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  • Locked thread
May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.

Chrono Trigger's Main Theme

Chrono Trigger was the result of a collaboration between Hironobu Sakaguchi (Creator of Final Fantasy), Yuji Horii (Creator of Dragon Quest), and Akira Toriyama (Creator of Dragon Ball). Originally designed to be a Seiken Densetsu/Mana game before the idea got ditched due to being designed for the cancelled Super Famicom Disk Drive, the remains of that initial project evolved into Secret of Mana. Eventually though the project got another start and eventually in 1995 we got this game as the result.

Chrono Trigger is widely regarded as one of the best jRPGs (if not best games overall) due to a combination of the numerous new features it added and/or popularized (combination attacks, seamless map/battle transitions, New Game +), unparalleled pacing, the beautiful and expressive graphics stemming from Toriyama's designs, and the fantastic soundtrack composed primarily by Yasunori Mitsuda (with a few tracks by Final Fantasy mainstay Nobuo Uematsu). It's one of those rare RPGs that doesn't have one significant flaw to hold it back (besides maybe its battle system being a bit too simplistic for some) and enough positive qualities to really shine as an overall product. I certainly admire everything it's done for the genre and wish more games would take what Chrono Trigger does well and implement those qualities (as opposed to just taking CT's battle system wholesale and thinking that alone will make a game a classic, looking at you I Am Setsuna/Lost Sphear).

If that doesn't sell you, maybe the attract mode will.

SNES Attract Mode | PS1 Attract Mode

This Let's Play will be more of my usual fare with hopefully a tad more depth than usual. A comprehensive focus on the game itself while looking at what makes this game work, as well as a look at the translation comparisons done by kwhazit and a small dive into the game's mechanics since those usually get glossed over. This will be for the SNES version, and I'll be ignoring the DS bonus content since it ranges from mediocre (most of it) to outright terrible (hello Lost Sanctum). But you better believe I'll have plenty of music links, GIFs, and MP4s to enhance the reading experience. I'll be doing my best to show off everything I possibly can, so please let me know if I miss something! Or if I make typos or if something doesn't work for you or whatever.

For other Let's Plays of this game, Leavemywife did a great job with the DS version, Blind Sally has a really interesting and unique take on the game, and Quovak does a Low Level Run while doing an utterly fantastic job going into what makes this game so great.

Tag spoilers.

My Twitter for Let's Play and Stream Update


Bonus: Stream - The Lost Sanctum

Mega64 fucked around with this message at 11:15 on Nov 20, 2018


May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.
Fan Stuff

Merry Deciever shows off Lucca's most successful invention yet.

Merry Deciever posted:

A bit late, but always fun~

Fister Roboto looks back at one of JERK's more memorable roles.

Fister Roboto posted:

One of my favorite movies.

Kheldarn breaks the rules by letting Robo wear a beret.

Kheldarn posted:

Robo wears a red beret

Robo wears a green beret

Mega64 fucked around with this message at 09:53 on Jun 11, 2018

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.

Gotta say, Chrono Trigger knows how to introduce itself between the wonderful animation of the splash screen and the attract mode after. Even the logo stands out and pretty much tells you what you're in for.

Much like the Super Nintendo Final Fantasy games, Chrono Trigger uses the Active Time Battle system. I'm assuming Version 2 began with Final Fantasy V, which added the time bar to show when a character would attack next and removed a lot of the bugginess of the initial iteration of FF4.

We'll go into the battle system later in this update, and the choice here doesn't really matter since it can always be changed later.

The other thing to do first is name our protagonist. This was likely supposed to be "Chrono", for obvious reasons, but because at this point Square was still lackluster with its localization efforts we're stuck with five characters, so Crono it is.

And now, the iconic opening!

Morning Sunlight

Ah, Leene's Bell makes such beautiful music!

I want you to behave yourself today!

Short and simple. At this point we immediately get control of Crono.

All we can really do right now is open and close the curtains and go downstairs. Still, it's nice that we pretty much immediately get into the game. Of course, the same is true of the NES FF games, and I'm sure there's many other examples as well. Feel free to share your favorites!

Peaceful Days know...! Oh, dear, I've forgotten her name!

As you may have guessed, Crono's childhood friend will be another playable character down the line. Lucca's one of the few childhood friends that isn't a romantic interest.

And if you're curious, her name is supposed to be pronounced with a long U. But I won't judge you if you pronounce it differently, hell I used the short U pronounciation for a long time.

Run along now, and be back before dinner.

As usual, you want to talk to some NPCs multiple times.

Doing this here nets us some extra spending money.

Anyway, our goal is to simply visit the fair. We won't be doing that this update, though. There's so much to explore in the overworld that I might as well show it all off!

Of course, everything in this update is optional to do. I really like how the game lets you do things in your own pace, to the point where if you know what you're doing you can breeze through this introductory area in less than five minutes.

First off, let's visit a couple residences for some world-building goodness. In case you're curious, this town's name is Truce.

But how can he rule a kingdom when he can't even control his own daughter?!

Guardia has a long lineage, and the princess is a bit unruly. Both of these things will be relevant, of course.

Lucca's a bit of an outcast, it seems. That said, I've seen nothing in this game that suggests she's a brat...

And of course some NPCs are just nonsensical, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This shop is closed for the fair. Then again, the shopkeeper doesn't really sell anything there anyway, if he's even there to begin with, so...oh well!

There's more NPCs to chat up here.


Well get going, then!! You'll have to wait a thousand years for another Millenial Fair!

Or we could just hold another Millenial Fair the next year to celebrate the 1000-year-anniversary of Year 1AD.

Oddly enough Year 0 is completely irrelevant in this game.

Life sucks sometimes.

Crono will fold his arms whenever given a choice. Buying just plays the overworld song, which I'll show off in a bit.

We can also go to the inn, but there's no point since you can rest in Crono's home for free.


We've been having too many. Something's wrong... Hope the "Big One" isn't coming!



Apparently the earthquakes may have supposed to have been more relevant in the early drafts of the game. Here, they're just fluff. We don't have to worry about earthquakes. Life is good.

One last neat thing is this box.

Free loot!

Mystery of the Past

There's a few of these unopenable chests lying around the world. No one seems to really care about them.

Peaceful Days

The Mayor's Manor is basically the tutorial area, where you can learn about the game's mechanics. Also a bit of free loot.

This NPC talks about weapons and armor. Each character has their own unique weapon. In Crono's case, he favors katanas. There's Head and Body armor, which will vary on who can equip what. Finally, there's accessories, which can do some cool things and, other than a few unique ones for specific characters, everyone can equip them.

We'll get into stats in a bit, but most characters' physical damage will rely on Power. The exceptions are our Bow and Gun users, who deal damage based on the Hit stat. For them, Power is useless.

Tonics are your basic healing items, restoring 50HP. As you may expect, they're handy early-game but wane in effectiveness as you gain more HP.

Saving is like most other RPGs. You can save at save points such as this one as well as anywhere on the world map.

This game gives some nice flexibility in handling dialogue. At the very least it should make my job slightly easier in showing this game off!

Shelters are your standard "Fully heal at Save Points or the World Map" item, like Final Fantasy's Tents. As for what they look like...

...honestly this just raises more questions.

This guy shows off the areas of effect of certain skills.

As far as techniques go, positioning can matter sometimes, depending on the tech's area of effect. Some attack in a circular area, with the center point being whichever monster you select. This means finding the right enemy to select so you can affect as many enemies as possible, though the game will always show which enemies will be affected when selecting a tech on an enemy, removing a lot of guesswork.

There's other patterns as well, of course, but I won't bog things down here.

This NPC teaches about status effects.

Battle 1

Poison does the usual "lose HP periodically" thing, but it also gives a roughly 20% penalty on physical attacks.

From what I could find, Slow halves your speed. I could be wrong, though, so please correct me if so!

Another standard. I can't find how big a penalty you get on defense, but of course one hit will wake you right up! Of course that character won't be doing anything until then...

Confusion. The afflicted character will only use physical attacks, and even then the attack power and hit rate is significantly nerfed, making this more of a nuisance than an actual threat.

As you may expect, lowers hit rate. I cannot find any sources that tell me by how much, though.

Silence. Just at it says.

This lasts for the rest of battle, or until healed.

Peaceful Days

Fortunately this game has a cheap catch-all status healing item, so most of these end up trivial to deal with.

Like other RPGs, you can run away from encounters.

You can techniques by acquiring Tech Points from battles. Earn enough and you'll learn a new Technique! That said, the game does limit what you can learn at first.

Talking to the mayor again gets more cash (and he has a bit more in the chest behind him).

Lucca's home is...a bit of a mess.

Lucca's mom is hanging out by herself, taking it easy I guess. At least her room is clean.

Now for something useless.

This is minor foreshadowing for something essentially meaningless. This isn't the most exciting area, honestly.

Her relationship to Fritz is vague in the English version, but she's the guy's girlfriend. I'm sure we'll run into Fritz at some point.

The ferry is pointless because there's a bridge that leads to the southern continent. It's probably a leftover from an earlier version of the game, where the bridge is actually broken and thus the ferry would be the only way to go between the continents.

This is sort of true, in that the ferry ride is indeed nothing.

...I wouldn't say that to her, of course.

Anyway, this other town is named Porre.

Seems kinda messed up that you all didn't go together, but whatever.

The Snail Stop is a rather interesting name.

Another bit of foreshadowing.

This guy will sell us Jerky for an outrageous price. Pass.

North of Porre is a large empty featureless desert. A shame we couldn't see what could've been...

Says the man spending his morning drinking beer juice at a pub.

...Actually maybe this guy has the right idea.

I'll be nice and let you choose this one.

> Play a sad one, Joe!
> Something upbeat, please!

The local shop has actual things for sale. Nothing we really need right now, though, the initial enemies are more than easy.

Next up, let's visit the mayor.

He kinda sucks.

Crono has no pride.

Memories of Green

Once we leave either town, the overworld music plays. It's kind a shame that you never really get to hear it unless you take the time to do so. On the other hand, the world map is both small and distraction-less, as there's no random battles and everything's small enough that you can get from Point A to Point B with ease.

Hell, you don't even need to enter this bridge. You can skip the entry point and just walk across. However, then we miss out on silly NPC banter!

Like people who want to party!

All men with blue hats are merchants. Thus says the law of Chrono Trigger. If you wear a blue hat, you must be a merchant.

The last point of interest for today is Guardia Forest. It also has some great music.

Secret of the Forest

Now let's get into one of Chrono Trigger's great innovations, the battle system.

First off, there are no random encounters in Chrono Trigger. All encounters are at set points. This does mean that sometimes you may pass an invisible threshold that brings in enemies from off-screen, but all encounter triggers will always be the same.

Also, many encounters can be avoided as a result. You don't have to fight any encounter in this forest if you don't want to. That said, now's as good a time as any to show off the battle system, so let's bother these guys and get to work.

Battle 1

The other thing that makes Chrono Trigger stand out is the seamless transition from map to battle. This also gives you an idea of what to expect from some enemy formations and to even let you make plans beforehand, though that's certainly not necessary here.

That said, Crono knows no Techniques for now, so all he can do is attack.

If you're curious, the attack formula for Crono is [(Power X 4/3) + (Weapon Attack + 5/9)] x 2 + RND. Of course, all decimals are truncated.

Positioning can matter for some enemies, but most will dive across the screen to attack you. Of course, your party has no issue doing the same. Physical attacks will never be affected by positioning, only techniques.

Critical Hits are also in this game and double your damage. Crono's base crit rate is 10%.

Anyway, we easily dispatch the foes and get our rewards (Standard RPG stuff, EXP for levels, GP for money, TP to learn Techniques, and a lucky item drop), and we immediately transition back to the map.

Secret of the Forest

And sometimes you'll find items sparkling in the ground. There's three types of these tabs. Power, Magic, and Speed Tabs all raise their respective stats by one point.

There's another monster wandering around here. We can't fight it...

...but interacting with it triggers a fight with some Beetles/Scarabs. Nothing interesting about these guys either.

But we gain enough TP to net Crono's first Technique!

Before we check that out, let's take a look at the menu.

The first option lets you check stats and change equipment. Power and Magic of course affect damage from physical attacks and techniques. Most techniques use Magic, but some, like Cyclone, use Power. Hit Rate affects accuracy (formula seems to be Hit Rate/Target's Evade, though most enemies have low evasion), but also affects damage for a couple characters in place of Power. Magic Defense blocks a percentage of magic damage, so a paltry 2% in Crono's case. Evasion evades physicals, of course. Stamina simply adds that amount to your defense, along with your helmet and body armor. Speed affects ATB speed, but unlike the other stats it does not gain by level and caps out at 16, though you may not want to bother getting it above 12 due to how Haste works in this game.

As for Crono, he'll naturally cap out on Power and Stamina (and also HP, MP, and Magic Defense, but then so does every other character), though you pretty much have to grind beyond the expected end-game levels to reach those. His natural magic is low however, and many of his later techs make use of the stat, so he's a good candidate for Magic Tabs. Then again, he's not a bad candidate for Power Tabs either since everyone maxes out Power besides the two characters who have no use for it.

Crono's base weapon and armor are unexciting. His starting accessory, the Bandana, adds +1 Speed. Not a huge amount, but better than nothing.

Second menu is items, then there's techs. You can use healing techs out-of-battle here, as well as see how much TP you need for the next ability. Slash will take a bit of time to learn, though after learning Slash Crono won't learn any more Techniques until the plot allows him to.

Also the technique descriptions are infamously bad in this version. This description is kinda confusing later because Crono learns a Technique called Spincut. And trust me, it'll get worse later on.

As for the numbers 2 and 3, we'll get to those in time.

Last three menu options include your standard options menu including battle speed, cursor memory, and window options, the ability to change party order (which can affect some dialogue), and the ability to save your game.

Let's try out our new technique!

The cursors will show all enemies that will be affected. Cyclone affects all enemies within a specific radius of the targeted enemy, so I end up waiting for the Beetles to come closer to me until they're close enough to each other that I can wipe out both.

Unfortunately you don't have much control over positioning in battles. You cannot move your characters, and you can't affect how the enemies will move.

In addition to being able to hit multiple enemies, Cyclone also does an extra 20% damage compared to Crono's normal physical attack, so even against single enemies it can be useful.

I've showed off enough of the battle system for now, so let's skip the rest of the encounters here.

I am glad this sign was accurate. I don't know what I would have done had there not been an open field here.

The last area we can visit, besides the fair of course, is Guardia Castle.

Can't let you through. Go check out the festival!

But that's all we can check out.

Saving gives you the chapter title of the section of the game you're in. This chapter is all about the Millenial Fair, even though we haven't checked out the Millenial Fair yet.

So next time, we'll check out the Millenial Fair!

Mega64 fucked around with this message at 17:05 on Apr 15, 2018

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
It IS always time for Chrono Trigger! Especially the SNES version, woo!

The DS version almost retroactively tainted the game for me. Almost.

EDIT: aaaaaaand i'm gearing up to waste an hour just listening to Chrono Trigger remixes on YouTube again

Sally fucked around with this message at 18:46 on Apr 8, 2018

Mar 27, 2010

No one left uncured.
I got you.
I still can't quite believe that the games industry was ever in a state where a project like Chrono Trigger could exist, let alone be pulled off.

Today Chrono Trigger would be a Kickstarter, and it would implode spectacularly.

Rabbi Raccoon
Mar 31, 2009

I stabbed you dude!
...You can run from battles?

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
Heck yeah, you can! I tried it once just to see if it worked--then never used it again, because as much as I love Chrono Trigger, it's not exactly the most difficult of games.

Oct 30, 2011

So... dizzy...
Chrono Trigger! One of the greatest games of its console generation. :D

Blind Sally posted:

The DS version almost retroactively tainted the game for me. Almost.

I really don't get the hate for the DS version, though.

Feb 6, 2007

This avatar now 50% more dark mode compliant

Serifina posted:

Chrono Trigger! One of the greatest games of its console generation. :D
I really don't get the hate for the DS version, though.

I literally never found any of the extra content they added for the DS port, so as far as I'm concerned it's the same. :D

Rigged Death Trap
Feb 13, 2012


Serifina posted:

Chrono Trigger! One of the greatest games of its console generation. :D

I really don't get the hate for the DS version, though.

The extra content, which is optional, is an exercise in the most boring kinds of tedium.
The best thing I can say about is that it's optional so you can just ignore it.

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.

Rabbi Raccoon posted:

...You can run from battles?

I've done my job today.

Serifina posted:

I really don't get the hate for the DS version, though.

It really comes down to which translation you prefer, i.e. which version of Frog you prefer. Otherwise the DS has crap extra content but it's also optional so you can just ignore it.

I'm personally fine with both versions.

Rabbi Raccoon
Mar 31, 2009

I stabbed you dude!
A lot of the extra content just doesn’t feel like Chrono Trigger. It would be just fine in another game, but Chrono Trigger isn’t a game where you have a bunch of fetch quests, which is what the biggest offender is; just a series of quick fetch quests. Nor is it a game where you need to get even more powerful than you already are at the end of the game. But I’ll leave that for another day. Don’t wanna spoil anything

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!

Serifina posted:

I really don't get the hate for the DS version, though.

I don't like it because it's completely out of place and poorly implemented. Chrono Trigger without the extra content is like sitting down to enjoy a delicious meal at your favourite restaurant. Chrono Trigger with the extra content is like sitting down to enjoy that same delicious meal at that same favourite restaurant, only someone took a poo poo in the corner and it hasn't been cleaned up. Sure, I can ignore it, but it's kinda gross and smells a little bit, so by virtue of being in the restaurant it kinda drags down the experience just a little bit. Food was still good, but if I were to go back and eat there again I'd want to make sure I did so when there wasn't anything stinking up the place.

That's just my personal take on it, though, so I don't really see what's not to get. I mean, the DS version is fine for what it is and has some features I don't really mind, it just makes me wish they could've done a better job on creating an updated/remastered definitive version of the game.

placid saviour
Apr 6, 2009
This poop metaphor reached me in a way I never thought possible.

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.
This LP is going places I never radically dreamed possible.

Oct 9, 2012

Mega64 posted:

This LP is going places I never radically dreamed possible.

Let's not Cross that bridge please, let's just burn that here and now.

Jan 9, 2007

Don't post Small Dash!
sorry, I'll take a Break from making bad analogies :negative:

Jan 14, 2010
Slippery Tilde

Mega64 posted:

This LP is going places I never radically dreamed possible.

I see what you did there. And I don't really have a favorite version of the game, either. I like both for different reasons.

Aug 20, 2016

It's always a good time for a Chrono Trigger LP. I'm pretty sure this is the first game I ever bought new with my own money (as opposed to convincing my parents to buy it or getting it off someone trying to save for a Sega Genesis). And it's still one of my favorites.

Cattail Prophet
Apr 12, 2014

I've only ever played the ds version, and the extra content is pretty whatever, but from what I've seen, I think it has a vastly superior UI to the original. That's my two cents.

Aug 1, 2005

Do you think this is funny?
Chrono Trigger's attract mode is godlike.

Jan 4, 2015

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
Oh boy, more Chrono Trigger.
Let's take this from the top:

One of the things that CT does that makes it a really good game is that it doesn't waste your time. It assumes, by virtue of you hitting start at the title screen, that you want to play the game.
Hence, the intro is incredibly short and gets you into gameplay proper with minimal prodding. Two paragraphs of dialog (with your objective and subobjective laid out simply and naturally,) two naming prompts and establishing animations. That's it.

Crono is also the best case of a Silent Protagonist that I can readily recall. I mean, first thing he does after Mom wakes him up is that he stretches and then fist pumps (his victory animation.) Hell yes he's ready for that fair!

I always took the earthquake mentioned by the dude in the inn as something to do with the whirlpool mentioned at the ferry stop.

Regarding 'skill' (it's supposed to be Tech) areas, there's only like, 7 of them and the most finicky ones to use are introduced early. Overall there's only like, one or two absolutely useless techs in the entire game. Out of 118.

The reason no one knows the actual mechanical effect of blind is because it's a pretty useless status effect. Tech's can't miss, only normal attacks are affected by Hit and Evade.
Regarding stats: in addition to most enemies having low evade, tons of enemies also have no defense.
Take these Hetakes for example: Crono at level 1 has a power of 5 and his wooden sword has a weapon value of 3. That makes 8 which means he'll deal 16 + RND amounts of damage. That's what the Hetake took, so it has 0 or truncated-to-0 defense.

The tech descriptions are where Woolsey's translation just plain isn't good. It's easily the worst part of the game.

Finally, save file names are pretty much exactly Chapter Names and are usually delineated by something significant happening in the game.

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

The Millennial Fair is, of course, full of people eating avocado toast and not buying houses.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Also just throwing this one out there, but Ultra Spoot and SaltMonsterDeluxe recently did a rare VLP of Chrono Trigger on original SNES hardware to boot.

Dec 2, 2011

Screw you, physics!
Chrono Trigger is still one of the best games I've ever played, regardless of what I'm pitting it up against. It's a super fun game that has enough replayability to NG+ over and over and over.

I've still never hit level 99 in the game, though.

nine-gear crow
Aug 10, 2013

Slight spoilers for what's to come, but I first played Chrono Trigger in early 1999, so I spent a good part of that year somewhat bemused, for reasons we'll see coming up in the near future.

Lotus Aura
Aug 16, 2009


EponymousMrYar posted:

The tech descriptions are where Woolsey's translation just plain isn't good. It's easily the worst part of the game.

What, you mean Antipode: Attack enemies with Antipode isn't incredibly useful? :v:

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.

25 GIFs and 4 MP4s for the next update... Apparently I never noticed how expressive this game can be!

Update probably tomorrow, because if I say it's definitely tomorrow then I'll feel too lazy to actually do it.

e: Family thing came up for tomorrow so make that Wednesday.

Mega64 fucked around with this message at 00:38 on Apr 10, 2018

Jan 4, 2015

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.
Picture a robot punching Crono in the junk. Forever

CT really benefited from being a late SNES game and all the tricks they learned how to pull for sprite animation.

Hunter Noventa
Apr 21, 2010

I had absolutely no idea you could go to Porre and all that before even doing the festival,that's incredible.

And I love this game, Mitsuda make amazing music. (See: Xenogears).

Feb 26, 2010

I'm a girl, and you're
gnomes, and it's like
what? Yikes.
Woo ground flooring this poo poo.

Are you going to talk about the horrid abomination that is the PC port just released and why we should all be ashamed to exist in the same timeline as it? Actually I might have just summed up all there is to say about it.

Feb 17, 2011

From breaking Chrono Trigger to LPing it. One of my favorite games. One of my favorite LPers. What a good way to start 4th Winter.

counterfeitsaint posted:

Are you going to talk about the horrid abomination that is the PC port just released and why we should all be ashamed to exist in the same timeline as it? Actually I might have just summed up all there is to say about it.

Thanks for reminding me that thing existed. :mad:

Though there might be hope for it, if they follow through with this announcement.

Some Numbers
Sep 28, 2006


Mega64 posted:

This LP is going places I never radically dreamed possible.

FeyerbrandX posted:

Let's not Cross that bridge please, let's just burn that here and now.

Blind Sally posted:

sorry, I'll take a Break from making bad analogies :negative:
:allears: This thread is off to a fantastic start.

I've loved Chrono Trigger since the first time I played it in 2002 (I got into video games very late), so I'm super jazzed to see how this goes.

Jul 18, 2007

Things are more like they
are now than they ever were before.

Mega64 posted:

Positioning can matter for some enemies, but most will dive across the screen to attack you. Of course, your party has no issue doing the same. Physical attacks will never be affected by positioning, only techniques.

I've always wondered--is that true for the ranged weapons (bows/guns)? If the party member using those is standing right next to the monster they're attacking, they'll whack them with the weapon rather than shooting them.

Is that kind of attack calculated via Strength? Do weapon effects still apply if you konk the monster over the head instead of shooting them?

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.

Snowdog79 posted:

I've always wondered--is that true for the ranged weapons (bows/guns)? If the party member using those is standing right next to the monster they're attacking, they'll whack them with the weapon rather than shooting them.

Is that kind of attack calculated via Strength? Do weapon effects still apply if you konk the monster over the head instead of shooting them?

Pretty sure the ranged weapons use the same damage formula regardless of whether those characters are in melee range or not. Which is odd, but makes things simple I guess.

Tuxedo Ted
Apr 24, 2007

A collapsing portable bivouac. All it needs is a Capsule Corp logo.

Speaking of capsules, it took me until the DS remake renaming the stat Tab items to Capsules for me to realize that a power tab is a tablet you swallow.

Blind Sally posted:

EDIT: aaaaaaand i'm gearing up to waste an hour just listening to Chrono Trigger remixes on YouTube again

Post your favorites.

May 1, 2017

Chrono Trigger LP AND it's in-depth?? Sign me up! :allears:

I've never seen concept art for Crono's mom or Shelter (christ that thing looks more terrifying than Enertrons), it's really cool.

May 23, 2008

I took the octopath less travelered,

And it made one-eighth the difference.
There's actually art for every weapon, armor, and item. I've been grabbing them from the Chrono Compendium. I'll post the more interesting designs since most of the regular items are just balls or potions.

Here's the Power Tabsule.

Fister Roboto
Feb 21, 2008

Mega64 posted:

There's actually art for every weapon, armor, and item. I've been grabbing them from the Chrono Compendium. I'll post the more interesting designs since most of the regular items are just balls or potions.

Here's the Power Tabsule.

CT was way ahead of its time with the Tide Pod fad.


Oct 30, 2011

counterfeitsaint posted:

Woo ground flooring this poo poo.

Are you going to talk about the horrid abomination that is the PC port just released and why we should all be ashamed to exist in the same timeline as it? Actually I might have just summed up all there is to say about it.

It's worth noting that as much as the PC port is an abomination unto visual design and interface (and bonus content), there's a really important thing to remember.

It's still Goddamn Motherfucking Chrono Trigger. If you don't want to :files:, it's an option, and a better one than Not Playing Chrono Trigger.

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