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Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

3D Megadoodoo posted:

Either Command & Conquer or Red Alert did this in the Windows version but not the DOS version (or maybe it was the other way around) which was mystifying. And yeah it looked like rear end.

The CD-ROM had both versions but still...

just remembered, a dedicated fan did a thing reconstructing the FMVs using the recently released betacam footage:

Pile Of Garbage fucked around with this message at 16:51 on Dec 1, 2020


Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

codec packs

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Unless posted:

dope music visualizers

AVS for winamp was the poo poo. big community on deviantart of people making presets back in the day, mainly dudes from sweden/finland for some reason

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

all the backwards incompatible memorystick storage variants. also UMD

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

duz posted:

always middle click all links

i like to think there's a special place in hell for web devs that break that functionality, e.g. the dinguses at atlassian

edit: if we're talking LTO the latest is LTO9 which is like 45TB compressed or something. i've been semi-seriously considering a SAS LTO tape drive for home poo poo.

Pile Of Garbage fucked around with this message at 17:35 on Jan 15, 2021

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Carthag Tuek posted:

ever consider you dont have to store a pile of g--oh, nevermind

hey, my desires are half just hobbyist wanting to run a SAS LTO tape drive!

but yeah the other half is the pile!

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007


also i'm unsure why everyone is still talking about tape usage in the modern age. it's literally just the latest LTO revision that's what everyone uses and everyone uses a fuckton of it

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

it's windows 7, brah

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

homegroup from win7/vista(?) what even was that dumb poo poo

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

DamnGlitch posted:

I remember when tineye was like holding the power of god for finding a source.

and was like holding the power to uncover satan's trickery

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Pile Of Garbage posted:

dude probably still adds "hd=1" to the URL query params on YT

remember this? people kept doing that poo poo well after it stopped doing anything

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Two Beans posted:

Stardock WindowBlinds


Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

eschaton posted:

I wonder if you could generate/discover labels that would induce errors on the disk

david langford's basilisk image but for optical media, hell yeah!

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

I sunk……..a LOT of hours into

yo that was the poo poo back in the day!

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

teh amazon fire phone

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Midjack posted:

psp piracy made someone at sce absolutely insane, a lot of the dumb poo poo about the vita seems to be hard counters to stuff that happened on the psp.

i remember jailbreaking my PSP back in the day, the method at that time used an exploit in libpng. you'd load a specially crafted PNG file plus a payload onto the memory stick and then view the PNG in the built-in picture viewer. that triggered the exploit which ran the payload and patched the OS to let you run unsigned software.

good times. still got my PSP in fact. it's a first-gen JP model, "illegally" imported to AU by Lik-Sang before it even launched here. i say "illegally" because SCE managed to sue Lik-Sang into oblivion for doing it lol

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

ccp (community codec pack)

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007



just staring at this screen, waiting for alien buddies to show up:

hello old friend

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

NTSC/PAL/SECAM. apparently NTSC only stopped being used for broadcasts at the end of last month lol

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Sweevo posted:

gonna hack you with tracer-t

that always reminded me of deus ex, specifically the tracer tong dude

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

my grandparents had this badass tome:

it was like half strategy guide, half super interesting flavour/lore/tidbits about the games. i played KQ4-8 back in the day. KQ7 was a huge pita lol. also KQ8 was weird as heck being all FPS and poo poo. i could only play KQ8 at my grandparents house because they had a computer robust enough to run it.

edit: was it KQ4 for that had the puzzle in the desert where it was basically a maze? that was RUDE

Pile Of Garbage fucked around with this message at 13:58 on Aug 18, 2021

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

as i understand and from what i remember roberta williams had a huge input to that book. that "brings my games to life" quote really is an understatement.

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

the SMAC demo only let you play for 100 turns. i remember when i was a kid i'd edit the ini files so that instead of University getting one free tech they'd get 100, then that way i could kind of experience the end-game lol

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

once again the cowardly free marketplace of ideas is defeated by terrorism

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

irpoweroutlet posted:

floppy disk chat reminded me of something that happened to me in high school. I had a semester long term paper due the next day, and I probably had it 75% complete. I took home 5 copies on separate multicolor translucent floppies. this was back in the early 2000’s when the quality of floppies was going down the shitter. they had something like a 50% failure rate.

I got home that afternoon and went to finish it up, and every. single. disk. was corrupted. I had it saved on my network folder at school and it was early enough I hoped I could still get it. made it to the computer lab, and when I tried to login, I got a message that students were not permitted to login after 5pm.

I freaked the gently caress out, walked to another computer lab somehow hoping i wouldn’t get the same error message. I did. then I spotted a logged in computer in the corner.

the loving network admin had failed to logout of his account and I had access to every students network drive. got a copy of my paper on a reliable floppy, breathed a sigh of relief, and ran out the door.

in retrospect, it’s very lol, but it’s incredible how lucky I got that day

hah good times. i had a very similar experience. started high-school in '01 and a box of floppies was on the list of required stationery. i got a box of those multi-colour transparent ones as well that were dogshit unreliable. also they came in a box made of hard brittle plastic that inevitably shattered. the only thing those were good for is to use as an excuse for when you haven't finished an assignment by the deadline. "i went to the library to print it out but it wouldnt open the document! can i hand it in tomorrow?"

edit: this reminiscing has reminded me of funny tech poo poo, in high-school all the PCs were thin clients running some sorta linux UI with the citrix ICA client that would connect to a giant Presentation Server 4.5 farm. my school had ~1,800 students so it was awful. even worse was when i took technical design in year 10. you havent lived until youve tried using autocad or mechanical desktop on citrix.

Pile Of Garbage fucked around with this message at 03:51 on Oct 7, 2021

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

kitten smoothie posted:

Before Napster there was Scour dot net, which crawled university netblocks for open SMB shares and indexed the MP3s on them in a search engine. They also had a download manager tool that would handle queuing up downloads and handling retries when you're trying to download from a college kid who turned off their computer.

lmao that rules

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Fart Sandwiches posted:

my second year of college I took some computer class and the instructor was also the network admin (small school of 3000 peeps). he recognized my name and after the first day pulled me aside and said I accounted for about 30 percent of the entire school traffic because I was torrenting anime all day with many instance of the og BitTorrent client

I miss the old internet. it’s all boring now. or I’m just old and jaded

wait so you fired-up bittorrent clients on multiple different PCs to download different torrents?

e: just checking because if yes lol that owns, dedication. also funny tech poo poo: i remember it taking 7 hours to download windows XP SP1 via 56k. also i was one of the first kids in high-school to get 512k ADSL however i unfortunately did not have the wherewithal to take full advantage of it. thinking back i reckon if i had a CD burner at the time i prolly would have cornered the warez and piracy market (instead some other dude did but also not really, he would just give you CDs with games and stuff if you hung out with him, i didnt mind he was ok, also that's how i got starcraft, halflife+opposing force+blue shift+cs 1.3, baldur's gate 2 and FF8 for PC).

Pile Of Garbage fucked around with this message at 15:03 on Oct 7, 2021

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

no, the old BitTorrent client, the literal first release from the creator of BitTorrent could only download one torrent at a time. so if you wanted two, you had to open another instance and set the second instance off downloading your other torrent.

that’s my foggy memory of it anyway. torrent clients that could download multiple torrents in one client didn’t come till later and were a pretty big deal

oh poo poo yeah now i get you. yeah iirc it was one torrent per process at the start.

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

i prolly posted it before but when i had dial-up our ISP (iinet) gave you a free unix shell account on their server with like 15MB of home quota

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

iirc cisco still release images that have gimped crypto to comply with export restrictions (the ones without "K9" in the name)

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Crime on a Dime posted:

thats when you end up trying, instead of loading windsock and typing PPP into your prompt, you see if you can cd /etc and cat passwd. and when you find it is helpfully not shadowed due to 90's you can download it and run Jack the Ripper on the file. What's a dictionary file you says? just type password guesses like "password" manually and see which hashes match and you end up laughing every time you see the local baker or an advertisement for them because you've been using their dialup account since year 9

hah poo poo yeah i barely knew what i was doing at the time. also i think each user was in a chroot? i wouldn't be surprised though if it was cooked knowing iinet. last i heard they still stored user passwords with symmetric encryption instead of as hashes so customer service reps could see your password. this is in comparison to telstra where they stored as hashes and it was impossible to view anyone's pwd all you could do is reset.

also i think iinet had customer passwords in cleartext in RADIUS logs. telstra had a jank internal java tool to lookup RADIUS logs for users and despite the jank it didnt have passwords.

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Jim Silly-Balls posted:

deep in an underground bunker 2500 feet below the earths mantle in Denver Colorado, Jonny 290 undertakes the most daunting task: safely install 128GB of DDR4. he wipes the sweat from his brow as he stares at a the Asus ROG 360 NoScOpE special edition RGB motherboard and matched Ballistix ram with gold anodized heat sinks.

“here we go” he mutters to the team pumping oxygen to keep them all alive deep below the earths surface. “it’s a risk, but the extra chrome tabs will be worth it”. he grabs the glistening ram stick and has to make the hardest decision of his life…….one side first, or both sides at the same time. existence itself hangs in the balance and only he can make the call.

Jonny steels himself and says aloud, as record for future generations “we’re going full insertion, both tabs at the same time”. a gasp is heard from the bystanders. they’ve only heard of this technique, it’s never been tried.

the ram shines in the harsh laboratory lights. the pressing begins. the ram moves downwards

at the same time, clear across the earth, in Australia:

lmfao. also nice touch using an actual clip from that earthquake near melbourne a few months ago.

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

lmao i am such a moron!!! in my defence it does kinda look similar? but also i shouldn't have dismissed the giant loving TVNZ watermark

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

active desktop

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

the NT in windows NT stands for new technology

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

truly exceptional

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

funny tech poo poo IRL: Active Desktop lol

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

Progressive JPEG posted:

how the h*ck is blogger still online

im guessing that a not-insignificant number of googlers actually use it to blog about poo poo. either that or it's still a valuable source for harvesting data and/or displaying ads.

Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

kitten smoothie posted:

My roommate in college had a buddy with a C-band dish, and thanks to him we would have all the big Fox Sunday night shows days early because they pushed it down to affiliates during the middle of the week

another fun thing that reminds me of, tangentially:

20 years ago TiVo had promoted videos on the main landing screen, while all the units in the field only connected via dialup (it wasn’t till like 2004 that Ethernet was officially supported, and you’d need a USB dongle)

I wondered how in the hell they did this until one night I fell asleep while watching TV. I woke up at like 2:45 AM to my TV showing what looked like a constantly moving barcode, then jumped to one of these promoted videos I’d seen before on the TiVo.

TiVo would buy infomercial time in the wee hours of the morning on various cable networks, and they’d use it to broadcast these videos. The devices knew to tune to that infomercial, would record the video segments, and saved them for the promotional videos.

this is really freakin cool thanks for sharin!


Pile Of Garbage
May 28, 2007

i use Kodi to watch my stuff at home on my PC but i also have Plex running on my NAS so that other people can watch my stuff. feels good providing a semi-public service :3

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