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Thanks. Just so much poorly thought out stuff from the administration, I felt inspired to channel it, after realising getting worked up is not healthy or productive.



Finger Prince

I just listened back to that techno track I dooted on an actual stereo and had to delete it off Soundcloud. The mix is just awful. Need to find a better monitoring solution than my grados for that kind of music.

Papa Was A Video Toaster

i started hacking my 3DS to do chiptunes. learning trackers and such rn

Viginti Septem

Oculus Noctuae
I make all my doots on Super Mario Paint :smuggo:


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag
some grumblecore for you

i'm trying to get away from the ambient stuff but it keeps drawing me in. this is a hybrid track as i'm using Befaco Noise Plethora in VCVRack2 as a very low frequency noise source to act as triggers and pings to make noises with comb filters and stuff on the physical rack. i'm connecting between physical and virtual rack with the Befaco AC/DC

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER


Viginti Septem posted:

I make all my doots on Super Mario Paint :smuggo:

kick rear end

oops, I forgot to add any effects other than a couple filters while fiddling around today



Papa Was A Video Toaster posted:

i started hacking my 3DS to do chiptunes. learning trackers and such rn

also kickass



Dr. Honked posted:

some grumblecore for you

i'm trying to get away from the ambient stuff but it keeps drawing me in. this is a hybrid track as i'm using Befaco Noise Plethora in VCVRack2 as a very low frequency noise source to act as triggers and pings to make noises with comb filters and stuff on the physical rack. i'm connecting between physical and virtual rack with the Befaco AC/DC

Sounds good, but I'm too high and prone to panicking for proper enjoyment of spooky cave music right now. Maybe I'll go scream into some delays and reverb to join the chorus.


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

B33rChiller posted:

Sounds good, but I'm too high and prone to panicking for proper enjoyment of spooky cave music right now. Maybe I'll go scream into some delays and reverb to join the chorus.

if you don't already have Valhalla Supermassive you should get it IMMEDIATELY (it's free)

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER


Papa Was A Video Toaster posted:

i started hacking my 3DS to do chiptunes. learning trackers and such rn

Looking forward to hearing some of this. I might have a look for a guide to do something similar with my 2DS. As long as I can still use it for Tetris. Gotta have my Tetris.

Also, this VCVrack stuff looks fascinating. I am going nuts without my PC or any music kit that I can fiddle with.

Neeed to dooot. It's medicinal.

Papa Was A Video Toaster

Quadramind posted:

Looking forward to hearing some of this. I might have a look for a guide to do something similar with my 2DS. As long as I can still use it for Tetris. Gotta have my Tetris.

Also, this VCVrack stuff looks fascinating. I am going nuts without my PC or any music kit that I can fiddle with.

Neeed to dooot. It's medicinal.

Doot it!
I followed to great success. Running LSDJ in GameYob.
Here, have a doot:


Dr. Honked posted:

if you don't already have Valhalla Supermassive you should get it IMMEDIATELY (it's free)

I think I might have it already, but I don't really ever use a daw. I just record right in VCV. Plateau is a great free reverb in there. 13 CV controllable parameters, 12 of which have attenuverters, and it can take gate signals to hold what's in memory, and clear it.

I just forgot all about fx when I was playing with that earlier patch. oh well :cheers:

Re-dooted some noisy, echoey stuff in bed with a strega and pedals.

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 07:59 on Jan 4, 2023


Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

B33rChiller posted:

I think I might have it already, but I don't really ever use a daw. I just record right in VCV. Plateau is a great free reverb in there. 13 CV controllable parameters, 12 of which have attenuverters, and it can take gate signals to hold what's in memory, and clear it.

I just forgot all about fx when I was playing with that earlier patch. oh well :cheers:

Re-dooted some noisy, echoey stuff in bed with a strega and pedals.

i REALLY like the machinery noise and the feeling of space in that doot.

i don't normally use a DAW but i'm seeing if i can get one into my workflow after i've recorded, so i can reap the benefits but not have the stupid computer get in the way while i'm making the noises. the AC/DC came with a free "lite" version of Bitwig, which seems pretty neat. i prefer it to Reaper and Ableton so far.

i normally record with a 1010music bluebox, which is friggin wicked

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

I just recorded whatever came out as I messed around with knobs, and patched stuff.


Papa Was A Video Toaster
nother little tracker doot. this time with track mutes


every time i come here i get lost as fuck
most of these are actually several doots

Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

titpussyasscum posted:

most of these are actually several doots

it's more efficient to doot in bulk

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER


New dooter just arrived this is first play


Sarah Cenia

Laying in the forest, by the water
Underneath these ferns
You'll never find me
This is a doot I made like 10 years ago in my noise cave at the time.

Equipment used:

A feedback loop pedal that incorporated this adjustable tremolo kinda thing

Distortion and delay pedlols

A dual graphic EQ from the 90s that I toyed with and added a built-in feedback loop. This made it so the equalizer generated a drone that you could adjust the pitch of using the sliders

A 90s tape deck I put a switch in that toggled the erase head, which made it so a few-second-long tape loop could be recorded and played back

Korg electribe emx that I shouldn't have sold. It was good for cheap glitchy stuff. It's adding a bitcrusher and stutter effect to the tape loop there

I used to blast sounds from hell and eventually my neighbors started putting megachurch sermon DVDs in my mailbox
lol gently caress em

I had a melodica with a contact mic and it could sound like being inside a ship that's shearing apart

Miss making noisy garbage

Awesome thread

Sarah Cenia fucked around with this message at 01:37 on Jan 6, 2023

thanks deep dish peat moss and big black turnout!!


That feedback filter bank rules. Might need some for my own noise cave


Papa Was A Video Toaster

im the masking tape sign that says Boss .5 Loop Station

Papa Was A Video Toaster

i doinked another doot

Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

B33rChiller posted:

New dooter just arrived this is first play

aww man that's super wicked

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

heck yes! you can do a similar thing with a mixer, just patch it to itself and make wibbly wobbly feedback. here's one I did:

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

Areola Grande

it's a free country u pervs
these doots just keep getting better :five:

dank winter sig by nesamdoom


I made a trip to the city today and picked up my doot machine. :evilbuddy:


Quadramind posted:

I made a trip to the city today and picked up my doot machine. :evilbuddy:

Cool. What did you get?



I bought a minibrute 2s a little while ago as my entry point to analog/rack stuff


Oh neat. Checking out the loopop video right now.

I like the faders for mixing waveforms. In fact, it seems to use a lot of faders. nice stuff.
Looks like a good entry point. Nice big patch bay, and a sequencer with velocity sensitive pads. Next you're going to start looking longingly at other things to plug into that patch bay, and before you know it, you're up to your waist in rainbow spaghetti :)

B33rChiller fucked around with this message at 14:53 on Jan 7, 2023


So far I've used to make a European dial tone and some loops at 60bpm in 6/4 to breathe to. The sequencer on it is insane.


Is European dial tone a euphemism for techno?


I was watching simpsons at 0.75 without knowing until a scene where homer and bart were getting back massages at a hotel and the noises they were making were super drawn out like a youtube poop

I make joke doots


sweet. Second track is organtastic!



B33rChiller posted:

Is European dial tone a euphemism for techno?


Oh. Actual dial tone. I see now. But what makes it European?



Oh, would you look at that, it's not even a European dial tone. It's UK. UK is combination of 350Hz and 450Hz, EU is 435Hz, US is 350Hz and 440Hz.

I got confused because Ireland still does a lot of things the UK way, even though we know better.


Buddy, I've been looking longingly at eurorack for ages, but this is just so much cheaper for first baby steps!

I have plenty of kit from playing bass that will work for now. Like, this cries out for reverb or delay when you play it solo.

I'm so excited to hook it up to the amp tomorrow. I'm going from using headphones to 300W of DOOT.


Oh hell yeah. patch interface what for patching guitar pedals or even guitars with eurorack gear.


got some new bits and bobs. still waiting on some modules. mainly vcas, mixer, and function generator. but still managed to cobble this together, giving things a test drive patch



Dr. Honked

eat it you slaaaaaaag

B33rChiller posted:
got some new bits and bobs. still waiting on some modules. mainly vcas, mixer, and function generator. but still managed to cobble this together, giving things a test drive patch

you mad lad! you went and did it!!! i started with the Neutron, it kicks dicks

thanks deep dish pete moss and Plant MONSTER

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