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Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

if you are set on using assembly why don't you try applying to be a reverse engineer at an infosec company? i hear there is good money to be made there and there is a talent shortage\

e: also from personal experience inforsec people are mostly approachable on twitter. you can get your foot the door in that way.

i ~dabble~ a bit in RE stuff and uh maybe the celebrities are but the regular people who just know enough to be a nuisance are the absolute loving worst

virtually every single one of then is That Kid who didn't get laid in high school and got pushed around by the popular kids, their personality gets stuck at the high schooler level and they take their frustrations out on the world by smashing peoples' windows and gloating about it. i do know a couple of people in the business who aren't petty sociopaths though so maybe i'll look into that as a career move later on but i mean from what i've seen so far it's very off-putting

also i'm not particularly good


Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Valeyard posted:

i got like a 19% payrise last week, and 16% bonus, but still feel pretty underpaid

i wonder what H1B options are available these days, might be interesting to go work in the us for a year or two while ive got no hard ties here yet

always seemed like amazon was the best way to go for foreigners wanting to work in usa tech

you want to work on H1B for a year or two. what if you decide in that time you want to stay? say, make some friends, become attached to an area, maybe get into a relationship?

if you can even get through the H1B lottery then sure, go for it, but god help you if you decide to go for a green card. with the caveat that i oscillated between disliking and outright loathing my H1B job for the past four years the whole thing took an immense hit on my mental health given that everything had the potential to go up in smoke right up until the very final step of the process concluded (and even then technically you want a 6-24 month buffer afterwards)

if you like the place where you work then i guess it can be ok but it literally takes years and years. less than two is almost unheard of unless you're a fairly senior manager at a big firm, and in practice it could take something like four.

also bear in mind when and if(!!!) you get the green card the valve promptly flips into the opposite direction and you're stuck here. you can't leave for >6 months without asking permission first or you run the risk of losing the green card. five years of that until you can get citizenship.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

vodkat posted:

Going to apply for my first terrible programming job. Whats the cv speak way to say I found a memory error bug on our unis hpc, detailed what was happening, wrote a little report on it and sent it off to the server-wizards who were then able to identify it and fix said bug? Seems like its something worth mentioning to show that I'm not a total idiot can do things but not really sure how to phrase it in a way that sounds cv like but also doesn't sound totally trivial.

"During my time in this role I was responsible for isolating and documenting intermittent failures in a native-code distributed system, as well as liaising with the production support team to deliver a satisfactory resolution to our stakeholders"

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
software companies build almost universally open source infrastructure these days because the economics are favorable. your software business will have a core competency and you'll have a whole bunch of infrastructural crap needed to make that core competency work. you can:

1. buy commercial software from a vendor. every dollar you pay your vendor for support is a dollar you're not making in profit. also the vendor's interests often do not align with yours.
2. build it in-house at great expense. which is not a good business proposition for things that aren't your core competency.
3. if it's something fairly small, make an open source seed of a solution and then see if some gullible bastard comes along and writes the rest of it for you for free.

at this point there's a snowball effect: once an open source solution mostly exists, the economics favor taking that open source solution and adding some minor enhancements that your business needs. now you have an internal fork. at this point, you quickly discover that maintaining a private fork is a pain in the rear end. so now you "pay" the community in code and upstream your enhancements. this buys you "support" in the sense that the community now maintains your code instead of you, including keeping it up to date with other poo poo that's happening in mainline.

but this pattern only establishes itself in solutions to infrastructural problems peculiar to companies that do a lot of in-house software development. which is why you don't see any non-laughable open source alternatives to, say, photoshop and autocad: the primary consumers of those products would love to pull adobe and audodesk's fangs out of their necks, but those companies are stuffed to the gills with graphic designers and engineers, not programmers. so the only open source competitors to those products are made by hobbyists, with all of the lack of focus and quality that entails.

people thought hobbyist software would somehow magically take over the world. it never did; actually the hobbyist poo poo peaked and then slid hard after the early 2000s. a weird form of corporation-driven communism emerged instead.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

psst it never stops working

how do you think your boss' boss got his job

daddy putting him through Harvard so that he had ample opportunity to network with the Right Sorts Of People?

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
tbf reversing a singly-linked list in place is a useful part of a lock-free queue

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
c++ and its standard library are godawful

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

qhat posted:


plenty of detail is available in the TP thread and the PL thread

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
they're really not lol. they have a lot of inertia, that doesn't make them in any way good.

c++ wasn't designed, it was congealed. features were added haphazardly, then they interacted in unforeseen ways, then those unexpected interactions were resolved by piling more poo poo on top of the existing poo poo. a fairly fundamental misfeature is the fact that you have manual memory management and unconstrained exceptions in the same language making it very difficult to reason about an application's resource management and error paths. no, raii and smart pointers are not a magic bullet here.

the standard library is a special kind of awful. it did recently get directory traversal and threading but it still doesn't do sockets. the goddamn string type is worthless because it isn't aware of unicode or character encodings in any useful way. oh, there's std::wstring, which consists of wchar_t elements. ok, what is a wchar_t? it's a 4-byte integer on unix and a 2-byte integer on windows. did you just tell me to go gently caress myself? string formatting is horribly verbose and un-internationalizable and littered with poo poo syntax gimmicks. "oh good, i'm glad my standard string type is a generic type parameterized on what integer type is incorrectly used to store its characters", said nobody ever. containers all take an idiotic "allocator" type parameter because "what if you want to make a container type specialization that allocates shared memory!".

the stdlib just has the most bizarre and worthless mis-features that nobody could ever possibly want and critical deficiencies in the sorts of things people actually do want, like the ability to serialize and deserialize utf-8 text, or format text, or do multiplexed io, or interact with that new fangled "internet" thing in any way whatsoever.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

The Management posted:

I cannot stress this enough

agreed, but this particular case is something i'm just doing for shits and giggles.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
dont work for startups

e: maybe unless ur the ceo

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
re: work/life balance in companies whose main product is something other than software: on the one hand yes on the other hand enjoy being reminded every day that you are a cost center and being paid accordingly

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Symbolic Butt posted:

current job status: slowly descending into despair

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
jesus gently caress no that's a ban

use python if you can't think of anything else but there is no good reason to ever inflict yet another shitphpile onto the world

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Gazpacho posted:

oh to be young again and believe that better languages/libraries make better programmers discussion of this exact use case

good tools are easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly. you can gently caress up in python by all means but it takes an active effort, as opposed to php where it's something that just naturally happens if you don't watch out for all of the pitfalls that originated from the fact that it was designed by a monkey

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
if you like the idea of working 60+ hrs/wk to make somebody who is not you extremely rich then go for it!

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Progressive JPEG posted:

if you asked them first it isnt poaching

if the problem is a noncompete then lol get out of your lovely state and move to CA

i am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice

o satan who ruleth over hell and all the souls of the damned therein, grant that i may never be forced by circumstances to move to california. hail.

never mind the horrid sprawl and cost of living, i can think of one, maybe two people who i know personally that currently reside in california who i do not utterly, utterly loathe. including a few people who were more or less alright before they moved there. i swear the put something psychoactive in the water in that loving place.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
I think I might finally be leaving this shitshow of a job in ~3mo. And thank god.

Not even going to think about getting another job for another 3mo after that

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
yeah people like to poo poo on programmers for being useless and never getting anything right etc etc but ultimately software development fuckups are political, not technological

a highly profitable gold rush market like software is gonna see investors demanding that it be piled into as fast as humanly possible, and preferably faster thanks

it's amazing that software works as well as it does tbh

why don't we build software the way that we build cars and houses gee idk maybe because there isn't a trillion loving dollars chasing 30% yoy returns constantly asking WHY ARENT YOU DONE BUILDING THIS RIGHT THE gently caress NOW in the automotive and construction industries

actually wait what am i saying that's exactly the situation with our current real estate hoarding and market cornering bubble so surprise surprise new construction is loving dogshit and everything to do with the regulatory and oversight process is deeply, nakedly corrupt


Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Pollyanna posted:

yeah i think im psyching myself out here. its not a BAD place to work at, im just scared of what can go wrong

post/username combo

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Pollyanna posted:

i take the startup job and i am clearly ill equipped to handle the problems

i don't think startup or not-startup has any real bearing on this. in a startup you do have to take more technical initiative i guess, which is a good thing and a bad thing (you own your successes, but you also own your fuckups)


i take the startup job then bail and join another company and the first company gets extremely mad and word goes around that im a flake

this is not a thing that happens, ever. nobody gives a poo poo about you after you're gone. nobody has the time or potential liability to waste being spiteful.


i take the startup job and decide to stay and then i have to work 9+ hour days and i burn out

yeah this is something you have to watch out for. 9 hours? pff, casual.


i take the startup job and decide to stay and then they fire me for no good reason without trying to reason it out (the one im most worried about)

i take the startup job and the company eats poo poo and fails and i gotta look for a new job thereby making my resume look awful and me like a flake

startups are understood to be a volatile employment proposition that can suddenly evaporate for reasons outside your control. but so, for that matter, is full time employment with an established business. this is a capitalist enterprise, you are a cost to be minimized and eliminated. you are only ever employed grudgingly.

if your resume shows a pattern of brief employments then that could be an issue. if you have one, well, make sure you have a couple of sentences prepared to explain it. "$STARTUP ran out of runway" is a perfectly adequate get-out-of-jail-free card.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
or inside it for that matter

lest you tee somebody up for a brutal own

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

qhat posted:

if you have time to post a lot while at work, you don't have enough work to do

work as hard as your paid to work imo

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
while this is true the software development interview process is a fickle beast and success or failure is only weakly correlated with programming ability at best

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
doing my own taxes is a huge pain in the rear end but i refuse to give a penny to tax prep companies on principle

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

PCjr sidecar posted:

fairly sure international migration is involves more paperwork than a 1040

My dude I just spent seven years of my life earning residency in your garbage country

Yeah I'm not entirely sure why I did it either

Anyway I'm sticking around for a while sorry

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Pollyanna posted:

on the other hand i can just see someone being like "what the gently caress do you mean you want ME to do something, i tell you what i want and you make it loving happen, now do it"

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
Feature requests go through the dev team's PM, whose job it is to act as a bullshit shield for whatever navel gazing crap other people in the org suddenly decided that they desperately needed about five seconds ago while sitting at their desk playing with their balls

If you don't have a bullshit shield and it's open season on devs then yeah god help you because you'll get all sorts of random crap requests all day long and your manager will be copied on every single one

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
there is no death slow and painful enough for property hoarders

it's been a long time since such a small group of people have been so utterly parasitic and had such a deleterious effect on a civilization scale

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

DaTroof posted:

what do you mean by property hoarder

well, you know how there's a bunch of people driving all these new build condo developments in the middle of every major city, where the units are all bought sight unseen, and there's some system for turning the lights on and off in each unit periodically even though nobody actually lives there?

yeah, those people

who the gently caress did you think i meant

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
a "housing crash" means a 20% fall in prices

there's a bunch of petit bourgeois loving scum who are leveraged up to their eyeballs who will get wiped out, but the truly wealthy won't be significantly affected, and they're the guys who are just buying dwellings in bulk and then just sitting on them, the petit boug are at least renting their poo poo out.

property isn't the same thing as shitcoins, the price isn't going to go to zero because it is actually an essential commodity with inherent value. the problem will not be corrected until there is an iron fisted central government policy to forcefully correct it but idk apparently that's stalinism according to boomers and they're still in charge of literally everything.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
i grew up in the uk. in the 70s, long before i was born, there was an excellent solution to this problem. you had local housing authorities. local governments bought land, developed it, maintained the dwellings therein, and rented them out to the general public. people from many different social classes all lived on the same street. there was private home ownership and private rental too, of course, but mortgages were far more expensive and less accessible than they are today.

but this arrangement didn't serve to fatten up a bunch of wealthy loving parasites so it was killed through a wonderful innovation called "right to buy", where tenants were allowed to purchase their dwelling from the housing authority outright and thereby deplete the stock to zero. high-density public housing was also relentlessly attacked through a propaganda campaign about "sink estates". amongst other things it made the galaxy brained argument that public housing was in such high demand that waiting lists were enormous, so people got stuck living in places they didn't want to live for long periods of time, so let's just severely curtail the whole system instead of actually meeting the loving demand.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
Public housing should not generate a profit. Roads should not generate a profit. Sewerage should not generate a profit. Education should not generate a profit. This is all infrastructure that facilitates the actual productive economy: accommodate healthy and educated workers in reasonably comfortable conditions in sufficiently concentrated areas, then bring them into close proximity during the day so that (economically productive stuff) happens, then bring them back out again so they can rest and entertain themselves and whatever else.

Then again, by that logic agriculture should also be nationalized and not run for profit, yet it is entirely privately owned and it does produce a profit and even has a sizable financial derivatives market. Which doesn't seem like such a bad arrangement, on the whole, though of course there is a whole bunch of government regulation around agriculture both in terms of food safety and market stabilization.

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

"right to buy" was a deeply brain-damaged handout. tens of billions of pounds of public property sold for pennies on the dollar. (pennies on the pound?)

Sounds like a very successful policy to me.

Notorious b.s.d. posted:

that said, local housing authorities never really worked. as in the united states, public housing was often substandard condition, it lost money hand over fist, and there was no obvious way to raise money to build more of it.

lastly, and most importantly, high-density public housing is the solution that folks want to apply to other people. no one wants to live in a modernist concrete disaster built by the lowest-bidding government subcontractor unless they have absolutely no other choices. it's just an awful way to live that fails to meet needs above the most basic attempt to keep rain off your head -- safety, community, comfort, etc are all left behind.

privately owned rental accommodation, as we all know, is much better in all of these regards isn't it, except for the part where it makes lots of money for the people at the top.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

qhat posted:

I recommend nobody do this IMO. If you already got a job, there's no reason you can't send out resumes in your spare time.

counterpoint: being burned out as gently caress isn't going to do you any favors when you're doing long and gruelling interviews alongside a full day's work at a job you hate

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
I'll take my chances with a spell of funemployment I think because I'm down to maybe 1-2hrs per day of actual useful work and I'm just no good to anybody in my current state.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
i hate webshit in general but react with redux and a type checker is the first time i've done webshit coding and not hated every minute of the experience. so, you know, there's that.

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost

Pollyanna posted:

“our app sucks poo poo and were in the middle of trying to move to react pls help”

i mean at least they are attempting to atone for their sins

Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
java is 80% the same thing as c# except that java has a standard build tool that isn't idiotic and a third party open source library ecosystem that actually exists. so you can pick up java very quickly, you'll spend more time learning the ecosystem than the language.

afaik in c# land if you want to do a thing then you either use the microsoft library for doing said thing or do it yourself. and chances are the microsoft library is poo poo, because chances are any given library is poo poo. if you have an open source ecosystem though, the poo poo libraries die and the not-poo poo libraries thrive and then natural selection works its magic. stuck with only the microsoft libraries? your hosed.

also there's various jvm langs out there that interop nicely with java. scala, kotlin, clojure are the big ones.

java 8 added something like linq, java 9 added something like assemblies except it's a massively disruptive change so nobody is really using them yet. bytes are signed in java but everything else is strictly better than its c# equivalent, at least it was back when i last dealt with c# in like v3 or something.


Jan 2, 2005

Nap Ghost
yeah if you switch from swt to something designed more recently than 20 years ago then you're going to have an easier time of it

in other news qt 5 is a lot easier to program for than motif

that's not a reflection upon the language one way or the other

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