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cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

Degrassi TNG v Tragically Hip! A game for 16 players.

  • All Standard Mafia rules apply. Don't talk out of thread unless given explicit permission to do so, don't edit posts, don't post mod communication, don't post after you're dead. You may post after any potential day actions as long as you haven't been shot. You probably shouldn't fake day actions too, come to think.
  • This is a stupid idea for a game and I haven’t done this for a while so it stands to reason that there may be the odd stupid role. No cults or alignment adjustments, however.
  • Town wins when all threats to the town are gone (not accounting for stupidity). Scum wins when they control the lunch. If you find yourself otherwise aligned, your win condition will be made clear to you. This isn't necessarily a confirmation of 3rd parties.
  • Nights will be 24 hours at maximum. If I get all actions quickly, there's a reasonable chance that it will end quickly. No promises though as my day schedule can be busy.
  • Days will be 2 days (48 hours) maximum during the week and 3 days (72 hours) if the game falls on a weekend. This will possibly be shorter as the game progresses and there is nothing preventing you from ending a day early. If you have an issue with a deadline after it's announced I may be flexible if it's not unreasonable and you didn't wait until half an hour before deadline to tell me you had to visit your grandmother with mono in the hospital to bring her lhasa apso a chicken nugget happy meal but only the one with the avengers toy or some poo poo.
  • Newer players are welcome and encouraged to join.
  • Flavour may or may not mean anything/what you think it does/potato. Maybe there's fakeclaims, maybe there's not.
  • Lunches are Majority!

Discord is required.


1. t a s t e
2. Mr. Humalong
3. Sandwolf
4. b-minus1
5. Retro Futurist
6. Mr. Steak
7. Idle Amalgam
8. Squiggly
9. SalTheBard
10. Hal Incandenza

cheese sandwich fucked around with this message at 21:51 on Oct 21, 2020


cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009


t a s t e
Sep 6, 2010

Oct 20, 2006

request to be spectator

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I would like to play.

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Yeah me too even though I do not know the flavor

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

I'm not signing up cause I don't wanna do two games at once, but I just wanna say I love the Canada Rule a lot

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Bifauxnen posted:

I'm not signing up cause I don't wanna do two games at once, but I just wanna say I love the Canada Rule a lot

This is a signup post cheese just FYI

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

Sandwolf posted:

This is a signup post cheese just FYI

If "always do the opposite of what Bif says cause she's in upside down land" is The Australia Rule that'd explain a lot

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

at least remain open minded to joining Bif!

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

Sandwolf posted:

at least remain open minded to joining Bif!

I can do "don't spoil me with observer poo poo yet just in case I end up replacing in later I guess"

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

At this pace the anime game will be on day 6 by the time this fills

Jul 24, 2008

She's a maniac, maniac
on the floor
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I wil play

cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

Bifauxnen posted:

I'm not signing up cause I don't wanna do two games at once, but I just wanna say I love the Canada Rule a lot

I am on the fence about it! I was all about it when I wrote the setup but I’ve cooled a little, may or may not actually happen. Will be clarified.

I also expected the flavour to be a little obscure but lol.

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

I have heard of both properties but know next to nothing about either of them besides one featured Drake in a wheelchair

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

The discord link has expired cheesy

cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

Sandwolf posted:

The discord link has expired cheesy

:mad: I saw this yesterday and for some reason I had it in my head that I fixed this already. op updated

Aug 8, 2007


Wow how did I, The Wheat King, miss this?

Mr. Steak
May 9, 2013

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

What on earth is the Canada Rule

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

I guess I will never know

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Hal Incandenza posted:

What on earth is the Canada Rule

They refuse to tell us

Aug 8, 2007



Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Hal Incandenza posted:

What on earth is the Canada Rule

All I know is it involves brown face

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Tell me your Canadian secrets

cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

Sandwolf posted:

Tell me your Canadian secrets

Never :frogbon:

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Aren't you from Texas, the least Canadian of states?

I at least have mostly lived in states mere miles from the Canadian border, and previously lived in a town that would best be described as French Canadian Jersey Shore so it is simply a travesty that I am not involved in whatever this Canada Rule is

Idle Amalgam
Mar 7, 2008

said I'm never lackin'
always pistol packin'
with them automatics
we gon' send 'em to Heaven
I'll do it

Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

Hal Incandenza posted:

Aren't you from Texas, the least Canadian of states?

Wow Hal going for the *low blows*

Jan 25, 2006

I'm Your Huckleberry
I am Drake but in a wheelchair

Where the underage girls at

Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib
Mother of God I thought I signed up for this game already.

Jan 26, 2005

I forgot to post my food for USPOL Thanksgiving but that's okay too!

Fallen Rib
I loving love Star Trek The Next Generation!

cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

Hal Incandenza posted:

Aren't you from Texas, the least Canadian of states?

I at least have mostly lived in states mere miles from the Canadian border, and previously lived in a town that would best be described as French Canadian Jersey Shore so it is simply a travesty that I am not involved in whatever this Canada Rule is

Incorrect I am incredibly Canadian. Prairie Canadian.

Canada rule: If multiple visitors only the last succeeds others are blocked. Everyone else is a polite bastard holding the door or waiting. This may or may not be in effect and will be clarified once the game fills sometime in November I’m assuming

More importantly HAL SIGNUP Y/N

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004


Jan 23, 2007

i'll be harpo

You accuse the man of being from Texas, a epithet we reserve for mostly Hum, and you won’t even sign up smh

Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Fine I have been shamed


Jan 25, 2006

I'm Your Huckleberry
Oh also for this game I'll be doing my best toalpaz impression

cheese sandwich
Feb 9, 2009

SalTheBard posted:

I loving love Star Trek The Next Generation!


Hal Incandenza posted:

Fine I have been shamed


:toot: :toot:

Squiggly posted:

Oh also for this game I'll be doing my best toalpaz impression

:toot: :toot: :toot:

Mr. Humalong
May 7, 2007

Sandwolf posted:

You accuse the man of being from Texas, a epithet we reserve for mostly Hum, and you won’t even sign up smh

I'm not even the mafia player with a Texans logo in their avatar


Hal Incandenza
Feb 12, 2004

Mr. Humalong posted:

I'm not even the mafia player with a Texans logo in their avatar

I put you and AA (rip) and IS in the same bucket. A bucket I accidentally put slightly toasted in too for whatever reason. Probably the King of the Hill avatar

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