I miss Costco. I used to live ten minutes from one, but now the nearest one from me is twenty-five minutes away, and it just seems like too far of a drive for me to go. Maybe I'll rejoin.
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 23:45 |
Pennywise the Frown posted:25 minutes is nothing. Do it man. You know you want it. Don't you want it? Don't you WANT IT?! I do miss Costco. I'll probably head over sometime next week. gently caress going there on the weekends; that was the pits.
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Pennywise the Frown posted:Those guys have electricity? Would they have to salt the lamb to preserve it? I lived in Lancaster, and know that Costco well. It even has parking/hitching posts for the buggies. The Amish tear it up in there regularly.
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ArbitraryC posted:Interesting, never tried that before but it makes sense, hot food, pharmacy, optometry, all of those require separate licenses and so does alcohol in most states. Odds are it's a kind of situation where you can't get the license without being willing to serve any legal customer. Also, optometrists in Costco stores aren't employees, but are independent doctors leasing space.
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Yo. I've been traveling like crazy for business, and therefore haven't had time to get a Costco membership. I belonged to one for years when I lived in Lancaster, PA, but after moving haven't been a member for about the past six years. I brought it up to the girl that I'm seeing that I'm interested in going back and re-joining, though the nearest store is 1/2 hour from me. She said she has a membership and that maybe she could get me on hers. Should I propose? TIA. Also, I remember easy Friday night meal for my ex-wife and kids was one of their bake-at-home pepperoni pizzas, which were tits. I imagine the quality hasn't dropped. I need to try one of their hot dogs, for the years I went there, I would always get a slice, or if I was feeling a real fatboy, a chicken bake. Anyway, thanks for listening, and next week I plan on re-joining, and when I do, I will get a dog loaded with mustard and onions and post. I can't believe you morons have me this excited about re-joining Costco, but it really is the poo poo, even though I come out at least $200 lighter every visit. One last thing: do they no longer take Amex? When I was a member that was all they took as far as credit cards, and I'm an Amex guy.
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Relevant Tangent posted:Amex and Costco had a clash (Amex were convinced they were a prestige brand and looked down on the Costco people because instead of having MBAs they had just worked for 20 years) which led to Costco walking into the loving arms of Visa. They let 20% of their business walk out the door because they couldn't stop being snobby assholes. That sucks (for me, at least).
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Teikanmi posted:Get a VISA dog, it takes like 2 minutes to sign up for one That would be too many credit cards. Have my Amex, my corporate Amex, and my American Airlines MasterCard, which is my backup if a place won't take Amex, since it helps me rack up miles. Guess I'll have to use my Visa debit card. ![]()
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Kelp Me! posted:I have an Amex Platinum for the specific reason that I have to pay it off in full every month, so no debt-building. It's the only credit card I have, otherwise I just use my Visa debit. Posting this from the Admirals Club right now, funny enough (even though they stopped giving you free access with Platinum). I have the Platinum for the same reason (lots of work/personal travel), and also because I'm issued a work Amex, and I have the cards linked, so I can keep the points from all the charges on my work card.
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Pennywise the Frown posted:Are you the dude in your avatar? Relax, babe. I negotiate million dollar deals for breakfast; I think I can handle this Euro-trash.
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Brothers and Sisters, It has been seven years since I was a member of Costco, and reading this thread continuously has reawakened the spirit of Costco in my heart. Today, I took part in the sacraments, and renewed my membership (they still had me on file, so it wasn't a new membership). I went up and down all of the aisles, reminded of those items I had seen so many times over the years, yet had not seen in person in so many years. I shopped and stockpiled on a few supplies, including the frozen Jamaican Beef Patties I had for a late lunch. It's been so long, yet it was like coming back home. I finished my shopping trip as one should when in the Holy Land: ![]() The peace of The 'Stco be with you all.
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Tato posted:Pro onion distribution, nice mustard application even though it globbed on there at the end a bit there, a little extra 'stard never hurt a man. Thanks; that was the mustard pump's initial ejaculation of mustard -- I must have been the first person to use it today.
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Pennywise the Frown posted:I agree. That's quite the hot dog condiment skill. The lady at customer service still had me on record. I had to give her all of my updated info; address, phone, etc., and she asked me if I wanted to renew the Executive Membership I had before. She reinstated it, I got my picture taken, grabbed a cart and then got my stroll on. Seriously, I haven't been a member for years, but it seemed like I was just shopping there only yesterday. The uniformity and consistency (even the Costco smell) are pretty amazing between both locations and the difference in time.
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ElGroucho posted:Goddamn, there is definitely no better place to buy allergy pills than Costco. And I got some dope laundry baskets there too! Costco is the poo poo when it comes to ibuprofen, vitamins, or anything in OTC pill form. One bottle of Kirkland ibuprofen will last years.
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Bonzo posted:I'm torn between them and Amazon. For basic OTC medications/vitamins, it's Costco, no doubt, based on price and volume. Amazon is good for more exotic/harder to find stuff.
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Have Blue posted:Hi thread I ran errands with my gf today and promised her a lunch out. Said lunch ended up being costco food court after we were done stocking up and she started giving me poo poo. Should I sever???? Do you want to be with a woman who doesn't recognize good food at a tremendous value? Sounds like she cares more about how much you spend rather than the cost/quality ratio, and if you're going to build a life with someone, they should reflect your values. Our values. Costco's values. The word of the 'stco. (Thanks be to 'stco)
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Detective No. 27 posted:Costco really should find a way to get me a dog combo while I'm filling up at the pump. This is an issue that they should seriously be looking into. I like the way you think.
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a dingus posted:I just had a 1/4lb all beef dog with a 20 oz drink all for $1.50 for the very first time. Blessed be Costco our Lord and savior it was a glorious experience. Peace be with you, friend.
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Detective No. 27 posted:I'm waiting in line for gas at Costco. I can't see the price because other cars are blocking the sign, but I know it is a better price than anywhere else. The Miracle of Faith. Thanks be to 'stco.
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Teikanmi posted:I mean I'd love to see the study and know this is true but something in my gut tells me that Costco clerks aren't allowed to detain people and that the only people who can detain anyone legally in these situations is the cops, but I don't really know poo poo about law Although you have the right to detain someone (technically falls under citizen's arrest; anyone, including a shopper could do it), I can assure you that a place like Costco would not let its employees place themselves in danger over merchandise. If someone wants to leave, you can ask that they remain there, but entering into any physical altercation is extremely dangerous, as you don't know the subject's motive/mental state/whether they're armed, etc.
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Rutibex posted:obesity leads to a shorter life, and therefor less total trips to Costco The AMA should use that in their PSAs and consumer literature.
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I'm sitting at my little picnic table at Costco enjoying a dog and refillable soda. On the way here, I remembered that I needed to stop at a clothing store after Costco and buy some underwear (I wear the mesh, athletic boxer briefs; preferably, Adidas). What did Costco have in stock? Mesh, Adidas boxer briefs. Another Costco miracle. Now, I must return to communion where I shall eat and drink the body and blood of Value and Quality, which has been shed for all of us for the amazing price of $1.50. The peace of the 'Stco be with you all. Count Freebasie fucked around with this message at 14:51 on Jun 1, 2017 |
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Over There posted:We went to BJs instead. Thanks for the advice tho Heresy
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I bought a Squatty Potty two-pack at Costco. Costco, is there anything you can't do?
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FCKGW posted:You can also buy a regular step stool for $3 at Ikea. Oh, I'm aware of alternate methods. In fact, when I travel for business, I often turn the wastebasket in my hotel room's bathroom on its side and use that. I just felt like having the real deal, which sits flush (no pun intended) against the toilet, and then being able to celebrate with a wonderful hot dog and refillable drink for the low, low price of $1.50. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, value without end.
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the good fax machine posted:Do they have it at Costco No.
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Just saying "hi" from Costco while eating my hot dog and refillable soda ($1.50!). The guy who rang me up is from Jamaica, and was quite pleased with my purchase of spicy beef patties. Such a friendly congregation we have!
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Chinatown posted:WHAT Yeah, dude. I've seen them in multiple stores, so it's not limited to one location. They're in the frozen section near taquitos, snacks, etc.
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Chinatown posted:i'd eat all 3 and not poop for a week ![]()
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the mean lunch lady posted:The Costco cookies are so good and you get so many for not so much The only drawback is that they have a really short shelf life, so you either end up having to throw some out or become a fat gently caress.
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RocktheCaulk posted:You're missing Ketchup No. No.
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Magikarpal Tunnel posted:hi i'm a goon and i super duper care about what other people put on their own food that they paid for with their own real money and that i will never eat because i'm a loving child and don't understand that different people like different things We paid ten dollars to post on this dumb site, you're surprised by this behavior? There's nothing inherently wrong with ketchup on hot dogs, it just implies that you have a completely unrefined palate, and were probably raised by white trash.
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Greetings, friends!![]()
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Ace haul from Costco yesterday: I love their econo-packs of chicken thighs and chicken breasts (in the plastic bags at the front of the cart). Their pre-sliced bufala mozzarella was a steal at only $7.69 for that two-pack! E: loving mobile imgur app Xaris posted:no deli mustard? for shame! I hear you, friend. As a connoisseur of NY delis, I'm certainly a fan of that mustard in the right context; on a pastrami sandwich, with a knish and a chocolate egg cream, sure. But I like my dogs dirty-water style with raw onions and yellow mustard (all Costco needs is some Sabrett umbrellas). Count Freebasie fucked around with this message at 12:38 on Jun 15, 2017 |
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# ¿ Feb 10, 2025 23:45 |
MisterOblivious posted:I was really bummed to find out the muffins are too. I mean, you know they're not good for you when eating them, but 700 loving calories? I used to buy those muffins on the regular around ten years ago, and then I checked the actual nutritional info ![]() Costco has some tasty stuff that is deceptively more unhealthy than it would seem. But, you can always counter things like that with their exceptional stock of fresh fruits and vegetables, and other healthy items, sold at a terrific price!
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