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Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011 has announced something about the Lipsync for your Legacy: Allegedly the queen who wins the Lipsync gets $10,000 :boom:


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Nihonniboku posted:

Maybe because she is taking a serious dramatic role in the new HBO series High Maintenance, which will also feature famous hipster gay porn star Colby Keller who will apparently have a graphic sex scene featuring full frontal nudity.

I volunteer as tribute.

angerbeet posted:

I'm kind of not here for Toddrick as a guest judge, he's the worst part of "YAAAAS SLAY KWEEN" group rolled up in a poorly dressed ball.

Toddrick's a Kickstarter fraud and all-around basic YouTuber.

He's an extremely diligent self-promoter, quasi-club kid, and loves to use black stereotypes for humor, though, so Mama Ru's not going to stop repping him any time soon. 😑

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I was a huge fan of Tatianna on Season 2 and I feel so validated right now. Bitch is put together and smart. :kimchi: (Although Roxxxy did deserve the win this week.)

So glad Coco got booted first, if only because it'll minimize the amount of time I'm exposed to those contacts :gonk: But living for the SECRET TWIST :suspense:

This was honestly one of the best episodes of Drag Race that I've watched. Everything was on point, everyone was incredibly put together and talented, especially since they have the cash to not have to raid the dollar store. The show also seems much more self-aware of its power over the queens and the need to soften its blows (making sure Coco got plenty of screen time and ending on the hope of redemption rather than just dashing her dreams and ejecting her into the Los Angeles night).

EDIT: Also :lol: at Roxxxy talking up how she's over mind games and then taking the bottom girls one by one to have a little -pre-elimination chat with them. She's clearly an even more talented and gentler Roxxxy, but she's still Roxxxy, and I totally love it :swoon:

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 04:55 on Aug 26, 2016

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Somebody's got to be the the villain/antagonist on a season where no one wants to risk their careers in ruining their rep by being mean. I think it's clever that the judges are taking on that role.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

That would certainly be in keeping with the producers' decision to mop some of the best mechanics of Survivor for this season. (Which is a good thing.)

Also, Chad Sell's recap/drag queen interview/art dump for Episode 1 is up! :swoon: My favs:

(If you like his stuff don't forget to buy it on etsy or support it on Patreon.)

Chad also apparently did an interview with Tatianna a couple years ago that he links to, which led me to discover that Tati had only performed 3 times before she went on Season 2 and that she had never done an impression before she did her Britney Spears impression. It'll be interesting to see if she can recapture the genius if she makes it to Snatch Game. Which is next episode, I think??

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 00:13 on Aug 29, 2016

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'm not a fan, but I do find him really charismatic. It's obvious how he got the gig.

criscodisco posted:

Something about Todrick just really gets under my skin.

But that's still totally true.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

It's also worthy to note that apparently before she went on the show Adore's dad died, her boyfriend broke up with her out of the blue via text, and she'd been touring non-stop up until filming, so I think she was just in a really vulnerable place when she turned up in a hypercompetitive environment to hang out and get torn a new one with some of the most seasoned drag performers in the world.

It wouldn't surprise me if drugs were involved, but there was a lot more going on and it makes me wish Adore had been able to turn down the show. Luckily she seems to be in a much better place now.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Cocks Cable posted:

I wished they had brought in Courtney instead.

Me too! Although I don't think she has any interest in going on after seeing how S6 played out on TV.

Cocks Cable posted:

With Adore quitting, I wonder how and if they are going to make up the episode count.

I'm sure the "revenge" thing is bringing someone back somehow. Although they seem to have been planning that before Adore? :shrug:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'd love to see Drag Race with drag kings/faux queens! :dance:

I also don't trust Ru to do it, though, sadly enough. :/

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

That absolutely isn't true this week, though.

It was only ever a matter of time before the consensus broke and unleashed the necessary wave of drama.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Nihonniboku posted:

To clarify, for Best Costumes for a Comedy, Variety, or Reality Series. But still a big deal, and I'm happy. Crossing my fingers still for the Best Reality Show Host.

Um no, she won the Best Reality Show Host Emmy. Drag Race got beat in the Costumes category by The Wiz Live (which to be fair had loving amazing costuming).

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

garthoneeye posted:

But the best part of reality television is people inadvertently revealing all of their character flaws and Phi Phi is the absolute best at that.

I still love Phi Phi — it's obvious that she's an amazing artist — but the entertainment that's coming from her being physically unable to stop bitching is priceless. :allears:

She managed to dodge having to eliminate Alyssa by losing the lipsync, only to bash her and basically get the penalty without at least winning $10k. HOW

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Combed Thunderclap posted:

She managed to dodge having to eliminate Alyssa by losing the lipsync, only to bash her and basically get the penalty without at least winning $10k. HOW

Alaska and Roxxxy have since revealed that this apparent rant was actually just responses to producer questions off-screen. :sigh:

Reality TV is some hosed up poo poo, y'all.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'd personally like a big warning that has to appear before every episode of a reality TV show saying something along the lines of "Everything you see here is made up, everyone are effectively actors who are essentially playing characters who are versions of themselves that do not in any meaningful way reflect on who they are as people. Actors are not who they play on TV."

Now we all know that none of that is entirely true and that such a notice would never ever be allowed to happen, but that's kind of the only way I can imagine some people ever figuring out that reality TV is not real at this point.

EDIT: Also I have to say this is really the best season of RPDR ever. :3: This is what I dreamed of when All-Stars 1 came out: a season entirely filled with only the top talent, and allowed to show off that talent to the best of their abilities. Having to wait a good 4 to 6 weeks every season for the filler and mediocre queens to leave (at least one of which inevitably stays for at least 7 to 8 weeks because of their camera-grabbing abilities) is always the worst part of the show for me.

Combed Thunderclap fucked around with this message at 02:48 on Sep 19, 2016

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'd personally be OK even with a Roxxxy win. I absolutely couldn't stand her on Season 5, but I've actually been totally charmed by her ever since her burlesque number in the first episode, and all the weird toxic vibes she was giving off during S5 have vanished. Wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being one of the truly successful RuDemptions(TM) of AS2.

But it's true that she's still way outmatched by Alaska and a couple other queens.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

If only Phi Phi had gone into this with Acid Betty's attitude and totally owned the villain role, I'd feel a lot better about enjoying all this delicious drama. Because it is so. Delicious. :magical:

Also took this from the RPDR subreddit to share because it's just freaking brilliant:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Nihonniboku posted:

Ru got her Emmy. They were airing it on VH1 for exposure, long enough to get get votes and to get people to either pay for a season pass, or buy a higher tier cable package to see what happens next.

But it's going back to airing on VH1 in HD right after this episode?

I don't think Ru's Emmy ambitions were one of the main causes of this, but yeah Viacom would love for more people to shell out for its stupidly expensive Logo packages, I'm sure.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011


Yes :dance:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Nostalgia4Infinity posted:

As my partner pointed out, someone got a really good redemption arc this season.

It's Tatianna, I am actively rooting for that girl.

Both Tati and Alyssa's reappearances immediately made the show feel 100x better.

Tati is one smart bitch. I missed her so much! :swoon:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Yeah that was LaGanja-on-S6 levels of messiness. Not cute.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I knew Sharon Needles was too cool to not be a goon!!! :dance:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Had to share this bonus clip with y'all: The Queens reveal photos of their first time in drag :allears:

I'm not a super big fan of her but Coco's confessionals never fail to crack me up.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

This week's extra clips reveal that Ginger admits that she was being extra and that she talked it out with Alyssa.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Not Today Satan posted:

I think Ginger was paired up with Sasha Belle and she told Sasha something like, "Of all the queens I'm so glad you're here" and then it cuts to a talking head segment where Ginger says "Now that was a fuckin' lie". Like, why even say anything at all?

That sounds like pretty transparent editing to me, but it's true that Ginger just didn't have the kind of effortless charisma that has since carried the likes of Trixie and Katya to drag superstar-dom.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Am I the only one that thought that literally everyone except Tatianna and maybe Detox looked basic as gently caress on the runway?

Roxxxy and Alyssa looked decent but they did something they've done for the billionth time (Roxxxy = 60s, Alyssa = Dynasty yawn, there's a difference between "branding" and being plain out tired). Alaska looked good but pants and suspenders and an afro and that's it? Yawn.

Katya, Alaska, and Tati all killed it on the commercial too.

gently caress you guys Roxxxy and Detox or Alyssa should have been in the bottom; I would put Tati and Katya or Alaska in the top.

TATIIIII :smith:

gently caress I'm so bitter :argh:

also pissed at fuckin' Rolaskatox loving poo poo up again goddammit someone send her home already

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Pellisworth posted:

Tatianna got a solid redemption arc, I didn't like her in s2 but I've really enjoyed her this season.

Phi Phi... not so much.

Tati smiling and winking and thanking her fans when I'm pretty sure she was totally pissed off was a great example of how a real professional is supposed to go out.

Troposphere posted:

I loved Katya's runway, it was so good

I liked it too, I think I'm just used to seeing super elaborate drag. This was a much more minimalist kind of look.

gays fashion posted:

It's telling that the queen who was most invested in the tedious elimination system is so quick to abandon it when push comes to shove. And why was the talking trash can given a free pass? It's disappointing to watch after the fantastic episode last week.

It was great right up until the judging decisions were handed down from on high, which is traditionally where this show fucks up.

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

the truth posted:

If we find out that Katya had Roxy's lipstick, then let's just assume that Rupaul wanted Tatiana gone for some reason. Rupaul is still controlling the show.

Katya said she had Roxxxy's lipstick at her livewatch party.

I have no idea why Ru/the producers wanted Tati gone, but Tatianna's clearly going to be pulling the real prize (serious and long-term increases in booking fees).

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

Piane's apparently a Stein supporter :lol:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I love Katya and drat but she's been killing it, but she hasn't quite had the star moment that's made me go "hell yes, I want to crown that" the way Alyssa, Tatianna, Alaska, and Detox have had at one point or another in the competition. (Sorry Roxxxy, Coco, and whoever else was on this season.) She keeps getting into the LFYL, starting off strong, and then piddling out.

Still deserves to win over Rolaskatox, although Alaska still has an awesome track record. I think a lot will come down to everyone's performances in the final episode.

The way Alaska came off tonight was really weird? Who the gently caress has a Phi Phi-esque meltdown after being the obvious frontrunner the entire season? Shades of Season 5 :spooky:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

I'm a huge Katya fan but I feel...OK with this, actually, somehow? :shrug:

Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

- Kimora: Already insufferable. FIX YOUR LIPS

- Aja: Honestly getting Pearl vibes. Kinda bored.

- Alexis: Love the dress, the make-up, the chill but upbeat attitude, everything. But getting campy vibes and that usually doesn't work out well on this show (MKD, Tempest, etc.)

- Farrah Moan: Super fishy, but what else does she have? Really like the pink latex/fetish aesthetic, but we've done a lot of that before.

- Peppermint: Love.

- Nina Bo'Nina: Love. Wild style. Sickening.

- Sasha Velour: I like her style but ugh she's going to be bitchyyyyy.

- Valentina: I find her incredibly charismatic and the face is entrancing but hair/dress etc. not quite as on point as the other girls.

- Charlie Hides: gently caress yeah I'm here for this.

- Jaymes Mansfield: Not sure whether to love or hate her persona but everything else is great.

- Shea Couleé: Living for it.

- Trinity: I like her confidence but not sure she can cash the checks her mouth is writing.

- Eureka: I like her. But that's all.

This is going to be fun!!


Combed Thunderclap
Jan 4, 2011

He's pretty obviously been dealing with some serious mental poo poo for a while and it's sad to watch. I don't think there's anything to be done but hope he gets help and not to feed the troll. :sigh:

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