we'll be going with dub. Not only is it just easier to deal with, but the voice acting is really good (Liam O'Brien & Robin Atkin Downes voice the lead roles). Since I really dig how it plays things out, I also went the auto-ducking route for long silences. One thing I noticed in editing is that the game audio clips *a lot*. Not sure why a game with so much yelling would've had such little care in regards to this, but it clips all over the place in Audacity. Anyhow! I hope that's not a dealbreaker to some folks, but it's just how things panned out. [img]http://lpix.org/2546773/episode_list.png[/url][/img] Geop fucked around with this message at 15:29 on Jan 3, 2017 |
# ? Aug 23, 2016 00:52 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:48 |
rip geop's controller
# ? Aug 23, 2016 00:58 |
Toddy showed this off a while ago, but it's always great to see reactions to Hindu/Buddhist Mythology Knockoffs: The Game. Unfortunately sometimes the console cannot contain all the over-the-top craziness, and consequently you will be seeing a fair bit of screen tearing. To clarify Kuvo's point about the "lost episodes", they really are OVA snippets with QTE content on top. I'm guessing that Capcom didn't want to go through the hassle of putting more time and money into making more 3D art assets.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 01:04 |
[muffled] VERY GOOD
# ? Aug 23, 2016 01:27 |
Oh very nice. I watched KFJ/Pokecapn stream this game to the entirely a few years ago and it was a blast to watch. So is this side content to Anime Night?
# ? Aug 23, 2016 01:46 |
I was thinking the other day that this is a game that needs a remastering. It's a great-looking game, but the screen tearing and stuff does it no favours at all. I'd love to see it on a console that can actually handle it now.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 01:49 |
Hell yeah.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 01:54 |
While I'll always be a little sad that this game isn't closer to the Eastern Mythology God of War I wanted to be, it is still cool and crazy and worth looking at.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 02:08 |
Ah this game. Well, we'll see if it sets your brain on fire. Good luck, and have mercy on your fingers.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 02:13 |
Asura's Wrath owns way more than it had any right to.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 03:01 |
Why is the Buddha fighting a Reaper
# ? Aug 23, 2016 03:10 |
Sort of reminds me of the novel Lord of Light (Hinduism, sci-fi and presumably transhuman demigods) so far. I look forward to seeing how this ends.
sleepy.eyes fucked around with this message at 05:35 on Aug 23, 2016 |
# ? Aug 23, 2016 05:23 |
armoredgorilla posted:[muffled] VERY GOOD ^^^ sleepy.eyes posted:Sort of reminds me of the novel Lord of Light (Hinduism, sci-fi and presumably transhuman demigods) so far. I look forward to seeing how this ends. As someone who loving adores Roger Zelazny, it has the same trappings, but I really doubt it's gonna end in any similar manner, or have the same plot, or...
# ? Aug 23, 2016 05:41 |
GeneX posted:
Agreed: no way in hell will it have anything else in common, but it is enough to get me interested. Zelazny was a master.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 05:47 |
Still pissed that this isn't on PC, mainly because my 360 feels like it wants to blow up while playing this game and the handful of still frames between scene transitions due to whatever the gently caress the hardware needs to do with the Unreal 3 engine is kinda jarring. That said, this game rules and I don't think I actually finished it, so I'm glad to watch this along with you all. [spoiler ]maybe I'll pester Geop and Kuvo to guest commentate[/spoiler ]
# ? Aug 23, 2016 05:53 |
Asura's Wrath was an amazing game. I bought it expecting nothing and paid nothing for it and got a lot more than it had any right to be. I'm gonna assume it isn't a spoiler to say that all the DLC, with one exception, is more gameplay. Covok fucked around with this message at 05:58 on Aug 23, 2016 |
# ? Aug 23, 2016 05:55 |
I wasn't exactly taken with the "gameplay" of Asura's Wrath, but I will say this about it in 100% sincerity: CyberConnect2 made one hell of a beautiful anime. Because that's what this game is trying to be, a 24-episode shounen anime season, and goddamn did it ever pull that off incredibly well.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 08:03 |
Man, I am digging the whole aesthetic of this game. Its a lot like Orion, heavy sci fi/mysticism hybrids everywhere.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 12:13 |
...Olga and Sergei? Everyone else has a proper-sounding anime name (I mean, here's some baseless speculation: Deus is the main villain because come on), but those two just feel weird.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 12:48 |
There has never been a finer yelling simulator before or since.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 13:24 |
Well, now! Since I stopped console gaming after college and never got a PS3 (or a television to use one), this was one of those games that I'd heard about, but have never actually seen in action. So far it nails the episodic shounen anime aesthetic in a way that Killer is Dead tried to, but never quite did, and is already much more entertaining than that silly game ever was. The juxtaposition between our Geop's calm, informative tone versus... well, everything going on here, and particularly our protagonist ("hero" seems too straightforward so far; maybe I'm being too judgmental, but it seems that Asura is meant to be sympathetic because of things done to him than anything he does or says... but it is still early, and I do love surprises!).
# ? Aug 23, 2016 14:47 |
If you want a vision of the future of this LP, imagine a yellboy yelling at the top of his lungs - forever
# ? Aug 23, 2016 14:52 |
Vicas posted:If you want a vision of the future of this LP, imagine a yellboy yelling at the top of his lungs - forever That dips between slightly over to the top to completely over the top until the end where there are not words to describe what this game becomes.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 14:57 |
Asura's Wrath is the best anime. But yeah, the audio in general is pretty bad for the English dub. The mixing especially makes it almost impossible to hear the characters' voices at times.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 15:23 |
OH MAN THIS GAME This is probably one of those on a list of "Always wanted to play, never got around to playing it", but what little I saw of it years ago was just phenomenal WTF-ery. One thing I vaguely recall from this: It would get over the top, and then over the top itself almost immediately - perhaps as much/moreso than W101, so maybe someone should start up a "WTF Counter" just for the sake of how many times it's gonna happen. This is going to be an amazing ride and I thank you four for contributing your time to this most hype of anime punchmans.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 15:25 |
I love this game.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 17:19 |
I hope the end of times DLC was obtained as well. The gameplay in AW isn't amazing but those QTEs in the DLC are great.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 17:25 |
GeneX posted:^^^ It's a novel known for having a truly atrocious pun. I think it fits a Geop LP just fine.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 19:28 |
I got curious about this game a few months back and tracked down toddy's LP of it, only to marathon through the whole drat thing in about three days. Still haven't played it myself but my god I love it all the same.
# ? Aug 23, 2016 21:42 |
Only good things will come of this. I can hardly wait for more episodes already.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 01:03 |
So I don't know if its my computer, the video, Chrome, or what but the video absolutely refuses to play in Chrome for me. No other videos do this. Anyways! I was always told this game was nuts, it can only get better from here.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 02:45 |
Geop how are you posting Put your hands on the controller geop
# ? Aug 24, 2016 02:46 |
Good lord why have I never heard of or played this game
# ? Aug 24, 2016 06:07 |
Hopefully, since this game is more action packed, they'll be able to stay on topic better than Dead Space.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 06:13 |
Ciaphas posted:Good lord why have I never heard of or played this game This game is really neat, the cyber Buddhist aestetic is amazing, Wyzen acts with purely his giant hands and it's anime as heck. The Spin QTE's are actually surprisingly hard
# ? Aug 24, 2016 06:19 |
Yeah, this is definitely the best, worst game ever made. I mean, let's be fair, as an actual game, it's crushingly disappointing and generic, with very little depth to it. But as an experience, it has no real equals.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 07:45 |
This is a terrible game but a loving awesome dumb/insane anime. Just so you know, out of that vomit of DLC at the title screen, one of them is the actual conclusion of the game. They went with the anime series aesthetic to the point that the ending is
# ? Aug 24, 2016 15:22 |
Nohman posted:This is a terrible game but a loving awesome dumb/insane anime. To be fair, as long as you don't do the final stage twice, you still get a reasonably good ending.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 15:29 |
I loving love this game/anime. Sucks that they never ported it to current consoles or PC.Nohman posted:This is a terrible game but a loving awesome dumb/insane anime.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 17:27 |
# ? Jan 15, 2025 23:48 |
InspectorCarbonara posted:I loving love this game/anime. Sucks that they never ported it to current consoles or PC. Would count streaming the game via PSN to a PC count? Because you can do that relatively soon.
# ? Aug 24, 2016 17:48 |