# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:40 |
# ? Sep 18, 2024 13:06 |
spreading FUD i see, star citizen isn't about holding your handing and providing you with "scripted content" like thoughtfully designed areas swarming with enemy npcs. the star citizen is a more sophisticated gamer and seeks emergent gameplay so quit being a content locust and try moving a soda machine from one port to another like the faithful
# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:41 |
Hobold posted:Gyrojet bullets were designed to work in guns that could function in the vacuum and harsh temperatures of space.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:45 |
Nicholas posted:https://robertsspaceindustries.com/schedule-report Aug 25th, 2017 <---- LOL!!!
# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:50 |
Who is your bitch now, Spergs? ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\...
# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:51 |
I'm sorry, what the gently caress just happened? I have been rightfully and understandably avoiding this thread until something new popped up. In the words of Cable WHAT. HAPPENED?!
# ? Jul 8, 2017 02:59 |
Beer4TheBeerGod posted:You can detect an object emitting 20W from a distance of 18 billion kilometers right now. That's what the Voyager probe is putting out right now. Sure, but we know where to look. Consider all the junk we've missed even though its brighter than that — often exactly because there's so much to detect. As much as I enjoy pointing to Project Rho, they've kind of forgotten about the opposite side of the spectrum: detecting something not against the blackness, but against the noise of space, and in this case, especially if it's a pretty short and static phenomenon. As someone pointed out, it's a pretty silly idea compared to just having a plain old distress beacon.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:01 |
Star Citizen will be released so far in the future, using a special technology using your brain called imagination ,or "Star Imagination Engine 3.0"
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:03 |
LOL!! Holy poo poo. They delayed it on purpose!? It all makes sense now. quote:Looks like they are just accepting that it's best for marketing to release right before Gamescom. No other reason for the delay as it seems to not be content related, but more wanting to spend extra time on bug fixes and polish for optics during the event. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/6lxwj9/diff_for_8th_of_july_30_production_schedule/djxhsar/ WARNING! DO NOT BREAK GLASS! Seriously broken-brained people within.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:04 |
Cao Ni Ma posted:Just overwhelm the player base with a bunch of useless poo poo so they can be distracted with the fact that they are suffering from a massive engineering bottleneck on core engine issues and they continue to skid their tires on UI and doors
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:06 |
Jesus patch 3.0, I hardly knew ye. Already hedging on whether 3.2 or 3.3 will be the jesus patch
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:07 |
The doors are being polished as we speak, citizens.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:15 |
Now taking bets on how long it takes for me to start up 3.0 and walk through a door or wall.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:16 |
Tokamak posted:
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:16 |
I'm the second internal pre-Evocati milestone of Star Citizen Alpha 3.0.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:18 |
Nicholas posted:https://robertsspaceindustries.com/schedule-report Holy poo poo!! They've called you out!! https://www.reddit.com/r/DerekSmart/comments/6lyb3b/twitter_070717_dev_schedule_analysis_is_up_its/ quote:He also uses a really cheap tactic, so that the list of "delayed" items looks longer by including their descriptions.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:19 |
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:19 |
Anthem is going to release long before star citizen's planetside is worth playing, and it's going to set a new standard that star citizen will never, ever be able to approach. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQhbHwkMSA4&t=150s Calling it now, masses of backers will be playing Anthem instead of Star Citizen when that game launches.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:21 |
D_Smart posted:Holy poo poo!! They've called you out!! lol
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:24 |
Is this a real screenshot? It looks like a shopped in Poser model.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:27 |
my gf just came by and asked what i was doing and i said 'posting about star citizen' and she sighed and went to the bedroom and fell asleep so i ask you who is the real loser here
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:27 |
Bubbacub posted:Is this a real screenshot? It looks like a shopped in Poser model.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:28 |
My face when I make a working door in a videogame:
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:30 |
Nicholas posted:my gf just came by and asked what i was doing and i said 'posting about star citizen' and she sighed and went to the bedroom and fell asleep so i ask you who is the real loser here
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:32 |
D_Smart posted:Holy poo poo!! They've called you out!! So these days all CR has to do is make a "smug" face and show stuff that's pretty much identical to what they didn't release last year, and that's enough for those people to declare some sort of victory? What did they win? They still do not have their 'game' or any sizeable part of it, let alone a vertical slice, and the longer these cyclical screenings of old outdated tech that CIG still can't master, even as we speak many other dev companies are developing tech far more advanced than this and on loving consoles lol, the worse the fallout is going to be when the penny drops that the game needs at least another 10 years of dev and a much better engine and there's no money left to pay for either. I've saved that CR "smug face" for future editing, when I get to emblazon it with the legend "This is the smug face of a lying conman". I suspect that day is fast approaching too.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:36 |
So I have been away for a while and I hear they have mortgaged their company?
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:40 |
hakimashou posted:So I have been away for a while and I hear they have mortgaged their company?
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:43 |
thatguy posted:My face when I make a working door in a videogame: Slouched posture (lazy), arms crossed on table in front of him (by his shoulder position, indicates withholding info), head turned slightly right, away from the camera (avoidance), eyes facing to the left (left is almost always indication of mistruthful thoughts), eyebrows raised, likely on purpose and not unconciously (which indicates feigning self congratulatory expression), head tilted forward and down (shame), mouth pursed and tight lipped (ignored as no indication he'd finished or just started talking). If he maintaind this posture while delivering news then well... All good signs backers. (My other half's analysis, she does that body langauge investigation thing at her work and she's rather good at it) Sabreseven fucked around with this message at 03:47 on Jul 8, 2017 |
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:44 |
Bubbacub posted:Is this a real screenshot? It looks like a shopped in Poser model. It's real, it's of a medical officer that doesn't exist in the game yet because the game doesn't exist. She has a rare condition where her thumbs get cold and she has to wear thumb gloves and, by the looks of her eyes, smoke copious amounts of ice.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:44 |
FMguru posted:cool its pissflaps's avatar Yeah I won some sort of posting award. So what's the story on them mortgaging the company or whatever?
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:46 |
hakimashou posted:Yeah I won some sort of posting award. they need money
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:48 |
so what the gently caress happened guys, some of us don't follow this goddamn thread like blitzer's situation room
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:49 |
Kromlech posted:Anthem is going to release long before star citizen's planetside is worth playing, and it's going to set a new standard that star citizen will never, ever be able to approach. Looks like this year's first overhyped pile of poo poo mate. So yeah you're probably right, they will be playing it!
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:49 |
Like is there a news article about it or some kind of press release or a smoking gun or something, does it say how much they borrowed? There are space shitizens whose faces I need to rub in it.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:50 |
hakimashou posted:Yeah I won some sort of posting award.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:52 |
hakimashou posted:There are space shitizens whose faces I need to rub in it.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:52 |
hakimashou posted:Yeah I won some sort of posting award. Ortwin needed a quick influx of cash to buy in on the Das Boot Rebo(a|o)t so he pawned S42.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:59 |
D_Smart posted:These are the same ignorant wankers still throwing money into an open fire pit. It's beggars belief. well don't act like it doesn't make you feel just a little bit good
# ? Jul 8, 2017 03:59 |
Tippis posted:Sure, but we know where to look. A distress beacon is basically a flare in a different spectrum. The thing about the noise of space is that, as far as I know, it's fairly static (pun not intended). The stuff being emitted from stars and whatnot thousands of light-years away doesn't really change in the interval that something would theoretically be scanning the sky. I could be wrong though, but if you're scanning deep space every hour or whatever I figure you'll notice something changing like that.
# ? Jul 8, 2017 04:00 |
# ? Sep 18, 2024 13:06 |
what if the "game" was posting about star citizen, and the actual intent of star citizen was just a youtube tv series
# ? Jul 8, 2017 04:05 |