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Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
hello let's try to keep all the cool (tech and non-tech) things happening in north america into this thread and out of cjs

jah bless


fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


bernie or bust

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
i guess they arrested the chud who was firing at cops

EIDE Van Hagar
Dec 8, 2000

Beep Boop
y’all i am starting to think that maybe america is dumb???

...and maybe...


Moo Cowabunga
Jun 15, 2009

[Office Worker.

I feel excluded. where’s the farming subform if it isn’t here?

Mar 28, 2004

All I needed was that fatty blunt...

King of Breakfast

Displeased Moo Cow posted:

I feel excluded. where’s the farming subform if it isn’t here?

congratulations, global warming is going to destroy your farm and nobody who can do something about it gives a poo poo

welcome to hellworld

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts


fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


thabk you mr. binden

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost
hes going to be genuinely surprised at the civil war isnt he

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

hes going to be genuinely surprised at the civil war isnt he
yeah but he'll forget about it by morning

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts
also icymi

Nov 22, 2006

aaag peanuts

Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse
No justice will inevitably mean no peace.

Feb 12, 2001

by vyelkin
Fun Shoe
americans should shoot back

Captain Foo
May 11, 2004

we vibin'
we slidin'
we breathin'
we dyin'

SmokaDustbowl posted:

americans should shoot back

scroll up

Feb 12, 2001

by vyelkin
Fun Shoe

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


i think they should make a law that criminalizes having more money than me

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat


Bored Online
May 25, 2009

We don't need Rome telling us what to do.

antifa medic was my preferred tfc class but conc jumping is a lot harder with all the pyramid studs weighing you down

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

lol if they mean insulin shock, a lack of carbs is the problem

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost
most diabetes in america is type 2. that guy is almost deffo type 2. type 2 is derived from gettin real fat. most fat peeps get there w carbs

so the right-now problem is lack of carbs, the long term problem is probably too many carbs, why diabetes is a wily disease

Jun 24, 2002

Hey stop worrying bout my acting bitch, and worry about your WACK ass music. In the mean time... Eat a hot bowl of Dicks! Ice T

Soiled Meat
either way that tweet is hilarious

Dec 13, 2011

the revolution *wheeeeeze* will not be *hnnngh* stopped

guys guys we *ehhhhghhh* need to stop for a minute *hack* I'm out of breath

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


im eating a huge plate of carbs right now. ama.

Dec 13, 2011

fart simpson posted:

im eating a huge plate of carbs right now. ama.

beer goes in glasses, not on plates

Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse

bob dobbs is dead posted:

most diabetes in america is type 2. that guy is almost deffo type 2. type 2 is derived from gettin real fat. most fat peeps get there w carbs

so the right-now problem is lack of carbs, the long term problem is probably too many carbs, why diabetes is a wily disease

Check your science.

Type2 being the type that results from too many carbs would be so goddamn useful but it involves adding a real fuckload of types.

Pryor on Fire
May 14, 2013

they don't know all alien abduction experiences can be explained by people thinking saving private ryan was a documentary

YOSPOS getting really worked up about diet & carbs before page 2 of this thread is really, really funny

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost

endlessmonotony posted:

Check your science.

Type2 being the type that results from too many carbs would be so goddamn useful but it involves adding a real fuckload of types.

note my wording

you get type 2 from being real fat cuz fat is an endocrine organ. you could get fat by eating lots of protein but most peeps dont do this because carbs are the cheapest and most commonly flavored nutrient

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

im super fat and also type 1 so checkmate :smug:

Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse

Pryor on Fire posted:

YOSPOS getting really worked up about diet & carbs before page 2 of this thread is really, really funny

I'm serious about diabetes. For a reason.

Type1 is the kind where you don't have insulin, type2 is the kind where your tissues don't respond to insulin right. It can be because they're full of fat but that's not always the answer.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

note my wording

you get type 2 from being real fat cuz fat is an endocrine organ. you could get fat by eating lots of protein but most peeps dont do this because carbs are the cheapest and most commonly flavored nutrient

Your science is bad. You can get type2 from getting fat but there's so, so many other causes. Diabetes being sorted by cause rather than by symptoms would be super useful if we could trust doctors to give a poo poo and do the work to identify the cause.

Dec 13, 2011

Pryor on Fire posted:

YOSPOS getting really worked up about diet & carbs before page 2 of this thread is really, really funny

well, yeah, north america thread. everyone fat

Nov 26, 2010

Then you have a responsibility that no man has ever faced. You have your fear which could become reality, and you have Godzilla, which is reality.

endlessmonotony posted:

Your science is bad. You can get type2 from getting fat but there's so, so many other causes. Diabetes being sorted by cause rather than by symptoms would be super useful if we could trust doctors to give a poo poo and do the work to identify the cause.

yeah type 2 is just resistance in general, and there's loads of things that create resistance, though fat is the predominant cause in america the idea it's the only cause causes a lot of misdiagnoses of type 2 when it's really type 1 (this happened to an old friend of mine), not identifying actual pancreatic disorders, etc

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost

endlessmonotony posted:

Your science is bad. You can get type2 from getting fat but there's so, so many other causes. Diabetes being sorted by cause rather than by symptoms would be super useful if we could trust doctors to give a poo poo and do the work to identify the cause.

bein fat is the number 1 cause by an absolute dumptruck fuckton

if you were a rando and you wanted a magic ticket to reduce risk of t2d the first advice is to go and stop being fat. by a lot

its like 80% stop being fat, 15% stop smoking, then other bullshit

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost

Beamed posted:

yeah type 2 is just resistance in general, and there's loads of things that create resistance, though fat is the predominant cause in america the idea it's the only cause causes a lot of misdiagnoses of type 2 when it's really type 1 (this happened to an old friend of mine), not identifying actual pancreatic disorders, etc

you would get proper diagnosis of weird poo poo if doctors didnt have double digit percentages of the entire practice of healthcare just going "ok t2d cuz mets, try to not be so fat lol bye"

horses not zebras etc etc

fart simpson
Jul 2, 2005


mods please rename this to yospos diabetes thread thanks in advance

Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse

Beamed posted:

yeah type 2 is just resistance in general, and there's loads of things that create resistance, though fat is the predominant cause in america the idea it's the only cause causes a lot of misdiagnoses of type 2 when it's really type 1 (this happened to an old friend of mine), not identifying actual pancreatic disorders, etc

Even that's questionable, the disease causes a feedback loop that'll make you fat (and in turn worsens the disease further). It might be the actual cause is poor sleep quality, caused by stress. Would explain the statistics. Capitalism causing type2 isn't even wrong.

bob dobbs is dead posted:

bein fat is the number 1 cause by an absolute dumptruck fuckton

if you were a rando and you wanted a magic ticket to reduce risk of t2d the first advice is to go and stop being fat. by a lot

its like 80% stop being fat, 15% stop smoking, then other bullshit

Well, that isn't even close for two major reasons. Being fat is hardly ever the cause, merely the factor that makes the disease bad enough for it to require treatment. And to reduce the risk, you wouldn't tell people to stop being fat, both because that doesn't work (people don't get not fat because you tell them being fat is bad, most fat people do not like being fat to begin with), and because they already have the disease in a condition that requires someone competent to unfuck their system by the time they get fat enough to make it clear.

Dec 13, 2011

bob dobbs is dead posted:

bein fat is the number 1 cause by an absolute dumptruck fuckton

if you were a rando and you wanted a magic ticket to reduce risk of t2d the first advice is to go and stop being fat. by a lot

its like 80% stop being fat, 15% stop smoking, then other bullshit

my stepdad was diagnosed with type 2 at like, 55, told to unfuck his poo poo or die in five years, cut back on smoking and stopped eating so much garbage and drinking a 2L of pepsi a day and now he's no longer going to be in a box by 2023

e: he's also on meds for it but was told that if he took the meds and didn't stop being poo poo to his body then five years was optimistic.

Kazinsal fucked around with this message at 06:27 on Sep 24, 2020

Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse

fart simpson posted:

mods please rename this to yospos diabetes thread thanks in advance

Listen we have to oppose graph's cop ways somehow and turning the hellworld thread into cjs is exactly the revenge he deserves.

bob dobbs is dead
Oct 8, 2017

I love peeps
Nap Ghost
bein fat is a culture bound disease and what doctors say is super soakers to the raging wildfire of culture sure


Nov 4, 2009

by Fritz the Horse

bob dobbs is dead posted:

bein fat is a culture bound disease and what doctors say is super soakers to the raging wildfire of culture sure

Mind you, full cleanup of the way you live does a lot, but that involves not being broke and tired first. After that you add proper sleep hygiene, exercise and a varied diet and it'll probably get fixed... if it isn't one of the other causes, which aren't nearly as common, and yet are common enough they crop up constantly.

Doctors have pills to fix the diabetes-caused changes that make it nigh impossible to lose weight, but if the "constantly broke and tired" isn't fixed first, you might as well be farting in Sahara.

Doctors telling people to lose weight has also been investigated for efficiency and we've found it's actually worse than just not doing anything.

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