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Sep 19, 2012

by Ralp


Jul 26, 2013

by Lowtax

Haha whatever happened to her bakery anyway?

value-brand cereal
May 2, 2008

Mr Ice Cream Glove posted:

I highly doubt Jim Bob gives oral sex

Judging by general reactions in the PYF scary unnerving things, a lot of people are scared of caves and cave spelunking.

Jul 31, 2003

by Fluffdaddy
Some folks'l never touch their kids but then again some folks will.
Like Jim Bob the slackjawed yokel.

Rabid Child
Sep 27, 2005

If men had uteruses they'd be called duderuses.

Wedemeyer posted:

Judging by general reactions in the PYF scary unnerving things, a lot of people are scared of caves and cave spelunking.

Like a hot dog in a football stadium.

Oct 29, 2012

I GIS'd vaginal prolapse.

To all women posters, why don't you insist on adoption? Pregnancy is hosed up and has an absurd amount of health issues and side-effects and consequences associated with it.
I shoot a load and I'm done. You're totally hosed, and you don't even know how hosed until well after the fact. How do you even budget for that?

Apr 18, 2012

Do It Once Right posted:

I GIS'd vaginal prolapse.

To all women posters, why don't you insist on adoption? Pregnancy is hosed up and has an absurd amount of health issues and side-effects and consequences associated with it.
I shoot a load and I'm done. You're totally hosed, and you don't even know how hosed until well after the fact. How do you even budget for that?

from what I've heard, pregnancy hormones usually mess with your brain so the idea of having a kid outweighs the downside of wrecking your downstairs. plus it presumably heals up after a while, the human body is pretty resilient

anyways that's why legalizing birth control and abortions is pretty drat important, having a child is like changing your life from normal to hard mode and women should be able to decide when they're ready for that

Obligatory Toast
Mar 19, 2007

What am I reading here??

Do It Once Right posted:

I GIS'd vaginal prolapse.

What the gently caress did I tell you not to do.

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

Portals posted:

from what I've heard, pregnancy hormones usually mess with your brain so the idea of having a kid outweighs the downside of wrecking your downstairs. plus it presumably heals up after a while, the human body is pretty resilient

anyways that's why legalizing birth control and abortions is pretty drat important, having a child is like changing your life from normal to hard mode and women should be able to decide when they're ready for that

Or OR..Third world baby farms?

May 21, 2008

In the end, his dominion did not touch a single poster.

Sorry I'm late but for anyone who doesn't get this joke, Dug Hers = Duggars. Makes you think.

Funky See Funky Do
Aug 20, 2013

Do It Once Right posted:

I GIS'd vaginal prolapse.

Only registered members can see post attachments!

Oct 29, 2012

Obligatory Toast posted:

What the gently caress did I tell you not to do.


e: I called my Mom to tell her that I love her. She's an RN who popped 4 absurdly large kids out of her vag. She was happy to hear from me. I'm glad my mom isn't a Duergar.

Bethamphetamine fucked around with this message at 00:57 on Jun 11, 2015

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

It's turning yourself inside out FOR THE LORD

Oct 29, 2012

If your wife's vag is inside-out, do you call it 'eating her out' or do you say you're 'dining in tonight'?

You Are A Werewolf
Apr 26, 2010

Black Gold!

Lodin posted:

Some folks'l never touch their kids but then again some folks will.
Like Jim Bob the slackjawed yokel.

Hey, Josh! Get off your dang sister!

Sep 5, 2008

Do you like scary movies?

Pvt.Scott posted:

What the gently caress? Did I miss out on being molested as a child? How the gently caress is this a common occurrence? I guess I wasn't a tempting enough five-year-old. I should have worn tighter shorts and maybe stretched a lot before running around the neighborhood.

I get that a lot of diddling is about easy access, power and control, but at least stick to your age band if you have to rape someone. Jesus, it's not that hard, is it?

According to a past co-worker of mine, every woman's been molested/raped as a child. When I told her I hadn't been, she insisted that I was abused but was still too traumatized to recall or admit it. I guess it was part of her coping mechanism to believe the reason it happened to her was that it happened to everyone.

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

The Duggars are now a spinoff of Sister Wives

Code Jockey
Jan 24, 2006

69420 basic bytes free


Captain Yossarian
Feb 24, 2011

All new" Rings of Fire"

Do It Once Right posted:

If your wife's vag is inside-out, do you call it 'eating her out' or do you say you're 'dining in tonight'?


Nov 7, 2012

M_Sinistrari posted:

According to a past co-worker of mine, every woman's been molested/raped as a child. When I told her I hadn't been, she insisted that I was abused but was still too traumatized to recall or admit it. I guess it was part of her coping mechanism to believe the reason it happened to her was that it happened to everyone.

People do insane things to rationalize abuse or when someone they loved is accused of abuse. Some family member was sexually abusing a bunch of the young kids, of which my friend's mother was one of them back then, and when she tried to tell her parents/other relatives she was scolded for lying and called a bad child. It hosed her up pretty bad for her entire life.

Decades later and after years of trying to reach out and re-form an actual relationship with the mother who shattered her emotionally she had a tenuous relationship consisting mostly of polite phone calls until one day the denial mother started talking about how she hears all these stories of gays and pedophiles abusing children and she's decide to volunteer to 'raise awareness' on the issue. My friend's mom lost her poo poo and started screaming at her mother about how that poo poo happened to her and her cousins and no one would believe them and it wasn't a scary guy in a van or a campy gay person it was the trusted uncle that no one would believe did it and then punished the kids who spoke out.

Basically, the Duggar family is slowly reaching a boiling point where the abuse victims will loving snap and burn all their family bridges and gtfo with horrific tales of creepy behavior and sexual abuse from Jim Bob and Josh.

Mar 16, 2009
Please disregard my advice w/r/t history.

drat I knew I wasn't crazy. I believe Michelle has great potential and is attractive to boot. She's just under some moral patriarch's thumb.

Jan 26, 2015

Do It Once Right posted:

If your wife's vag is inside-out, do you call it 'eating her out' or do you say you're 'dining in tonight'?

Calimari Tube Night

Nov 14, 2007


Do It Once Right posted:

If your wife's vag is inside-out, do you call it 'eating her out' or do you say you're 'dining in tonight'?


Crusty Nutsack
Apr 21, 2005


Toadvine posted:

drat I knew I wasn't crazy. I believe Michelle has great potential and is attractive to boot. She's just under some moral patriarch's thumb.

Where do you think all those girls get their fairly attractive genes from? definitely not jim boob

Mar 20, 2006

Do It Once Right posted:

If your wife's vag is inside-out, do you call it 'eating her out' or do you say you're 'dining in tonight'?

eating at a buffet

Oct 29, 2012

etalian posted:

eating at a buffet

That's just loving rancid.

lol, gently caress that's harsh

The Fattest PI
Mar 4, 2008
How do you have sex if her vagina is prolapsed do you just kind of whack at it with your dick?

Could a woman put her prolapsed vagina in my butt??

Nov 1, 2005

We already - What about sticking our middle fingers up... That was insane
Fun Shoe
"Women, how could you ever have children with your cooty parts?!!" - Some dumb goon

Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

The Fattest PI posted:

How do you have sex if her vagina is prolapsed do you just kind of whack at it with your dick?

Could a woman put her prolapsed vagina in my butt??

I imagine it's like trying to cram the stuff back into a busted Stretch Armstrong.

Sep 17, 2007

All right. It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix-tape... Let's rock.

The human body is very resilient.

King of Bees
Dec 28, 2012
Gravy Boat 2k
What alignment would the duggar class be?

Sep 17, 2007

All right. It's Saturday night; I have no date, a two-liter bottle of Shasta and my all-Rush mix-tape... Let's rock.

King of Bees posted:

What alignment would the duggar class be?

Lawful neutral

Classes don't have alignments tho

Affe mk2
Mar 9, 2004

Chicks dig giant robots

A MIRACLE posted:

Lawful neutral

Classes don't have alignments tho

what about paladins?

Ultimate Mango
Jan 18, 2005

Lord of Pie posted:

I imagine it's like trying to cram the stuff back into a busted Stretch Armstrong.

Just take the vagina in your hand and use it like a glove and masturbate yourself with it.

King of Bees
Dec 28, 2012
Gravy Boat 2k
Draugr or Duggar. Hard choice.

Mar 20, 2006

The Fattest PI posted:

How do you have sex if her vagina is prolapsed do you just kind of whack at it with your dick?

Could a woman put her prolapsed vagina in my butt??

hit it with a stick and hope it explodes into a pile of candy

Darkman Fanpage
Jul 4, 2012

Ultimate Mango posted:

Just take the vagina in your hand and use it like a glove and masturbate yourself with it.


I would blow Dane Cook
Dec 26, 2008

Jan 15, 2011

by Jeffrey of YOSPOS here have some click bait


Lord of Pie
Mar 2, 2007

For real though, Jim Bob takes like a whole month* break after each baby in order to pray his wife's ravaged cooter back into launch position.

*or longer if it's a sinful girlchild

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