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Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
The other day I reinstalled Morrowind, and I plan to run through it by actually doing the main quest.

This thread is for shitposting about the greatest science fiction RPGs of all time.

Who are the best races and why is it Dunmer and Khajiit? Which is the best game and why is it Morrowind? Which character is most fuckable and why is it Crassius Curio? These topics and more can be in here.


Oct 19, 2008


This title contains sponsored content.

Morrowind really is the best Elder Scolls game, by some distance. Love those pointy elf faces.

Tall Tale Teller
May 20, 2003
Grave? Shovel! Let's go.

Hi Jiub. How are you bud?

Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!
Sure the series peaked with Morrowind, but not because the game itself was good. Just because they constantly asked themselves how to make the lore and setting and story blander and more generic after.

"We noticed in Oblivion we had accidentally created multiple slightly distinct cultures, and we had a brainstorming session, and came up with the genius idea that everyone is a Viking"

Apr 22, 2010

Good Hunter, what... what is this post?

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth
Dunmer ladies throughout history:

What a journey.

Nov 7, 2021
At the start of the game of Skyrim, the empire no longer exists. It was destroyed in the war with the white-gold concordat. Cryodil is loving wrecked. It's Europe after world war II. A fifth of what the empire was abandoned to the concordat. I think it was Hammerfell. Still, they managed to fight the elves to a standstill, even without the help of what was once their country. With the assassination of the skyrim high king, the province is in rebellion.

2/5 of what was once the empire are in open warfare against the aldemeri dominion in their illegal war of aggression, and yet people still fall over themselves to join up with legionnaire collaborators. It just doesn't make sense.

May 19, 2009

SugarInverted posted:

At the start of the game of Skyrim, the empire no longer exists. It was destroyed in the war with the white-gold concordat. Cryodil is loving wrecked. It's Europe after world war II. A fifth of what the empire was abandoned to the concordat. I think it was Hammerfell. Still, they managed to fight the elves to a standstill, even without the help of what was once their country. With the assassination of the skyrim high king, the province is in rebellion.

2/5 of what was once the empire are in open warfare against the aldemeri dominion in their illegal war of aggression, and yet people still fall over themselves to join up with legionnaire collaborators. It just doesn't make sense.

The decision gets a little easier if you're of a military bent when your alternative is being a Stormcloak chud

Nov 7, 2021
death to the empire imho

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
Death to the empire and the stormcloaks imo. Come to the top of my tower to learn more.

Full Metal Jackass
Jan 22, 2001

Rabid bats are welcome in my home
have you heard of the high elves?

Sep 2, 2011

gently caress the Empire and the Stormcloaks, found the Skyrim branch of the Alik'r. Curved swords!

RBA Starblade
Apr 28, 2008

Going Home.

Games Idiot Court Jester

Skyrim's just Fallout with swords

Sep 1, 2004

Nap Ghost

ikanreed posted:

Sure the series peaked with Morrowind, but not because the game itself was good. Just because they constantly asked themselves how to make the lore and setting and story blander and more generic after.

"We noticed in Oblivion we had accidentally created multiple slightly distinct cultures, and we had a brainstorming session, and came up with the genius idea that everyone is a Viking"

According to the Pocket Guide to the Empire (1st edition) Cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle. How we got a bland western European medieval stereotype instead is something I'll never forgive.

Full Metal Jackass
Jan 22, 2001

Rabid bats are welcome in my home
Why are nerds always dreaming of a Black Marsh focused elder scrolls game. I can't think of a more terrible setting than a swamp.

Nov 7, 2008
I am getting closer and closer to achieving CHIM.

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth

Full Metal Jackass posted:

Why are nerds always dreaming of a Black Marsh focused elder scrolls game.

Cool lizards.

Full Metal Jackass
Jan 22, 2001

Rabid bats are welcome in my home

May 19, 2009

Full Metal Jackass posted:

Why are nerds always dreaming of a Black Marsh focused elder scrolls game. I can't think of a more terrible setting than a swamp.

Learn to walk on water, scrub

Meme Poker Party
Sep 1, 2006

by Azathoth

Sep 8, 2006

You see all the colors.
All of them.

SugarInverted posted:

At the start of the game of Skyrim, the empire no longer exists. It was destroyed in the war with the white-gold concordat. Cryodil is loving wrecked. It's Europe after world war II. A fifth of what the empire was abandoned to the concordat. I think it was Hammerfell. Still, they managed to fight the elves to a standstill, even without the help of what was once their country. With the assassination of the skyrim high king, the province is in rebellion.

2/5 of what was once the empire are in open warfare against the aldemeri dominion in their illegal war of aggression, and yet people still fall over themselves to join up with legionnaire collaborators. It just doesn't make sense.

the aldmeri are right, dragon break deez nuts talos

Maduo fucked around with this message at 01:35 on Dec 1, 2021

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010

Boogle posted:

According to the Pocket Guide to the Empire (1st edition) Cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle. How we got a bland western European medieval stereotype instead is something I'll never forgive.

Obviously Bethesda should shoehorn in fantasy climate change in TES VI to turn Cyrodiil back into a jungle. :pseudo:

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010

Anyways I'm also playing Daggerfall atm, there are just like so many tits hanging out in that game.

Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!

Full Metal Jackass posted:

Why are nerds always dreaming of a Black Marsh focused elder scrolls game. I can't think of a more terrible setting than a swamp.

Did you play oblivion?

Nov 7, 2008
Blackmarsh sounds cool. Impenetrable disease ridden partly underwater (iirc) cities run by walking trees. Scary enough to run off the daedra. All sounds very promising. I think another aspect to it is the portrayal of The Hist (walking trees) as being related to Sithis and elder scrolls nerds are all about that dark brotherhood poo poo.

That said, I doubt any actual game we recieve actually does much with these concepts.

Sep 25, 2009

I honestly I have no idea who cannibal[SIC] is and I do not know why I should know.

syq dude, just syq!

reignofevil posted:

Blackmarsh sounds cool. Impenetrable disease ridden partly underwater (iirc) cities run by walking trees. Scary enough to run off the daedra. All sounds very promising. I think another aspect to it is the portrayal of The Hist (walking trees) as being related to Sithis and elder scrolls nerds are all about that dark brotherhood poo poo.

That said, I doubt any actual game we recieve actually does much with these concepts.

Here's a beautiful English plain, and vaguely medieval castles, but this time the commoners are lizards.

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010

reignofevil posted:

Blackmarsh sounds cool. Impenetrable disease ridden partly underwater (iirc) cities run by walking trees. Scary enough to run off the daedra. All sounds very promising. I think another aspect to it is the portrayal of The Hist (walking trees) as being related to Sithis and elder scrolls nerds are all about that dark brotherhood poo poo.

That said, I doubt any actual game we recieve actually does much with these concepts.

The dark brotherhood sucks poo poo and is for edgy teenagers. Give me a cool orb to ponder instead and a big sword to swing as I play the correct elder scrolls class BATTLEMAGE.

Oct 19, 2008


This title contains sponsored content.

Is it Morrowind where you can't join the magic guild unless you already know how to fly, so you can access their flying-only clubhouse?

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010

Those cowards need to bring back levitation honestly.

Nov 7, 2008

josh04 posted:

Is it Morrowind where you can't join the magic guild unless you already know how to fly, so you can access their flying-only clubhouse?

Actually you can totally join the mages guild all you gotta do is pick a few mushrooms. But if you wanna be one of those slave owning wizard dickbags over at House Telvanni you gotta know how to fly.

Oct 19, 2008


This title contains sponsored content.

Ahh, that's the ticket. It's been a while.

Vitruvian Manic
Dec 5, 2021

by Fluffdaddy
C0da is such an insane ride. Part of what made morrowind so good is that its eldritch secrets drove kirkblade insane.

May 24, 2011

Apr 22, 2010

Good Hunter, what... what is this post?

josh04 posted:

Is it Morrowind where you can't join the magic guild unless you already know how to fly, so you can access their flying-only clubhouse?

I do like how if you want to advance in a guild or whatever you actually have to have your stats good at what they do

Edgar Allen Ho
Apr 3, 2017

by sebmojo
I like that there are multiple factions for the same character archetype instead of just mage fighter thief assassin.

Dec 7, 2006

Mazerunner posted:

I do like how if you want to advance in a guild or whatever you actually have to have your stats good at what they do

"This adventurer is a wizard with a bow, we should appoint them Archmage of Winterhold."

May 19, 2009

Edgar Allen Ho posted:

I like that there are multiple factions for the same character archetype instead of just mage fighter thief assassin.

There's only one "official" assassin faction, the Morag Tong, they won't let you join the Dark Brotherhood. Thankfully House Telvanni, in addition to being an alternate Mage faction, also doubles as unofficial alternate assassin faction, since they're assassination-happy ancap wizards who believe in Klingon promotion as long as you aren't dumb enough to get caught.

Apr 22, 2010

Good Hunter, what... what is this post?
Did you know that all the factions, even the unjoinable ones like camona tong, have their own favoured skills and rank structure?

look at this. loving census and excise is an actual faction, with three members.

Lawman 0
Aug 17, 2010

I think I'm about halfway through daggerfalls main quest and I somehow tripped over thee oghma infinium through like a quest pack mod or something.
It's ok honestly but you need to remember to sink money into trainers whenever you are in town.
Also I bought a boat and with the bug fixes in unity it owns. ⛵️
edit: lmao they added a quest where you go talk to ancient lich and he calls you a little baby wizard and summons a horde of undead on top of you if you don't use the 5 second window to run for your life. Extremely proper lich feel ftw.

Lawman 0 fucked around with this message at 05:11 on Dec 7, 2021


Apr 9, 2008

Cute but fanged

Asterite34 posted:

There's only one "official" assassin faction, the Morag Tong, they won't let you join the Dark Brotherhood. Thankfully House Telvanni, in addition to being an alternate Mage faction, also doubles as unofficial alternate assassin faction, since they're assassination-happy ancap wizards who believe in Klingon promotion as long as you aren't dumb enough to get caught.

I swear I remember hearing for the bit where the three houses name you Hortator, if you’re a member of Telvani and killed all the other senior leadership you get a sarcastic journal entry about how as the last remaining Telvanni leader you have graciously decided to agree to support your petition to be named Hortator. Pretty sure even if you don’t kill them all off you wind up killing some of them to get the appointment anyway. Almost swear one of the leaders specifically says he supports you so he doesn’t get killed.

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