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  • Locked thread
Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten
Let's Uphold some Convictions in Tales of Xillia

There are two versions of the intro movie, each slightly different. This one is Jude's version.
This one is Milla's version. You'll notice that both are silent.
This is the song that would be there if youtube wasn't being weird with its copyright policy. 480p Jude version.

Tales of Xillia is the 13th "Mothership"means main Tales game. It was cut down somewhat due to being rushed out for the 15th Anniversary, but it's still a fine game. Some of the stuff that was cut was incorporated into a sequel, which I will LP immediately after this.

Supposedly it sold well enough (as did the sequel) and Tales will be sticking around.

For more about Tales, see my Tales of Symphonia LP, my Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World LP (or don't, this was a bad game), Dragonatrix's Tales of Phantasia LP, Admiral H. Curtiss's Tales of Vesperia LP, or my Tales of Graces f LP.

Special thanks to Admiral H. Curtiss and one other person who'll be along shortly for their assistance with this LP.

I don't really like this title screen NEARLY as well as the one for Graces f.

Normally I'd put this after the cast of characters but then you'd be wondering what "partner abilities" were. The main mechanical gimmick in Xillia is Linking. When you link with a character, a glowing line forms between them and you and you share damage, healing, tp restoration, and status effects. Generally you want to be linked all the time, unless you're super-worried about petrification. Many skills can be shared with whoever you're linked to, and certain special attacks can allow you to use a special "link arte" when the overlimit gauge is at a marked point. Whichever character in the link did not initiate the link becomes the "link partner" and provides their "partner ability". Each party member has a different partner ability, all of which are pretty cool.

This game uses the "AC" system, which stands (I think) for "Assault Capacity". It's like a hybrid of the CC and TP systems. TP still exists and special attacks still consume it, but all attacks also consume one AC. You can't attack once you reach 0 AC until it refills, which it will after about a second of not attacking. It's a much more fluid means of combo-making than the old TP system, which would only let you chain 3 or so artes without special skills, and it's also usually faster paced than Graces's CC system, since you get all your AC back instantly.

Another notable feature of the game is the ability to swap any party member for either of your "reserve" party members, in combat. This is totally sweet and I'm sad it didn't make it into Xillia 2 (I'll explain why when I do Xillia 2).

Advancement in this game is handled by the "Lillium Orb" whil I'll go over in the future, along with shop experience.

Cast of Characters

Jude Mathis

Jude's a 15-year-old medical student (education is kind of weird in Rashugal). He's actually smart, but doesn't really know what he wants from life. His medical studies are mainly following in the footsteps of his father, who's a renowned doctor, and his mother, who's a skilled nurse.

Jude's weapons are gauntlets, his gimmick is "snap pivot" which is basically side-dodge from Graces, and his partner ability is "restore" which heals you and stands you up when you're knocked down and has a chance to res you.

Milla Maxwell

Milla is Anime Animist Jesus, who comes not to bring peace, but a sword. She's the "Lord of Spirits" in human form, descended to save them from the scourge of Spyrix. I really like her because she's one of the few JRPG protagonists that undergoes a satisfying arc. I like her more than Yuri from Vesperia. There, I said it.

Milla's weapons are one handed swords and a huge variety of spells, her gimmick is "spirit shifting", which allows you to use her spells as either spells or melee attacks depending on if you hold the button or not, and her partner ability is "bind" which paralyses enemies. All of these are awesome.

Milla also commands The Four, who are this game's Summon Spirits (although it calls them Great Spirits). Since she starts the game with them, we don't have to go on a journey to four elemental temples to get them. That would get old after a while.

She's also my favorite character to play as, in part since she gets easy access to ALL the elements.


Alvin is a mercenary who is totally not shady. The fact that he has a DLC Kratos costume is a total coincidence.

Alvin's weapons are large swords (and guns, although you can't buy guns), his gimmick is "charging", which allows him to combine his gun and his sword to boost some artes, and his partner skill is "breaker", which will attempt to guard break any enemy you're attacking.

Leia Rolando

Leia is the daughter of a world-renowned martial artist and a chef, but is currently a nursing student. She's 15 (remember that education in Rashugal is weird) and has known Jude since they were kids.

Leia fights with a staff, and unlike most staff-using RPG characters, is more interested in beating you to a pulp with it than casting spells with it. She does have some spells, but they're all healing or buffs. Her gimmick is "elongating staff", which causes her staff to grow when she dodges an attack with a backstep, and her partner ability is "steal", which steals items when an enemy is knocked down. This can be enormously important for humanoid enemies, since they often have healing items and can keep using them until you steal them. I once fought a boss for THIRTY MINUTES until I remembered this.

Elize Lutus

Elize is a 12-year old girl who lives locked in the basement of a house in a remote village with her pet... whatever the hell Teepo is. Mysterious!

Elize fights using a mace or wand, but really it's about Teepo and Dark magic. She has a lot of very powerful healing and defensive spells, as well as the only good status-curing spell, but is offensively kind of useless against things that resist Dark. Her gimmick is "Teepo switch", which lets her set Teepo as "on" or "off" for boosts to spells and melee respectively, and her partner skill is "Teepo drain", which sucks TP out of the enemy for her and her link leader.

Elize is hands-down the most powerful character. I'd rather play as Milla, but if you forced me to pick one of them to bring to a fight, it'd be Elize.

Rowen J. Ilbert

Rowen is the 62-year-old butler for the ruling Sharil family of Sharilton, a semi-independent part of Rashugal. He also used to have another, slightly less peaceful job.

Rowen fights with rapiers (and throwing knives, although we can't buy those) and a variety of spells (although with less variety than Milla), his gimmick is "arte tuning", which lets you press buttons after a spell has finished for additional effects, and his partner skill is "auto magic guard", which does exactly what it says.

So skits in Xillia usually use square portraits, like Symphonia, until suddenly they don't. I've resized the full-body-pose portraits so that they'll fit reasonably as line icons. Well, not THAT reasonably, but whatever. I did worse in the Graces LP.

Also, in addition to skits Xillia has little field chat things where characters will randomly say stuff as they walk around. These are voiced so I'll include them in the skit videos if I can get a good recording of them (they're super-easy to interrupt) and it's not one we've seen a bunch of times.

New Game+
I'm using the following New Game+ options:
Max Item Capacity: 30
Inherit Fashion Items (to keep all our sweet costumes)
Inherit Accessory Items (because I forgot to turn it off and don't care enough to go back)
Inherit Special Items (because screw grinding for the Artes Ball)
Double Gald (because why not)
Double Items (because shop levels)
Unlock Skits (because I want to make it easy to grab any skit I've missed)
Maximum AC +1 (why not)
Inherit Arte Usage (because I spent time on cranking these through the roof)

CH1: Two Roads Converge
CH2: A Draining Experience
Feinne Interlude 1: The Mighty Maxwell
CH3: We're Lucky there's no Breathing Tutorial
CH4: Old People and a Bad Dress Contest
CH4B: New Artes
CH5: Not Quite Yet Hails and Farewells
Feinne Interlude 2: The Mighty Maxwell Strikes Back
CH6: Full Party At Last
CH7: You tattlejerk!
CH8: Smells Like Lesser Spirit
CH9: The Sleepover Before the Storm
CH10: The Kingdom Strikes Back
Feinne Interlude 3: She Never Once Hesitated
CH11: Hope and Despair
CH12: Pain and Gain
CH13: Gang's All Here
CH14: Bloodsport
CH15: Sympathy for the Teepo
CH16: Gaius
CH17B: Setting Out Again
CH18: Perhaps we're starting to smell a bit cheesy ourselves.
CH19: The Frozen Throne
CH20: Yoked-Out Bazongas
CH21: Lance of Kresnik! What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing!
CH22: Meet the Muzet
Feinne Interlude 4: Stirring of the Truth
CH23: Fate Doesn't Have Your Back
CH24: Space Battleship Xillia
CH25: Why is it that you have betrayed us?
CH26: Was She Carrying Our Budget?
CH27: She was Never a Person
CH28: The Tragedy of Bad Scaling, and that Other Thing
CH29: Maximum Maxwell
Feinne Interlude 5: Purification
CH30: This Man is not Worthy of the Name Maxwell
CH31: The Other Side
CH32: Light at the End of the Tunnel
CH33: Throw in some of those little cakes, and you've got a deal!
Ch34: Sidequest, Sideboss
CH35: Round One: Fight
CH36: Gotta Fight 'em All
CH37: It's Over
CH38: It's Never Over

wdarkk fucked around with this message at 22:52 on Aug 4, 2016


Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten
CH1: Two Roads Converge

: ...and we're here!
: Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!! *THUD*
: Oh my. I keep forgetting you can't fly. Are you alright?
: Great. More visitors? And why is he upside-down and embedded in the ground?
: Oh, I'm sorry. You are Martel, are you not? Your friendly pawns told me you would be pretty easy to find. As for my friend here, don't worry. He's really durable. It's the first time I ever opened a Multiversal portal!
: Come on, pull yourself together! Or out. Anyway, they told us you collect stories of heroism, daring, and world-saving.
: Yes...
: Well we've got one! Two actually, but they're sort of related.
: Should I help that guy?
: Nah he's good.

: It starts in a house hidden high on the side of a mountain.

: The woman who lived there sat deep in meditation.

: Incidentally there were some really nasty snakes in the area, one of the only kinds that will randomly attack people.

: Her meditation was interrupted by thousands of voices crying out in terror, and suddenly going silent.
: Really?
: What, is that a cliche in your universe?

: Her standing up and talking agitated the snake, and it went for her.

: You'd think even an animal wouldn't be that dumb.

: I don't think she even knew it was there.

: Efreet'll burn you.

She does a nice little nod there that doesn't come across in screenshots. I liked it. The anime sequences here have a lot of character.

: With the power of the four Great Spirits, this should have been a walk-over.

Incidentally, each of these little bits are places we're going to go.

: Back then, Fennmont was amazing. Due to the spirit clime, it was eternally night. Glowing trees lit by spirit artes formed the basis of all architecture. Orda Palace, the administrative center, was grown from a single giant, living tree.

: Classes were ending at the medical school.

: Jude always was a silly boy.

: Always unsure of himself.
: Sorry!
: I gotta move!

OK, now we go to the character select screen. Here you determine whose perspective you see the events from, Jude's or Milla's. Each has their own set of non-shared content, but most of it is the same. Jude's got somewhat more stuff than Milla does, and the bulk of the exposition.

We'll be going with Jude obviously, since you're all so fond of exposition.
: Okay! Let's go.
The character you select says a little something here. I think it's nice.

Nurse: Ah!

: Always such a do-gooder, he stopped to help that guy even though he might be late. He's not even thinking about it!
Nurse: Yeah, thanks for helping out.
You sure you have time for this? Don't you have residency training with Professor Haus?
: Don't worry about that. You're in a rush too, aren't you?
Nurse: Shoot, you're right.
Thanks again! You better get moving, too!
: Right.
: Crap, I'm gonna be late!
After this we get a prompt reminding us we can display the current objective with the R1 button.

This is super handy!

They also give us the layout of the PS3 controller.

While we're here, note the icons over these people's heads. The open-mouth icon indicates someone we can talk to that we haven't yet, while the closed-mouth one indicates someone we've talked to. These two are talking about how the controller of the Four Great Elemental Spirits is someone named "Maxwell" who's probably an old man with a long beard.

: Tardiness won't get me any extra credit with the professor. Let's see... What building was he in again?
For some reason there's a cutscene to tell us which door to go into.

They zoom in on this door so you won't miss it. Not that there's any chance of that, it's the only other door here!

: Well, look who decided to show up.
: Um, yeah. Sorry I'm late.
: Worry not, lad.
Now, keep this between us, but I've been asked to help down at the lab. Top-secret research, they say!
: A request right from Orda Palace?! Wow!
: I need you to keep an eye on things until I get back.
You can handle it, lad. Only patients with appointments will be coming in today.
: Wha--
: Oh, right! I need you to sign my class-credit form.
: Your graduation thesis is coming along, I presume?
: More or less. I should have the first draft ready by Ignis.

: After all, I'm planning to make you my top assistant after you graduate.
: Thank you, Professor!
: I'll be back in a few hours.
: So much for an easy day.

: After that he went to the exam room to see if any patients showed up.

They fade in and out the patients and staff to simulate the passage of time.

: Okay, you're good to go.

: Any idea what went wrong, Mr. Eldin? Your brain's mana lobe looks tip-top.
: I'm not really sure. I mean, I was able to draw out mana like usual, but then, it was like the spirits ran off or something.
: Like they were gone, huh?
: Anyway, thanks, Doc. At least I can get back to work.
It's my wife's birthday, too. Now I don't have to worry about letting her down.

: No more patients for today, Doctor Jude.
: You sure this is all above board, Nurse Prinn? I mean, students aren't normally allowed to see patients by themselves.
: Don't ask me! The professor is the one shirking his duties. He knows full well that urgent patients always show up.
Serves you right for agreeing to stand in, if you ask me.
: I guess with the amount of mana at his disposal, treating ten people isn't any more taxing than treating one.
: He's spent so much time developing his mana lobe that it's skewed his perspective.

: Come to think of it, he should've been back by now.
Why? Did something happen?
Nurse: We've just been told he's been chosen for the Howe Prize!
: What? Wow! Research honors don't get any bigger than that!
Nurse: They want to see him immediately, but he didn't tell anyone where he was going.
: Don't worry. He told me. I'll go fetch him.

: Jude took a moment to change into his regular attire. It could get cold out there!
Nurse: Sorry for always sticking you with the odd jobs, Jude.
: No worries, I'm used to it. I'll be back soon!

ANOTHER cutscene devoted to telling us how to navigate the city.

: No point in leaving the city.
And the seahaven is out of the way.
My best bet is to cut across the Central Plaza and enter the Research District. I should find the lab with Professor Haus there.
Before we do that, though, let's catch our first sub-events.

The map in this game is pretty great.

So those things Jude just said correspond to the three branches in front of us, from top to bottom. But we're going back into the teaching area of the school at the bottom of the image.

: You could say they're the fount of spirit artes, feeding off the mana from human mana lobes.
You could say that they're the guiding hand that turns the wheel of all existence in Rieze Maxia.
In other words, the symbiotic relationship between human and spirit is at the core of every facet of our lives.
But we don't know when this relationship began.
How did humans and spirits relate before our modern spirit arte culture? What was the world like then?
Ah, it's hopeless... Once again the sun is setting without any answers in sight.
: Uh, this is Fennmont... The sun never rises.
: I'm pretty sure that guy was just practicing his lecture.

No voice acting for this so no video.

Medical Student: He's just a good guy who likes helping out.
Nurse: But doesn't he plan to apply for a job here?
Medical Student: Yeah, on Professor Haus' recommendation. He's gonna be the Prof's number-one assistant.
Honestly, I'm kind of jealous.
Nurse: I guess that's what he gets for flaunting the whole nice-guy routine.
Medical Student: That's a pretty cynical way to put it.
Nurse: But honestly, don't you think so too?
Medical Student: Well, I guess at times it does kind of seem like he's just doing a nice-guy act.
Nurse: Right?
Medical Student: I'm not saying it's a bad thing, either. But I know exactly what you mean.
: ......

: Jude headed towards the laboratory. And his destiny.

So I mentioned this in the op and I'll mention it again here because it's happening. In addition to the traditional skits that you see when you hit the SELECT button at certain times, we've got these little conversations. Or rather monologues since Jude's by himself. Ordinarily I'd stick them into the skit video but we're not going to have any skits here because this update ended up being super-heavy on images. So instead they're stuck onto the start of the plot video here.
: I'll never forget how stunned I was when I arrived at Fennmont and saw the lumen trees for the first time.

: I still can't believe Professor Haus won the Howe Prize!
I need to go tell him the good news.

: As Jude approached the lab, he began to encounter more and more signs of people having problems with their artes.

Older Lighter: You messed up your foothold arte again? How many years have you been working this job?
Younger Lighter: I didn't mess it up! It was working fine, and then it just... stopped.
Older Lighter: Professionals don't make excuses! You young folk just can't concentrate right.
Here, look. First, you use your arte to stabilize the wind.
Younger Lighter: See? Even you can't get it right now.
Older Lighter: J-Just shut up and get back to work!
Remember, we have to adjust all of these lights today!
Younger Lighter:I know, I know...
: Sounds like a lotta work.
I wonder why everyone's having so much trouble spirit channeling?

: The gate was, of course, guarded.

Guard 1: Sorry. The lab is closed to the public at this hour.
: But I'm here to pick up Professor Haus. He's from the Talim Medical School.
Guard 2: Haus... Haus... He already left.
: Is that the sign-in sheet?

: Huh?
I'm not sure what Jude's suspicious of here. Is it that the professor doesn't close the loop on the center character?
Guard 1: Satisfied?
: Couldn't I just dart in really quick just to make sure?
Guard 2: Sorry. Rules are rules.
: Right.

: Now what?
No way those guys will let me in.

: The lumen trees were beginning to fade.
: Hm, something must be wrong with the spirits.

: Ah!

: The wind that had blown Jude's form away wasn't the only mysterious phenomenon.

: You can't expect Her to just use the same roads as anyone else.

: Well, now he had to go and get it.

: Some random piece of iron is no match for the power of Fire.

: Of course, she hadn't really intended for anyone else to use the path. Pads she'd already trod on were expiring, and Jude wasn't exactly stealthy.

: Uh, hi.

: Just keep quiet, and I won't need to hurt you.

: I mean, really. She said to keep quiet, but he can't follow a simple command.

: That's strange. What part of "keep quiet" didn't you understand?
So? Ready to hold your tongue now?
: *Nods*

: So much noise. Could you try coughing quietly? What are you doing here, anyway?

I kind of like the all-wet shaders they have here.
: *Nods*
: I dropped something. I was just picking it up. See?
: Milla wasn't even looking.

: That's why I need to hurry, and you need to go home...
Before they arrest you for trespassing.
: Oh.

: She forgot to provide Jude a route home though.

: For the moment, the only path forward for him was hers.

Kinu Nishimura
Apr 24, 2008

We're also playing as Jude because 1. he has the better intro video and 2. god drat kung fu fighting is awesome in this game.

This is a good game, even if we won't see why Some Guy is the best character for a reasonably long while.

Oct 9, 2007

When you fall, get right back up again.
I will be providing some updates of Milla's exclusive content as the game progresses, because Milla's the best.

I'm hoping to have Milla's version of this opening stuff some time during the next week or so.

Aug 15, 2010

Life is such a drag when the whole world's falling apart
Is there any way you could turn the brightness up in the pictures and videos? They look a little darker than they probably should be.

I keep meaning to play more of this game; it's some of the most fun I've had playing a Tales game, but I've been really bad at finishing what I start when it comes to video games for one reason or another. Perhaps I'll let this LP give me a refresher course on the earlier parts of the game, and I'll play along once we get to the part where I've left off.

Sep 21, 2002

Are... are you quite sure you really want to say that?
Taco Defender

wdarkk posted:

Let's Uphold some Convictions in Tales of Xillia

That title makes me think of this:

“Jude's just lost his final appeal, and now he’s going to Anime Jail in: ‘Tales of Xillia Federal Prison’”

wdarkk posted:

Milla also commands The Four, who are this game's Summon Spirits (although it calls them Great Spirits). Since she starts the game with them, we don't have to go on a journey to four elemental temples to get them.

I don’t know anything about this game, but she's going to lose those like 15 minutes into the game, isn't she.

: I need you to keep an eye on things until I get back.
You can handle it, lad. Only patients with appointments will be coming in today.

... How would he know? By definition, patients without appointments don't have appointments!

So is this planet is tidally locked to its sun, huh? That's a neat idea. I wonder if the constant, unchanging darkness/light provokes a higher percentage of people to go crazy.

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten

Stabbey_the_Clown posted:

So is this planet is tidally locked to its sun, huh? That's a neat idea. I wonder if the constant, unchanging darkness/light provokes a higher percentage of people to go crazy.

It's not that. Don't even try to figure out the physics of spirit climes.

As to the darkness, I thought it was just Fennmont being Fennmont but I can mess with the settings next time I record.

Oct 16, 2010

Spirit Climes are basically the handwaving for weird climates in weird areas. Why is this place filled with a bunch of cliffs and rocks? EARTH SPIRIT CLIME

Fennmont is really cool so I don't really mind the minor handwaving.

Dec 26, 2009

Dont judge me, I design your manhole
Tales of Xillia. This game... exists. It's a good game, but I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it in general. At the very least though, it can be drat pretty. Fenmont in particular is one of the best looking cities in the game.

wdarkk posted:

As to the darkness, I thought it was just Fennmont being Fennmont but I can mess with the settings next time I record.

I remember the game being pretty dark in general, made subtitles hard to read. It might just be because my tv isn't very good, though.

Judge Tesla
Oct 29, 2011

I knew of the Tales series before hand, but never played one, so Xilla was my first experience of the series, and I rather liked it, I played as Milla first time around, and I thought she was a very good character, some people had issues with her voice, but I liked it.

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

Momomo posted:

Tales of Xillia. This game... exists. It's a good game, but I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it in general. At the very least though, it can be drat pretty. Fenmont in particular is one of the best looking cities in the game.

I came to it right off the back of Graces f. It... was a bit of a shift. And then I promptly bought all of Milla's DLC outfits because that hair sprig of hers annoys me no end.

Feb 4, 2012

Shocked I tell you

Kaboom Dragoon posted:

I came to it right off the back of Graces f. It... was a bit of a shift. And then I promptly bought all of Milla's DLC outfits because that hair sprig of hers annoys me no end.

As she said it's a charm point.

Oct 18, 2013

Judge Tesla posted:

I knew of the Tales series before hand, but never played one, so Xilla was my first experience of the series, and I rather liked it, I played as Milla first time around, and I thought she was a very good character, some people had issues with her voice, but I liked it.

I disliked Milla's voice at first, but it grew up me. Also, Some Guy is amazing and needs his own spinoff game.

Oct 15, 2011

You see the most shocking sights sometimes
I actually think Xillia's the best Tales game I've ever played, partly because I really like the combat, partly because the story is oddly passable (for a Tales game), but mostly because the main cast is loving fantastic.

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten

BearDrivingTruck posted:

I actually think Xillia's the best Tales game I've ever played, partly because I really like the combat, partly because the story is oddly passable (for a Tales game), but mostly because the main cast is loving fantastic.

Yeah, the main cast has a remarkably high standard of quality. I can't think of anyone I really dislike or even don't like that much.

Dec 26, 2009

Dont judge me, I design your manhole
I didn't really like the characters all that much, other than Energetic Girl, but I also didn't have any real emotion one way or the other about Abyss until my second playthrough, so the same could happen here.

Captain Oblivious
Oct 12, 2007

I'm not like other posters
Oh look a wdarkk LP :3:

I could never get into these games as a player, but I sure do enjoy watching you play 'em. Kind of like my relationship with The World Ends With You. I am just loving bad at it, it just isn't meant to be.

And this one even has a protagonist with more than two brain cells! Exciting.

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten
Incidentally while getting this ready I had the following LP curse incidents:
UPS battery died
Intel SSD died
the rest of the UPS hosed up
my recording software turns out to corrupt any file with more than 4GB of video
the refrigerator developed a thermal problem.

Sep 3, 2011

^You didn't lose any crablettes to the fridge problem, did you?

Feinne posted:

I will be providing some updates of Milla's exclusive content as the game progresses, because Milla's the best.

I'm hoping to have Milla's version of this opening stuff some time during the next week or so.

You forgot the most important thing: Milla's music is way better than Jude's music.

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten

AfroSquirrel posted:

^You didn't lose any crablettes to the fridge problem, did you?

You think there would be leftover crablettes?

Sep 3, 2011

wdarkk posted:

You think there would be leftover crablettes?

No, just emergency reserve crablettes.

Feb 29, 2008
Xillia ended up being my favorite Tales game despite me purchasing it solely because it was Tales, instead of any hype for the product. So I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out so good!

Now it's time to show off I know way too much about this game!

Jude's actually shorter than all the Talim NPCs.

The Haus signature is different, but because it's in the Rieze Maxia script and only like a second in-game it's impossible to tell. The left symbol's middle area on the sign-ut sheet is a circle instead of sharp lines on Jude's form.

The NPCs in this game actually have a surprising wealth of world-building information and change surprisingly often.

Cake Attack
Mar 26, 2010

i didn't care too much about this game my first playthrough but my second playthough i liked it a bunch more

well, that's my story, thanks for listening

Dec 30, 2009

Funny enough you'd not listed Sydin's LP of Tales of the Abyss. (Edit: Or Spiffo's Tales of Eternia LP.) Presumably just an oversight?

More on topic, it's interesting to see a take on harnessing the magical elements to the needs of society. (Abyss did it too, but from what little I've seen it wasn't nearly so present-day-but-with-magic.)

NGDBSS fucked around with this message at 05:48 on Oct 27, 2014

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten

NGDBSS posted:

Funny enough you'd not listed Sydin's LP of Tales of the Abyss. (Edit: Or Spiffo's Tales of Eternia LP.) Presumably just an oversight?

More on topic, it's interesting to see a take on harnessing the magical elements to the needs of society. (Abyss did it too, but from what little I've seen it wasn't nearly so present-day-but-with-magic.)

Yeah I added them to the wrong file. I'll fix it later.

Oct 9, 2012

I made the hat by transforming my zen

The skits in this game are excellent and all the characters are at least good.

Plus a good combat system, I loved this game.

The main story seemed a little dumb to me though.

Spiritus Nox
Sep 2, 2011

I really liked this game until it ended. Loved the characters to death, battle system was fun, music was okay, but the ending... eeeeeeeeeggghhhhh

Jul 22, 2009
The main story has good ideas, but the game was rushed in order to meet the Tales series 15th anniversary. It kind of shows.

Anyway, Tales of Xillia is not just my favorite tales game, but my favorite video game of all time, narrowly beating out such world renowned titles as Soul Nomad & The World Eaters. Peace.

McTimmy posted:

Jude's actually shorter than all the Talim NPCs.
Yeah, it's worth keeping in mind that Jude is a short little bugger, even for being 15. Meanwhile, Milla is pretty tall. (In-game, the official data books and poo poo try to pass her off as being kind of average height, even though that's pretty much completely impossible looking at her in-game model. lol databooks)

Kaboom Dragoon posted:

And then I promptly bought all of Milla's DLC outfits because that hair sprig of hers annoys me no end.

Kobold eBooks
Mar 5, 2007

Good luck with this, this game basically killed the 'Tales Night' my friends and I would hold where we'd co-op some Tales.

This is basically the FFXIII of Tales games and as such it's still playable, but just really disappointing riding the high of Vesperia and Graces.

Sep 5, 2013

wdarkk posted:

Yeah, the main cast has a remarkably high standard of quality. I can't think of anyone I really dislike or even don't like that much.

This goes for me as well. I like having an actually intelligent protagonist (or reasonably so, he can still be kinda dense sometimes, but it's not always being played for comedic effect like, say, Lloyd). This game is also probably the only one where I don't dislike the Token Child party member that Tales loves to include for whatever reason (in fact, she quickly became one of my favorites, although that's partly because of who she comes with). Really, the cast stands out for having some great chemistry between them all, even in a series where one of the draws is party members playing off of each other via skits.

Jul 22, 2009

bathroomrage posted:

This is basically the FFXIII of Tales games and as such it's still playable, but just really disappointing riding the high of Vesperia and Graces.
Honestly, I like this game a lot more than Vesperia, even in an objective way. It's basically impossible to go back to Vesperia's slow as gently caress combat after Graces, and while this isn't as fast as Graces, it definitely isn't sluggish either. And plot-wise it blows Graces out of the water, not that that's hard to do.

Dec 26, 2009

Dont judge me, I design your manhole
Jude is alright, but we really, really really did not need another young, bright eyed young man so quickly after Graces. If these games had been spaced out more, I maybe would've liked it more, but I am sick to death of this character trope.

Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

Momomo posted:

Jude is alright, but we really, really really did not need another young, bright eyed young man so quickly after Graces. If these games had been spaced out more, I maybe would've liked it more, but I am sick to death of this character trope.

I like Jude a lot more than I liked Asbel. Jude has some interesting moments later on, while Asbel's my go-to guy for 'Generic RPG Protagonist'. Plus, the fact that Jude's an RPG protagonist who's a medic who also punches things to death is a lot more interesting than any number of sword-weilding kids.

Feb 15, 2010

"Send in Boxbot!"

wdarkk posted:

Milla Maxwell

I like her more than Yuri from Vesperia. There, I said it.


Well, this sure sounds like a LP to follow then!

Admiral H. Curtiss
May 11, 2010

I think there are a bunch of people who can create trailing images. I know some who could do this as if they were just going out for a stroll.

wdarkk posted:

As to the darkness, I thought it was just Fennmont being Fennmont but I can mess with the settings next time I record.

No, the brightness/saturation is definitely wrong. I wanted to post a title screen comparison here but mine looks pretty different for some reason, does it change depending on which path you played recently or something?

So instead have some new game cutscene shots.

Don't take that as an absolute either, my PS3 Component cables aren't great, it looks more vibrant over HDMI, but that's closer to what it should look like.

Anyway, I'm surprised you even opened up with the title screen and opening, since the game doesn't the first time you play it; it throws you right into the config screen and the new game cutscene after that. A short while into the plot it plays the opening, and only after that you get to see the opening and title screen when you boot up the game. If you save and reboot before that, you're greeted with this minimalistic menu:

It's kinda interesting, though I don't quite understand why they did it.

Feb 29, 2008
Probably because of the different openings. Starting up the game with the opposite video of the character you end up choosing would be odd.

Oct 26, 2007

Friends: Protected
World: Saved
Crablettes: Eaten
I honestly forgot about the "no opening until you start the game" thing.

Also with the images being too dark, that does seem to be an issue. Or rather, two related issues, one I've always had and another being that I had my recorder replaced since the last LP and apparently didn't calibrate the brightness and such properly.

It's possible I may re-record some stuff.

Jul 24, 2013

Grimey Drawer
It should be a lot of fun reading this lp and seeing just what I missed when I last played Xillia. It should also be a lot of fun to watch how soon people who haven't played the game start noticing a certain characters defining trait.

Camel Pimp
May 17, 2008

This poster survived LPing Lunar: Dragon Song. Let's give her a hand.
So how much will you actually use the attachments? Are you going to mostly keep them attachment free to make sure the cutscenes have some drama left in them, or let us vote, go hog wild or something else? For me, it's not Xillia if the sense of drama isn't constantly being undercut by goofy glasses or a oversized plush accidentally blocking a character's face.


Kaboom Dragoon
May 7, 2010

The greatest of feasts

Camel Pimp posted:

So how much will you actually use the attachments? Are you going to mostly keep them attachment free to make sure the cutscenes have some drama left in them, or let us vote, go hog wild or something else? For me, it's not Xillia if the sense of drama isn't constantly being undercut by goofy glasses or a oversized plush accidentally blocking a character's face.

Giant eyebrows for everyone. How is this even up for debate?

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