I found a box of Topps® Desert Storm: Coalition for Peace trading cards/ stickers from 1991. These are apparently the 2nd, or "Victory" series. The box says they are to sell for 50˘ per pack, but that was way back in 1991. It would seem that Operation: Desert Storm™ heralded the dawn of a new and prosperous golden age for the United States marked by freedom, economic prosperity, and massive currency deflation. I base that assertion on the FACT that I bought these recently for a mere 10˘ per pack, or $3.60 for the box of 36. 36 packs x 8 cards/ 1 sticker per pack = 288 cards/ 36 stickers. According to the World Wide Web (aka "The Information Superhighway"), the Desert Storm: Coalition for Peace: Victory Series© contains 88 cards and 11 stickers. Will I be able to make a complete set? I don't know, but I'm going to find out. And if we aren't careful, we just might learn a thing or two along the way. Pack #1 Ooh, I got the valuable Colin Powell/ Dick Cheney card! And a Saudi Arabia sticker! That almost makes up for the fact that these packs of trading cards feature stickers instead of delicious Topps® bubblegum. Wow, things are lookin' good so far, and I'm only on the first pack! Thirty-five to go. What other gems will I uncover from within these 27-year old wax wrappers? Stay tuned to find out....
# ? Aug 3, 2018 18:53 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:43 |
hell yes
# ? Aug 3, 2018 18:54 |
itd be rad if one of the cards features that dude in the tank that got straight up bbqed lol
# ? Aug 3, 2018 18:58 |
I hear the George W. Bush Mission Accomplished card is an ultra rare
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:04 |
Gutter Phoenix posted:I found a box of Topps® Desert Storm: Coalition for Peace trading cards/ stickers from 1991. I have a pack of Horsin' Around trading cards somewhere in my apartment.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:07 |
Crash_N_Burn posted:I hear the George W. Bush Mission Accomplished card is an ultra rare
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:08 |
Lol gently caress yes
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:08 |
Yo you trading that Depleted Uranium Cancer for my Highway of Death Massacre?
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:10 |
a hole-y ghost posted:yeah... that would be a pretty hard one to get from 1991 Look at Mr Knows when specific events in american history occured over here
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:10 |
a hole-y ghost posted:hell yes
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:11 |
Crash_N_Burn posted:Look at Mr Knows when specific events in american history occured over here
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:11 |
Unpack them cards boy
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:12 |
Can’t wait for first sight of Stormin Norman.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:13 |
This thread is cool.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:14 |
Can I have the gulf war syndrome card?
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:16 |
HugeGrossBurrito posted:Can I have the gulf war syndrome card? That card does not exist, so you will not get anything for it
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:17 |
a hole-y ghost posted:yeah... that would be a pretty hard one to get from 1991 Not really, W was known for his premature declarations of victory.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:46 |
gently caress yea, the anticipation is growing inside me. will you complete the set of 88??
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:48 |
I got to dig up all my OIF pogs some day if I can find them.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:48 |
open the packs, op!!
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:50 |
Nooner posted:itd be rad if one of the cards features that dude in the tank that got straight up bbqed lol
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:51 |
also do the backs of the cards have stats? how fast is dick cheney?
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:51 |
SWEET! swaps my DU baby for your uday hussein's acid bathed rape victim. I think i got a foily of a taliban commander being airlifted out of Kabul on c-130 I can throw in to sweeten the deal!
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:51 |
Keep your eyes peeled for the rare holographic "Kuwaiti Oil Field Burning" card!
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:52 |
Eat the stickers op
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:53 |
Do they play like magic or like Yugioh, that will change everything
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:54 |
My dad was in that war and nine year old me collected those cards as a way to feel close to my pops while he was deployed. I still have the entire first set I bought off someone for ten bucks a while back just for nostalgia. There was a ton of bs marketing stuff around the war. I had a Norman Schwartzkoff doll.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:54 |
ooohhhh man cmon bulldozer tank burrying red guard alive in their trenches
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:56 |
i owned these i think i had a stormin norman rookie card
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:57 |
Omnitrix posted:I had a Norman Schwartzkoff doll. haha sweet
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:58 |
oh god or top gunner mcveigh proudly mounted on his bradley behind a red hot 25mm
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:59 |
I only collect vintage trading card gum op.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 19:59 |
Those are collectors items OP!! Be sure to open them with gloved hands and quickly put each card in a sleeve.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:17 |
Omnitrix posted:There was a ton of bs marketing stuff around the war. I had a Norman Schwartzkoff doll.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:27 |
Roll up the Cheney one and stick it inside your filthy anus, OP.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:27 |
FactsAreUseless posted:It was the first war getting 24-hour cable news coverage, so it was also some of the DoD's earliest experiments trying to market for the television age. It's pretty fascinating. Like a commercialized version of WW2 movie theater propaganda. One my earliest memories was watching I think a cruise middle hit a building on CNN during the gulf war
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:30 |
I still don't know what the point was, but I had a neighbor friend whose dad was deployed and came to speak at our school. Then they moved again, which is what happens, I guess.
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:38 |
Sorry for the delay. I just took a short break to have a long cry about God and Flags and Freedom, and about the noble sacrifices made by the Brave Troops when the noble Coalition for Peace went to war against the tyrannical Saddam Hussein and stupid, lazy, worthless people of Iraq. Pack #2 Holy poo poo!! Another Powell/ Chaney card!! I am 2 for 2, which some traitorous America-haters might say is better than than the USA's military track record in Iraq, but those people are evil and will soon go to hell for whatever nefarious sins they've committed. It looks like the good people at Topps® spared no expense getting a fresh picture of some dirty Iraqi about to launch a deadly Scud Missile™ at the virtuous Coalition for Peace. And let us never forget who we did it all for: The good citizens of Kuwait, the duly elected Emir, and the rest of the Kuwaiti Royal Family. After all, a Unitary Constitutional Monarchy is pretty much the same thing as Democracy, right? Saddam Hussein and the rotten baby-killing people of Iraq needed to be taught a lesson that a powerful nation cannot bully a smaller nation. Who better to teach that lesson than the good ol' US of A? After all, although the people of America are well-known to be stoic, wise, and quick to turn the other cheek, they will not stand idly by and watch a humanitarian crisis unfold without wading knee deep into the fray carrying a burlap sack of Freedom. Someone had to step up to the plate and hit an inside the park home-run for righteousness. And that batter's name was America. And the name of the team? The Coalition for Peace. Gutter Phoenix fucked around with this message at 00:43 on Aug 6, 2018 |
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:42 |
Peel Carefully is a great county with beautiful flag and good hardworking people
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:45 |
# ? Jan 24, 2025 14:43 |
Pack #3 Another Powell/ Cheney card. Truly, I am blessed. This card features an actual picture of God asking America (and to a lesser degree the other members of The Coalition for Peace) for help bringing Peace and Freedom to the Middle East because although He is the Almighty Creator of the Universe, he lacked the military might and tactical know-how of the United States. A lot of people don't know this happened, but it totally did. Here is some more knowledge to shove into your brain, courtesy of the good people at Topps®
# ? Aug 3, 2018 20:59 |