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Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

kefkafloyd posted:

Lady Razz says that Mera has some relation to her (her daughter?), IIRC, but I'd have to go back and watch it again.

Stolen from the Steven thread.

She is pretty great!

I feel that the most important question about the show is who is the best princess and why is it Scorpia?


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

In many species of Lizard the females are bigger than the males, since that Lizard person in in Catra's squad is the bigger than the other ones in the horde, it's probably female. Also Hordak's imp is cosplaying as Bakugo.

Nephthys posted:

Fool. The best princess is obviously Catra. Maybe.

Nemo2342 posted:

I think you misspelled Entrapta.

Etheria is a land of contrasts, in conclusion,

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

amigolupus posted:

Please, everyone is the best princess in this show.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Is there any character that isn't great in this?

Gaz-L posted:

You spelled Mermista wrong. Not that I care or anything. Obviously. :colbert:

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

I'm concerned that someone in the show's production team is sending subtle coded messages to corrupt the youth of today.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

SardonicTyrant posted:

No no, I meant that he was very obviously a gay pirate.

While I feel it would be very progressive for them to include a non-heterosexual character in this show, having them be the only one would be a touch odd, perhaps this can be rectified in season 2.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

This ain't a comic, it's a cartoon, it's animated!


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.


Binged the entire show tonight with my sister who is a decade younger. Followed up by showing her Flowers for Hordak, a later episode from the original series and easily one of the best. There are multiple elements from that single episode that appear to be huge inspirations for the whole season, the biggest being Shadow Weaver using a “dark ruby” to destroy the Whispering Woods. Frankly based on that alone any fascist whining about ess-jay-dubbayahs “ruining” the original show have not watched or studied the show, at all, period.

There are a couple nods and deep cuts in there, like when Razz mentions Loo-Kee and his face shows up on a folding fan, or early in the prom episode the Star Sisters are mentioned, three minor characters that were shown off for the toy line but never produced.

While it’s very subtle I feel like there’s a distant Jack Kirby Forth World feel to the show, especially with how Adora and Catra are forced to confront their relationship. In another world we’d have the same beginnings but with Scott Free and Kalibak, or Big Barda and Lashina.

I just watched Flowers For Hordak and the skeleton's have ruined the show with their dark and gritty reboot which over focuses on realism compared to the original.

thatbastardken posted:

oh my god catra is the worst


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

TheShadowAvatar posted:

Didn't Entrapta get like that with Bow too? Or was that someone else?

Yep, Mermista too, Bow is a pretty important part of the recruitment process.


Mr Pibblekins needs something beautiful in their lives ;)

I'm not going to say no to a 1930's noire episode where Scorpia wears a suit and fires a tommy gun while standing up in a convertible while Catra drives it wearing a fedora and shades.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Chokes McGee posted:

Catra is the one that gets me because of how openly transparent it is. Between sleeping at Adora’s feet, showing up to the prom in drag, being the only person in the episode to use the word “love” (talking about Entrapta), and her dances with Adora, they couldn’t make it more obvious if they used a big gay foghorn.

Just because two ladies really like each other as roommates, buy a house, live together for 40+ years and adopt kids; sometimes that's just about keeping good company while you're looking for Mr. Right and totally not gay.

Just two gals discussing ancient technologies.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

I am impressed with the show's avoidance of drug and alcohol usage, yet showing what would happen if Adora got drunk off her rear end.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

I'd say that Glimmer isn't technically a princess yet since her mother Angela is the princess of Brightmoon...

Nephthys posted:

Fool. The best princess is obviously Catra. Maybe.

...and it turns out every princess so far has a name ending with an "a."

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

I didn't realize these two characters had the same VA.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Well, this is pretty appropriate all things considered.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

vape queen posted:

Jesus, they're $70 for a pair of what look like dollar store toys.

Now you know how the parents of 80's kids felt.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

YorexTheMad posted:

Anecdotes are not data, but this was my experience as well. My friend legitimately holds the original She-Ra's design as some kind of feminine ideal, so she never came around to new-She-Ras's look. But she fell in love hard with the other princesses. Especially Glimmer ("you don't ever see girls with her body on shows").

She also went hard for Netossa and Spinerrella and was angry we didn't see more of them.

I'm not sure why this is the show a certain class of people have chosen as their hill to die on, but there you go.

Someone put up an hour and half video about how much they hate they show, but in the first minute they say they only watched ten minutes of the first episode.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Bow is bro.

Open Source Idiom posted:

Fairly high I'd imagine. You know how they say cartoons affect people so strongly because they bypass certain incredulous parts of the brain? Which means that people are more likely to cry at a sad cartoon than at a human being's simulation (or genuine expression) of pain/anguish/despair? I reckon that's the same thing going on here, and that the rage these idiots feel is partly affected by the way cartoons can just get under their skins in a way that Ghost Busters or Rey or Fish loving Mooney could not.

Speaking of...

Son of Rodney posted:

My girlfriend loves these cartoon feel good shows and I can stand to watch most of them, but new she-ra is aggressively bad. Like loving terrible, bad, lovely and if it was a physical object it'd stink like gently caress too. And this is coming from a dude who was super into the original she-ra as a kid, flying rainbow unicorn and pretty dresses hell yea.


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

The_Doctor posted:

That’s Kyle, and he’s going to totally hook up with Bow at some point! :colbert:

Not if Sea Hawk has anything to say about it!

I feel like Sea Hawk is a bit closer to his original design.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Senior Scarybagels posted:

Edit I made that seemed appropriate.

I chuckled most sensibly!

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Of course the fandom is making nude fanart. :rolleyes:
:nws: due to female presenting nipples.

HappyKitty posted:

Has there been any scuttlebutt about the possibility of a Horde Prime, like there was in the original series? I think it'd be interesting if it turns out that Etheria is just one (albeit important) colony among lots of others, and that Hordak is Horde Prime's brother, and that Horde Prime ordered Hordak to take care of the Rebellion on Etheria because he needed his most powerful general overseeing the defense against the insurgency. At some point, Horde Prime will send his son, Prince Zed, to Hordak, so that Hordak can do the whole feudal lord thing where you take in the royal nephew and show him how to be a man and stuff, etc, but then Prince Zed just totally loving defects to the Rebellion because he's the gayest one of all

I'm more concerned about them being trapped in the Despondos dimension. I want to know more about why Mara did that.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

The original She-Ra had its moments.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

HappyKitty posted:

I'm actually sort of glad that the initial backlash was so swift and vehement, because now She-Ra will not fall prey to the cancer that metastasized in the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom, where all the toxic cis-het dudes got in on the ground floor and royally hosed up the fandom with pony porn and gangstalking voice actors; because post-Gamergate ~discourse~ now demands that angry internet men immediately declare their enmity towards any media property that even tangentially involves people who are not horribly irredeemable people, nobody with bad intent is going to touch the She-Ra fandom with a ten foot pole, leaving it a perfect and unsullied fully automated luxury gay space communist utopia.

Hmmm, I still think that lizardperson is female and she and Kyle have a romantic relationship.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Senerio posted:

That's a very specific date. I wonder why they picked tha--

Holy smokes! :eyepop:

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Rand Brittain posted:

I mean, "brony" originally just meant being a dude who wasn't ashamed of liking a cartoon about colorful ponies.

It sucks that they now have to specify that they don't want to have sex with the tiny cartoon horses.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

CuwiKhons posted:

You're gonna be slightly disappointed - the ECCC panel Noelle was on for She-Ra confirmed this upcoming season only has 7 episodes. 52 episodes total is still accurate but it's gonna be broken up into more seasons, presumably because Netflix is loving weird.

As a fan of Steven Universe, I appreciate the releasing of these new episodes at such a break neck speed.

Senerio posted:

The biggest argument I've seen about the show is whether Entrapta or Scorpia is the best character.

(It's Scorpia. The rest of the Super Pal Trio are #2 and 3 tho)


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Snowglobe of Doom posted:

Everyone could always use some Bow :D

I love how his shoes have hearts on the soles.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Just ten days to go!

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

"well, it started as an au where scorpia has hands instead of crab claws, but then it turned into… what if scorpia was a dragon"

"Does she hoard things like a dragon too?"

"She hoards girlfriends :D"

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Laughing Zealot posted:

Wasn't there some talk that there are only going to be 7 episodes available when s2 drops next week?

I think they mentioned that at a wondercon panel or something. However Scorpia will be getting her own 10 season 52 episodes a season spin off.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

I was not loving ready for the D&D episode preview, let alone the actual episode.

Edit: Wow that got taken down right after I linked it. :(

Mr.Pibbleton fucked around with this message at 18:24 on Apr 25, 2019

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

tsob posted:

Still worked for me. Sea-Ra, for the honor of Grey Whales with slightly different boots is amazing.

Turns out it was only down for a bit, disconcerting though.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

So pumped for tomorrow.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Watched it all, Bow's dark secret was amazing as was the true meaning of the tattoo.

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Bow's was my favorite plan, but I have to admit Glimmer's had an amazing look.

I think it's funny that Frosta's design for Catra is the most accurate.

Darth Walrus posted:

This will be a very giffable season.


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

SardonicTyrant posted:

Every time they say 'The Horde captured Dryl' I imagine Dril as a princess and now I'm disappointed they didn't use at least one quote.

Cat food $200
Capes $150
Armor plating $800
Uninsulated cables $3,600
Utility $150

someone who is good at the first one's tech please help me budget this. my portal machine is dying

Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Wasn't expecting to see Glimmer's dad in this, that was neat.


Feb 3, 2006

Aleuts rock, chummer.

Next season is going to be amazing, because Castaspella will do something.

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