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Oct 15, 2004

oh you drink folgers? *stifles laughter* no it's just.. I drink single origin, local and recently roasted coffee


A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Always remember that the former President was dumber than the dumbest person you've ever met by a wide margin

Yeah, I mean that's fine if you like to get your coffee at Dunkin Donuts or whatever, it's fine if that's what you like. My local coffee shop actually has a French press, you see, so the coffee has FLAVOR to it. But, you know, your way is good, too!

Oct 15, 2004

you know you're suppose to wet your filter, right? it makes the brew temp more even. oh no it's fine, you do you

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
Look, I know all these mugs are the same and belong to the company but I like the blue one. It's my thing. I've worked here 7 years and I always take the blue mug form the cabinet. I swear to God, Tony I will go to HR if you don't give me that blue mug right now!

*punches wall*

This is a real conversation that happened at an old job.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
Oh you use nutra sweet? Bless your heart

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

*through pained expression on face* you added cream... and sugar...

May 6, 2005

the coolest
oh you drink single origin, local and recently roasted coffee? *stifles laughter* no it's just.. I drink folgers

satanic splash-back
Jan 28, 2009

I wouldn't let my coffee sit in styrofoam, but you do you.

A Fancy Hat
Nov 18, 2016

Always remember that the former President was dumber than the dumbest person you've ever met by a wide margin

No, it's just... it's cute how you say you're a coffee "fan" but you've never been to Brazil to harvest the coffee beans yourself.

Dec 23, 2005


This was a very long time ago and if you asked me if I would end up being interviewed about this commercial that I worked on, 10 years later, I would not have believed you, because it was altogether pretty unremarkable. It’s not something I have a lot of memories about, outside of the fact that ultimately the commercial kind of seems like the brother and sister are going to have sex. That’s why we’re talking, right?

Pinche Rudo
Feb 8, 2005

There’s a feral cat colony behind my house that I feed coffee cherries to and harvest my own kopi luwak

Aug 11, 2007

I only drink coffee that's been poo poo out by free range Elephants in the Kenyan highlands.

Oct 15, 2004

Yeah I've got a pour over, french press, espresso machine and a dripper only for emergency use, haha. Huh? You only have a dripper?

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

beans? what beans?

oh, you mean these coffee seeds?

No. 6
Jun 30, 2002

Bonzo posted:

Look, I know all these mugs are the same and belong to the company but I like the blue one. It's my thing. I've worked here 7 years and I always take the blue mug form the cabinet. I swear to God, Tony I will go to HR if you don't give me that blue mug right now!

*punches wall*

This is a real conversation that happened at an old job.

So did you go to HR about your mug?

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
I prefer a finer grind, sure. But this is fine.

No. 6 posted:

So did you go to HR about your mug?

The mug was stolen and was passed around from person to person, each one taking a photo of the mug in a different spot of town. The guy actually went to HR and we had to give it back to him because he was literally crying with rage

Bonzo fucked around with this message at 14:54 on Apr 16, 2024

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

ugh. tfw you wake up after letting your beans aerate all night, get the perfect grind, sift and press nicely, and then uoy get a pull like this *showing you video of espresso machine dispensing coffee that looks like every other espersoo*

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

hot cocoa on the couch posted:

ugh. tfw you wake up after letting your beans aerate all night, get the perfect grind, sift and press nicely, and then uoy get a pull like this *showing you video of espresso machine dispensing coffee that looks like every other espersoo*

Bad Purchase posted:

beans? what beans?

oh, you mean these coffee seeds?

Oct 5, 2021
No, you see light roast is actually the stronger coffee because roasting breaks down caffeine, you just like burnt coffee.

Dec 23, 2005

coffee? like ... beans? Well, not even really a bean. But no, I'm a tea man, myself.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
Almond milk, huh? I use oatmilk because I guess it's better for the environment. I just like to stay informed, ya know?

Aug 20, 2022

just a fair word of warning, coffee makes me fart and poo poo uncontrollably *crop dusts your desk*

Jun 24, 2023
Just brewed a cup of Maxwell House just a few minutes ago.

Cyber Punk 90210
Jan 7, 2004

The War Has Changed

Bonzo posted:

Almond milk, huh? I use oatmilk because I guess it's better for the environment. I just like to stay informed, ya know?

I'm sorry, milk? Are you drinking coffee or an affogato?

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
I'm sorry you're offended, Vikas. I guess I should wait until I've had my morning coffee before I start talking about what I read on Facebook this morning.

Jan 14, 2006

she had tiny Italian boobs.
Well that's my story.

A Fancy Hat posted:

Yeah, I mean that's fine if you like to get your coffee at Dunkin Donuts or whatever, it's fine if that's what you like. My local coffee shop actually has a French press, you see, so the coffee has FLAVOR to it. But, you know, your way is good, too!

French press? I mean... it's cool, really good, but my pour-over tastes great and doesn't spike your triglycerides the way French press coffee might, so I've been having really great doctor's visits. No scares or anything. But you know, if you're cool with it and you're pretty sure you're keeping healthy otherwise I'm sure it's good.

By popular demand
Jul 17, 2007


No Jason, my special Kope Luwak is not "pooped out by tree cats" as you charmingly put it.
First off: You are referring to 'civets' which are absolutely not cats.
Secondly: my brew is made in a superior chemical process which involves no animal endangerment and exploitation.
So just sit there and enjoy your mucus filled animal teat juice latte Jason. that is about all you're good for.

Dec 23, 2005

it's pronounced cafe bustelo, and yeah, it's from spain, in italy :smug:

SA Forums Poster
Oct 13, 2018

You have to PAY to post on that forum?!?
I just use instant coffee. I add extra water so that the coffee isn't bitter.

Half the mug is coffee creamer, 4 sugars, and a packet of hot chocolate.

Extra Large Marge
Jan 21, 2004

Fun Shoe
Oh wow, a Coffee Ninja, I didn't know people still bought those.

Mulaney Power Move
Dec 30, 2004

Yeah, I used to drink normal coffee too. But now, I only drink Max Death Wish - Murder Death Kill Roast, because I am no longer a coward.

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

oh this? it’s called a Bripe. makes amazing coffee on the go. i’m really surprised you’ve never seen one before, thought you said you were a coffee lover…

Apr 18, 2003

I haven't spoken to my wife since she brought home a Nespresso machine

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

oh that’s a cute little coffee grinder, your kids buy it for father’s day? you must really love them, i’d have thrown it out immediately. you’re such an awesome dad.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
I heard it causes cancer. Well I guess if you just use a little CoffeeMate, Martha you should be fine. Moderation and all.

Mar 11, 2004

Just like Mama used to make it!
And then I told the kids that well, in the true spirit of Christmas, let's give all the gift money to this fine internet stranger, who wants to open his own coffee stand. It's what America is all about right?

I just keep thinking about those coffee beans.

Feb 27, 2003

Fallen Rib
Max Death Wish went woke when they changed the name of that one blend from Prison Rape to Taint Reaper.

I only buy from Koncealed Karry Koffee now, 3% of the profits go towards re-establishing a Rhodesian state.

Mulaney Power Move
Dec 30, 2004

Oh yeah? My coffee comes with a machine gun bullet with a Democrat politician's name on it in every pouch.

The Loin King
Feb 16, 2017

Check out this goddamned cat

ReelBigLizard posted:

Max Death Wish went woke when they changed the name of that one blend from Prison Rape to Taint Reaper.

I only buy from Koncealed Karry Koffee now, 3% of the profits go towards re-establishing a Rhodesian state.


Cassette Moodcore
May 4, 2022

$8 for a cup of coffee? i just buy those bottles of caffeine pills and it works out to $0.08 a cup for the same amount of caffeine.

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