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Nov 10, 2022

just saw a headline that’s perhaps a bit concerning—DESPITE H5N1 BIRD FLU OUTBREAKS IN DAIRY CATTLE, RAW MILK ENTHUSIASTS ARE UNCOWED :coronatoot:

that’s right, all your favorite no-contact antivaxer relatives are out there desperately trying to infect themselves with THE DEADLY H5N1 BIRD FLU. why? hell if i know! :hmmrona: perhaps the raw milk institute has some answers?

wtf is wrong with people?! this raunchy milk is dropping cats left and right, farm cats all rolling in filth 24/7 and licking their buttholes afterwards! ain’t no amount of exposure gonna help you with this one. :baduk: better start stocking up on toilet paper :catbert:


Jose Oquendo
Jun 20, 2004

Star Trek: The Motion Picture is a boring movie
This is my favorite raw milk news story.

Several years ago, WV lifted its ban on raw milk. The dumb maga lawmakers celebrated by drinking some raw milk, and they literally all got sick from it.

bossy lady
Jul 9, 1983

To a lot of people, being told what they can or can't do is 100 percent worse than anything else. They will do anything to prove that they will not be told what to do.

Apr 18, 2003

Raw milk makes good cheese

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost

bossy lady posted:

To a lot of people, being told what they can or can't do is 100 percent worse than anything else. They will do anything to prove that they will not be told what to do.

we should tell them to stop refraining from ceasing to halt their raw milk intake

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007

by vyelkin
humans didn't evolve to digest cow milk. i stick to pigsmilk and of course breast milk

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

epic use of a variety of bbcode formats op. italics, bold, caps, combo style, and several emotes. is everyone taking notes? this is how an op should look

Sep 29, 2002

I don't think she likes the special sauce, Rick.

Like my aunt's facebook posting

Kit Walker
Jul 10, 2010
"The Man Who Cannot Deadlift"

Someone I know is dating a raw milk enthusiast. She also refuses to vaccinate her kids or let them use fluoride toothpaste and in fact bought a filter specifically to remove fluoride from their tapwater. One of her kids is 8 and recently had to have three of her adult teeth taken out because they pretty much rotted in her mouth despite brushing regularly. Turns out fluoride is pretty loving important!

I feel bad because these kids are almost certainly going to become gravely ill from the raw milk sooner or later

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007

by vyelkin
does raw milk actually taste different or is it more that people think there's mind control nanobots in regular milk

Apr 18, 2003

R.L. Stine posted:

does raw milk actually taste different or is it more that people think there's mind control nanobots in regular milk

The pasteurization (heating) process destroys several flavonoids in the milk.

Dec 29, 2010

Raw milk will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

Smugworth posted:

Raw milk makes good cheese

i know american milk is really hosed up with hormones and antibiotics and poo poo (which is why i have no problem with the existence of a dairy cartel here in canada, whatever we can do to keep wack american milk and cheese out of canada is fine with me), but i dont know that raw vs pasteurized milk cheese is all that different, if at all. back when i was making cheese i tried an experiment where i made 4 cheeses with the exact same process and culture. 3 of them were made from :siren:illegal black market raw milk:siren: and one with good ol neilson grocery store milk straight from the bag. i didnt double blind so i knew which was which, but they all tasted borderline identical, and the same was reported by all tasters that i gave samples to. hardly scientific but when i buy raw milk cheese here its always loudly and emphatically advertised in that way, but just based on its merits straight up, i dont think it makes a difference

verdict: raw milk is bullshit

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

jeffrey should let us use markdown to format posts, it’s twenty twenty freaking 4 over here.

well jeff? i know you’re reading this. care to explain yourself?

Mulaney Power Move
Dec 30, 2004

Pasteurization "zaps" the nutrients kind of like microwaves "zap" nutrients or Democrats "zap" elections.

Sep 29, 2002

I don't think she likes the special sauce, Rick.

R.L. Stine posted:

does raw milk actually taste different or is it more that people think there's mind control nanobots in regular milk

From experience, it does, a little more...buttery? But it's not like grocery vs homegrown tomato difference.

I could also see the cow it was from out the window and pet her and tell her she's a big fat teddy bear, so for all I know that accounted for the difference

Squiggle fucked around with this message at 21:19 on May 14, 2024

R.L. Stine
Oct 19, 2007

by vyelkin
when i was 18 i used my roommate's electric kettle to try to make weed milk and didn't know milk scorched. i ruined his kettle and immediately replaced it with the exact same model before he could notice except it was black instead of white and i never said a word about it

Nov 10, 2022

my favorite raw milk story is from when my one and only cool uncle got really lonely -circa 2018 on account of not being racist in north carolina. started going to the local certified farmers market all the time because it was his only refuge from trumpland. got real into raw milk then nearly died from a kidney infection because he kept listening to folksy advice from his new dipshit hippy farmer friends instead of going directly to a hospital when he started mysteriously pissing blood one day :shuckyes:

shortly thereafter, the raw milk farmer ceded all of his executive function to qanon and wouldn’t shut the gently caress up about it. my uncle had the fortunate epiphany that between the nascent local certified facism and pissing blood he was making some poor life choices

upon this revelation my uncle decided to work on his spanish fluency instead of wasting all his time at the farmers market—having realized that befriending the undocumented crew he had started hiring as subcontractors so he wouldn’t have to listen to white people bitch about their grievances all day was probably a safer bet than the hippy crunchfest

he was right and now has awesome friends who bring him tamales and moo like jackasses while doing a little “taking a piss” dance whenever they see him :hmmyes:

Feb 14, 2012

Amazing how bullshit can run a mile before facts even gets their trousers on.

Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

can't believe shrek is fucking dead. rip to a real one.

Smugworth posted:

Raw milk makes good cheese

A friend of mine brought back raw milk cheese from Europe and holy hell it was delicious

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

Seth Pecksniff posted:

A friend of mine brought back raw milk cheese from Europe and holy hell it was delicious

you were tasting the glory of a milk unsullied by american chemicals

Apr 18, 2003

Mulaney Power Move posted:

Pasteurization "zaps" the nutrients kind of like microwaves "zap" nutrients or Democraps "zap" elections.


Seth Pecksniff
May 27, 2004

can't believe shrek is fucking dead. rip to a real one.

hot cocoa on the couch posted:

you were tasting the glory of a milk unsullied by american chemicals


Apr 18, 2003

Bad Purchase posted:

jeffrey should let us use markdown to format posts, it’s twenty twenty freaking 4 over here.

well jeff? i know you’re reading this. care to explain yourself?

Take it to SAD

Nov 10, 2022

hot cocoa on the couch posted:

i know american milk is really hosed up with hormones and antibiotics and poo poo (which is why i have no problem with the existence of a dairy cartel here in canada, whatever we can do to keep wack american milk and cheese out of canada is fine with me), but i dont know that raw vs pasteurized milk cheese is all that different, if at all. back when i was making cheese i tried an experiment where i made 4 cheeses with the exact same process and culture. 3 of them were made from :siren:illegal black market raw milk:siren: and one with good ol neilson grocery store milk straight from the bag. i didnt double blind so i knew which was which, but they all tasted borderline identical, and the same was reported by all tasters that i gave samples to. hardly scientific but when i buy raw milk cheese here its always loudly and emphatically advertised in that way, but just based on its merits straight up, i dont think it makes a difference

verdict: raw milk is bullshit

really thought that you of all posters would understand the vital role raw milk plays in real swiss cheese with all natural holes

Oct 6, 2005

TrashMammal posted:

really thought that you of all posters would understand the vital role raw milk plays in real swiss cheese with all natural holes

luv to put my raw milk into ur mom's all natural holes iykwim :D

Bad Purchase
Jun 17, 2019

i take my milk bareback these days

Apr 4, 2004

Forms change so fast
Time is moving past
Memory is smoke
Gonna get wider when I die
Nap Ghost
straight from the udder, i'm just lying under the cow tuggin it till the other cows come home

Nov 15, 2012
The big thing isn't actually pasteurization, it's homogenization, which is entirely mechanical.

"We chopped up all the big fat globules into teeny tiny fat globules" does mean the top layer of milk is a little less rich and creamy, but has no effect on nutritional content or anything of the sort, but pasteurization gets all the blame because of GOVERNMEMT CANT TELL ME WHAT TO DOp

hot cocoa on the couch
Dec 8, 2009

TrashMammal posted:

really thought that you of all posters would understand the vital role raw milk plays in real swiss cheese with all natural holes


Apr 18, 2003

We used to make farmers cheese at a restaurant I worked at and sometimes the chef got raw milk. I think we had to stop making the cheese because we didn't have a cheese making license or something

Cassette Moodcore
May 4, 2022

i like having puss and hair and dirt in my milk none of them gmos for me please

Aug 11, 2007

Straight from the udder

Brother Tadger
Feb 15, 2012

I'm accidentally a suicide bomber!

My favorite raw milk story is “The Enduring Chill” by O’Connor

Carlos Lantana
Oct 2, 2003

I'm really sorry, your avatar is giving me a boner and while that is perfectly OK and I don't want to kink shame anyone, its making me feel really weird getting a boner in a Trump thread.


I drank raw milk for a short time in the 80s (offgrid situation) and ended up with a positve mantoux test (exposure to mycobacterium tuberculosis/M. Bovis)
no tb but gently caress, why do that and for what gain if you can avoid that risk?
e: for accuracy

Carlos Lantana fucked around with this message at 04:12 on May 16, 2024

Linux Pirate
Apr 21, 2012

Milk is good with cookies or after a nice chocolate cake :)

May 7, 2007

Kidney Buddies
I wish people who don’t listen to science had to live without any scientific advances. You wanna drink raw milk, fine, but you have to live in the middle of the woods with absolutely nothing derived from technology. Hope you like drinking straight from the cow, because your rear end can’t have glass. Or really a cow, because those were scientifically bred. Enjoy your grubs and roots.

Kit Walker
Jul 10, 2010
"The Man Who Cannot Deadlift"

Domus posted:

I wish people who don’t listen to science had to live without any scientific advances. You wanna drink raw milk, fine, but you have to live in the middle of the woods with absolutely nothing derived from technology. Hope you like drinking straight from the cow, because your rear end can’t have glass. Or really a cow, because those were scientifically bred. Enjoy your grubs and roots.

Thank you, I will! *somehow immediately dies of scurvy*

Nov 10, 2022

gotta get some sun on your taint. get your vitamin d levels up. prepare your body for the milk


Oct 3, 2004

It only sickens those who are too weak of body and spirit to handle it.

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