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Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Josh Lyman posted:

Ted Lasso is as delightful as everyone says. It reached out to my cold black heart.
Only watched the first two eps but he's so nice that I want the team, the club, and the whole borough to be smashed into the Thames by a kraken for being mean to such a lovely, lovely chap. Well, apart from Keeley and the girl nutmegging in the park.

I just wish it wasn't an Apple TV thing because I have to faff about streaming from my laptop web browser to my TV because there isn't an Apple TV available for it, pah.


Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
Prospect - Pedro Pascal wears a helmet 90% of the time and becomes Surrogate Dad to an orphan kid in a hostile environment
The Mandalorian - Pedro Pascal wears a helmet 95% of the time and becomes Surrogate Dad to an orphan kid in a hostile environment
The Last of Us - Pedro Pascal wears a gas mask 40% of the time and becomes Surrogate Dad to an orphan kid in an hostile environment

Talk about cornering the market.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

MiddleOne posted:

The Guest is such a good and underappreciated movie.

Totally. Lance and Dan are the Fury and Cap of my heart. The moment the penny drops is just wonderful.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

FoneBone posted:

hurray Recognizable Brands

to be fair a Parallax View show could be interesting, but it doesn't even have writers attached

Anyone else got any old perfectly-told-in-2-hours film they'd like turned into a needlessly long and drawn out 'prestige' TV series? Ferris Bueller's Day Off? They Live? After Hours? How about Trading Places, we could end the hour long pilot with Billy Ray bumping into Louis for the first time.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

MiddleOne posted:

I don't remeber on which threads recommendation but I've been watching season 1 of Columbo and wow. It's like the anti-murder-mystery.

Every episode goes like this. You get to see the culprit kill the victim and cover up the crime in extensive detail. Then Columbo arrives at the scene, intuits who the likely culprit is within minutes and then spends the remaining 60 minute run-time feigning ignorance while antagonizing and terrorizing the murderer. :allears:

It's great!

And 95% of the culprits are rich and/or smugly elitist shits who think they’re too important and too smart for anyone to stop them getting away with it. Columbo is pretty much the one cop who’s still fun to watch.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

X-O posted:

All do eventually off screen. It's fine.

Nandor, Laszlo and Nadja will never die, bub.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Mu Zeta posted:

I know British tv is cute and small but the BBC had nothing to do with The Bodyguard, Downton Abbey, and Mr. Selfridge. The new All Creatures show looks BBC as hell but that is on some other thing called Channel 5.

Bodyguard was a weird one in that it was a ITV production but for/shown on BBC1 for some reason..! Your point stands for the rest of them though, ITV and Channel 4 generally have nothing to do with the Beeb so automatically calling any UK show a BBC one is as silly as us calling all American ones an NBC show or whatever.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

The World Inferno posted:

Legion definitely does that thing bad 'Thriller' shows do where characters allegiances turn on a dime and there's one too many of them to feel great about it.

There's probably a trope for that, but the BBC's Utopia comes to mind as the worst offender of that – brilliant opening, then just one twist too many and suddenly the guy commits a school shooting is a good guy.

Utopia was nothing to do with the BBC.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Gonz posted:

Rafe Spall being a dumbass in Prometheus was on point.

Holy poo poo. I always thought that guy was some knock off Patrick Wilson Ridley found down the back of the sofa, it never even crossed my mind it was Rafe Spall.

I can watch him fine in other shows despite his Black Mirror character because he part of the greatest double act of all time in Hot Fuzz.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Escobarbarian posted:

No Small Axe is such a terrible omission oh my god

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

zoux posted:

Olympics ratings are down half over 2016 so lemme ask y'all: why aren't YOU watching the olympics

Discovery nabbed the rights here and the scraps the terrestrial broadcaster gets are miserable. Plus it’s all happening in the middle of the night.

That said, I’ve loved the BMXing and skateboarding that I’ve seen, almost managed to redeem the whole thing for me. The skateboarders especially seemed like a lovely bunch of folks just happy for each other whenever anyone managed a good run.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
She was wearing a red wig on OC tonight, half of Twitter is convinced it’s because of Taskmaster.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Aardvark! posted:

I'd never even heard of Only Connect but this show seems really tough, watching one on YouTube. I love that it's so focused on the game, though.

You can watch a whole series and never make it into double figures and feel like the biggest doofus in the galaxy. Then the stars align and you manage 25 points solo and feel like you’ve ascended to some kind of godhood, before slamming back down to Earth again as normal service is resumed the following week.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
Instead of all the oft-used children's stories, a fresh take on Tales of the Unexpected could be fun. Dragging 'Royal Jelly' out into 10 hour long episodes culminating in humanity being overthrown by its new human-bee hybrid overlords would be a very Netflix way to approach it.

Aardvark! posted:

Still watching Only Connect and it is so good. I am in love with Victoria Coren Mitchell and I feel like a god every time I get the answer. I got a British one they missed earlier as an American! I am unstoppable

Careful, next thing you know you'll feel confident enough to suggest forming a goon team and we'll get on the show, score the lowest points total in history and never be able to show our faces in public again.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Davros1 posted:

"Backdoor pilots" have always been a thing. The Incredible Hulk had two or three of them in their 5 season run (and an additional TWO with the TV movies years later).

I knew about Thor and Daredevil but what were the others?

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.
The humans are kinda boring but I would die for our milky bronze T-pose screaming naked death queen and her adorable dork husband.

Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Milosh posted:

Yellowjackets loving rules

Best pilot I’ve seen in a long time.



Sentinel Red
Nov 13, 2007
Style > Content.

Escobarbarian posted:

Personally I just never really have this issue about anything? I just like watching good storytelling and it doesn’t matter what it’s about or how timely or whatever it is. I guess I spend a lot less time doomscrolling than a lot of people these days, though.

Same. Just started it last night, watched the first two eps and rather liked it, and the "Shakespearean actress (and dual wielding knife fan)" protagonist. The idea of a post apocalypse travelling arts crew is kinda refreshing, looking forward to seeing where/how it all pans out.

Funny thought it was I totally would have turned down that dude for auditioning with *that* speech, though. Make it a Jack Burton monologue and now we're talking.

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