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Nov 13, 2004

Christ, not this shit again.
Lipstick Apathy

ZA/UM Studio posted:

Disco Elysium is a groundbreaking open world role playing game. You’re a detective with a unique skill system at your disposal and a whole city block to carve your path across. Interrogate unforgettable characters, crack murders or take bribes. Become a hero or an absolute disaster of a human being.

Unprecedented freedom of choice. Intimidate, sweet-talk, resort to violence, write poetry, sing karaoke, dance like a beast or solve the meaning of life. Disco Elysium is the most faithful representation of desktop role playing ever attempted in video games.

Disco Elysium is one of the best RPGs of all time. In the year and a half since its release, the game has won countless awards, set a new gold standard for writing in games, and spawned many, many pages of impassioned discussion and analysis on these here forums. It will make you laugh; it will find and press on the bruises of your past; it will invite you to consider your place in the global ecopolitical landscape. It will make you laugh.

sebzilla posted:

I'll be thinking about this game my whole life, and that's enough.

And now, the "Final Cut" of the game is here! Have a trailer:

Every line of dialogue in the game is now fully voice acted, which is loving insane for a game that's entirely based around its dialogue system. There are also new political vision quests, upgrades to the game's performance, and some nice QoL stuff, so if you missed the game on release, now is the time to jump in! The Final Cut is a free upgrade for all owners of the game.


SlightlyMad's previous thread OP posted:

You start out as a loser detective who has woken up in a hangover after an epic drunken binge. There are murder cases to solve, but you can decide to become a narcotics-addicted hobo instead. Or become a politically minded philosopher of sorts. Or a corrupt cop who takes bribes, or an authoritarian rear end in a top hat. Or, you get the point: There are a shitload of things you can do and be.

Setting: Roughly, can be described as magical realism. Its world is fictitious, but it feels grimy and real, a pastiche of real-world cultural influences that are reframed and remixed just enough to be new and immersive. You explore Martinaise, a working-class district within the disgraced former capital city of Revachol. If you choose, you'll learn plenty in-game about the geopolitical forces that lead to its current state, and how those forces do or don't echo through the lived experiences of its characters.

Mechanics: Your skills become a part of your personality and take part in inner dialogues during your conversations with other characters, like in the mind of an actual person. Because there are silent dice rolls constantly happening against this balance of skills, the voices you'll see pop up more often in your inner dialogue are the ones you've invested in. This means that heavily min/maxing these parts of your personality will lead to a lopsided experience of the game: someone with no smarts or emotional intelligence but a ton of physical prowess will be more inclined to view conversations as opportunities for physical confrontation. Someone who's intelligent and intuitive but weak and clumsy will be very good at navigating relationships with others, but won't have a leg to stand on when poo poo gets real. Any approach you want to take is a valid approach in this game, and failure isn't always bad.

In addition to your skills/personality, there's a so-called Thought Cabinet, which works sort of like a research tree. Just as in real life, doing certain things in-game might suddenly spark a thought. Choosing to spend some time ruminating on that thought (by giving it an active slot in your thought cabinet) will eventually lead to a conclusion; both the rumination and its conclusion cause permanent changes to your character—positive, negative, or both—that help further shape the person you become over the course of the game.

:siren: "What do I need to know as a new player?" :siren:

Disco Elysium's elegant mechanics and dialogue-driven nature can support a pretty incredible range of player decisions. In a sense, you could say that the game is about failure. There are only a few things to keep in mind if you're coming in totally fresh:
  • It's not necessary to save scum all your dice rolls. There are parts of the game where, outside of extraordinary circumstances, you're expected to fail. This isn't always a bad thing, and passing a roll isn't always a good thing.
  • It is possible to soft lock the game if you haven't gathered enough money to pay your hotel bill by night 2. There are a few ways to do this, so if you're on day 2 and starting to get nervous, feel free to ask for hints in the thread.
  • In-game time only passes based on dialogue choices, but even then, there really isn't a "ticking clock" element other than the bullet point above. Take your time: explore the world, talk to everyone, engage with the conversations. Like a well-written novel, every element has its purpose—even "side" quests.
  • Dialogue trees have some different branching patterns within them. If you see [Proceed.] next to one of the bottom options, it implies that you can choose all the dialogue options to explore the full conversation, then pick the "Let's move on [Proceed.]"-style option to move forward. In other cases, you're making a single response choice to move forward, and that choice matters. Also pay attention to what your skills have to say about what you should/shouldn't say. Sometimes they're right.
  • Press Tab frequently to highlight interactables, and keep an eye out for little colored bubbles orbiting your head. The colors reflect that you're passing a related skill check that's allowing you to notice something, or that there's a thought you can engage with.

More to come, but go buy this loving game and play it!

:siren: One last request for Disco fans/veteran players: With the Final Cut out and lots of new players joining the fold, let's return to keeping discussions appropriately spoiler tagged. This can relax again as we get further out from release, but for now, assume that even that relatively minor side story point that you're talking about might be significant to a new player, and would be best left unspoiled. Please use tags accordingly. Thanks!

Brosnan fucked around with this message at 18:14 on Feb 23, 2024


Nov 13, 2004

Christ, not this shit again.
Lipstick Apathy
Using this space to capture some of the more thoughtful/funny/cool discussion posts about the game, from the old thread and from this one.

THIS IS AN ULTRA SPOILER ZONE, PLEASE DO NOT PROCEED IF YOU HAVEN'T COMPLETED YOUR FIRST PLAYTHROUGH. Seriously, you'll just be ruining some potentially profound experiences for yourself. :mad:

dead gay comedy forums, on portrayal of leftism posted:

I will repeat whenever needed: it takes true-hearted communist leaning - actually lets go with straight up belief here - to do such a savage take on its failure like this game did. Outside literature, very few pieces of media in general have tried to artistically cope with the collapse of the Revolution, and Disco absolutely delivers on it.

It is everywhere and nowhere: a major reason of the way things are as they are now in Revachol is because communism happened, but absent; your own (harry's) contemplation of the matter leads to a very precise comment that 0.000% of the communism has been built. Yet, love did him in, but communism pulled the trigger.

Kurvitz and the other writers (I understand that one or two of them are Russian, even) seem to share a certain sensibility of the matter that intellectuals like Mark Fisher have described as "hauntological", the absence of something that is necessary to our present. A "nothing" that demands resolution in our collective understanding of the world. The original Communist Manifesto is all about that poo poo: "A spectre haunts Europe". What haunts Revachol and in many similar ways our own world, is the absence of the future promised. A new order of things happened, then it was crushed, at the cost of creating a hole in history. A flaw.

To mull over this flaw, to ponder about what it really means, it is really complex poo poo. Zizek, among others, have said that the actual philosophical and psychological cost of the failure of the Soviet Union has not been fully assessed and understood because of the sheer, titanic tragedy of it all: for a few years, the dream society that a lot of people envisioned and envision now was a concrete, real, actual in-the-fullest-sense-of-the word thing.

If one subscribes to the hauntological point-of-view, this was such a massively momentous occasion that essentially reshaped the course of history forever. From this moment onward, the new society, the revolutionary society, had to be. The failings of its government, the fact that it not lead the West to go along with it, the absence of its promise and its final downfall created much of the cultural malaises we suffer now, for if we were haunted before to bring it to existence, now we are haunted for its absence: things are not in the order that they are supposed to.

Disco tackles some of that poo poo exemplarly, mostly by giving you that feel, that yearning conveyed by the soundtrack and in some particular dialogues and scenes. Communism has failed, surely. For that, this is a weary world. However, playing it again, after you got to know the scars and has the hang of the place, a simple "Revachol forever" gains a powerful, foreboding feel. This is an invocation. The city has been conquered, but what it represents has not; its people have been put to suffer tremendous indignity, but they are the same that not too long ago, have put the most profound fear in the powerful forces of the world. Revachol forever means that they will become what they must be, again, for history demands it.

dead gay comedy forums, on Joyce/Evrart posted:

Joyce is an absolutely excellent counterpart to Evrart in the sense that she is ideologically corrupt (DIOS MIO) but has tremendous personal integrity. There are several cues of this: when she talks about her daughters, when one of the Motorics chimes in when you are shaking her hand, and particularly she argues against the Moralintern ("We should have burned this city to the ground instead of letting them have it").

(also, another trait I find very curious about her is how she presents herself - "I am a serpent, the vilest of the vile" - and you learn about reality itself from her. You know, like that old story about a tree of knowledge and a snake. And her theme has a choir singing. I MEAN IT ADDS UP)

Evrart, on the other hand, believes that he is self-justified in doing anything for the workers of the world, ultimately undermining the cause. He is morally bankrupt. He believes in socialism, but does not think that anyone else should lead the débardeurs, thus making the Union momentarily stronger for his shenanigans but fatally damning it for sabotaging the necessary bases for democratic socialism.

Maya Fey posted:

that part was so sick

dead gay comedy forums, on HDB's trauma posted:

Disco Elysium does the thing where a literary thesis is repeated in "waves" rather than building up argument by argument to a final conclusion. So, you have constant references to the same thematic problem through different points of view. It doesn't take an hour into the game for the player to figure out that Harry is in a bad place at the moment regarding his life.

So you play the game and you start figuring out what the hell happened to get this awful. At the same time that you are solving the case, Harry is also finding himself, or even better, discovering someone besides himself through the actions of the player.

What fundamentally cracked Harry was heartbreak from his failed relationship. Dora, in the process, was transformed into Dolores Dei, the most holy figure in the recent history of Elysium, through flawed means of coping and dealing with that trauma. That is loving problematic, to say the least. How the gently caress you can carry on with life if your ex is the holiest person to ever live, and worse, with the added implication that is somehow your fault that it didn't work out? How a heart can deal with that much guilt?

Who else, or what else, could be dealing with similar problems?

The Deserter embodies the sheer tragedy of perpetuating our traumas. He couldn't loving bear the idea of the world going on after all that happened, he had to keep going. But for all his ideological rhetoric, he doesn't seem to realize that his justification was ultimately the greatest defeat possible: in his one-man "partisan war", he didn't bother to learn what could be done to actually help or assist the people of Martinaise or Revachol at large to carry on their revolution in different ways. In other words, he betrayed the revolution and his comrades not when he routed, but afterwards, when he started to act because of his guilt.

Then you have the Pale.

The Pale is the whole of the human past experience, or at least incorporates that into it. It is the Big Problem of the setting. The existential threat.

What makes it even worse is that it is pleasant.

The Paledriver loves it. Tiago, the church climber, left it all away to stay near the hole. The Paledriver closes her eyes and bam, she is enjoying great memories of different times and places where she can see things that are completely not possible in the present. "Why bother with all this, when we could become vapor?"

Nostalgia. Harry goes along with his day, smells something like apricots, remembers a tender moment with Dora and in that moment, all is well, only to be destroyed emotionally in a few seconds later when the present nudges you back to it. Why keep living? Why not throw yourself into the Pale?

Because you still can get to see the Phasmid. To do and see things that are pretty much miracles.

Regardless of how things are with the world right now, there is space for the new. For hope. For different things. To walk away from ruin, to not surrender to the past, to stride forward into life as it is, to ultimately be able to leave into something new is the proposal that Disco Elysium challenges Harry with - and thus the player as well.

Cpt_Obvious, on moralism and HDB's past posted:

It is no coincidence that when Harry dreams of his wife, he dreams of Dolores Dei. In essence, they are the same thing. Dolores is the embodiment of Moralism, the worship of the status quo. To the moralist, everything anomalous seems...insignificant. Communist uprising? No biggy. Orphans playing with corpses in the street? That's just the way it is. The gods are in their heavens. Everything is as it should be.

But this faith in the status quo is vanishing fast. The old church is empty. Where there was once worship of moralism, now there is nothing; a tear the fabric of the reality. And that's kind of the point. Just like Harry can't fix his relationship with his ex-wife, nobody can repair the damage that moralism has suffered. Nobody believes that the status quo is tenable. The world is teetering on the edge of war, and nothing will ever be the same.

Maybe the revolution will succeed. Maybe you can fill the church with music. Maybe you can convince the moralists to dance hardcore. Maybe not.

But moralism is as dead as disco.

GLaDOS, reading the Kingdom of Conscience thought posted:

Brosnan fucked around with this message at 05:37 on Apr 15, 2021

Zeta Acosta
Dec 16, 2019

almost a new game playing in my native language for the first time. installed it on the ssd and the loading times are 100x better. this game is good, play it.

Au Revoir Shosanna
Feb 17, 2011

i support this government and/or service

Oct 30, 2007

Wait what

"It is possible to soft lock the game"

Is this just odd phrasing of 'there's a game over state here early' or is it actually some sort of endless loop of failure with no possible progression?

Nov 1, 2011


victrix posted:

Is this just odd phrasing of 'there's a game over state here early' or is it actually some sort of endless loop of failure with no possible progression?

The former. Make sure you can pay rent for the first two days of the game.

IIRC they added an actual early game over scene now, before the game just wouldn't progress and you'd have to start over.

Crappy Jack
Nov 21, 2005

We got some serious shit to discuss.

victrix posted:

Wait what

"It is possible to soft lock the game"

Is this just odd phrasing of 'there's a game over state here early' or is it actually some sort of endless loop of failure with no possible progression?

EDIT: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ah, that's better than nothing.

This may have been updated in this version, but originally, you have to have enough money to pay for your hotel room by the end of the night, you can't progress to the next day without falling asleep in your room. It is entirely possible to reach a point where you can't afford the room and there is no way for you to get enough money to pay for it because all the stores are closed.

Nov 13, 2004

Christ, not this shit again.
Lipstick Apathy

victrix posted:

Wait what

"It is possible to soft lock the game"

Is this just odd phrasing of 'there's a game over state here early' or is it actually some sort of endless loop of failure with no possible progression?

It's the latter, unfortunately. If you don't have accommodations and everyone in the game world is asleep, there isn't really anything you can do to progress anymore, but the game doesn't pop up a "welp, Game Over I guess." Obviously, by the time this happens, you've had many hours of gameplay to find solutions to this problem, but it's a potential pitfall that's not handled especially well.

Edit: actually, I'm remembering that they may have added an actual screen for this, but it was after my playthrough. Maybe someone else who's encountered it can clarify.

Au Revoir Shosanna
Feb 17, 2011

i support this government and/or service
Doesn't Kim help you out if you fail to get the money from anywhere else?

Or did some people take that money and immediately blow it on a cool pair of pants or something?

Sep 9, 2009

Hail to the King, baby.

Here's the link to the PS4/PS5 version (cross-buy):

EDIT: And a 20% discount for PS+ subscribers until 4/7.

May 26, 2004

Scroll, then. There are other posts than these.

Any performance reviews? I'm torn between the switch and stadia versions.

Jul 18, 2011

Brosnan posted:

It's the latter, unfortunately. If you don't have accommodations and everyone in the game world is asleep, there isn't really anything you can do to progress anymore, but the game doesn't pop up a "welp, Game Over I guess." Obviously, by the time this happens, you've had many hours of gameplay to find solutions to this problem, but it's a potential pitfall that's not handled especially well.

Edit: actually, I'm remembering that they may have added an actual screen for this, but it was after my playthrough. Maybe someone else who's encountered it can clarify.

Can't you just pass time on bench? Or is this because you can't get rid of Kim if you don't have a place to stay?

Apr 6, 2009

Fuck it then. For another pit sandwich and some 'tater salad, I'll post a few more.

Au Revoir Shosanna posted:

Doesn't Kim help you out if you fail to get the money from anywhere else?

That's day 1. Day 2 is just 20 real.

Good Soldier Svejk
Jul 5, 2010

bushisms.txt posted:

Any performance reviews? I'm torn between the switch and stadia versions.

Switch release isn't until Q3, Stadia is out today.

Wicked Them Beats
Apr 1, 2007

Moralists don't really *have* beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child's toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded.

Randarkman posted:

Can't you just pass time on bench? Or is this because you can't get rid of Kim if you don't have a place to stay?

The clock stops at 2 AM and the only way to advance it to the next morning is to go to bed.

Son of Rodney
Feb 22, 2006


Just started out, but the voice actor choices seem *really* solid so far. They all fit what I had in mind, or were better.

Oct 9, 2012

Im not very crazy about Lena's new VA but the ones for the Precinct squad are spot on.

Chubby Henparty
Aug 13, 2007

Downloading now and annoyed there's only three old 'meet the VA' videos on youtube.

Has 'al gul' been done, before this game? Seems obvious when you think about it but if not, well done to the punsters.

Jan 17, 2001

Almost two hours later and the final cut update is finally available and downloading for me :newlol:

Feb 14, 2012

There seems to be a small bug. I picked up the broken tape in my hotel room but it isn't in my inventory. And tare doesn't seem to get highlighted even though I'm holding the bag and the right mouse button. Really minor thing.

Nov 1, 2011


Decided to go high motorics this time and I was able to pass the check to run away from Garte. Feels bad.

Apr 6, 2009

Fuck it then. For another pit sandwich and some 'tater salad, I'll post a few more.

Game won't launch. Donwloaded, verified (had to re-acquire 100 or so files), restarted steam, verified again... nothing.

Possibly a steam issue rather than anything specific to the game.

Xander77 fucked around with this message at 20:17 on Mar 30, 2021

Feb 7, 2002
All of the archetypes have a stat that is 1 - it seems like it might be better to even them out a little? Is it perfectly fine to use one of the archetypes and will I end up screwing myself trying to customize?

Jan 24, 2007
I don't think you can screw yourself. I think having a high stat and a low stat makes for a better roleplaying mentality at the outset.

trying to be terse so I don't give anything about this game away!

Nov 13, 2004

Christ, not this shit again.
Lipstick Apathy

Kaddish posted:

All of the archetypes have a stat that is 1 - it seems like it might be better to even them out a little? Is it perfectly fine to use one of the archetypes and will I end up screwing myself trying to cutomize?

I would actually encourage you to customize, personally. Whatever you want to do is cool, just don't be completely boring and do like a 3/3/3/3 build. My first playthrough was like 4/5/2/1 with Volition tagged, and it was a perfectly enjoyable way to play. You also do get a fair number of skill points through the course of the game, so you can pump up specific skills if you feel they're lacking initially.

No Mods No Masters
Oct 3, 2004

You can probably go 3/3/3/3 and have a decent chance of never really failing at anything substantial, especially if you have metagame knowledge, but it's way more fun if you can and do fail and very much designed around that. A 1 in at least one stat is actually a very good idea I'd say

Jun 11, 2010
Great game, looking forward to playing through for a third time with the Final Cut content. If you're just playing for the first time, there's a habit I had (and have seen others have) where you're used to just clicking through the dialog trees from top to bottom to make sure you get all the *content* by exhausting all the choices. Don't do that in DE. Choices have consequences and you may end up saying something you regret or lock yourself out of the path you're actually interested in by just trying to exhaust all the options.

Feb 9, 2004

hey ya'll!

I can't believe they're putting Cuno in Smash bros

Nov 13, 2004

Christ, not this shit again.
Lipstick Apathy

No Mods No Masters posted:

You can probably go 3/3/3/3 and have a decent chance of never really failing at anything substantial, especially if you have metagame knowledge, but it's way more fun if you can and do fail and very much designed around that. A 1 in at least one stat is actually a very good idea I'd say

There's also just the fact that 3s all around means you're not succeeding on those higher background rolls that a 5 or 6 might, and some of those are cool and important. The mechanics kinda make it so that being too afraid to fail means you never truly succeed. :chord:

Aye Doc
Jul 19, 2007

Kaddish posted:

All of the archetypes have a stat that is 1 - it seems like it might be better to even them out a little? Is it perfectly fine to use one of the archetypes and will I end up screwing myself trying to customize?

this is basically a game where you can put your stats to whatever you want, and get a cool and rewarding experience out of it. i did 5 or 6 playthroughs of the game, i had plenty of 1s in stats and I was able to complete every run. a 1 Psyche Harry will have different solutions to problems than a 1 Motorics Harry, and you'll get to see some different content each time depending on what your Harry is good and/or bad at

No Mods No Masters
Oct 3, 2004

Yeah, I guess another way to put it is being specialized in some things and a horrible fuckup at others is a recipe for a lot of really fun, good things to happen. There's no wrong cop type except boring cop

Gorn Myson
Aug 8, 2007

Pretty sure Klaasje's voice actor has changed

Jul 6, 2010
Did Klaasje change? I thought she sounded similar, but maybe I just forgot how she sounded.

Apr 24, 2008
i dont care how much probation i get capital letters are for squares hehe im so laid back an nice please read my low effort shitposts about the arab spring

My two cents on your initial build - don't be afraid of having a dump stat. Both very high and very low attributes lead to fun outcomes. Yes, there might be a couple of challenges where it'll just be frustrating to have a low relevant attribute (since occasionally there'll be a skill check that's either the only path to progress, or the only path in the particular approach you're interested in), but they're outweighed by the amount of wild, stupid, amazing poo poo you can do with a high stat, and you can always use clothing (which gives small skill bonuses), check modifiers (actions or dialogue options that improve/worsen your chances for a particular skill check, i.e. being friendly to a character earlier in a conversation makes it easier to pass a persuasion check on them later), or druuugs if you're particularly stuck on an individual roll. As mentioned, a lot of the skill check failures (though not all - a good chunk of them are your standard "you've failed, try again" result) are entertaining and open up other paths to the investigation. A 3/3/3/3 build gives you neither the crazy genius options nor the catastrophic failure ones, and I'd only recommend it if you want to do a quick playtest of the game to get a better feeling of what skills you like best.

Also, just in case it hasn't been mentioned, the max of your two health pools (physical health and morale) is defined by your Endurance and Volition skills, respectively. Therefore, a X/1/1/X build is pretty high-risk, though the risk of a 1-bar health pool is largely negated once you start finding health items, which are pretty generously strewn throughout the map.

Feb 29, 2012

Gently enveloping the target with indiscriminate love.
Turning hardcore mode on in the main menu, sets the menu music to adm and the church to rave. Is this new in the final cut?

Gorn Myson
Aug 8, 2007

VictualSquid posted:

Turning hardcore mode on in the main menu, sets the menu music to adm and the church to rave. Is this new in the final cut?
Nah, they added hardcore mode ages ago and included that as a little joke.

Mar 13, 2006

I'm just a total piece of shit and I'm not sure why I keep posting on this site. Christ, I have spent years with idiots giving me bad advice about online dating and haven't noticed that the thread I'm in selects for people that can't talk to people worth a damn.
3333 or 4422 is fine dont listen to the weirdos, the game is written to be good from basically every angle

Aye Doc
Jul 19, 2007

Verviticus posted:

3333 or 4422 is fine dont listen to the weirdos, the game is written to be good from basically every angle

i agree except dont ever cheat and do 6666 because its basically the anti-cool playthrough

Aug 12, 2010

Curses! Foiled again!

Eeeeee just woke up to find my slow as poo poo download over Australian internet is done and the game is working! gently caress you, classification board!!

Son of Rodney posted:

Just started out, but the voice actor choices seem *really* solid so far. They all fit what I had in mind, or were better.

Yeah, even though I was really really hoping they'd keep Klaasje's voice the same, the new lines sound like it's gonna be a fairly close match and good overall.

Having all the skills voiced by the same Narrator isn't as jarring in practice as I thought it might be, either. Actually my first critique is that it feels unnecessary to narrate the death screens. (I got a classic early one, haha)


Jan 15, 2006

Tap "A" to drink!!!

Excited to dive in on PS5 but am a little bummed at the text size. This game is clearly optimized to be played in front of a monitor, but anything further than 6 feet from a big TV and item/skill descriptions become hard to read. Dialogue seems fine.

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