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Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano

graph posted:

greetings from the goldmine! this thread is here because of a 100-plus-day-long saga of CA (certificate authority, the organizations that put the S in [url]https://[/url] (gently caress off url tag)) Entrust behaving very badly, intrepid folks in this thread working together, and them eventually getting Entrust certificates distrusted by Chrome in October 2024. congrats to everyone involved!

the tldr; Entrust issues a fuckton of certs of all kinds. they really hosed up some of their low-percentage brown M&M certs (if you don't know about the brown M&M comparison, click here! ->, a couple thousand. some people thought loving up these certs was not a very good thing to do as a trusted Root CA Authority and to re-evaluate them and the issuing process. Entrust said nah, refused to do anything to fix them, and will likely suffer dire cascading consequences for it.

Captain Foo has diligently assembled a breakdown of the entire timeline in this thread - you may not understand all of the terminology and it may look a little bit daunting but stick with it - things start unravelling really quickly.

Captain Foo posted:

Captain Foo compilation: A table of contents for the goldmine

• winkle-daddy spots something
• winkle-daddy shares amir's blog

[xz stuff happens here]

• wayne: "entrust posted a novel in reply to the chrome root program questions posed 19 days ago"

interlude: how to not do ANY OF THIS

• A Big loving Timeline
• Another Big loving Timeline (entrust has been loving the dog for years)
• you are here:
• amir blogs some more
• former head of chrome root chimes in
• amir joins the forum

interlude: several other CAfucks discovered

• "Wayne" appears
• "Wayne" appears on MDSP
• an apt description
• the root programs start really looking
• hey just what are we all doing here
• they made the wiki
• request for report in 1 month:
• other CAs weigh in
• pay very close attention to the wording of this e-mail
• first sighting of ngook

[another small CA gets killed by chrome in here, for reasons discussed in thread by our cast of characters]

• entrust starts getting real sloppy
• trap sprung
• sectigo puts entrust in a corner
• motivation
• the report is made and oh no
• a one liner summary
• a second report has hit mdsp
• moment of truth
• denouement

graph posted:

in short, (the snipe of a lifetime)


So how about that computer security eh,

join us on irc: #yossec
join us on reddit:

previous threads:
Security Fuckup Megathread - v17.1a - motherfuckers act like they forgot about jre (dec 2018-apr 2019)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v16.2 - /home/land/security/theatre (may-dec 2018)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v15.1 - Stop!!! I Kill You Researcher (jan-apr 2018)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v14.1 - Hello, is this a delivery order? (jun 2017-jan 2018)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v13.69 - plugins may violate privacy (jan-jun 2017)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v12.2 - you have slammed your dick in the car door (apr 2016-jan 2017)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v11.4 - who u gonna snitch to pussy bitch gently caress u (apr 2015-apr 2016)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v10.1 (Hackers can turn your gas station into a bomb) (nov 2014-apr 2015)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v7.69 (stay safe security ghost) (aug-nov 2014)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v7.2 "BoringSFM" (jun-aug 2014)

these ones need archives:
Security Fuckup Megathread - v1.0.1g (apr-may 2014)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v0.9.8 - did this one even exist?
Security Fuckup Megathread - v69 (mar-apr 2014)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v1.2 (feb-mar 2014)
Security Fuckup Megathread - v1.1 - cant find this one, post the threadid if you got it
Security Fuckup Megathread - moved to admin forum; explanation here

Pile Of Garbage posted:

someone put this post in the OP for preservation, very badass

Somebody fucked around with this message at 05:07 on Jun 28, 2024


Dec 31, 2002

I sure do like how they can manipulate the stack to their advantage

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
these threads are gonna remain closed until shits sorted

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Nov 25, 2006

Slava Ukraini!
IS zone alarm still good?

Carbon dioxide
Oct 9, 2012

Celexi posted:

IS zone alarm still good?

zonealarm has never been good

Edit: Say, mods, now the shitstorm is over, could you edit a link to this thread in the last post of the old thread? Thanks.

Workaday Wizard
Oct 23, 2009

by Pragmatica
three weeks after moving to my new cybersecurity position and i still have no tasks and no privileges. i don't mind the money but i finished catching up with my shows and i'm bored of sitting at work doing nothing. i have a frosted glass door otherwise i would've brought my switch and did some gaming on company dime lol.

Workaday Wizard
Oct 23, 2009

by Pragmatica
any of you worked in non-operations infosec? i.e. dealing with risk analysis and policies and poo poo like that? how do you stay engaged?

Mar 6, 2011

I do. It's just run of the mill grc work like you see everywhere, where everyone you speak to still assumes you're configuring firewalls and don't understand why loss of availability would be a risk worth addressing from a security perspective.

It's drat hard, nigh impossible to stay engaged.

Mar 6, 2011

Oh and it never really gets any busier than what you're currently doing, for most commercial companies it really is basically a check-the-box-position.

Workaday Wizard
Oct 23, 2009

by Pragmatica
i guess i better start some side-projects then...

Jul 23, 2007

Let's all just calm down and put on our thinking caps.

Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

any of you worked in non-operations infosec? i.e. dealing with risk analysis and policies and poo poo like that? how do you stay engaged?

I couldn't. Eventually, being surrounded by people who don't actually know how computers work but dictate policy for them starts to eat at your brain and you have to move on.

May 27, 2001


Shinku ABOOKEN posted:

any of you worked in non-operations infosec? i.e. dealing with risk analysis and policies and poo poo like that? how do you stay engaged?

we have a team dedicated to it and it's telling that their hiring pool is "warm bodies that can use word and excel"

otoh i do security engineering which is a very different beast but also comes with similar engagement issues around picking and choosing meaningful work in a company where a lot of the security systems are already quite mature

Mar 6, 2011

it’s an incredibly tedious type of work and I wouldn’t recommend it. it does involve talking to people that should work the policies and continuously wondering why they don’t so it’s not just office365 work, but it is a well paying joke of a job regardless

Rooney McNibnug
Sep 2, 2008

"Life always hopes. When a definite object cannot be outlined, the indomitable spirit of hope still impels the living mass to move toward something--something that shall somehow be better."
thank you, based mods

champagne posting
Apr 5, 2006


FungiCap posted:

I couldn't. Eventually, being surrounded by people who don't actually know how computers work but dictate policy for them starts to eat at your brain and you have to move on.

i ended up welcoming the brain worms.

I also argue as much as possible with my idiot coworkers who barely understand networked computers or virtual machines.

no your network connection won’t make the server install software faster that’s not how this works Turkish guy

no virtual machines are fine old Unix lady it doesn’t matter whether the servers are real or virtual the brain worms are badly in your head

Apr 8, 2016

You dismally untalented little creep!

"Schadenboner" posted:

Is good?

"The Fool" posted:

It's fine as long as you don't mind your dns being run by law enforcement.

I don't understand. Quad9 is too stringent with filtering?

Nov 4, 2010

telegram is the one run by cryptocurrency poop touchers and that has the "custom" hand rolled encryption, right? anyone cracked that one yet out of national actors yet?

Apr 23, 2007

internet gnuru

Rufus Ping posted:

Security Fuckup Megathread - moved to admin forum, must have done something really epic, dont remember what

I think reverse engineering a bot-net that installed a RAT from some infected p2p file, and then took screencaps of users who had it installed.
I 'think' that might have been the threshold for locking the thread - couldn't say for sure.

Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano
That was a diff thread and is goldmined

Dec 31, 2002

Something something Nazis something mods

The Fool
Oct 16, 2003

CmdrRiker posted:

I don't understand. Quad9 is too stringent with filtering?

No, I mean literally founded by law enforcement.

One of the founding members of Quad9 is Global Cyber Alliance, two of the founding members of that organization are the City of London Police and the New York District Attorney.

To be honest, I like that organizations like that are behind a service that has the stated purpose of reducing cybercrime for everyone, it shows they are trying to be more proactive. But those two don't exactly have great track records for measured use of surveillance tools.

The Fool
Oct 16, 2003

SIGSEGV posted:

telegram is the one run by cryptocurrency poop touchers and that has the "custom" hand rolled encryption, right? anyone cracked that one yet out of national actors yet?

Also run by Russian nationals, so take that for what you will.

Apr 8, 2016

You dismally untalented little creep!

The Fool posted:

No, I mean literally founded by law enforcement.

One of the founding members of Quad9 is Global Cyber Alliance, two of the founding members of that organization are the City of London Police and the New York District Attorney.

To be honest, I like that organizations like that are behind a service that has the stated purpose of reducing cybercrime for everyone, it shows they are trying to be more proactive. But those two don't exactly have great track records for measured use of surveillance tools.

I respect your suspicion. At this point it definitely feels like the best option out of what is available. It's a nonprofit that doesn't allow itself (supposedly) to be managed by any entities other than itself, and would have to be held accountable were it to actually profit from user data. By comparison to other options it seems like a good place to start.

Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano

The Fool posted:

No, I mean literally founded by law enforcement.

One of the founding members of Quad9 is Global Cyber Alliance, two of the founding members of that organization are the City of London Police and the New York District Attorney.

To be honest, I like that organizations like that are behind a service that has the stated purpose of reducing cybercrime for everyone, it shows they are trying to be more proactive. But those two don't exactly have great track records for measured use of surveillance tools.

important to note that the city of london police are not the same as the metropolitan police who operate across greater london (although they too are complete bandits in their own right). the city of london police are the ones whose "intellectual property crime unit" strongarm web hosts and domain registries into deleting/handing over sites they claim are involved in IP infringement (primarily the sale of counterfeit luxury goods) without going through the courts. they are blatantly and shamelessly abusing their role, and the ignorance/goodwill/fear of the general public, to do the bidding of rolex, gucci, prada etc without any legal authority or oversight

Proteus Jones
Feb 28, 2013

Millions using 123456 as password, security study finds


For its first cyber-survey, the NCSC analysed public databases of breached accounts to see which words, phrases and strings people used.

Top of the list was 123456, appearing in more than 23 million passwords. The second-most popular string, 123456789, was not much harder to crack, while others in the top five included "qwerty", "password" and 1111111.

Michael Transactions
Nov 11, 2013

Uh oh. Looks like someone hosed up. LOL

Oct 21, 2008

Proteus Jones posted:

Millions using 123456 as password, security study finds

how can they just reveal all my passwords on the news like that????

whose tuggin
Nov 6, 2009

by Hand Knit
Someone or ones (definitely not Israel) is Doxxing Iranian Nationstate hackers and leaking their hacking tools:

You can even go to the public telegram server and see it in real time ("Lab Dookhtegan") but be warned, they are posting images of dead bodies they claim are victims of the Iranian regime. :nms:

Rooney McNibnug
Sep 2, 2008

"Life always hopes. When a definite object cannot be outlined, the indomitable spirit of hope still impels the living mass to move toward something--something that shall somehow be better." interesting

Carbon dioxide
Oct 9, 2012

Sep 13, 2009

this is a better avatar than what I had before

trying to get the bank ranges blacklisted and gently caress with everybodies payroll?

Wiggly Wayne DDS
Sep 11, 2010

abigserve posted:

trying to get the bank ranges blacklisted and gently caress with everybodies payroll?
or identify hosts that only whitelist bank ip ranges

Apr 23, 2007

internet gnuru

Rufus Ping posted:

That was a diff thread and is goldmined

my bad, i thought the time-frame was close to then

Stabby McDamage
Dec 11, 2005

Doctor Rope

Wiggly Wayne DDS posted:

or identify hosts that only whitelist bank ip ranges

If they spoof, then wouldn't they never see the replies and therefore not know who whitelists what?

Rufus Ping
Dec 27, 2006

I'm a Friend of Rodney Nano

Stabby McDamage posted:

If they spoof, then wouldn't they never see the replies and therefore not know who whitelists what?

in theory this isnt a dealbreaker (antirez's tcp idle scan) but yea i dont see how it would work here, or anywhere else for the past 20 years

Nov 7, 2008

Proteus Jones posted:

Millions using 123456 as password, security study finds

Six nine six nine still safe as houses

Mar 10, 2007
hell yeah, back to working on infosec software after a year and a half at Oracle getting my rear end kicked working on boring non-infosec trash! I missed poo poo posting with you guys.

power botton
Nov 2, 2011

are you even allowed to say you once worked at oracle if you leave


Mar 10, 2007
probably not tbh

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