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Jul 13, 2013

TheAgent posted:

luckily I'm not in that shot lol
That's just what Toast would say. :colbert:


Jul 13, 2013

cool new Polack jokes posted:

We have been given a chance to build a new society

Can we please not do the tax :(
Take your sovereign citizen bullshit somewhere else.

Jul 13, 2013

Jeez, that's a bit below the belt.

Jul 13, 2013


Jul 13, 2013

D1E posted:

So this thread just discovered the secret to unlimited clean energy by using Derek's giant ego?
It's a bit of a misnomer that it's "free" energy. A common mistake perpetuated by the media keen to promote the "next big thing", but it's just not scientific.

Once you to take into account caloric costs of goons shitposting, you're better off just burning coal tbh.

Jul 13, 2013

Saladin Rising posted:

Dumb question, what does "whales" mean specifically?
Chasing the Whale.

Should probably be in the OP tbh.

Jul 13, 2013

Describing yourself as a creative genius gets you to at least an 8 or 9 on the insufferable oval office scale all by itself.

Jul 13, 2013

Series 6, episode 2. :smug:^2

Jul 13, 2013

The Titanic posted:

Hopefully the tide will continue to slowly turn. I don't see how it couldn't, but I also never would have predicted them getting millions because of their last stream. So I am continually surprised! :3:
This time last year I thought this whole thing would be dead in 12 months.

It's been a raging inferno for years and the hardcore backers haven't even broke loving stride. Never underestimate the ability of gullible dickheads to pour money into this poo poo.

Jul 13, 2013

ManofManyAliases posted:

No. From what was told to me, evocati were testing different builds. In a day, they send out multiple builds. Some are more focused on flight dynamics while others on FPS gameplay. The evocati have their own chat, discord, ptu forums, etc. They're all in one test group, but testing different things. The results are tabulated and they'll use those to streamline the builds so that the can get it out to PTU quicker.
This is the dumbest loving poo poo I've ever read.

Jul 13, 2013

thatguy posted:

People in this thread are trying to argue with MoMA because he claims that CIG is doing a release totally rear end-backwards.

Did we forget about the past 10,000 pages after making a new thread?
I said it was the stupidest loving poo poo I'd ever read.

I never said it wasn't true.

Jul 13, 2013

Fat Shat Sings posted:

i am become Marching Powder, Melter of Downs.
Something something abyss something.

Jul 13, 2013

1500 posted:

This along with NMS tanking has really turned around people expectations. Its not just dreams anymore, people have to actually judge something on its actual content. It also helps that FD have added a lot of content over the last few years.
Tanking might be a strong word for it. It made roughly 1 million sales on PC, and gently caress knows how many more on PS4 (console games tend to sell much better though).

Okay, there was considerable backlash from the :lies: so it didn't really live up to its sales potential. But Hello Games is literally a 30 man studio, so the game cost absolutely gently caress all to develop comparatively. Most of the hype seemed to be generated by the mentally ill taking bullshots at face value, so I don't think the advertising budget would've been that high either.

Sean Murray might have screwed his reputation, but I doubt his bank balance is complaining.

Jul 13, 2013

1500 posted:

Yes but its not a game people are playing, and that is the point.
Ah, I see what you mean.

Jul 13, 2013

Ash1138 posted:

has squadron 42 has gone gold in time for a christmas release???
Yes. Christmas 2117.

Jul 13, 2013

"Yes Mr Roberts, this ship being completely reworked from the ground up again is vitally important to the project. And no, poo poo like this is not the reason we're years behind schedule with no end to this nightmare in sight." -- no one, ever.

The entire UK art team walking out is just normal churn though, eh? Just another day in the motherfucking 'verse.

Jul 13, 2013

The Titanic posted:

So long as it's not something like murder or something that makes you happy.
Or Star Citizen.

Jul 13, 2013

Booourns posted:

please stop stalking ben online jesus christ
Looking at social media for more than 30 seconds causes me cluster headaches from the sheer concentrated narcissism, but even I'm pretty sure the whole point of twitter is following people.

Jul 13, 2013

Haha, what the gently caress?

I thought you guys were joking about the parking sensor thing. They actually wrote that.

gently caress me.

Jul 13, 2013

nawledgelambo posted:

Do you think when crobbers gets called out on his pedantic intellectual and property theft, he just regresses and plays it down with "But we're making the BDSSE! Do you want this project to fail?"
They aren't lying when they say they're using the most talented artists in the industry.

They're just not paying them.

Jul 13, 2013

Rule #1 you loving oval office!

Jul 13, 2013

Enchanted Hat posted:

The fact that they didn't mocap ben for sitting down and getting up makes me feel grief :(
They don't have enough ping pong balls.

No one does.

Jul 13, 2013

Jesus loving Christ.

Jul 13, 2013

Lladre posted:

Should just lock this thread until CiG do something dumb again.
They do. The thread locks and unlocks 60 times per second.

Which makes it the only thing related to Star Citizen that'll ever refresh that fast.

Jul 13, 2013

MeLKoR posted:

This will never stop baffling me, why not play E:D instead?
Because when you spent most of 2012/13 calling David Braben a hack fraud and setting Chris Roberts up on a hundred million mile dollar high pedestal, that'd be a pretty bitter pill to swallow.

Jul 13, 2013

peter gabriel posted:

I walk in a room shoot people run out of ammo and die, this goes on for a couple of tries then I close it and try again in a month, doing the same thing :v:
Top Deus Ex tip: Just like in real life, crouching behind waist high desks and cupboards will make you completely invisible.

Jul 13, 2013

Playing to her strengths.

Jul 13, 2013

Ah, they're going to save PC gaming by making a PS4 port so terrible that people will swear off of consoles for life!

Jul 13, 2013

It's only funny if you typed that out by hand.

Jul 13, 2013

MedicineHut posted:

Never, ever, in the history of forums was a post and an avatar combo so frikking out of sync.


Don't worry, it'll sync up a lot better in 3 months when she's sick of it and daddy throws it in the river with a tasteful brick and sackcloth motif lifejacket.

Jul 13, 2013

I.N.R.I posted:

I agree that it's not right to doxx people
I heard you hate juice.

What the gently caress is wrong with you? It's delicious!

Jul 13, 2013

Kavak posted:

1. Chris is visibly intoxicated
2. Sandi is visibly stoned
3. Ben is visible from space
4. Disco is visibly pissed
5. Development is visibly hosed

Jul 13, 2013

You can't prove I'll never cure cancer. Therefore the chance that I will cure cancer tends to 1 as time tends to infinity.

Ergo, I've cured cancer.

Jul 13, 2013

How did CIG manage to get so many loving idiots in one place?

Jul 13, 2013

Ramadu posted:

This looks like a less interesting Destiny. The armor stuff all looks like a low budget rip off of the Destiny armors.
That's the tragedy of Star Citizen, despite appearances nothing about it is low budget.

I think of all this money squandered by a polo necked autistic thumb, and I can't help wonder what someone even vaguely competent could do could've done with it.

edit: past tense. Because the money is all gone!

Jul 13, 2013

Star Citizen stream
backers cringe, embarrassed
somewhere Braben laughs

Jul 13, 2013

Hav posted:

Assuming modular programming, you don't have build the entire thing over and over. Network programming is different to interface art, etc.
Safer to assume hacks layered on top of hacks, and code so highly coupled that if it were a person it'd have a dozen extra chromosomes and a unibrow you could see from space.

Jul 13, 2013

Kakarot posted:

anyone got a summary?

Jul 13, 2013

DapperDon posted:

That was PGabz wasn't it? THAT is one talented motherfucker!
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the song called "ewe2 - Right" stored on the tindeck account ewe2 and posted here by forums user ewe2 probably isn't PGabz.

As to who it is, who knows? It is a mystery for the ages!


Jul 13, 2013

Of course it's not a gimmick account.

It's a Derek Smart alt, just like the rest of us.

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