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  • Locked thread
Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

kordansk posted:

I thought this was old news about them dismantling Austin. They were trying to move everyone to lovely Monica.

You might be right. I did a Google search on "technical designer" in relation to game development and got this job posting for a technical designer at CIG over in Santa Monica.


Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Eonwe posted:

okay that makes sense

i guess the artists could get a pass but i feel like it would be hard to brag about your star citizen portfolio as a developer :stare:

i guess you could sell it as "look, this was a mess and I helped make it not a mess by doing X, Y, Z"

It also depends on whether or not it looks polished or not. The concept artists and production artists will likely include their SC work in their portfolio, since it helped sell the game (in more ways than one :v:). The rest of the production staff, however, will likely have a single line on their CV and that'll be it.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

D_Smart posted:

Back at the hive, a thread about this was closed in under 10 posts. Apparently not even $93m+ can buy you a decent spellchecker.

I found this exchange there interesting...


He was probably poached by some company that could either pay him more or otherwise compensate him better. It's no secret CIG pays below industry average salaries, and don't offer a matching 401K.


No 401k? Ouch poo poo that hurts, no matching? He was here for nearly 3 years too. I guess a lot of people are hoping the game goes block buster so they can reap the reward on the back end.

The salary thing just sucks in general but you can see that up front, 401k stuff doesn't hurt for like 10 years.

The SCers know that CIG is cutting corners when it comes to their employees.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

The Saddest Robot posted:

It's okay remember Chris Roberts didn't promise any dates. It will be released when it is ready and when the world is ready for it.

You would think that after Daikatana, Duke Nukem Forever, and Half Life 2: Episode 3 that everyone would learn that "when it's ready" means in game developer that it will come out and be the worst thing ever or never come out at all.

Seriously, when has any game that has been released "when it's ready" ever been released and actually been good?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

AP posted:

Thumbnails for todays top images.

I see what you did there.

Dunite posted:

It seems like Redditors impression of goons more correctly reprents their own actions than it does that of SA forum members.

Does that mean Reddit is better at being Goony than goons are?

Don't think we've had anything like r/jailbait or r/coontown on our forums before.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Hav posted:

$51,000 or so. Nice work.

$26k is the income of an individual wage earner. $51K is median household income, which means one or more people over the age of 15 are contributing to the income of the household.


Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Furious Mittens posted:

XBone? No PS4 release?

I might actually pick it up to support Uncle Derek if it was PS4. My questionable purchasing decisions have to be limited, so no XBone for me.

It's available for mobile devices as well. You can play LOD on the shitter, what more can you ask for.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Jst0rm posted:

I didnt think imgur allowed deleting of content. Kind of crazy how easy it is to get them to delete stuff. Maybe the forums should move to a different host for things.

Someone posted the imgur reporting form and there's like no reCaptcha or anything to prove you're a human being, so it looks like something that could be easily gamed.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

sincx posted:

I didn't know C-130s came in a STOVL version.

It did. It didn't work out so well...

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

pftc posted:

Derek Smart: 4

Team Crippled Creaming Dick Wulf: 0

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

B_of_InfoRedux posted:

I also find it funny that so many are laughing about Dick Wulf or Dolvak being taken down a peg, but the moment a cripple gets attacked we've crossed a line. Bullshit. These loving fanatics act as if they are immune from any and all criticism. Well I say gently caress that. Game on fuckwits.

Word of advice: Wulf Knight is technically disabled, so whatever applies to him in the wheelchair also applies to Wulf.

And vice versa.


:wtchris: Did you actually make a 3D model of Gary Oldman to put into that?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Lastgirl posted:

:gary: Gary PAAAAAAARPman

if he died suddenly, would he be known for Zorg, Gordon or now PAAAAAAAAAARP?

Not quite. It also be Sid Vicious and "EVERYONNNNEEEE!"

Or that time he played a black pimp or a dwarf.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Jethro_E7 posted:

Idris M Pricing also collapsed from a peak of $3800 from memory, down to $2400 for anyone looking to pick up a wild bargain.

Scythe's down from a peak of $1800 to $1000 now.

Grey market RSI rate (non LTI) remains steady at about 80-85%.

LTI looking at being "valued" at about $0-$20, with "Limited ships" being kind of useless - probably because they aren't limited at all.
CIG finally did it. LTI is worth nothing, even on the grey market.

Derek Smart didn't even need to try to destroy the grey market. CIG/RSI could do it themselves.

MeLKoR posted:

So, what's the hazing program for all these newcomers again? 20 posts in FYAD without getting banned? A report on the last couple of weeks of ADTRW?

An introductory post in GBS :unsmigghh:

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

kikkelivelho posted:

Right now my favourite Star Citizen thing is the people who have bought dozens of expensive ships and now want an infinite number of super smart NPCs so they can solo their entire fleet without ever being threatened by those pesky PVPers:


I knew this would happen. If CIG had any foresight, they would have made multicrew ships only owned by clans instead of individuals.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

There's some reading between the lines right here...
"My husband can post my as many dick pics he want."

That's a slip right there.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006


The truth is just somewhere in the middle.

Problem is that truth is more a median than an average, it skews toward one answer regardless.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

I had to look up this article and now I'm surprised you didn't put in ones about "restructuring", since that's come out more than once from Roberts' mouth alone; "the company is growing too fast", with that bit at CitCon 2015 where they've been hiring more people; and "higher ups are jumping ship".

AP posted:

People in Austin are being laid off, precisely as predicted by Derek Smart in September. I don't think CIG have made the Austin office close/move public yet, but Derek has already mentioned the new much smaller office location I believe.

Good luck to everyone affected if you're reading.

It's also another team lead position.

Dapper Dan posted:

They'll just make up some magical bullshit that they're too busy or some other stupid loving poo poo. They're defending a company that has missed every single deadline without fail and offered up nothing in response. And the poo poo they have offered up has been horribly broken or is constantly being re-worked.

I recall when Ortwin wrote his demand letter to the Escapist that he CCed two lawyers, one of which it turned out was handling Foundry 42's business specifically with the British regulations like the Companies House. They literally have people working on it, but the fact that nothing is done means they were hired to stonewall the regulators, as well as advise them to paying the fines since it's cheaper to do that than disclose their entire operation.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

sorla78 posted:

This was to be expected Patrick was based in Austin and their biggest allocation of environmental artists incl. the Global Environmental Art Lead are based in Manchester, it looks like the majority of art related functions is concentrated down there.

Oh, great, those guys are responsible for some stellar work on that CitCon poster, I tell you what.

sorla78 posted:

It's a drat shame, Patrick seemingly wields a lot of experience, having worked at Blizzard and ID Software.

Is that why the social planetside and the FPS interiors looked like they were from Doom 3 or Quake IV?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Dapper Dan posted:

That speaks wonderfully to their long term plans. Anyone stonewalling regulators is surely doing legal things and making sure their entire operation is completely clear and easy to follow.

The guy they hired works at Harbottle & Lewis, which bungled their investigation of their client NewsCorp in the phone hacking scandal. It's pretty clear that they tend to give bad advice to their clients.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Dapper Dan posted:

They purchased the hardware for it in 2013:

They might have set up in Austin (or never set it up), but whatever the case is that it was never used. They went to Cubic Motion in Manchester. Which is run by Simon Elms (if you want more nepotism. It was also more expensive). The video says 'we don't have to go to another studio!' (and then they went and gave money to one of Chris' friends at probably a great expense because he was CEO of Cubic Motion).

So, that tech is now sitting in a dumpster or sold at a reduced price for new tech for more motion capture now that they are moving to a new office. Why they need more motion capture? Who the gently caress knows.

Didn't they also use Andy Serkis' Imaginarium as well? I recall that being brought up as well because of Serkis as well as they scheduled their session between Avengers 2 and Star Wars. I believe the Squadron 42 cutscenes were done there, just because they have a larger studio to handle big budget film work.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Dapper Dan posted:

Hahaha, holy gently caress they did:

This is their fourth foray into motion capture. For a space ship simulator. Four motion capture studios. For a space ship simulator. Four. What the loving gently caress, I think this broke my loving brain.

The thing is the Imaginarium stuff came out after RSI/CIG built their own mocap studio and people (well, goons) were left wondering why they even built their own mocap studio if they were going to rent out another studio (and, mind you, this was between Avengers 2 and Star Wars, so getting that slot must have been expensive). I think it was revealed later that they also used Cubic Motion as well.

But yeah. Four motion capture studios just for a space simulator where you hardly see your face.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

redwalrus posted:

my trained eye just caught this, them stairs be flexin
I used 200lbs per person but honestly taking a second look at some of the people its probably a higher average.

I was going to make a :lesnick: joke, but he's farther down the stairs. So, it looks like the bow in those stairs is likely being caused by Chris Roberts' massive ego.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Karl_Ramseier posted:

Oh yes it is, it is GLORIOUS. I can't stop laughing. Derek Smart, goon, is talking to a racist fucker. Have a nice week or so, we will make sure that this won't be forgotten in a week.

Don't forget, that racist fucker was also one of Chris Roberts' buddies as well.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

peter gabriel posted:

We need Nazi wheelchair users, it'd be like the toast on a cats back thing

"Hot Wheels" of 8chan already exists.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Amarcarts posted:

Can I play Star Citizen on my laptop if it has only integrated graphics (It's an intel i5)??

I don't think you can play Star Citizen alphas on a state-of-the-art Alienware computer with dual Nvidia 970s and a 6th gen i7 without getting visual tearing and bad texture pop-ins.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Libluini posted:

After mullling the problem over a bit, I can only conclude those guys must be addicted to video games. What they think is ennui is just their brain getting numb from their latest fix, so they need a new one. The games "feel stale" for them because after playing games for so long, their brains simply stopped releasing that weird happyness drug (I forgot what it was called) endorphines. If they want to have fun playing games again, they actually would need to stop playing for a while.

Star Citizen is of course the perfect drug for them, since they can't play it. So it will always be the hope which keeps them addicted. If it ever comes out, even a perfect game would leave them strangely bored after two weeks. Of course it always will the game's fault, never the junkie's.


gently caress. I literally remembered right after clicking "submit". :mad:

And you unfortunately still got it wrong. Endorphins are primarily pain-killers, what you're thinking of is dopamine, which is the primary neurochemcial (although not sole neurochemical) that governs the reward system feedback loop.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

MeLKoR posted:

The critic is a literal sock puppet. Very subtle.

But even the guy interviewing the sockpuppet eventually quit CIG and left a nastygram about his time on Facebook.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

SelenicMartian posted:

Thank you. Apparently, rubber balls add the human touch.

"you can entertain yourself in many ways with this, for instance you can play the game of wall ball with your friends in the hangar, or make your own game, just with a simple rubber ball"
Chris should drop everything (all none of it) and use the existing geometry for the Ball Module.

I actually see this as something spawning from the wait of anything useful in the social module. The Citizens want something active to do in the Planetside or Hangars because that's all they really have to play with right now, because the game as it is is not delivering on any real gameplay. It's like the Greycat, if driving it around, hit and runs, trying to fit it in weird locations and making it explode is the only fun thing to do with it right now, then people are going to demand for more of that.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

A Neurotic Jew posted:

It's especially funny because Chris Roberts is also friends with Vox and together they batted around the idea of him having a role in developing Star Citizen.

Yeah, that's why I wasn't entirely against Smart actually talking to him about Star Citizen. As odious as Vox Day is, I knew he had that connection with Roberts that it would be willing to put up with that poo poo to get more goods on him.

The hilarious thing is that Karl would have never heard of Vox Day a.k.a. Theodore Beale unless it was from this thread. That whole "Nazi, racist, and woman hater", while true, was entirely picked up from complaints coming from this thread.

Young Freud fucked around with this message at 02:10 on Nov 10, 2015

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

jaegerx posted:

Have you tried posting in e/n seraph? They can help you.

Yeah, at least a few weeks or a month without posting in this thread will help build your credibility.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

G0RF posted:


These 7 words say so very, very much about CIG, its operational efficiency, 'The State of The Game', and more.

It's a WORK-IN-PROGRESS bit of CONCEPT ART for a REWORK of the Freelancer.

Why that doesn't terrify backers at this point I have no idea- but oh well...


Also, that dude doing crunches looks like his arms are as long as his legs...

Oh, hey there Acronym dude...

Dapper Dan posted:

Let's go over this again.

First motion capture studio was bought and built in Austin in 2013. This was never used, presumably because Chris thought the space was too small.

The second was renting out Andy Serkis' imaginarium a year later.

The third was renting out Cubic Motion, whose CEO is Simon Elms, a good friend of CRoberts and Erin Roberts. If you don't think he got paid more than the going rate lol.

The fourth is a completely new studio in Santa Monica with new, high end equipment. The stuff from the old studio was presumably sold off.

Actually, people forget there was another mocap studio called 3lateral between the Imaginarium and Cubic Motion. 3lateral was hired specifically for facial animation. OhDearGodNo found this out, scouring through RSI/CIG press releases.

So, we have actually five motion capture studios.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

ether posted:

I am the suicide-prefention bars on the windows.

Holy poo poo, I noticed that the bars are mounted on the inside.

Are we sure C-Rob isn't building a sex dungeon instead of a mocap studio?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Maldoror posted:

the project is unable to be completed, not without your help, but you're not helping. why is that?

Describe in single words, only the good things that come into your mind about...Derek Smart?

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Vire posted:

Even if you broke both of your wrist and they just covered your hands in plaster couldn't you still code just by dictating to the computer with some voice to text program?

The guy was a lead programmer, so I'd wager that he probably didn't do a whole lot of coding but instead delegated and checked the work of the programmers under him, coming up with processes, or help brainstorm solutions to process issues.

And even if he did do programming, I'd rather go with him dictating to another programmer instead of voice-to-text, just because they're will be some understanding regarding the vagaries of the programming language.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

Fil5000 posted:

I don't see how the programmer's broken wrist is a problem. He should just shout "computer, run program CIG FPS ONE" into his mouse and the game should compile.

"Computer, could you kick up the 4d3d3d3? And give me a Flarhgunnstow?"

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

This is a pretty poor nitpick. I've seen plenty of girls in "gently caress me" shoes and boots navigate and dance on hard floors pretty well. Most of the clubs that I go to have tile, wood, or even concrete flooring and I rarely see any women have an issue moving around on them. It probably hurts like hell.

Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

G0RF posted:

That's pretty bloody arseholish-- but I guess not that surprising given Karl's previously demonstrated feelings of impotent rage and probable envy of Bootcha.

No girlfriend (save Matilda), no Concierge (not black) Black Card, and he's only halfway to earning admittance into the Million Mile High sausage party.

So spare him a little sympathy if you can muster it.

The hilarious thing about this whole Bootcha vs. Karl thing is that, in that last video, Bootcha pretty much doxxed himself, using his real name and videos and photos of himself. Meanwhile, Karl continues to hide behind Matilda2013 and other people who may or may not exist.


Young Freud
Nov 25, 2006

trucutru posted:

Here is the state of all the announced ships.

They'll get to the big ones any day now.

I kinda like the asymmetrical design of the Herald. This is the first time I've seen it and I really wonder why it's in something like this.

I love that the Hull ships all have the same containers, except bigger for some reason. You'd think they'd just scale the Hull C, Hull D, and Hull E down to the same size as the Hull A and Hull B, or vice versa.

Edit: OMG, the Hull C, Hull D, and Hull E have the same front and identical engine sections, they just have extra gun turrets pasted on and are scaled up. That's some lazy, lazy loving work.

Young Freud fucked around with this message at 04:36 on Nov 25, 2015

  • Locked thread